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Items tagged with: PIpeWire

Is there a deep reason why #PipeWire doesn't prefer my plugged-in HDMI sink over my non-plugged-in on-board codec? I was going to rant, but I'm thinking that perhaps I've missed something about the PipeWire philosophy. and I'm open to learning something new about Linux audio.

I'm only annoyed by this because the machine in question is #NixOS with Impermanence; I haven't yet told it how to persist sound settings between boots, so it can't. I recognize that PipeWire's answer of "just open up whatever you *used to use* and reassign the inputs *once*" is a great answer.

Okay, thank you #fediverse! My #pipewire / #cider / #ubuntu woes are solved 😎

Thanks to @stevenixon, @BradRubenstein and @korvroffe for suggesting a combination of mkchromecast (to discover and connect to the chromecast devices on my network and create a virtual audio device) and qpwgraph for building a virtual patch bay to route audio from apps to devices (similar to loopback on macOS)

A little #PIpeWire tip I learned today. If you want to use OBS Studio with a Google Meet session in Firefox. Start OBS Studio first, if not Firefox will set a format for the camera that OBS Studio do not support and you get a black box in OBS Studio. The other way is fine.

Wim is working on a proper solution, adding video conversion to PipeWire, but for now the ordering do matter.

Silly #PipeWire question for people out here… the program `pw-cat` takes raw input via `stdin`, and through experimentation on my AMD64 machine, I see it is little-endian audio.

Now, is it little-endian because AMD64 is little-endian, or is it little-endian because it's hard-coded for little-endian audio?

If I ran the same commands on a big-endian architecture (Sun SPARC, IBM PowerPC, MIPS, … etc), would PipeWire assume big-endian audio or little-endian?

wanted to go outside see the sunset but was took hooked by my amazement of #bluez, #wireplumber and #pipewire. Between two Linux devices, I can use all the fancy Bluetooth codecs - including duplex Opus, which means I can forward audio into both directions from one machine. Even better, I'm able to connect one computer to a Bluetooth headset and then forward the Audio via Bluetooth from another computer (basically nesting Bluetooth), but avoiding connecting multiple devices to the same headset.

Cool to see the next NVIDIA driver (560) will be adding some new PipeWire support…
#linux #pipewire #nvidia

Having some fun playing around with PipeWire's midi support today using various applications from Flathub. #linux #pipewire #rosegarden #qwgraph #qsynth #fedora_linux

The reason why we need a good #floss #fdo camera stack - and why we do all this work around #libcamera and #pipewire on #linuxmobile is not because we want to make beautiful pictures and videos. I almost never take pictures - do you?
The reason is that we need to be able to scan BSOD QR codes 🤷


I could use APO + Windows to fine tune my headphones, or I could just grab EasyEffects straight from the repo and enjoy stuff. Just another unexpected bonus... #linux #pipewire #audio

If you use #pipewire for cameras you can now (in the upcoming 1.2) enforce specific rotations via node rules. This is useful on devices with rotated cameras that don't use a DT and #libcamera or for testing (e.g. to find out the correct rotation of a phone camera). The rotation is respected by an increasing number of apps, notably #gstreamer based ones (like Snapshot - but not Cheese) and #firefox (if you enable PW cameras via ``).


#firefox #webrtc using #pipewire and #libcamera (with softwareISP) on a #thinkpadx13s - it finally works \o/

The required patches will also make things work for a bunch of #linuxmobile devices.

If you are looking for a tool to let you benchmark your PipeWire pipelines, test things during development or realitime performance graphs then maybe coppwr is the PipeWire tool you been looking for, check it out on Flathub:…
#linux #pipewire #flatpak #multimedia

💻 Last week I had a great time at the #GStreamer #hackfest ! I decided to take the opportunity there to hack on the #PipeWire GStreamer elements and here's my story:…

#GstHackfest @gstreamer @pipewire

The Smiling Buddhas have so much fun with #bitwig on #linux using #pipewire !!!!!! We build drone machines and other wired stuff which will be soon released only on the base #faircamp site.…

We didn't want to get left out of the upcoming SDL3 release so Wim made this patch -…
#pipewire #linux #sdl

Just want to quickly share with #linuxmobile folks that the new #libcamera softwareISP does indeed work with the #librem5 - and with a #PipeWire + #GStreamer pipeline. Here's a first image running Warp (from Flathub).

There's still some stuff to iron out to make this work reliably and ship to users - but things are falling into place.

📆 Next Thursday at #EmbeddedOSSummit in Seattle, don't miss my colleague's Julian Bouzas presentation on #WirePlumber smart filters! There is also going to be a live stream, in case you are not attending in person.

Learn more at:

#osssummit #embedded #pipewire

A long pending post from @sanchayan on how we implemented ALSA compress offload support in @pipewire…

#PipeWire #LinuxAudio #Linux #audio #embedded #IOT

📢 WirePlumber 0.5.0 is out! 🎉 Get it while it's hot:…

#PipeWire #WirePlumber #release #announcement

Its always a good day when we can close out a 6 years old bug :)… #pipewire #worlddomination #bugfixing

Wrote a blog post talking about the developments with PipeWire camera support in applications and also the FireWire FFADO support. If you read my previous tweets about this there is not to much new in the blog post.…
#pipewire #linux #fedora

Keep testing the OBS and Firefox PipeWire camera support. Screenshot below is Firefox and OBS sharing a camera through PipeWire and also OBS embedding the Firefox window plus also having my USB HDMI capture screen included. #pipewire #linux #obsstudio #fedora #flatpak

With todays release of @OBSProject 30.1.0, which of course is available as a Flatpak, I was finally able to have Helvum display this for video streams through @pipewirep. I have to admit I did have some issues, but hopefully we can iron those out quickly in PipeWire and @libcamera. #linux #pipewire #fedora

OBS Studio 30.1 Released with AV1 Support for VA-API, #PipeWire Camera Source, and Much More…

@pipewire #Linux #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

The video of the talk from Wim Taymans about #PipeWire at #fosdem is released.



What a fantastic talk! Really helpful and interesting, although I follow the progress of the project quite closely.
Audio quality was much better than last year.


Really happy to see first beta release of @OBSProject featuring PipeWire camera support. Along with the recent Firefox support for PipeWire camera this is a big step forward.…
#linux #pipewire #fedora #obsstudio #libcamera

Hey, is the feature "combine sinks" still there? I could not get it to work on Fedora, but having dual Bluetooth output would be great.

#pipewire #fedora #bluetooth

My personal vision with all of this is to see #wayland desktop technologies not only catching up with what other OSs offer, but becoming leading players - just like what other FLOSS projects already archived (or are in the process of becoming) in their areas. I'm thinking of #mesa, #pipewire, #gstreamer, #systemd, the kernel of course, and many others.

The developers at @pipewire have released PipeWire 1.0 with plenty of improvements and bug fixes… #PipeWire #PulseAudio #OpenSource #audio #Linux #FOSS #JACK #MIDI

LinuxUnplugged just released their latest episode featuring Wim Taymans talking about PipeWire 1.0, be sure to check it out. #linux #linuxunplugged #pipewire

Fedora Magazine got an interview up of Wim Taymans about the PipeWire 1.0 release and plans going forward.…

#linux #pipewire #fedora #audio

Want to test out Firefox using PipeWire for camera handling?
@jgrulich has made this Fedora COPR available for you to help us test!… #linux #fedora #pipewire #firefox

I'm delighted to see that someone is working on #Pipewire on the #Hurd.

@dino 0.4.3 just got released with some exciting improvements for #LinuxMobile

1. Several fixes for touch input, making audio/video calls actually usable on phones
2. Fixes for video support so devices with #libcamera / #pipewire support like the #PinePhonePro work now
3. The app is now recognized as mobile friendly on #Phosh
4. Stricter #Flatpak sandbox - no device/all any more

The new version is available on #Flathub and lots of distro repos.

#GNOME #xmpp #Jabber

This is @halfmexican; GNOME Outreachy student excited that their effort to make a modern and sandboxed Camera demo for Workbench has paid off 🛠️

Well done! 🎉

Thanks @philn and @slomo for your help!

#GNOME #Outreachy #development #students #GStreamer #PipeWire #Flatpak #freedesktop #libcamera #GTK