Apple has announced its new MacBook Pro featuring the M4 family of chips and Apple Intelligence. The updated laptop promises improved performance and efficiency, along with new capabilities driven by Apple's custom silicon technology. The M4 MacBook Pro aims to provide users with a powerful and intelligent computing experience.
Apple’s new MacBook Pro features the incredibly powerful M4 family of chips and ushers in a new era with Apple Intelligence
Apple today unveiled the new MacBook Pro, powered by the M4 family of chips: M4, M4 Pro, and M4 Max.Apple
A case ruled that Google's terms of service do not eliminate a user's Fourth Amendment rights. The court found that Google is a government agent when collecting and analyzing data for the government.
"SimpleQA is a new question-answering system developed by OpenAI that can rapidly retrieve answers from a wide range of text sources. It uses a simple, efficient architecture and achieves high accuracy on various benchmarks, making it an effective tool for information retrieval."
Neat book that will be on my bookshelf
Research Software Engineering :
A Guide to the Open Source Ecosystem
by Matthias Bannert
Spending too long nursing my 7 year old MacBook Pro back to life
I’m all for maximising the life of tech. I’ll try to repair anything
But damn it’d be nice to earn enough money to be able to buy a new laptop when I need one
A look at VMware one year after Broadcom's acquisition: some customers say costs have risen 300%, Broadcom stopped selling perpetual VMware licenses, and more (Scharon Harding/Ars Technica)……
300 percent price hikes push disgruntled VMware customers toward Broadcom rivals
Ars Technica speaks with users and channel partners disgruntled by Broadcom’s changes.Scharon Harding (Ars Technica)
#curl source code age…
(what happened live here on mastodon converted into a blog post)
curl source code age
In every software project that has been around for a while there is of course newer code and older
The Linux Directory Structure, Explained
If you're coming from Windows, the Linux file system structure can seem particularly alien.How-To Geek…
CRTC Approves Google’s $100 Million Online News Act Exemption Deal - Michael Geist
The government’s deeply flawed attempt to force tech platforms to pay Canadian news outlets for linking to news is nearing its payout.Michael Geist
Dropbox is laying off 20% of its staff | TechCrunch
Dropbox is laying off 20% of its staff as the cloud storage company undergoes what CEO Drew Houston calls a "transitional period."Kyle Wiggers (TechCrunch)
Dot Pad | Innovative Tactile Graphics & Braille Display
Explore the Dot Pad, a revolutionary tactile graphics and Braille display for the visually impaired. Perfect for education and creativity!Florida Vision Technology
Hello everyone!
I write my bachelor's thesis about Mastodon as an alternative social network and how its users perceive the platform.
I would be gratful if you would participate in my survey:
(The link is deactivated now)
It only takes 10-15 minutes and would help me a lot.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
In case you want to support me, you can repost the access link, which would also help me.
Thank you!
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note_x - Accessible Android
The app provides the ability to read text files smoothly with several features that readers need. Key Features include:Accessible Android
The Amazon Echo graveyard
Amazon’s extensive Echo ecosystem helped bring its Alexa smart assistant into many homes, but not every Echo product was a success story.Andrew Liszewski (The Verge)
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When you make a request and your autistic security engineers immediately say "Are you sure?”:
1) Stop
2) Repent.
V sobotu 2. listopadu se už tradičně zúčastním 9. ročníku konference OpenAlt pořádané na Fakultě informačních technologií VUT. Hlavními tématy budou otevřená data a software, IT bezpečnost, DIY a IoT. V rámci konference nabídnu hned dvě své přednášky.
👉 V 11:00 Si povíme něco o DSŘ a nejasnostech kolem ní.
👉 Ve 13:00 si projdeme hlavní úspěchy digitalizace za poslední 3 roky, rozjeté projekty ale i chybky, ze kterých je třeba se poučit.
Odkaz na stránky konference dávám do komentářů ⬇️
Unpopular WCAG opinion:
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) and 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced) should have been renamed to 1.4.3 Text Contrast (Minimum) and 1.4.6 Text Contrast (Enhanced) to mirror 1.4.11 Non-Text Contrast.
(And then I would get rid of 1.4.6 because it’s AAA leaving Text Contrast and Non-Text Contrast, and everything would be simple. But that’s just me.)
ARIA is great. /s
If aria-current had an HTML equivalent, this person probably wouldn’t have found aria-activedescendent and used it wrongly. It’s one of the main reason I want stuff that works well to get HTML equivalents. This should be a no-brainer.…
ARIA attributes are used not according to spec · Issue #1 · swiegmann/kirby-menu
In the example code in the README, it shows the following code:GitHub
Hubert Figuière
in reply to Dave Mac Farlane • • •Dave Mac Farlane
in reply to Hubert Figuière • • •Hubert Figuière
in reply to Dave Mac Farlane • • •