The internet is very silent about this year's #LibreOffice and #OpenSource Conference 2024. Are there any slides, video recordings, interviews, press releases?
My daughter is trying to convince me that the phrase "social butterfly" implies the existence of a "social caterpiller", which justifies her wrapping herself in a quilt, her "social cocoon", and refusing to get up today.
I have to admit it's a pretty good argument. Solid wordplay, reasonable-sounding if ridiculous conclusions, ticks all the boxes. Kinda dad-proud right now, gotta say.
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What was I even doing?
To challenge the notion that the Mastodon has a strong tradition of #accessibility…
5 years since I tried to improve the accessibility of Mastodon and, despite overwhelming support, the project owner refused to merge my commit, then closed and locked the issue because he thought it was ugly.…
Compared to Threads, Mastodon is very good. But compared to Threads, getting kicked in the shin is also pretty good.
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If you don't know what the best comic/standup/comedian performance is, this is the one:
I have seen people running MacOS on Intel Mac Pros booting ESXi, for EULA reasons.
iirc the problem is that you'd be without graphics, as the MacOS guest only supports Metal or talking directly to the Hardware. For Metal you'd have to reverse engineer and reimplement all their APIs, kinda unrealistic. And for hardware pass-through you'd have to give up the whole GPU, which would make it useless, if even possible.
There better be a way to tell Mastodon I never want to be notified of quotes. How hard is this for others to understand? I don’t want to be notified if anybody quotes me, at all! To me, quotes are seen as a passive aggressive form of interaction and if you can’t message me directly/mention me directly, I simply just don’t want to interact with you if you’re going to quote me.
With the 4.3 release complete, we’re turning our focus to 4.4, which will include:
Quote Posts: We are resuming work on this long-awaited feature, and it will be our main focus for the rest of the year.
Block list improvements: We are evaluating several improvements, including subscribing to external blocklists and offering an optional default “worst of the worst” blocklist for new Mastodon installs. We’re also exploring ways for operators to approve blocks from external lists.
Post Parsing: We’re experimenting with potentially changing to a new parser for posts, which will be more modular and enable features like basic text formatting.
One irony of letting companies like Google run their spyware through our websites for "analytics" is how useless most of the information is to small/medium website owners.
Oh, 3% of my visitors are from Poland, and 8% use Firefox? Uh, OK, great insights … I guess. 🤷♂️
OTOH, that information is valuable to Google, because they can aggregate it with lots of other surveillance data for digital fingerprinting, etc.
We've been duped.
Renewing my open invitation, any former colleagues (or anyone, really) looking for a new role and would like to chat. Hit me up!
Sometimes just having someone there to listen for a bit does a world of good, especially someone that's been there before. I'm also in technology-centric spaces where design/dev/ops opportunities are posted fairly regularly, so I can help keep an eye out for you.
I know first hand how transformative it is to have that kind of support and want to pay it forward.
LibreOffice reshared this.
doing the last prep for next week's Design Systems Week!
There are a few online talks in English, free to join for all:… (the awesome @gerireid, @stevenjmesser, @mgifford, Amy Cole and Gert Hengeveld)
Also if you're in NL and want to hang out with the NL Design System community, there's an in person social event on Friday afternoon, let me know if you need the signup link for that. :bitterbal:
Reading "A Deepness in the Sky" by Vernor Vinge. It's pretty good, but is a little over excited about the magical power of markets and trade. (He gets a little preachy on this point and it's tiresome, without ever being so wrong that I felt the need to put it down.)
Like Asimov, Vinge seems to subscribe to the notion that a science like psychohistory ought to be possible. He shows us humans thousands of years in the future with choices informed by thousands of years of human history.
That's good to know. My joy in reading it was starting to flag a little since it has been feeling a little like Ayn Rand for smart people with souls.
Why do servers even receive passwords in plain text? Wouldn't it be safer to use a challenge-response mechanism for users to proof they know the password without actually submitting it to the server?
Does any service do this?
Katarina Mahdalova…
Analýza digitalizace stavebního řízení (DSŘ), kterou svět neviděl, ale kterou teď celý týden žilo české X, se objeví zde už zítra aktualizovaná o nejnovější data.
Tato data ukazují, že problémy s DSŘ byly pro premiéra Fialu jen zástupný důvod k vyhazovu ministra Bartoše, a tedy i Pirátů z vlády.
Tuto analýzu jsme původně připravovali pro Seznam Zprávy. Ty ji odmítly publikovat, což způsobilo nečekanou vlnu reakcí. A zdaleka nešlo jen o náš okamžitý nedobrovolný rozchod s redakcí.
Majitel Seznamu I. Lukačovič se otevřeně a vědomě pustil do politiky. A zahrál si se svým médiem “na Babiše”, když veřejně hodnotil naši nepublikovanou analýzu. Obavy pana Lukačoviče, aby se k lidem nedostala informace, že DSŘ zase tak závažný problém nepředstavuje, otevřely nové kolo otázek o budoucnosti české nezávislé žurnalistiky.
Stojíme o vaši podporu!
Pokud vy stojíte o to, aby kvalitní nezávislá žurnalistika založená na datech mohla pokračovat, predplaťte si naše analýzy. Abychom mohli popisovat skutečnost, jaká je. Ať to premiér, vlastník velkých médií nebo kdokoliv další spinuje, jak chce. Hlavní výstupy budou veřejné, další hlubší analýzy potom pro předplatitele.
Abychom mohli pokračovat, potřebujeme teď alespoň 500 předplatitelů. Není to zase tak moc. Není to vlastně tak moc. Šest lidí v okrese. Pokud jste jedním nebo jednou z nich, teď je pravý čas to ukázat. My jsme ready. Je to na nás.
A díky za sdílení!
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Seeing this here a lot, too. Always tempted to tie them up to something strong, with a 10 digit number lock, and a QR code for the redeem code requiring a proper payment.
Of course I'd make sure that money would be used for the common good, not for my personal one. Might be another path to get some funding for my common-good projects, kike the IzzyOnDroid repo 😜
Freitag 11.Oktober um 19:00 ist wieder Metaday
Uni hacken! von @luebbermann
Mehr Info ->
Copyright: Minderbinder CC-BY-SA 4.0 (wikimedia)
Oskar reshared this.
Heater's been on for 75 minutes now and I am still shivering. I felt it when I came in, but it's still a chilly 2 degrees out there.
@Lucinek hmmm
1. úvod (expozícia) – opis prostredia, údaje o čase, zoznámenie sa s postavami
2. zauzľovanie deja (kolízia)
3. vyvrcholenie deja (kríza)
4. dramatický zvrat (peripetia)
5. rozuzlenie (katastrofa) a záver
Si yo fuera periodista y más de ciencia entrevistaría a profesores de ciencias de la computación que empezaron en los 80 sobre cómo se han ido ignorando contribuciones no estadounidenses/británicas al aprendizaje automático. Hace tiempo que se le asignó la etiqueta de pioneros/padres/padrinos del deep learning a un grupo y se ignoró el trabajo previo.
in reply to Monoka • • •Monoka
in reply to LibreOffice • • •Thanks for the great Yes! This sounds excellent.
Regarding the slides, it seems - as of now - no speaker has uploaded slides yet. Could you please remind the speakers to upload the slides. Thanks a lot!
@tdforg @CollaboraOffice
in reply to Monoka • • •