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Items tagged with: FrontEnd

Front-end development’s identity crisis If you have this crisis (with modern web dev), then that's a good thing! #webdev #webdevelopment #frontend

This is why I don't do front-end dev:

#Javascript #FrontEnd #Programming

I am excited to be presenting an accessibility workshop for #InnovateUS. I will be focusing on taking a role-based approach for accessibility. Subject-matter experts (SME) have their role, but too often responsibilities in government are hardened and accessibility becomes someone else's responsibility. Taking a role-based approach can fix barriers earlier in the project's lifecycle.

#accessibility #ARRM #authors #frontend #visualdesign #government #DigitalGovernment

As a front-end developer, there are some things that jumped out to me in the recent screen-reader survey. I'll share a couple of them, but keep in mind that I don't typically use a screen reader myself. You can take a look at the results yourself at:

@frontend #a11y #accessibility #WebAIM #frontend

I wrote an article about how to make hastags accessible. Did some #ScreenReader testing with #JAWS, #NVDA, #VoiceOver and #Narrator, which was fun!

Pretty long one though, contains a bunch of tables for comparison. Enjoy the ride!

#accessibility #a11y #html #JavaScript #WebDev #frontend

Searched the internet for tips on using #Django with #Svelte, hoping specifically for guidance on incorporating Svelte components into Django templates. The first result is an article telling me how to ignore Django templates completely, move all #frontend development to #JavaScript in the form of an SPA, and turn my #backend into a REST #API. Turns out, things can depress you even when they're not surprising.

React community appears to be finally starting to see how maybe, just maybe, things are a little overwrought and oversold for an abstraction that ultimately derives HTML.

#webdev #frontend #strugglestack

This is very interesting: Web Sustainability Guidelines
#design #accessibility #frontend #inclusion

Please Disable JavaScript To View This Site from @heydon

#WebDev #FrontEnd #JavaScript #WebDesign

#Development #Outlooks
The end of front-end development · Things are going to change, but not in the scary way people are saying

#Job #AI #GPT4 #ChatGPT #ChatBot #WebDevelopment #WebDev #Code #Frontend #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #Skills #Productivity

Added a color theme picker to my site recently, using a progressive enhancement strategy.

If you're interested, I wrote an article on how I approached it:

#ux #frontend #development #html #css #javascript #userexperience #webdev

:cwy: What does it look like for the web to lose?
#openweb #webdev #frontend #pwa