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Items tagged with: Books

So, is there a good #template to write A5 type #books that will be accepted by publishers for print?

Still reading The Tyrant Baru Cormoran. This stuff is dense and rich, and takes time to digest. Also, only so much of certain types of body horror I can take in one go. So while I usually read a book in one or two days, this one's taking me a lot longer, started on the 20th and I'm about 4/5 done. Needless to say, I think it's a great book.

#Reading #fantasy #books

#Reading The Tyrant Baru Cormoran.

So far I'm about a third, and it's a great book, putting together a lot of what came before and making sense of quite a few of the mysteries. However... Either I've gotten soft or the amount of body horror in this book is a lot higher than for the previous ones.

#books #fantasy

#TIL that in 1929, JM Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, gifted his work's copyright to the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children.

"Through this gift, Peter Pan’s magic made an unprecedented leap from the realm of fiction into reality and the hospital began to receive royalties every time a production of the play was on, as well as from the sale of Peter Pan books and other products."…

#history #literature #books #bookstodon #PeterPan #philanthropy

I’ve read all 3 books that are out in the Saint of Steel books by t. Kingfisher, and now I desperately want more! What #books do y’all recommend that are similar? Must be availed as an #audiobook #Bookstodon

Philostratus keeps on giving:

A huge part of the book is about Palamedes, the Greek hero who got himself completely written out of the Iliad.
For dissing Odysseus too much.

No wonder Odysseus was pissed, there are some great one-liners in there :D

Oh, and the guy invented writing, numbers, and dice. In case you needed a #pagan patron of #DnD players.

#ttrpg #mythology #books

"Instead of the perfect human, Frankenstein created a monster."

#OTD in 1910.

The first movie version of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818) is released in the U.S. by Edison Studios. One of the first horror films, it features unbilled the actor Charles Ogle as Frankenstein's monster, & Mary Fuller as the doctor's fiancée.

The short film Frankenstein is available at @internetarchive…

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley at PG:

#books #literature #movie

In March 1907. The Diamond Sūtra, a woodblock printed Buddhist scripture dated AD 868, is discovered by Aurel Stein at the Mogao Caves near Dunhuang in China. It is said to be "the earliest complete survival of a dated printed book".

It is also the first known creative work with an explicit public domain dedication, as its colophon at the end states that it was created "for universal free distribution". via @wikipedia

The Diamond Sutra at PG:

#books #publicdomain

Just finisihed this & it's brilliant: Katalin Kariko's story of her life. She was convinced that mRNA therapies could work decades ago & did the foundation work, all while being ignored, never promoted & struggling for jobs.

Today, millions are vaccinated with mRNA vaccines & she has a Nobel prize.

It's a great story, and leaves a lot for the scientific system to think about. Highly recommended.

#books #mRNA #science #biography

1/? 🧵 My #Solarpunk Link Collection

I’ll use this post to collect Links to resources (and people) within the solarpunk movement.

Youtube Channels:…
Authors here on Mastodon:…
Free online stories I liked:…

#climatecrisis #art #activism #books #bookstodon

Nellie Bly completes her round-the-world journey in 72 days #OTD in 1890.

In 1888, Bly suggested to her editor at the New York World that she take a trip around the world, attempting to turn the fictional Around the World in Eighty Days (1873) into fact for the1st time. November 14, 1889, and with two days' notice, she boarded the Augusta Victoria, a steamer of the Hamburg America Line, and began her 40,070 kilometer journey. via @wikipedia

Nellie Bly at PG…


Lebanese writer, poet and visual artist Kahlil Gibran was born #OTD in 1883. He is best known as the author of The Prophet, which was first published in the United States in 1923 and has since become one of the best-selling books of all time, having been translated into more than 100 languages. His principal works in English (besides the above mentioned) are The Madman, The Forerunner, Sand and Foam, and Jesus, the Son of Man.

Kahlil Gibran at PG:…

#books #literature

La Biblioteca Nacional de España digitaliza 1.033 obras de 137 autores que pasan a dominio público este año

Leer más en Publishnews

#libros #books #Booktodon #Bookstodon #literaverso #literatura…

I found some more traveling libraries! These are from the Finnish Seafarers' Union from the 1920s and are, I believe, to be brought aboard boats. From (yes I am at work today) Flickr Commons. #libraries #books #finland…

I've read 51 books so far in 2023. That's fewer than last year, but still about a book a week:

Some of my favorite reading memories this year include book festivals in Kolkata and Berkeley, exploring new-to-me indie bookstores (Champaca, Borderlands, and Perelandra), writing gushing reader fan mail, and so many long walks powered by audiobooks.

Of of the books I read this year, here are the ones that will stick with me…


#Books #Bookstodon #NowReading #BestOf2023

Artificial Divide, edited by Robert Kingett and Randy Lacey (Audiobook Excerpt)

This is a preview of the digital audiobook of Artificial Divide, edited by Robert Kingett and Randy Lacey, available on at…

Artificial Divide
By: Robert Kingett, Randy Lacey, Alice Eakes, Anita Haas, Ann Chiappetta, Ben Fulton, Eunice Cooper-Matchett, Felix Imonti, Heather Meares, Jameyanne Fuller, Jamieson Wolf, Lawrence Gunther, M. Leona Godin, Melissa Yuan-Innes, Niki White, Rebecca Blaevoet & Tessa Soderberg
Narrated by: Nathan Frechette, Jameyanne Fuller, Alice Eakes, Anita Haas, M. Leona Godin & Niki White
Length: 6 hours 32 minutes

Step into a world of rogue screen readers, Braille in fantasy worlds, a friend meeting an acquaintance after several years, and more.

This #OwnVoices anthology features fiction by Blind and visually impaired authors showing readers how they thrive, hurt, get revenge, outsmart bullies, or go on epic adventures. Artificial Divide is an own-voices story collection that captures the many layers of Blindness and, for once, puts visually impaired protagonists in the driver's seat, letting us glimpse their lives.

When we think about it, we're not really divided.

"No man knows till he has suffered from the night how sweet and dear to his heart and eye the morning can be."

Irish novelist and critic, who created Count Dracula, Bram Stoker was born #OTD in 1847. Dracula is an epistolary novel, written as a collection of realistic but completely fictional diary entries, telegrams, letters, ship's logs, and newspaper clippings, all of which added a level of detailed realism to the story.

Bram Stoker at PG:…

#books #literature

Wow, what a wonderful book. The author is a discovery as well, mostly known for her best-seller "Saint X". But this is so much deeper with an amazing language and imagery. The narrator Ell Potter may also be known to some readers, esp. if you read Hamnet...…
#audible #literature #books #reading

Project Gutenberg partnered with Microsoft to make over 5000 new audiobooks.

They are freely available at

as well as popular podcast download sites. Read more about this effort, and see a video of Project Gutenberg CEO Greg Newby talking about it:…

#books #literature

The Sakya Monastery in tibet has a library comprising some 84,000 books. Most are Buddhist scriptures, but there are works of literature, history, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, and art. They date back centuries.

In 2011 they began to digitize the library. All books are indexed and about 20% have been fully digitized.


#Books #Library #Monastery #Tibet #History #Knowledge #Monks #Buddhism #Sakya

Mastodon has been an amazing source for #book recommendations. A few #books I've read since joining Mastodon that were excellent:

The High House by Jessie Greengrass…

The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber, David Wengrow…

Survival of the Richest by Douglas Rushkoff…

Factory Girls by Michelle Gallen…


Antiguos Retratos - Almudena Grandes

Uno de los recuerdos que tengo de su casa es la cantidad de libros que había por todos lados: en las paredes, en las mesas, apilados en el suelo...

#fotografia #photography #retrato #portrait #libros #books #AlmudenaGrandes

"The face, which, duly as the sun,
Rose up for me with life begun,
To mark all bright hours of the day
With hourly love, is dimmed away —
And yet my days go on, go on."
De Profundis (1862)

Elizabeth Barrett Browning died #OTD in 1861. Her work had a major influence on prominent writers of the day, including Edgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson. via @Wikipedia

Books by Elizabeth Barrett Browning at PG:…

#books #literature #poetry

This seems like a good time to plug my new novel. The Poisoned Chalice is Book 4 in the Sempronius Scipio series. This one covers the bloody events of the Year of Six Emperors, so Scipio has his work cut out, especially as he has to contend with devious Senators, murderous assassins & angry soldiers led by a vengeful Emperor.
The book is available from Amazon in paperback & Kindle formats.
#HistoricalFiction #Rome #Writing #Books

The fine folks at Electric Lit have an interesting list of novels by Arab and Arab Diaspora writers focused on the concept of the storyteller. Includes the exceptional Naguib Mahfouz and a whole lot of folks new to us.

Let the reading commence. #books…

🌈✨ Na na na na na na na…! ✨🌈 Are you playing We Love Katamari REROLL + Royal Reverie? Get a copy of my book on the making of the original Katamari Damacy featuring interviews with Keita Takahashi and learn all about how this magical game came to be!

📗KATAMARI DAMACY by L.E. Hall (Boss Fight Books), available at a bookseller near you

#Books #BossFightBooks #Katamari #KatamariDamacy #WeLoveKatamari #WeLoveKatamariRerollRoyalReverie #Games #VideoGames #RetroGames

5 book recommendations to help drive accessibility adoption and strategy:… by Phil Daquila via Deque Systems #books #a11y #prodmgmt

This is the best advice ever. #florida #books #life

description: black text on orange background: "Live so that if your life were turned into a book, Florida would ban it."