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You don't need to use link shorteners on Mastodon. All links count as 23 characters towards your posts's maximum size, no matter how long the link really is.

By avoiding link shorteners, you are also protecting people's privacy and reducing the risk of link rot.

(There is a bug on the official iPhone/iPad app that means links are counted as their true length instead of 23, which is yet another reason to switch to a third party app such as Ice Cubes or Mona or Ivory.)


This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

p.s. People asking "Why 23 characters?", it's because a long time ago on Twitter links were counted as 23 characters by Twitter replacing all posted links with their own link shorteners (which meant Twitter could track what people clicked). These shorteners were always 23 characters long.

Mastodon provided a more privacy-friendly alternative to this by leaving the links intact without a shortener, but still only counted them as 23 characters.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

p.p.s. Google announced today that they are shutting down their link shortener service From 2025, shortened links will no longer work:…

This is why link shorteners cause link rot, because eventually link shortener services close down, even ones run by megacorporations, and all their links break.

Your link will survive a lot longer if you avoid using shorteners. You don't need shorteners on Mastodon, all links count as 23 characters anyway.

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It's just about time for the #GUADEC2024 pre-registration party! If you're in Denver, make sure to stop by Tivoli Brewing Co. to grab your badge and meet up with #GUADEC attendees!…

Technical FediMeta, spam
Akkoma has an optional “HellthreadPolicy” to ignore mentions in a post with over N mentions, and to reject the post entirely if it has over M mentions. Admins who enable the policy can set both M and N. How would you feel about a policy that applies this logic to hashtags? #AskFedi
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Seirdy

@pancakes i suppose if we combine it with a UI that warns of other instances dropping hashtags when posting with more than a maximum number of hashtags, it could work for local users.

Talking to an Expedia #AI bot. Man, are these things stupid! :) I still get transfered to a human agent who seems to be doing a much better job.... So far... :)

Congratulations to our newest NVDA Certified Expert, Victor-Daniel Dima!

If you'd like to become an NVDA Certified Expert, you can sit the exam for FREE here:

(There is a cost to receive the certificate, with all money helping keep NVDA free for all!)

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Certification #Qualification #Study #AmStudying #Exam #Leadership #Technology

Home Landline Phones Are Still Around, Here's Why You Might Need One…
in reply to David Goldfield

I fought tooth and nail against getting rid of my landline, but once I got my current high speed internet and the landline only worked when there was electricity, I saw no point. Enter the Blind Shell and my $8 a month Tello plan. I have physical buttons for making calls, kept my old land line phone number, and my bill is much lower; paying around $70 a month for 800 MB internet speeds and couldn't be happier. I still miss the old reliable land line, but it doesn't seem to exist in that form any more, at least not in my area.

Lots of yours truly in rotation on ACB Media 2, with no nasty compression artifacts now. All instrumental things.…

The Biden/Harris administration has released a tool — a first-of-its-kind software in partnership with the Department of Energy and HHS — that connects families to solar energy through the HHS' Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

Those enrolled in the program can see significant electricity bill savings, aligned with the National Community Solar Partnership goal of 20% in average household savings — the equivalent of $370 yearly per household.


"The EU’s #NGI programme has supported free, open source software for years. But now a silent death seems to be looming: An internal document suggests that financing may soon end. Developers are surprised and call for the programme’s survival."…


#curl macOS gcc / llvm build compatibility (and more) final patch landed, with write-up:…

Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of decentralized blockchain Ethereum, has issued a warning to his fellow tech leaders against choosing a candidate purely based on whether they claim to be “pro-crypto.”

While he didn’t name any candidate specifically, his warning comes just one day after prominent venture capitalists Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz announced their support for Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

“In a blog post, Buterin said it’s more important to scrutinize a candidate’s broader policies to ensure they support cryptocurrency’s underlying goals, including internationalism and protection for private communications,” reports @Techcrunch. Here’s more.

#Crypto #SiliconValley #Ethereum #Trump #2024Election

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

'Doctor Who: Disney Deal, Ncuti Gatwa & Russell T Davies In Spotlight…

Oh nice! Firefox translation will now* translate all relevant HTML attributes, e.g. title, aria-label, aria-description and more :…

Thanks @gregtatum !

* this landed a few hours ago, will be in next @FirefoxNightly and hopefully should be available for all in Firefox 130

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

We need ARIA but for terminals.

Yes, I said this a million times already, but the state of terminal accessibility is honestly that sad.

People complain about React, but React at least gives you the ability to be accessible. With TTY apps, you either make the UX suck for the 99% of users or you make it suck for the 0.001%.

P.S. Greetings from the land of "drawing box slide horizontal"

victor tsaran reshared this.

Ah joy ... Google is turning off its URL shortener and breaking every link that ever used it:…

A quick search on…

...turns up about 19,000 messages with affected links. That's a lot of history that is going to become harder (or impossible) to find.

reshared this

I just had an idea for a talk about that explores the issues around our never-ending battle around technical abstractions and complexity. The problem is it contains heavy spoilers for The Flash movie. So I'm torn.

On the one hand, we all hate spoilers. On the other hand, I'm kind of thinking a bunch of people skipped this movie on purpose and have no plans to see it. For... reasons. 😂

in reply to Marco Rogers

I have no plans to see the movie because I'm not into superhero movies generally. I figure there are enough other developers in that category to make the talk worthwhile.

The fact that it's 2024 and the CNAM registry still exist and works is so weird to me.

Mr @icing is now ranked as committer number ten counted by the number of authored commits merged in the #curl project. Number four by the number of added lines.

In less than three years since his first commit.

CQ Blind Hams is "the" source for #amateur radio content for #blind people in the English-speaking world. That's why I think it would be great if you could subscribe to the channel. They could monetize the thing with 1000 or more followers, which they then want to use to finance radio equipment for blind #Hams. I think it's a cool thing, I support it. Range boosts welcome.…
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

as someone who uses curl nearly daily, I love your commitment to creating the best possible tool and encouraging others.

SOme of you may have heard of a little podcast called Bare Knuckles & Brass Tacks. I'll be providing an interview to those folks tomorrow together with the CSO of an #accessibility related company to talk about the state of #accessibility in #cybersecurity. Any particular questions anyone has, please send them my way so Ican try to include them :) #infoSec

My exciting finds at work recently happened because I wrote a program to analyze Saleae Logic captures and do all the things Saleae ought to do but doesn't.

Here are some screencaps of increasing semantic complexity: a thread. Gosh I wish I could post monospaced text to Mastodon without using an image.

in reply to cliffle

> Gosh I wish I could post monospaced text to Mastodon without using an image.

Yeah. If Mastodon is going to support image, audio, and video attachments, they ought to support attaching a self-contained HTML file and putting that in an iframe as well. I think modern browsers provide a way to do that with strong sandboxing for untrusted HTML.

With many people getting COVID from the summer surge, a reminder that the CDC's isolation guidelines are inadequate.

CDC shortened their isolation guidelines, not because of a change in the science, but in response to political pressure to keep people working even if they are sick.

Science shows most people are infectious for 10+ days; it's best to isolate until you test negative on multiple tests. If you can't stay home the whole time, wear an N95 mask to stop the virus spreading to others.

youtuber: we're gonna be doing a deep dive on this product, you're not gonna want to miss it. so you'd better get ready, sit back, relax, grab your coffee, grab your tea. sit back, get up, grab a snack - you're not gonna want to miss this one! so sit back, and relax, and go make yourself something to eat: go grab yourself a snack, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the video. so why not grab yourself a bite to eat, for example, a sandwich, maybe grab yourself a quick snack, so you can sit ba

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in reply to josef

@menelion “To receive more videos like this one”, note we haven’t watched the video yet, “clickthat ‘bell’ icon and subscribe”. #snore

🚀 Keyoxide Mobile 2.4.0 is here with offline-mode support! 🔒 But before you update, please back up your profiles and contacts as this update will wipe them out locally. For more info:… 📱 #Keyoxide #Privacy #DigitalIdentity #OfflineMode

As requested, there is now a map for #celiacs and #glutenfree venues as well:
Unknown parent


Well, there you go! Same conditions as…: fill out the info for every shop or restaurant you visit and promote it with all your (#lactosefree) friends

@AccurstDemon Only if you promise to fill it out for every shop/restaurant you visit - and if you promote it a lot!

Hola a la comunidad #Celiaca y #SinGluten el grandioso @pietervdvn ha creado en #MapComplete un tema (mapa) específicamente para vosotros, esto es muy importante ya que este mapa es GRATUITO, LIBRE y editable por cualquier persona, haciéndolo una fuente de conocimiento de TODOS y para todos.

Se acabaron los mapas de google maps que solo conocen los dueños y a quienes se lo comparten.
Si tienes una lista o mapa de tus sitios favoritos añadelos!

Puedes visitarlo aqui:

Would you believe it's been a whole year since I published the final version of my content, consent, and safety toolbox for tabletop roleplaying games (and other purposes), the Script Change RPG Toolbox?

Did you know that it remains Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution licensed, free to download with an option to donate, filled with a variety of tools and new resources for play, and supplemented by emojis for Discord and both playing & tarot cards?

Some people really should pay me to do things that I do for free because I'm far more patient than I should be.

LOL answered someone on our local repeater, and a bunch of new hams suddenly showed up and started chatting among themselves, and forgot I was there (fine with me). Apparently a lot of them listening, but none talk until they hear someone else talking. Second day in a row. #hamradio

I've tagged version 0.0.1 of #libcmatrix - a #matrix client library.

The project was initiated and developed by
Sadiq ( in order to add Matrix support to chatty ( for @purism

It has been a bit 😴 over the past months but my recent interest in #unifiedpush derailed me and I had a look at the code base, cleaned up minor things and figured it might make sense to tag a release so here we go:…

Thanks @devrtz for the reviews!

Do any of my lovely followers use bone conducting headphones. If so which do you use and do you recommend them ?
in reply to Quixoticgeek

Used to use Aftershocks Airopex a while ago, and loved them. They were great, until I wore them in the shower, and while they still work, either the moisture or, more likely IMO, the heat caused some parts inside the left transducer to come loose. They still work, but they rattle like crazy if you turn them up now, which is rather unpleasant, so I'm back to Airpods with transparency.

It really would be neat if #Spotify had an option to view the English translation of lyrics to songs that aren't in English and vice versa.
in reply to 🌟Kira Aeva🌟

Yeah, also, some non-English songs aren't even translated and there's a surprising number of them, or at least those I have listened to.

Opa peña!

Me lía un poco la interfaz, y seguro que me pierdo algunas movidas por no prestar demasiada atención, pero os aseguro que vengo con intención de aprender las manías y costumbres de la comunidad.

Me llamo Pablo, soy de Galicia y odio a muerte hacer presentaciones...

Llevo jugando a videojuegos desde que tengo memoria, últimamente títulos competitivos online, aunque juego un poco de todo.

A veces hago directos en Twitch. Probé otras plataformas, por que no me gustan los monopolios, pero al final, los colegas que tengo es la que usan... Y no fui capaz de hacer que se muevan.

Es un pasatiempo y no me lo tomo demasiado en serio, lo hago por las risas y para charlar con los colegas mientras viciamos, ¡os invito a pasaros a echar un ojo, si os apetece!

Además del mundo online soy informático, un intento de músico con un grupo sin baterista (necesitamos uno, POR FAVOR) y me flipa leer, ver series y películas.

De momento creo que basta como #presentacion . Me da que me pasé!

Un saludo a todxs!

Ľudkovia, prihláste sa kto máte účet na Pixelfed, nech vás zasledujem.

Prior to C23, the C standard does not specify an underlying type for enumerations other than that it be compatible with int, which is itself unspecified beyond being a signed number of no less than 16 bits in size.

C23 gives us the ability to actually specify the underlying type of an enum, which makes bit-flag enums much more portable, among other things. This is a standardization of existing common compiler extensions, of course. Clang and GCC have had it for years.

#AndroidAppRain at today with 14 updated and 1 added apps:

* Fossify Keyboard brings your Fossify Collection up to 11 apps! ( 🇩🇪 Prosit!)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Im nächsten Tool das ich für Klickibuntiuser programmieren muss, werde ich den Shortcut für "Schließen ohne zu speichern" auf Ctrl+S verdrahten.


This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Dickenhobelix

bei vim macht ja ctrl-s ja auch irgendwie ähnliches, wenn man nicht kuriose Details zu Terminals weiß...
in reply to Bubu :progress_pride:

@Bubu I like the way you're thinking...

Vor allem die Diskussion "ja in vim würden Sie das ja auch nicht machen" mit so Windows-Jüngern wird großartig...