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Let's make the map small in the page.

Also let's make the popover constrained in that map view so that it's hard to actually see the relevant info,.

Web design today.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

there was a comedy gag on some tv show where a news guy is reading the headlines, but keeps getting crowded into a tinier & tinier square as they keep adding more & more captions, chyrons, stock tickers, etc etc

that's exactly what it feels like, only without the humour

What no one tells you about parenthood is that debating Dora vs Caillou will one day be seen as acceptable adult breakfast table conversation.
in reply to volkswagenchick

Caillou is pebble in French. Apparently the character was initially a baby and not a kid with alopecia. Too bad though. That would have been more interesting.

With the ascension of Harris, white supremacy is going to be on overdrive for the next few months as the election creeps closer.

As someone that has been attacked by virulent bigots a time or two, here are some things I’ve learned to not be overwhelmed with their bullshit.

Don’t waste time trying to reason with people who engage in bad faith as hostile as possible. Put no energy into it. Their goal is to wear you down. Report, block, and ignore.

Lean into positive connections you’ve made on the fedi. It’s tough finding a healthy community in a place that has a very strong anti-Black streak, so when you find good people, hold onto them.

Take breaks. As many as you need. Emotionally charged moments happen as we are people, but they don’t have to define how we engage with each other. The fedi isn’t going anywhere. Take time for yourself.

Remember the fedi does not represent a definitive opinion of a significant part of the human population. It’s getting bigger, but it’s still only a percent of a percent. It’s easy to get caught up in convos with niche groups that don’t mean anything in the long run. Make sure to go touch grass regularly.

Essentially, most of us are strangers, so don’t take negative interactions personally. People who engage in toxic communication styles are saying more about themselves than you. They just want to bring you into their angst. Make a different choice.

I’ll drop more later, but these are a good start.

You are entitled to your space. Move like that. People that do not respect consent are not people that deserve the privilege of your consideration.

WOW! Something just let loose on the far side of the sun and Earth (as well as the entire solar system) are getting peppered with hard protons. Debris from the blast emerged in the form of a full halo CME. Hard protons are good at charging spacecraft bodies, fogging their cameras, and causing reboots of onboard computers. Indeed, you can see a hint of the "fog" in the movie above. Each speckle is a hard proton striking the spacecraft's digital camera. has the latest on this big, BIG boom.

#CME #Boom #protons #SOHO #Spaceweather #FullHaloCME

It's amazing to see how many buses a single subway rail line needs to be temporarily replaced for track construction.

#mbta rail replacement buses for the red line. Full buses every 2-3 minutes, bus berth full of buses. And that's only one line!

Don't underestimate the capacity of a subway train system!


A statement that does not inspire confidence:

"Our [Honeywell] Level-6 [Minicomputer from the 1970s] has been deassessioned and shipped to EDF Energy who own and run eight nuclear power stations in the United Kingdom." —…

This podcast from Australian radio on the challenges of local journalism is informative. The problems described are not unique to Australia, in as much as they derive from the decline of traditional advertising, thanks to the rise of the Web and social media. Potential solutions are discussed, as are the implications for democracy.…
#media #journalism #democracy

reconozco que uso muy poco la marca de contenido sensible, doy por supuesto que la gente que me seguís más o menos tenéis una idea de qué voy. Posiblemente tendría que usar esa marca un poco más, pero he visto usarla por cosas que ni siquiera entiendo. Si al final la gente se nos ofende por todo y tenemos que usar la puñetera marca en todos lados vamos jodidos. Además para los usuarios de pantalla, al menos en Mona, es un puto engorro leer los contenidos marcados así.
in reply to Juan CBS

Yo la uso menos de lo que debería, y sinceramente entiendo la protesta de que no sea cómodo, pero ese es un problema de Mona, no un problema con los AC.

Kassensturz nach dem #Urlaub, wieviel Strom haben wir verfahren, was hat es gekostet:

550kwh Strom auf ca. 3000km zu insgesamt 205€

Da ist die initiale Ladung @home mit drin (Mischpreis 18cent/kwh) sowie Monatsgebühr für #Bonnet boost und #ionity passport power.

Das macht 6,83€/100km und ca. 18,3kwh/100km. (1/x)

#emobility #hypermiling #ioniq38

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It's kinda funny that I don't even care anymore that "not everyone is on Mastodon". It is definitely a good thing. The same happened in the past with IRC and Telegram. You know they still exist, lots of people like me use them and I still will not use the popular ones that much or at all.

#Mastodon #Fediverse

in reply to Exerra :meme_catto:

For WhatsApp, IRC, Signal and Discord. Yes, privacy is always something you should think about and if you're unsure, do not use.…
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

Few things I like in IRC over Matrix, or any other protocol in professional setting:

  1. Does not try to blend #security and #decentralization. By not having security at all is one way to implement a sound security model. This allows to design security properties both by means of infrastructure security, i.e. outside the protocol, and also by tunneling, i.e. inside the protocol (classic example is off-the record messaging). This keep the core protocol compact and sound, and easy to verify for correctness, which is by itself a strong security property.
  2. Has both decentralized and client/server based topology since 1988(!). It is a network of servers, which together form an IRC network.
  3. Protocol messages are both rigidly structured AND still human-readable (unlike JSON), and have a clean specification (RFC 1459).
  4. Features not in the protocol itself can be implemented efficiently with bots, given the ease parsing and producing IRC protocol messages.
  5. IRC network heals fast from failures and has high #availability properties, given the clean and rigid definition of what it does and what it does not do.

#IRC #infosec

Hey folks, I’m on a new instance using GotoSocial and having issues migrating from my other instance.

Would you mind sharing this post so I can federate and regain connections? Thanks!

#AskFedi #Federation #GotoSocial

In a hackfest I just described someone as "that guy over there with a ThinkPad", right before realizing how little that helped. :blobPikaFail:
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

This is the first time in a very long while when I have a programming project that I'm really passionate about, and it's not just one project, it's two.

Kolik tak může stát výměna disku na kole u #Škoda Octavia?

Měl jsem půjčené auto na 14 dní a ten disk někde odřel. Půjčovna po mě chce Datum, Místo a Popis Děje - což já vůbec netuším a vymýšlet si samozřejmě nechci.

Na což mi řekli, že když tyto údaje nedodám, tak to zaplatím ze svého, cca 20 až 30k.

Nevím kua 🤔

in reply to Jan Bartosik

@Jan Bartosik Jestli chtějí 20-30k za disk, tak vyndejte 5k a přijďte za nimi s advokátem.

There's now an implementation of the reading-flow property behind a runtime flag in Canary! As part of the work to implement this we need to make some decisions about how to handle elements with display: contents, and I've written a post to ask for your feedback and use cases.…

Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source… by @sjvn

Switzerland is one of the world's leading #opensource countries; now, if only the United States could follow its lead!


Sensitive content

Big model release today: Meta AI's Llama 3.1 series, including Llama 3.1 405B which appears to be the first openly licensed model that genuinely competes with current top proprietary models GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet

My notes here:…

in reply to Simon Willison

I'll be surprised if Llama 3.1 70B runs on your M2 with 64 GB of RAM. It doesn't run on my Windows PC with that much RAM, in Ollama, with the context window set to 128K. I don't have a discrete GPU, so host RAM versus VRAM isn't an issue. (And yes, running a model that big purely on CPU would probably be slow.) Apparently a big context window is a RAM hog.

#AndroidAppRain at today today with 10 updated and 1 added apps:

* FluxTube: Ad-free YouTube client using piped API

Oh, and the #Magisk repo had some updates as well as 1 added module:

* AshLooper: Boot Loop Protection

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Der oder die FahrerIn eines dunklen SUV drängte am Samstagabend einen Radfahrer im Gegenverkehr auf Höhe einer Baustelle in der Paulinenhofstraße in Flittard ab. Infolgedessen stürzte der Radfahrer und erlitt mehrere Rippenbrüche. Der Verursacher flüchtete.…

what if we took the worst things from matrix and xmpp, made that into a protocol? I mean think about it everyone tries to make a successor protocol by picking the "best" things. What if we did it the other way around? /lh
in reply to Amber

If we stopped versioning the Matrix spec and room versions and let each MSC evolve independently that’s basically what would happen. Each client would pick a version of a given MSC and the ecosystem would stagnate on old broken versions of everything.

The worst of Matrix thanks to the development processes of XMPP.

in reply to Seirdy

Better versioning is part of why Matrix clients are better, and definitely much of why people generally prefer it over XMPP. Not because the protocol is better in theory, but because the development processes ensure the system actually moves forward.

XMPP couldn’t pull this off when it had tech-giant money.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

One writer's experience with AI summarizers: "ChatGPT isn’t summarising at all, it only looks like it. What it does is something else and that something else only becomes summarising in very specific circumstances." (Depending on the text, the training sets, and parameters, the writer notes it condensing the text without regard to its most salient points, recycling others' summaries of the same or similar texts, or fabricating details when asked for more information.)…

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i would like the people who are like "who needs content warnings just opt out using filters" to know that i am now on my 7th spelling of "us politics" for my filters
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

in reply to Chi Kim

@chikim Ah yes, thanks. I, for some reason, thought q8 was the default. Not sure why I thought that. :)
in reply to victor tsaran

They should at least change q4_K_M as default. Q4_0 is a pretty old quant.

PSA: iOS 18 is going to disable your old ‘Today’ view widgets…

Immer öfter muss ich von #m4a zu #mp3 convertieren.

Da hab ich meiner Kollektion von #Nautilus#Scripts für #Ubuntu doch mal wieder eines hinzugefügt:…
Ein Rechtsklick genügt 🎉
Die Scripte kann man sicher professioneller machen 🤔

Does anyone know how to make #navsounds for #Nvda lag less. I find the navigation and typing sounds comforting, but I don't want my computer to just keep lagging me out all the time, after running the addon for a while. Please boost if you don't know the answer.

Comcast Lost Over 419,000 TV Customers & Lost 120,000 Internet Customers in Q2 2024 as Cord Cutting is Speeding Up…

Practical SVG is Now Free to Read Online

Back in 2016 I wrote a book called Practical SVG. Recently, the publisher, A Book Apart, closed shop. Now you can Read Practical SVG on the web, here on this site, for free. I always like how Mat's book was online so now mine can join that cool club. I'll echo what I say on the site: Thanks to Jeff Eaton for……

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So thanks to we managed to get the front camera in the Pixel 3a working with a libcamera/pipewire stack 🥳 Thanks to @flamingradian for the work on the whole port!

EDIT: The driver does not properly release the camera when closing the app, so it only works once per boot. It would be lovely if anybody with the skills would like to contribute to improve it!…

#postmarketOS #LinuxMobile #Pixel3a #Snapshot #GNOME #GUADEC

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Když už jsem si koupil ten notebook s AMD Ryzen 9 a AMDGPU kvůli umělé inteligenci, tak jsem si tedy nainstaloval lokální instanci #ollama s korpusem #llama3. Nevycházím z údivu.

Zkoušel jsem ho rozmluvit v češtině. Není moc ochoten a má kecy, že v tom není trénovaný, a že když odpustím, že v tom nebude dokonalý, tak česky něco řekne. Ale pak stejně odpovídá na české otázky anglicky.

Nicméně po restartu a položení první otázky v češtině odpovídá stručně česky s trochu nepřesnou volbou slov.

Ale co mě dostalo: zkusil jsem se ho zeptat na něco bez varování japonsky a on jen hodil smajlíka a pak napsal anglickou odpověď. Tak jsem mu tam hodil starořecký text, jestli pozná jazyk. Poznal jazyk, vyhodil překlad do ájiny a určil správně dílo a místo, odkud jsem citoval.

Pak mě začal provokovat, že bychom si mohli dát závody v recitaci starořecké poezie. Hodil jsem mu tam pár veršů z Homéra. Poznal Homéra a určil místo, odkud jsem citoval (chybně, ale budiž), a napsal překlad. Pro neznalce upozorňuju, že Homér psal zvláštním a podivným dialektem.

Je to lokální instalace, takže tohle všechno zvládá s databátí o velikosi 4,7 GB. Dokonalá komprese všelidského vědění!!!

Wir sind heute Abend mit unserer kritischen Position zum Thema #Behindertenwerkstätten bei ZDF frontal.
ZDF, 23.07.2024, 21:00 - 21:45 Uhr…

Mehr zum Thema:

If I put up a custom icecast stream, is there a way to play that stream on Alexa devices without writing an entire skill for it? The lack of proper cast functionality is really unfortunate.
in reply to Simon Jaeger

Not sure if it's still possible and I'm not home to check, but there was once a skill called MyPod which let you do this.

You had to login to the web UI with your Amazon account and could then add Streams, mp3 files, podcasts or Google Drive folders via their URLs, up to 10 sources for the free version.

Did you know?
Forks aren't just a misskey feature, that's also a name of a common kitchen utensil