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Items tagged with: privacy

Microsoft is phoning home the content of PowerPoint slides…


#microsoft #privacy

Time for an #introduction. I've been involved in #FOSS and #Linux since the late `90s. My career started as a sysadmin, pivoting to security. I'm the President of @purism and work on hardware and software to protect #privacy, #security and freedom.

I've written a number of books ( and was a long-time columnist for Linux Journal magazine.

I have many hobbies including #weaving, refurbishing mechanical #calculators, #3dprinting, #brewing, and many other things.

@ericbuijs We have to be very careful about setting privacy expectations: there is no #privacy in the #ActivityPub protocol/#mastodon/the #fediverse.…

Bundestagsstudie: Grundrechtsschutz stößt mit digitaler #Überwachung an Grenzen…


Meta has created a tool that lets you check if they’ve scraped your phone number or email address from someone else’s contacts list.

It also lets you remove and block your phone number or email from their database. It’s hidden away in one of their help articles:

Source: Business Insider (…)

#meta #facebook #privacy

Wow, I really hope that’s not the default copy on the Mastodon web client.

The last thing we should be doing is perpetuating the myth that these things are boring and no one should care about them.

#privacy #mastodon #fediverse

CC @Gargron

Musk said the bird is free - meaning, it's HIS bird now and he's reading up on your twitter DM's.

We are working on a federated way out - and will ship it with #Nextcloud as it is too important not to. #privacy…

Erfolgreiche Abmahn-Kampagne: Tricksende Cookie-Banner gehen zurück…

#privacy #DSGVO

EuGH: Persönliche Daten müssen bei Bedarf gelöscht werden…

Und dafür muss man nicht selbst hinterher rennen: Hat ein Unternehmen die Daten weiter gegeben, ist es auch verpflichtet, den Löschauftrag "weiter zu geben". Nix Opt-Out.

#privacy #Datenschutz #DSGVO

Verpasst? Ohnoze! 😳 Als Trostpflaster gibt es hier die Folien:…

(und eine Ebene höher noch ein wenig mehr).

#Android #Privacy

Für Interessierte noch ein kleiner Reminder: Heute Abend gibt es wieder meinen (aktualisierten) Vortrag zum Thema "Wie kann ich Android Privatsphäre-freundlich betreiben?". Dieses mal habe ich auch eine Empfehlung für diejenigen, die sich gerade ein neues Android-Smartphone zulegen wollen. Details findet Ihr unter:…

#android #privacy

Do you spot the trick?

This is a cookie banner shown before using Google search in some countries.

"Reject all" is a straightforward option. It appears in the same size and color as "accept all." It uses bullets, simple and concise language, and visualization. It has links for further info. So far, so good.

But there is a trick. Do you spot what is it?

#privacy #cybersecurity #securityawarenessmonth #google

For one year already, Australian police can hack your device, collect or delete your data, or take over your social media accounts. Authorities around the world want to spy on our private data. We must fight for our right to privacy! 💪… #surveillance #privacy #Fight4Privacy

Sometimes the internet is really funny - or scary.

The Chrome browser is one example.

While you believe you are browsing the web, Google is browsing you instead.

Check out Leah Elliott's comic on how Google's tracking works:

#google #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #privacy #Fight4Privacy #tutanota

Privacy matters! "74% of people now rank data privacy as one of their top values".

We are proud to lead the privacy movement by having built a fully encrypted email service that truly respects everybody's #humanright to #privacy.

#Tutanota #privacymatters…

Zajímá vás soukromí? Jaký používáte vyhledávač? Několik let jsem používal primárně Duck Duck Go, potom Qwant Lite a aktuálně Ecosii. #privacy…

Crunchyroll blocks @Tutanota email addresses.



You’ve got nothing to hide so you’ve got nothing to fear, right?

“A Dad Took Photos of His Naked Toddler for the Doctor. Google Flagged Him as a Criminal.”

(Remember Apple was/is(?) going to implement this sort of scanning by default on all your devices.)

#BigTech #privacy #surveillance

I discovered new search engine called #Neeva Looks very interesting.

#privacy #search #ungoogle

#github is introducing tracking cookies. Have you moved your projects to #codeberg yet?…

#privacy #foss

And here we have someone calling for kids to give up (the sense of) #privacy for global age verification... Look, kids are curious and need social status, hence they will get on #socialmedia sooner or later, so will age requirements make them understand what they're getting into? But I do agree on building a platform better suited for kids... Maybe have supervised clubs at schools running #ActivityPub instances in closed federations (connecting nearby schools)?…

If you wanted to know why I'm thankful I don't need to replace my car, and if I did, it wouldn't be with a modern one, here's why: #privacy #bigdata…

we do not have unique-per-person tracking. These are generic so we can identify traffic from a particular platform or marketing campaign without identifying the individual who clicked them. Thank you for caring about #privacy!

Google Is Sharing Our Data at an Alarming Rate.
It transmits our locations and browsing habits 70 billion times a day to advertisers 😲…


“EU GDPR enforcement against Big Tech is paralysed by Ireland’s failure to deliver draft decisions on cross-border cases. Ireland’s failure to uphold the GDPR has allowed surveillance to remain the default business model of the digital world.”…

CC @noybeu

#gdpr #ireland #enforcement #privacy #facialRecognition #humanRights

NEW - It is a Librem 5 but with respectful manufacturing in mind 🌎 Meet the Librem 5 USA and order yours
#privacy #librem5 #librem5usa

OSINT: "The Internet Is Forever"

Featuring Internet Archive / WayBack Machine

#Video #OSINT #OSINT #Research #Journalism #Writing #Article #Tutorial #WayBackMachine #InternetArchive #privacy

Watch on #Peertube:…

Have you tried the LibRedirect browser add-on?

It automatically redirects you to FOSS, privacy-focused Alternative Front-ends of big-tech sites/non private platforms.

There are alternative front-ends to YouTube, Twitter, Medium, Instagram, TikTok, Reddit, etc.

Each of these sites has a list of Alternative Front-ends' servers which you can select for the service to redirect to. You can also add Custom Instances.

So, when you click on a YouTube link, say… it automatically redirects you to… for example.

Firefox Addon:…


LibRedirect git link:…

Do check it out, it's fun and has a lot of interesting sections in it.


We're in a horrible situation in the US, but I guess one silver lining is that some politicians are finally taking #privacy more seriously


Wow, Microsoft is apparently harvesting links in Outlook emails and indexing them on Bing.…

#surveillance #capitalism #microsoft #privacy #gdpr #email #bing

New #blog post: Two types of privacy. I define and compare the terms “Tracking reduction” and “Tracking avoidance”.


When qualifying privacy recommendations with context, I think we should go further than describing threat models: we should acknowledge different types of privacy. “Privacy” means different things to different people. Even a single person may use the word “privacy” differently depending on their situation. Understanding a user’s unique situation(s), including their threat models, can inform us when we select the best of approach. How do we choose between reducing a footprint’s spread and size?

Feedback welcome, now matter how insignificant.


Don't understand why people are talking about encrypted communication, or even where to start in how to think about that?

Here is a free, quickly read, and highly recommended novel to get started on changing one's thinking about encryption and privacy:…

#privacy #encryption #BigBrother

Feel free to boost for those who don't know.

🚨 :facebook: NEW: #Facebook is collecting ultrasensitive personal #data about #abortion seekers and enabling anti-abortion organizations to use that data as a tool to target and influence people online, in violation of its own policies and promises.

#privacy #surveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism #DeleteFacebook…


Normalize using end-to-end #encrypted (and ideally, ephemeral) communications.

Normalize not telling #Google everything you think, do, and say.

Do it now.

#privacy #security #surveillance…

"Frantic individual efforts to swat away digital intrusions will do too little. What’s needed, for all Americans, is a full legal and political reckoning with the reckless manner in which digital technology has been allowed to invade our lives. The collection, use and manipulation of electronic #data must finally be regulated and severely limited. Only then can we comfortably enjoy all the good that can come from these technologies."

#surveillance #privacy…

I don’t understand what the story is here. If the USB stick was properly encrypted, as the article appears to state, the data is not “lost”. The loss of the USB stick itself is incidental.

#data #encryption #privacy

Somehow I missed the option to tell ALL #iOS apps to screw off with tracking.

Disable this in Settings > Privacy > Tracking and you’re not even bothered with the dialog anymore, every request is just automatically denied. 👍🏻👍🏻

#privacy #iOSapps #tracking