Being human includes making mistakes.
Demanding perfection - the absolute absence of mistakes under any circumstances - is, therefore, dehumanizing.
To selectively dehumanize a group of people, while demanding perfection on behalf of another group of people, is called oppression.
When this is done on the basis of race, it is racism.
When some queer uses a hashtag created by a queer to smear and harass another queer for some imperfection, this is dehumanizing and bad enough... but when the first queer is white, and the other two are Black, this is fucking racist.
And supporting this behavior, while deciding not to be critical, or spend any time learning the details, is also racist.
Here's the disappointingly inaccessible AirPods 4 reset procedure from #Apple:
1. Open the lid of your charging case.
2. Double-tap the front of the case while the status light is on.
3. Double-tap again when the status light flashes white.
4. Double-tap a third time when the status light flashes faster. When the status light flashes amber then flashes white, you can reconnect your AirPods.
people are told that equinox is the start of autumn and yet can't understand why it starts to feel like autumn weeks before. but if you go by the old calendars, equinox isn't the start: it's when autumn really comes into itself and is entirely its own season.
it used to be, in celtic countries but also elsewhere, that the quarter days — equinoxes and solstices — marked the mid points of the seasons, whereas the cross-quarter days marked their beginnings. the cross-quarter days are at the beginning of february, may, august, and november, and correspond to the modern/christian groundhog's day/candlemas, may day, lammas, and hallowe'en/all saints'.
but just like solstices and equinoxes, the cross-quarter days are specific astronomical points in the year and technically fall sometime during the first week of the month in question.
so northern hemisphere spring is born in february, when the wind begins to change and the air feels different sometimes. summer in may, when the world has truly come to life. autumn in august, when the wind changes again, and winter in november when the world begins to sleep.
this is why winter and summer solstice are traditionally known as midwinter and midsummer. and in china, this time of year is when the mid-autumn festival occurs.
so if the dates of the seasons have never really made sense to you, maybe this is why?
whatever you do, have a blessed and beautiful equinox. may we all find balance today, and rest in the darkness to come.
Today I refactored the code when sending files in FluffyChat. Now the app does not try to load all bytes from the files at once. It first checks the sizes and queries the max file size from the server.
Previously the app could even crash when picking a too large file. Especially videos. Now it is possible to pick large videos and let the app try to compress them, without the risk, that the app crashes.
This should make sending large files a much smoother experience.
Silicon Valley has a monopoly on the web. But we can make a difference by choosing privacy-friendly alternatives. Here are some ideas:
✅ Tuta Mail
✅ Tuta Calendar
✅ Firefox browse
✅ DuckDuckGo search
✅ OpenStreetMap
✅ Mastodon
✅ LibreOffice
What are your favorite apps?
Read more on how Google pays to maintain its #monopoly:…
Hope you consider adding Kagi Search to future lists! Ad-free, tracking-free and committed to protecting user privacy:
We share the same values as Tuta 😊
🚲 Rolling through life one pedal at a time.
Can you imagine a city with less noise and less air pollution?
Today we experienced it here in Brussels and in hundreds of EU cities on #CarFreeDay!
1929 cities from 43 countries are participating with a single motto: ‘Shared public spaces’ and show their commitment to cleaner and more sustainable urban transport during #MobilityWeek.
The BT Speak (, particularly in its "traditional" (non-GUI) mode, takes such an interesting approach to implementing a UI specifically for blind people.
From the mid 2000s until I got my BT Speak, I thought the only viable options were to either implement a screen reader for a GUI, or implement a fully custom UI designed specifically for speech output and whatever kind of keyboard or keypad the device supports. The BT Speak does neither. 1/?
reshared this
Decided to finally step off the "zero point something" versioning scheme treadmill for Amberol, and released 2024.1.
Fixed up a bunch of small issues that were tied up in my attempt at getting "1.0" out of the door, before realising that version numbers are complete fiction, and there's no reason whatsoever for an application to start out of "zero point" and reach the fabled "one point oh" status.
Trying out Tuba again and wow, I'm quite impressed! The login flow was as quick and painless as it gets, and the client feels quite polished.
Nezadařilo se.
Že tu mizernou náladu vychodím.
Nepovedlo se.
Jsem vytočená úplně do vrtule.
A s přibývajícími komentáři a prohlášeními se to ještě zhoršuje.
Na zbytek dne si ordinuju úplné odstřižení od zpráv a soc. sítí.
Jdu ven.
OOOO jak vám zavidim 😯 po tom mém zákroku jestě sportovat nemohu, a do toho ještě manžel od nekud přinesl nějaký moribundus, který me na 3 dny upoutal na lůžko s horečkami k 39. Už je to lepší, minimálně horečky opadli, ale nebyla bych to já, aby se mi do toho vytvořilo x oparu na rtu, kde vypadam jak po botoxu 😬a smrkani je naprosto luxusní 🤧😵
Snad už tahle posloupnost v nemocech půjde brzy k šipku.
Du denkst: „Ich finde meine Wahlbenachrichtigung nicht mehr.“ – Kein Problem!
Einfach mit dem Ausweis im Wahllokal vorbei, wir finden dich schon.
Und wenn du dein Wahllokal nicht kennst: Komm trotzdem irgendwo im Wahlkreis vorbei, wir finden deins dank Adresse.
products should come with information about energy and water consumption used in its production.
XX Liters of water and ZZ megawatts were used in the production of e. g. the simple bottle of water. or these sneakers. or this very forgettable AI image.
in the case of AI it should come with a warning that using and defending AI will make you look really stupid and irresponsible.
In der Anwendung von freier, offener und wirtschaftlich fair betriebener Software sehen die Lukis eine praktische Verbindung zur #Freiheit des Evangeliums und vieler Narrative biblischer Texte.
Das war auch an diesem Wochenende im Theologischen Seminar Herborn wieder zu spüren.
Ganz praktisch ging es z.B. um #GNUTaler, /e/OS, digitales in Kirchengemeinden, #Grist, #Matrix und Bots, #DeltaChat, #ElementX und die Server-Admin bei
Die Location war ünrigens einzigartig
#FediKirche #digtialeKirche #selbstbestimmtDigital#Linux #FOSS #OpenSource
Hey #matrixconf. I'm conducting a research study about how users experience interoperable messaging, e.g., via @matrix bridges, between different matrix clients, @onbeeper and mainstream apps, etc.
I'm looking for *users* that are NOT involved in the development of these clients/platforms.
If you know anybody that fits this criteria, could you invite them to get in touch with me for a ~30 minutes interview? My email is Thank you!!
Nedělní #birellovka
Holt místo gulášovky jsem dal Phó
If you havent done your #twim post yet at… then please do so asap :) We want to publish it eventually :D
They stole my voice with AI
Elecrow—an electronics company that makes Pi and ESP accessories—used an AI voice for multiple tutorial series which sounds _almost exactly_ like me.
I never consented to have my voice used to promote Elecrow's products.
@matrix ARe there any recordings of day 1 of the conference? The videos at:
Only seem to show Saturdays talks, not Fridays.
Would be even more awesome to see them on #Peertube.
All the session videos will be online in the next ~week or so, and one of our speakers will be generously mirroring them on PeerTube here:…
And we look forward to rolling out our own official PeerTube channel before MatrixConf 2025!……
in reply to Ivan Stloukal • • •