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Huhu Ihr Rechtsextremen aus den Plattenbausiedlungen, Ihr habt Euch über die Bezahlkarte für Geflüchtete gefreut?

Als nächstes kommt sie für die Kindergrundsicherung.…

Und dann ist es nur ein Schritt zum Bürgergeld.

in reply to WestphalDenn

@WestphalDenn IT-Projekte mit unlogischen Anforderungen gehen in die Hose.

Hat mit Schwarz-Weiß-Denken nichst zu tun.

Ebenfalls schönen Tag.

taky dobrý…

SuspiciousDuck reshared this.

in reply to WDR (inoffiziell)

Wenn ich schon lese "..wurden ein elfjähriger Junge und seine 15-jährige Schwester von einem schnell fahrenden Auto erfasst." schwillt mir der Kamm, steigt mir die Zornesröte ins Gesicht und ich rege mich tierisch auf!

NEIN! Sie wurden von einem jugendlichen Raser mit seinem PKW schlichtweg über den Haufen gefahren. Wann gewöhnt ihr euch mal an, Klartext zu schreiben, Ross und Reiter in aller Deutlichkeit zu benennen?!?1?!1 Es ist auch - sorry, aber ICH schreibe Klartext - scheißegal, ob es sich um einen 3er BWW oder um eine Nuckelpinne handelt. Oder sollen jetzt alle 3er BMW in sippenhaft genommen werden? Beiträge wie der von Herrn Westerhoff lenken die Sicht - absichtlich? - in eine falsche Richtung, lenken vom tatsächlichen Problem ab!

#automobilegewalt #verkehrswende #visionzero #journalismusdesgrauens

#Lawfare años 30

“El poder judicial desempeñó un papel análogo al de los militares contra la II República”

“Se ha escrito mucho del ruido de sables pero poco del de togas. El Poder Judicial desempeñó un papel análogo al de los militares para acabar con la II República”

Rubén Pérez Trujillano habla en su libro 'Jueces contra la República: el poder judicial frente a las reformas republicanas', del sabotaje judicial que sufrió la II República por parte de la judicatura.…

Do minúty tri tridsať sa stotožňujem.…

Vzkaz, který vešel do dějin. Dosud utajené záběry ukázaly debakl Rusů na ostrově…
in reply to Archos

Rusáci neumí válčit. Ta tupá horda umí jenom obětovat statisíce lidí, tak dlouho, dokud nedojdou lidi protivníkovi. Dělali to kdysi a dělají to furt. A zaslouží si jednou provždy prohrát všechno.

Meanwhile, back in the US, if the president decides to engage in some money laundering or drug trafficking or murder while in office, our Supreme Court says have at it!

Brazilian police indict ex-President Bolsonaro in undeclared diamonds case, sources say | AP News…

Is this the male version of when ladies wear crop tops that say Slut or Daddy's Girl?

Algorytmy YT podpowiedziały mi film z krótką analizą, czemu muzyka jest coraz gorsza:
1. bo coraz łatwiej ją tworzyć
2. bo coraz łatwiej jej słuchać (za miesiąc dostępu do prawie całej muzyki świata zapłacimy mniej niż za płytę)

Więc de facto nikt jej nie ceni.…

Done my civic duty. It's a secret ballot so I won't be sharing who I voted for.

#GE2024 #Labour #selfie

Well now this is living in my mind rent free forever :blobfoxdeadinside:

Still awake? Done with the kangaroos?

How about pretty cammels?

[Over 40 Camels Disqualified From Beauty Contest After Receiving Botox](…)

Today, thanks to @BTyson I learned that you can open blutooth file transfer by typing FSquirt in the run dialog.

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Interested in accessible gaming or want to learn more about games that are out there for blind and low vision people. Here's a website that might get you started.
#accessiblegames #accessiblegaming #blindgaming #bgc #blindgamingclub

My latest NVDA bug report:
Updated Windows 11 23 H2 Notepad: NVDA improperly identifies misspelled words at the beginning of lines not where they actually occur:…
in reply to NV Access

It's a pleasure. It seems that Narrator does it properly. Not sure about JAWS though.
in reply to Amir

I know how Narrator grabs some information off screen is different to how we do it - so knowing that Narrator works is useful in that we know it CAN be accessed correctly - but whether it is because they have specifically worked around a bug in Notepad or DON'T have a particular processing bug NVDA does.... or whether it is simply that they are collecting the same informatin in a different way is harder to know. Either way, thanks for all your help :)

We do have to keep ourselves awake, of course. 1 result early doesn't mean the other 649 will appear within minutes. The phrase 'double-pronged penis' is not something one ever really wants to come across, is it? But the article is on my list to stop me drifting off when I've maxed-out on the coffee ...

[Kangaroo genitals are weirder than you ever thought possible | Grist](…)

i have been using gdb for more than 20 years and just now got around to enabling persistent history.…
this public service message was brought to you by chairman mao. i was going to speak but first i had to investigate #praxis…

supposedly the #android 15 betas allow for BT-HID #braille displays to connect without having to use USB. Has anyone gotten this to work? I just tried it with a Mantis q40 and while the device is detected, when trying to connect it just says " failed to connect to [bluetooth_name_here], try again", so this does not quite appear ready for prime time. Makes sense given its a beta, just curious if its a pebcac issue

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NBCUniversal Enhances Accessibility For Its Coverage of The Olympic Games Paris 2024…
in reply to David Goldfield

@lerven wish more events did that but I've got a feeling that might be changing slowly. The six nations had AD commentary on one of our TV channels, the Olympics coming up and the Euros in progress, the quarter finals of which start tomorrow, again with AD.

Paperless-ngx is an open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive

You can either scan or upload various document formats into Paperless-ngx.

It will organise and index your scanned documents with tags, correspondents, types, and more. Your data is stored locally on your server and is never transmitted or shared ...continues


#archiving #documents #opensource #technology

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Celebrating the elections by playing Alt-Frequencies on my twitch channel
in reply to Drew Mochak

The audio filter when the time loop kicks in is definitely not new.
in reply to Drew Mochak

Hey, I figured out why you weren't hearing the status of the closed caption setting. The screen reader support does something kind of ugly where it waits a certain amount of time between sending chunks of text to the screen reader, based on the length of the text, to try to make sure the speech isn't interrupted. But of course, that code doesn't know how fast your speech is, so there can be long delays.
in reply to Matt Campbell

That's why, as we discussed on Twitch, we really need proper UI accessibility in games, not in-game TTS or hacks using the screen reader APIs. But I don't have the extra time and energy to bring something like an AccessKit Unity plugin to production on the side.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt That’s totally fair. Unity should be doing the work. Do you think they could use what you have built as a foundation or would they need to start from scratch? I have heard that there were talks and a plan and all that but I have no idea where any of it went. Hoping to learn more at GACon in October.
in reply to Drew Mochak

Yes they could definitely use what we have as a foundation. And of course AccessKit has continued to move forward since that Unity proof of concept 2 years ago, which was Windows only for starters. I'm even about to start on an Android back-end for AccessKit.
in reply to Matt Campbell

That old proof of concept is here:… It's a simple choice-based narrative game, but it *is* using Unity.

@aardrian I used to think was a good WebPerf resource if you just ignored the articles with bad accessibility advice. but publishing advice to use positive tabindex values to “modify DOM order” in 2024 is so laughably off the mark that I think I’ll stop linking this site altogether.

That’s…not how the DOM works! This was an article with four authors on an official Google web development resource and nobody called the BS. I can’t trust anything I read on anymore.

10 years ago I wrote about *not* using positive `tabindex` values. Today I added a warning about two Google web-dot-dev articles that a reader thought *promoted* it:…

At what point will people recognize that #accessibility info from that site should be ignored?

Filed two issues:……


This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Seirdy

Is tab index universally bad? We've used it for a couple of elements (2 of them, exactly) on our site, with a very deliberate ordering...
in reply to Miru

@miru a value of 0 or -1 is fine. natural numbers are generally a bad idea.

Which Tory safe seat are you most excited to see fall, and why is it North East Somerset?…

Here’s a fun thing that just happened on my #framework16 running #debian and #gnome on #wayland. I woke my laptop up and typed my password. The built in screen of the laptop (on the left) is working. I can type, work, etc. The external monitor shows only 4 letters typed in the password box, and it’s still acting like it’s locked. If I mouse to that screen the pointer disappears. I’ve never had a laptop unlock one screen but not the other.

My power button is set to suspend. So I pressed the power button, let it suspend, then woke it up again. This time it woke up normally.

When a Linux user becomes drunk and tries to explain the Traditional Linux Desktop model to his partner:

Naše instance Mastodon :arch: byla aktualizována a již běží na verzi v4.2.10
Tato verze opravuje bezpečnostní problém.
Hezký prodloužený víkend přátelé #fediverse
Full changelog:…

The Fedora Accessibility Working Group presented to our highest decision-making committee on the state of accessibility in our distro. It's packed with information, context, and perspective for where we are today and how we can change things for the better.

If you would like to contribute after learning more about this priority, please join the matrix room!


Accessibility WG Matrix room:…

#Fedora #Accessibility #a11y #Linux

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in reply to Fedora Project

A long time ago when Fedora was RH based I use to use the distro with Speakup before a gui for Xwindows was developed. I haven't used it on my personal machine since but have used it on remote servers. Can this distro be installed by a blind individual with out help?

They Beat Open AI to the Punch... But at What Cost?…

Stealing and reposting this with proper alt-text cause it's pretty good memeage.

Don't boost bad alt text. Just fucking don't.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

(YouTube) Lies and hallucinations for the blind? Revolutionary AI smart glasses: #Solos #AirGo #Vision with GPT-4o now unveiled!… #AI #AR #GPT4o

(AppleVis forum) Solos AirGo Vision: the future of smart glasses for blind and visually impaired users?… #blind #a11y

in reply to The vOICe vision BCI 😎🧠

GPT 4 hallucination rate is 28.6% on a simple task: citing title, author, and year of publication…

Hallucination rates and reference accuracy of ChatGPT and Bard for systematic reviews: Comparative analysis #AI #LLM

#AI #llm

Random #Windows tip of the day

What to do if the text on your screen is too small? 👀

Well, there are a few options

If everything is a little small, you might consider changing your scaling in Display Settings

If just one random thing is too small, even if that app doesn't have zoom, you can always pull up Magnifier with WIN + Plus to zoom in (WIN + Minus to zoom out, WIN + Esc to close)

If text in general across Windows is too small, then check out the text size option under Accessibility

in reply to Jen Gentleman

In the latest Beta Channel build we've started rolling out text scaling support for the Run dialog, which makes me happy as a big fan of Run…

10 years ago I wrote about *not* using positive `tabindex` values. Today I added a warning about two Google web-dot-dev articles that a reader thought *promoted* it:…

At what point will people recognize that #accessibility info from that site should be ignored?

Filed two issues:……


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