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We're currently experiencing problems with our website, and hope to have them resolved soon. Our chat room, however, is unaffected. To get there, go to We apologize for any inconvenience these issues may have caused.

Your data is priceless. Protect it with Librem 11. Built for those who value both power and privacy.
#Librem11 #pureOS

In September, Denise will share her expertise on regulatory compliance in decentralised environments at The Matrix Conference!

🎟️ Grab your tickets at
🏆️ Secure a sponsorship package at

It is official: #RIPE89 in Prague will be hosted by #CZNIC with #CESNET as the connectivity sponsor. 😎

Great to see local companies participating. Hopefully there will also be enough local participants - so far only 8 are registered.…

Ich hatte hier vor einiger Zeit im Rahmen der letzten #TwitterExodus -Wellen auf andere Social Media Plattformen im Kontext des #Fediverse hingewiesen, u.a. auf Firefish.

Leider wurde da die Entwicklung eingestellt, aber der #Misskey -Fork #Sharkey ( ist dafür umso aktiver. (Wie alle anderen Projekte, die #ActivityPub nutzen, föderiert auch Sharkey problemlos mit #Pixelfed oder #Mastodon.)

Wer das mal austesten möchte: oder bieten einen einfachen Einstieg.

Was ich an der Software besonders interessant finde, sind die Funktionen "Antennen" und "Kanäle".

Je heterogener das Fediverse wird, was die verwendeten Plattformen angeht, desto weniger Sorgen muss man sich um das Erreichen einer kritischen Masse machen. Die lokale Timeline mag dünn aussehen, aber die föderierten oder globalen Timelines sind dafür aktiv.

in reply to Thomas Renkert🦞

wurde nicht eingestellt. kümmert sich derzeit vor allem um Bugfixes und Codecleaning.

Es gibt auch einen #Matrix Space

In the fresh report "Investing in #Rust" by Shane Miller yours truly is quoted several times.…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I scrolled through and didn't see compiled memory-safe languages mentioned. That is bordering on fraudulent. If memory safety is paramount concern, then why Rust and not Go or D?
in reply to Account: Computers

@pro I can spot two such languages mentioned in the first paragraph.

But more importantly: I am in no way associated with this report. No need to tell me this.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I write for my future self so I'm guaranteed an audience of at least one 😂
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

technocratic solutions do not solve a lot of problems eg. the same people (White house, etc) nary a mention of how to provide more financial support for open source activities ... open source development is superior to commercial but the lack of financial underpinnings means it can only go so far. That seems like a much larger problem to me then choosing 'language X over language Y'.

"I believe privacy and security are not mutually exclusive; in fact, privacy is an essential component of true security." I told Euronews in this interview on my "legacy of digital rights advocacy", covering also #ChatControl and #ePrivacy:…
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I did the drums on this track using #AddictiveDrums2 on a keyboard. I'm nobody's idea of a real drummer, but I can fake it pretty good.

So Glad You’re Mine by Troy Mitchell:…

This Matrix story just keeps getting worse.……

in reply to Senil 🍹

Hell, controls in general will test things beyond your imagination, and half the time lives are on the line.

A job I interviewed for on-site produces nuclear fuel rods. There is a river not far away. The nearby Hanford site alone threatens to leak 80 year old nuclear waste into the soil as its tanks threaten to fail.

No operation in that geographical area can go wrong. And if something does, it has to be resolved immediately. Soil can't be contaminated. Water cannot be polluted. If these sites fail, hundreds of thousands of people near the river & downriver could be hurt. That region hosts a ton of agriculture.

As stuff in this industry becomes increasingly connected to the outside world, protecting these systems from bad actors is even more critical. We rely on proven cryptography even more than ever now.

Yes Matrix is a chat system, but that fucking attitude pisses me off so much. I would get fired for letting that kind of thing happen. Who knows what someone could do if I let this happen.

in reply to Senil 🍹

"Nobody is obligated to buy from you. Nobody has to use your service. You can go out of business tomorrow if everyone just stopped buying from you."

I cannot in good conscience trust a company, a group, a project, that openly admits to ignoring something that they knew about years ago. What else do they know is a failure point that hasn't been found, that they maybe haven't addressed in years? How can anyone trust that they have their shit together after this? WHY should ANYBODY trust their claims now?

However neat I think Matrix is, this behavior alone is enough to convince me to never trust these people with anything. I know shit about crypto but I know a lot about critical infrastructure. If my former company fucked up hard, knew about the fuck up, and didn't do anything about it for years? I'd expect potential clients to never trust us again.

I will be taking my business elsewhere. I don't know where it might go, but it certainly won't be with anything involving Matrix or the team(s) behind it.

Your blog does not need frameworks built for SPAs.

Your e-commerce "experience" should be progressively enhanced (no, that does not mean "SSR+huge bundles")

Your news website is not "an app".

Part 3 of my series on how JavaScript fucked over US public benefits services is up, and includes a handy rubric for "should we React?"…

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reshared this

Tak už zase spolu. Návrat ztraceného #Wick 🤗
in reply to Wolf70 🐺🐺🐈🐈

Jo to i já, přeci jenom je to člen rodiny. Sice občas truhlík, ale je náš 😀😀
in reply to Archos

jo a taky nás dokážou někdy pěkně nas…no víš co😁, žejo 😁

Fact: I continue to *Love* Ableton Note.
A Very Hot Day…
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Andre Louis

you're right I love this! I'd probably try to edit in Live if anything. Also I don't know if I ever could make something this complex in Note lol
in reply to Talon

@talon Here you go, toss that on your phone and have fun if you like. Used all 8 scenes, could have gone longer haha.…

Small update! A few days ago I posted this piece on why ordering new nuclear power right now is probably a nuts idea, but that for diversification you might ponder it. But then it turns out the way we are procuring new nuclear power is just wrong. Lots of feedback has come in, which has mostly resulted in many more links to supporting materials being added to the post:…

Takže, v paralelnom vesmírne Erica Schmidta, môže za zaostávanie Googlu na poli AI rozhodnutie, že ľudia môžu pracovať z domu.

Takéto vyhlásenia sú zlé na tak veľa úrovniach, ako to je len možné a vedia ma dostať do vývrtky. Áno, než som toto napísal, musel som si napočítať do desať, opakovane, ináč by som sa znížil iba k jednoslovnému vulgarizmu.

Pracujem z domu viac než dekádu, coachoval som viacero kolegov a známych, ktorí behom toho obdobia (už aj pred pandémiou) postupne prechádzali na remote work. Sám som za tú dobu vystriedal množstvo interných pozícii smerom hore, či dokonca prešiel úžasným (externým) kariérnym skokom, takže smelo predpokladám, že som biznisu odovzdával nadpriemernú hodnotu.
Taktiež môžem povedať, že som týmto veľa získal v osobnom živote - týždenne ušetrené hodiny času, môcť vidieť, v priamom prenose, svoje deti vyrastať, flexibilita na starosti denného života... Je to na nezaplatenie a je to win-win.

Iste, nie je to pre každého, iste, sú aj ľudia, ktorí budú mať tendenciu takúto príležitosť zneužívať, alebo ju iba jednoducho a ľudsky nezvládnu. Adresovať tieto nástrahy je však úlohou managementu. A kto vedie management? Leadership!

Takže, ak Eric tvrdí niečo takéto, treba pozorne počúvať. Síce to znie ako, boli sme ňuňu dobrí na ľudí, a preto zaostávame, ale v skutočnosti tým hovorí - sme naprd leadri, s mizerným managementom, ktorí nezvládli svoju základnú úlohu - efektívne riadiť ľudí.

Ono, je tu však ešte tretia, najpravdepodobnejšie (uvidíme) možnosť: nedarí sa, spálilo sa mrte prachov bez adekvátneho vysledku, treba nájsť vinníka a ideálne zmienku ako zoštíhliť firmu, teda vyhodiť pár ľudí... ale keďže sme už ňuňu dobrí, my nikoho vyhadzovať nebudeme, my iba všetkým prikážeme návrat do office a oni odídu dobrovoľne... Rád by som sa mýlil, ale za posledný rok som takýchto pribehov videl už niekoľko.
Je tu však háčik - takýmto spôsobom sa firma zbaví predovšetkým tých šikovnejších, tých ktorí sú si vedomí svojich schopností aj pridanej hodnoty, bez toho aby strávili život v openspace... A viete čo - dobre im tak!

#ustrelilomidekel #somsaopustil #homeoffice #ericschmidt #google #alphabet

From: @zachklipp…

A bunch of #XMPP developers, including myself, will have a booth at #FrOSCon this weekend. Come say Hi and grab some merch.

Additionally the TroLUG devroom will host some entry level XMPP talks.

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"It didn’t matter what Joe Biden did – pull the country out of a pandemic ... tame inflation, grow jobs, grow wages, enforce anti-monopoly laws, revive every single one of the so-called 'left behind' counties that voted for Trump in 2016 because of 'economic anxiety' ... The press corps decided nothing was more important than his age, and lo! 2024 became an election about vibes and vibes ended his candidacy.

"Vibes are this press corps’ forte, not fact and substance."…

Our Membership Committee (MC) administers membership applications and renewals following the criteria defined in our Statutes. We would like to run “townhall” sessions with the candidates for this year’s membership committee election:…

Self-driving Waymo cars keep SF residents awake all night by honking at each other

Docela povedený podvodný e-mail. Vypadá skoro stejně jako oficiální zpráva od Hetzneru – nechybí ani profesionální styl a odkaz na konsoleH. Kdyby to nepřišlo na jinou adresu, možná by mě ani nenapadlo zkontrolovat odesílatele.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Picker is a simple app; give it a list of items and let it pick one out for you! It can help make decisions, picking from tasks you haven't started but really should, or it can help you decide what you want for lunch, picking from ingredients in your fridge! Once the app has selected an item, Picker gives you the option to copy it or even to remove it from the list entirely!

You can get the app on Flathub here:…

#gnome #apps #flatpak

I thought that Chats (GNOME Chatty) is an SMS app, but it actually supports Matrix and XMPP too. So I can join discussions on the postmarketOS Matrix server from postmarketOS devices. Cool.

#linuxmobile #postmarketOS #matrix #chat #gnome

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Fortunately I hear that one of the big benefits of distributed version control is that it does not rely on a central server and works even when some participants are offline, therefore I’m confident that this outage will have minimal practical impact on developers’ work today.

[touches earpiece]


From @ryanrandall:…

Ex-Google CEO says successful AI startups can steal IP and hire lawyers to ‘clean up the mess’…

Reminder that you can use AccessibilityAttributes on your AttributedStrings to have more fine-grained control over how assistive technologies interact with your Text, such as modulating the pitch or pronunciation #VoiceOver uses! #accessibility #iOS…

in reply to Sommer Panage

Thanks for this info! None of your fault, but gosh, this website is quite difficult to browse with VOiceOver! :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 ooooh that’s good to know. If you feel like filing a feedback I’ll certainly route it to the right team!

This is my favorite coconut water product. Just coconut water and coconut flesh, frozen in a bag. The next best thing is getting a young coconut on a Thai beach.

Keeps me going, what with all the terrible coconut water products here

On an especially hot day, taking this out of the freezer = having coconut ice slushy instead of water, which is also excellent…

#Food #tootsea

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

From Freedom Scientific:
Learn How to Access PDFs in Adobe Acrobat Reader with JAWS
Thursday, August 15, 12:00 PM Eastern Time…

Today I learned about `trurl`, which parses URLs using libcurl's library. I love little parsers like this, so handy!

prvá relevantná štatistika z Huawei hodiniek.. 30 je tam 😄
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mno to Desperado vám povím, dobré je.. všetko sa minulo tak im niečo kúpim, nesmiem zabudnúť
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

zvyknem teraz poslednú dobu sedieť a popíjať po práci na schodoch pred vchodom, môžem s kolegami ale ušetrí mi to kopec času a aj menej toho vypijem, plus po ut st stíham aj električku

edit: začalo pršať ale zatiaľ sa to dá a mám ešte jedno, veľmi príjemné

This entry was edited (3 months ago)