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@camerondotca @PatrickoftheG Can't vote for them now…
in reply to Stéphanie Pageau

il parle pas en Français cet ostie d'épais. WOKE c'est pas du Français!!!!!

(I love le Franglais, fuck the franco-fascists)

in reply to Dave Mac Farlane

@driusan you are like a republican voter that vote against their own interest doing so.

Le PQ veut foutre dehors tous les anglos aussi.
The PQ want to throw out all the anglos too.

in reply to Dave Mac Farlane

@driusan @d gives me nothing, you need two letters I think, and I often forget the dr. Actually, even dr gives me four other people before (who don't start with dr lmao). I need dri to find your autocomplete
in reply to Stéphanie Pageau

I have the opposite problem for you. at sté doesn't work, two letters max.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

her username doesn't have an accent. I suspect it's a made-in-Germany IT problem. I bet I could go full unicode with my made-in-Japan IT software.

I really, really can’t say enough positive things about server-side Swift. I literally had no backend experience before this year, but I decided to write the entire backend for AltStore PAL in Swift and after some initial hiccups (*cough* URLSession *cough*) it’s been remarkably smooth sailing. Plus I can still use Xcode to develop everything & cross-compile for Linux!

If you’ve been wanting to experiment with server-side Swift, there’s really no better time to start…

Excited to announce our partnership with @openuk

Together, we’re working to support and promote open technologies and green digital future! 🎉 👏

Keď tu nie je vedúca viete kto je? Áno manažér... ale už sa do tej pozície štylizujem. :kekw:
This entry was edited (16 hours ago)

Every time I have to deal with the libatspi C API, I want to bang my head repeatedly against the desk. The Python bindings around it moved from a "we're writing static bindings so might as well make them more idiomatic" to a big "let's fix the C API" layer, but nobody is fixing the C API because that would require breaking backward compatibility.

I'm not even going to touch the fact that it took more than 10 years to get the RPC interfaces to match the implementation…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Welcome to the RB family, OpenAthena™ 🥳…

OpenAthena™ is a project that enables consumer and professional drones to identify precise locations based on their images.

After getting rid of some Umlaut in a file name, the code did not only compile – but resulted in a reproducible build. So the new release that shows up in about 2 hours from now will have the green shield up :awesome:

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

These #InternationalStudents Wanted #Citizenship. #Canada Killed That Dream.

As Canada tries to staunch an overflow of temporary #immigration, tens of thousands of international students and recent grads may be forced to leave the country. Here are their stories.…


in reply to Ms. Que Banh

"For example, I’m developing a device for newborn care that monitors infants’ body temperature, skin colour, eye colour, weight and heart rate, among other factors, to track their health, particularly during those critical first few weeks of life. It could save lives. Think of how many other students have ideas and skills we can’t even imagine yet.

That’s why it’s so disheartening to hear some Canadians talk about international students like we’re parasites. I pay about $12,000 per semester in tuition—far more than Quebec residents do. I have a campus job as a kitchen supervisor to cover my expenses, and I live in a small two-bedroom apartment with a roommate. People like me are not responsible for Canada’s problems. But we can help solve them, contributing to the country’s cultural diversity, its economy, its innovation and its growth. And by bridging gaps between nations, we help build a more inclusive society for everyone."

#CDNpoli #InternationalStudents #BaitAndSwitch #PostSecondaryEducation

Why does this silly homework system insist on having at least one question a week like this?
is there a visual thing to learn, as a teen here, that actually writing "2.146". wouldn't provide?
It bothered me as a kid myself having to 'feel' analogue clocks, but I don't see interpreting the number in this way is any different to reading it from a screen in the first place?

So, stupid question. Does anyone know where the heck the Startup folder is in Windows 10? I can't remember.

exercise poll
People who do both: which do you think is a better exercise for maximum upper body engagement?

  • (weighted) push-ups (33%, 1 vote)
  • renegade rows (66%, 2 votes)
3 voters. Poll end: in 1 day

This entry was edited (18 hours ago)
in reply to Seirdy

I used to think that push-ups with handles for max extension, and with a heavy backpack, were peak upper-body but renegade rows trade some chest engagement for heavy lat engagement. and oh boy do they hit hard. In fairness, I’m newer to lat workouts so they’re probably a bigger bottleneck. i do both but i’m wondering which Fedi prefers.
This entry was edited (18 hours ago)
in reply to Seirdy


Sensitive content

in reply to Seirdy

re: exercise

Sensitive content

in reply to raphael

re: exercise

I used to do a pull-push split but now I usually do two splits. My primary split is an upper- and lower-body split. I split arm and torso/back concentration on alternate upper-body days.

on leg day, I can only do 7 or so sufficiently hard exercises with the limited equipment I have so I don’t bother splitting.

So it’s three sets of exercises. Every upper-body day mixes pulling and pushing but every muscle group only hits 100% once every 3-4 days.

This entry was edited (17 hours ago)
in reply to Seirdy

re: exercise

@gekitsu The reason I do this is partly because I don’t really have equipment to do a lot of push-based exercises. Our bed isn’t heavy; if I face away from my bed when I do a push exercise with resistance bands, I tend to drag the bed. No bench makes it hard to do presses with full motion.

Trying different variations of push-ups (elbows in/out, narrow/wide) seems my best bet for pushing right now (but I’m open to ideas!)

Manažérke dnes hovorím že tie moje vlasy si robia čo chcú...ona že, no šak to isté aj čo ich majiteľ. :kekw:

I'm happy to announce that I will be presenting about the #WebAlmanac for the December Boye & Co Member Call:…

Using the Web Almanac to Understand Trends with Mike Gifford

I will be talking about #CMS, #JavaScriptframeworks and of course #sustainability and #accessibility

10 December - Free with Registration

I'm still not sure how I feel about haptic trackpads on laptops. It's a mixed bag. For one, the ability to disable it completely from within Windows Trackpad options is nifty, then it just turns into a slab of pressable glass under your keyboard which has a slight spring to it. Ha.
On the downside, though, every time the speaker is at louder volume (and this laptop has 4, so I assume it's the bottom-facing wufers causing this,) the inside of the trackpad make a slight raddle sound, sort of like the old BrailleNote classics did with their singular speakers raddling the Braille pins, you know? OK, you probably don't, but either way it's not pleasant. Placing my hand over the trackpad will stop the noise, and again it's very slight and only at louder volumes, but still. The downside to a haptic trackpad.
This entry was edited (19 hours ago)

Hallo @Friendica Support ,
meine Instanz liefert seit vorhin Err 504 Gateway Time-out zurück.
Sie liegt bei Uberspace und der DNS-Eintrag funktioniert offenbar.
Die Datenbank scheint auch ok, ich habe gerade erfolgreich ein Backup davon erstellt.
Konsole und Performance auf der Konsole, Quota usw sind ok.

Die einzige Änderung der letzten Monate ist die Aktivierung des Addons Bluesky. Es lief bis gestern Abend sauber und hat drei Accounts von Bluesky in meine Timeline integriert. Mehr nicht.

Habe als erste Maßnahme gerade auf der Konsole versucht, das Addon zu deaktivieren, aber der entsprechende Befehl scheint das Addon nicht zu finden:
[... bin]$ console addon disable bluesky
[Error] Addon nicht gefunden

Der Befehl zum Auflisten aller aktiven Addons liefert auch nur eine leere Liste:
[... bin]$ ./console addon list enabled
| Name | Enabled |
| | |

Gibt es irgendwelche Ideen dazu, was ich tun kann?

in reply to SoNak

Du musst die Kommandos immer vom Basisordner aufrufen, d.h. bin/console ...
in reply to Michael Vogel

Ah, okay, danke Dir.

So funktioniert schon mal der 'disable bluesky'-Befehl - zumindest kommt keine Fehlermeldung.
./bin/console list enabled wirft allerdings die gesamte Liste aller Addons raus, obwohl ich nur einige wenige aktiviert habe.

Der '504' kommt immer noch. Es ist die Friendica 2024.06.

Kann ich über die Konsole irgendwie einen relevanten Status herausfinden?
./bin/console maintenance 1 bzw 0 funktioniert übrigens einwandfrei.

This entry was edited (19 hours ago)
in reply to SoNak

Ich hoffe, dass Du das Protokoll aktiviert hast. Da kann man eigentlich immer ganz gut sehen, ob das System Probleme hat.
in reply to Michael Vogel

Leider kein Protokoll mehr, nachdem die Instanz seit langem unauffällig lief.
Kann ich das Protokoll (trotz "Ich hoffe...") manuell irgendwo einschalten?
in reply to SoNak

Ich glaube, dass man das per Konsolenkommando machen kann, aber ich kann im Moment nicht nachschauen.
in reply to Michael Vogel

Der Fehler ist behoben, aber das Konsolenkommando zum Einschalten des Friendica-Protokolls wäre bei Gelegenheit trotzdem von Interesse.
So für das Befehls-Archiv.

Fehler offenbar behoben :-)

Habe aufgrund Deines Hinweises mal das PHP-Log von Uberspace aktiviert. Das dauerte sehr lange und hatte schon durchs Einschalten dutzende ERRORs im sehr langen Logfile.
Dann auf die PHP-Version auf 8.1 umgestellt und erneut das PHP-Log aktiviert. Drei Zeilen im Log und "ready to handle connections".

Laut History war zuvor PHP 8.0 aktiviert und war wohl Ursache des Problems. Irgendetwas muss vergangene Nacht bei Uberspace verändert worden sein.

Die Instanz läuft nun wieder erwartungsgemäß und Deine Hilfe bei der Konsole hat mich auf die Spur gebracht.
Vielen vielen Dank dafür!

in reply to SoNak

@SoNak @Michael Vogel gaaaz simpel ;-)

bin/console config system debugging zeigt den aktuellen Wert der Einstellung an, 0 bedeutet kein logging, 1 bedeutet logging. Wenn du den gewünschten Wert als vierten Parameter übergibts änderst du die aktuelle Einstellung, also zum Aktivieren des Protokollierens bin/console config system debugging 1.

in reply to SoNak

...auch im Maintenance-Mode kommt der '504'.
Dann liegt das Problem wohl woanders, oder?
in reply to Michael Vogel

Fehler offenbar behoben :-)

Habe aufgrund Deines Hinweises mal das PHP-Log von Uberspace aktiviert. Das dauerte sehr lange und hatte schon durchs Einschalten dutzende ERRORs im sehr langen Logfile.
Dann auf die PHP-Version auf 8.1 umgestellt und erneut das PHP-Log aktiviert. Drei Zeilen im Log und "ready to handle connections".

Laut History war zuvor PHP 8.0 aktiviert und war wohl Ursache des Problems. Irgendetwas muss vergangene Nacht bei Uberspace verändert worden sein.

Die Instanz läuft nun wieder erwartungsgemäß und Deine Hilfe bei der Konsole hat mich auf die Spur gebracht.
Vielen vielen Dank dafür!

in reply to Bionk

Das war zwar wirklich herumstochern im Nebel, aber oft reichen grobe Indizien, um ein Problem einzugrenzen. Von Beginn an war da das Gefühl, es liegt in der Infrastruktur begründet. Daher auch zunächst die Tests bezüglich DNS, Quota usw.

Es brauchte nur den passenden Funken - Logfiles. Ich arbeite einfach zu selten auf dieser Ebene, um von selbst darauf gekommen zu sein.

Zeit für den zweiten Versuch eines Liberapay-Kontos. Hatte bei einem früheren Versuch 2021 keine Einzahlung hinbekommen oder einfach das Prinzip nicht verstanden.

Do you know a business still using a #Gmail address? Tag them here!

Because using your own domain has never been easier.📨 👇…

A few reasons your business needs a custom domain:

⭐Ensure professionalism
⭐Build credibility and trust
⭐Increase brand awareness
⭐For best security

This entry was edited (19 hours ago)
in reply to Tuta

my school uses the domain it's Gmail and they blocked mure a so I gotta use now

Always fun to find hard-coded pixel values for font size and height and the git blame shows a commit message of “accessibility fixes”.

My commit message will be “fixing accessibility fixes” 😅

This entry was edited (20 hours ago)

Real time collaboration software and text boxes that rapidly save drafts to the cloud essentially log your fingerprintable typing behavior. The industry refers to this information as “keystroke dynamics” or “typing biometrics”.

Other modern “operator signatures” are easier to minimize. A user can learn to obfuscate writing style, or can use keyboard navigation with different pointing devices to limit fingerprinting of mouse behavior.

Keystroke biometrics are difficult to anonymize without installing software such as kloak or browser extensions (the latter of which may add fingerprintable vectors) designed to cloak some of your typing habits. Signature typos, approximate typing speed, etc. will still leak. Alternatively, we could normalize typing messages out in a simple offline editors that don’t store revision history before pasting them into other input fields.

Originally posted on See Original (POSSE). #Privacy #Anonymity

This entry was edited (20 hours ago)

reshared this

in reply to Seirdy

Updated the link to kloak to point to Whonix’ more active fork.

What a refreshing story! I imagine many of us here owe a great deal to @libreoffice a software suite that has freed us from the grip of the document monopoly, thus broken our dependency on the fate of a single company.
If you're curious about how LibreOffice became what it is today, I highly recommend watching this in your spare time:

#LibreOffice #FOSS #DocumentFreedom

This entry was edited (23 hours ago)

Absinthe is back, says The Observer. The emerald spirit – beloved by “history’s most bohemian creatives, from Oscar Wilde to Vincent van Gogh” – was nicknamed the “green fairy” thanks to its supposed hallucinatory properties (possibly something to do with its whopping 70% alcohol content). In 1915, French officials banned the drink for almost a century, but an EU rule change overturned the ban, and in recent years the harsh-tasting liqueur has become something of a staple at in-the-know bars.
in reply to Col

Me and a few friends had a night on the absinthe once.

One thing we noticed was that it made us incredibly flatulent. Being the mature grownups we were at the time, we decided it'd be funny to let rip into jars, and seal them up.

Anyway, next day, in my jar, there was a tiny motorbike- a replica of the CRF1100L Africa Twin.

Unbelievably, this is a common occurrence, and all the bikes came from the same manufacturer.

Turns out that absinthe makes the fart grow Honda.

dream, racism, historical inaccuracy, strangeness, long post, anti-black and anti-Irish prejudice

Sensitive content

Apple released emergency security updates to fix two zero-day vulnerabilities that were exploited in attacks on Intel-based Mac systems.…

Úloha z Angličtiny odoslaná a teraz mám pocit že som bez úloh, ty vole konečne.
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Neviem prečo to toľko odkladám, mal by som tie úlohy robiť hneď len mám z toho stres zbytočne.

📖 “Quebec to cut Montreal commuter rail lines by over 50%, another backward move by the CAQ”…


in reply to Jack-Frostodon

@JamminJerry ooooh this is super, super amazing news, gosh, gonna throw this on to my s22 right nowwwww OMG
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg I can already think of suggestions, but this is super awesome that it has finally happened. I will tell you you do have to adjust your speed inj the general tts aria. they don't ahve a speed thing yet in the actual app, and I had to put it at 78 percent just to get it at almoost a normal rate, but like I said, this is alpha. I am sure there will be lots of changes being made kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkksoon.
in reply to Jack-Frostodon

@JamminJerry lol as bad as it is, it's making me wonder if we could get it ported on iOS too just as we have the ESpeak one, but it's an entirely different beast there and Android needed more of the TTS options with as stale as some of the engines were going.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg @JamminJerry And with Optispeech in development, we'll have a better, definitely more future-proof alternative to Vocalizer for those seaking a human-like speech engine that's actually responsive.
in reply to Jack-Frostodon

@Tamasg oh boy! I think I might have found a phone that the dec-talk doesn't like. lol. just tried to change from google tts to dec-talk on the smart vision 3, and it is like the whole phone froze. lol. touch screen isn't working, and even the arrow keys are not working at all either. woopsy! lol.
in reply to Jack-Frostodon

@Tamasg note to self, the micro dec-talk will not work on the smart vision 3. not only does it not work, it completely breaks talkback.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry oh noooo. If you have ADB access to the phone by chance you might be able to remove the package via the PM command and then it should revert your TTS to the default installed one
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg C:\adb>adb devices

* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *

* daemon started successfully *

List of devices attached

KAPUS200032 unauthorized

in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg I don't see how I can authorize it, as I would have to do that on the phone, and I don't have speach to do that. lol.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry oof yeah, that's quite a pickle to be in right there. Sometimes I've "blindly" tapped the bottom right corner of my screen which accepted it, but it's such a hit or miss type situation then.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg ok, I think I got it authorized. here is what I see now.
C:\adb>adb devices

List of devices attached

KAPUS200032 device

in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry hmm. You'd first need to find the exact package name (unless Jack knows this) - type:
adb shell pm list packages | grep "micro"
Then you can do an adb uninstall with that package name after words.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg yeah, sadly I can't really list them as I am sure it would scroll off the screen, and that wouldn't be very helpful trying to find it.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry well, the "grep" part there at the end filters through for you, so in theory it should only show packages that have the word micro in their name. You can play around if nothing comes up with other names like "dectalk" in case the package name isn't exact.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg here is what I got when I tried to do that.
C:\adb>adb shell pm list packages | grep "micro"

'grep' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

in reply to JamminJerry

ah darn. that's right, it's windows being Windows. you'll have to separate them (so do adb shell first, then hit enter, and the other part of the command after)
You can just type exit after to go back to the command prompt and do adb unstall like normal with that package name.
This entry was edited (21 hours ago)
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg C:\adb>adb shell

SmartVision3us:/ $ pm list packages | grep "micro"

pm list packages | grep "micro"


SmartVision3us:/ $

in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry ah amazing, the text of success. Then you can just do exit and an
adb uninstall com.bytesizedfox.microdectalk
to get rid of it :)
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg oh dear. I think something really broke. I just tried pressing and holding the volume keys to get talkback on, and I got a notification sound, but still no talkback. oh boy.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry wow hmm. Maybe it needs a full reboot? In theory it should revert you to the last enabled TTS (or a default one like Pico / Google TTS if those came with the system)
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg what if somehow I get the latest talkback installer, and somehow install it using adb? could that work, or would that break things even worse? I mean I would somehow have to get the installer for talkback, but yeah.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry yeah, I think sites like apkmirror do host the files for the accessibility suite, unfortunately you'd need to know if you have a 32 or 64-bit chip (most times these days that's arm-64) and grab the right apk file for it. I'm in a work meeting else I would xD
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg oh it's all good. at least I have talkback back. I am rebooting the phone to make sure talkback comes up, but there you go.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg we learned a valuable lesson here today. don't install the dec-talk tts on the smart vision 3 or you will really screw things up. lol. if you are still going to try messing with the dec-talk on the smart vision 3, make sure you have ADB connected, and aloud on the smart vision 3 before installing dec-talk so that if it does what it did to me, you can at least uninstall itk, and get talkback working normally again. lol. I did get it to talk once, when I pressed and held the volume keys to turn talkback on or off, but only once did it say anything at all.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry lol! Super glad you got it working! Wish we could debug exactly what's happening with that phone, in theory things should work since it has both 32 and 64-bit libraries, so maybe certain Cotlin-based apps don't play as nice on older Android versions. Was looking at it though and love how minimally it's built.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg @JamminJerry Works great on the braille sense for everything and sense player for third party apps that use android tts. I am finishing my demo tomorrow showing why we need android tts support throughout the sense player.
in reply to Jay Pellis

@jpellis2008 @Tamasg I can tell you right now, I don't see the whole third party tts thing going anywhere with the sense player. they will just tell you it is a multimedia device.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry @jpellis2008 sadly maybe not. They treat it differently from their BrailleSense 6 a bit which is a shame, and maybe that's on purpose, who knows. This is good news though as it does mean it'll work with the BS6 which I do have to test it out on with Android 12 there.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg @jpellis2008 well like I just told him, it isn't going to happen. they won't do itl. if I am wrong in the next 18 months, I will give him 15 bucks.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry @Tamasg And that is exactly why it is needed and I will be pointing that out. If it was hard for them to actually implement it I would agree with you but it isn't, just backport from the braille sense. I assume it might literally take seconds to change the code.
in reply to Jay Pellis

@jpellis2008 @Tamasg I will tell you what. if I am wrong, and with in the next year and a half if they actually make it to where you can use what ever ttws you want on the sense player, I will pay you 15 dollars. no it isn't much, but there you go. I am telling you it isn't going to happen.
in reply to Jay Pellis

@jpellis2008 @Tamasg they could, yes. they could have done it way back when I talked to them three different times about it. they didn't, and they won't.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry @jpellis2008 lol I think the issue is that the Sense Player is not Play certified like the BS6, and to them this makes enough of a difference to class-distinguish it. I still can't get why they couldn't play certify a device at that price unless it's hardware related though, but it may be why they locked down shell and settings so much on that.
in reply to Tamas G

I am also pointing out in my demo that this has nothing to do with any certifications as I have the braille sense signed out of all google services so it acts as if it isn't certified.
This entry was edited (18 hours ago)
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg @jpellis2008 as much as that thing costs, they could have done the play services no problem. for what you pay for that thing, they should have built a better body for it too. hell! the victor is cheaper, and doesn't do anywhere near as much, but it is built a lot more stirdy than the sense player, and what in the hell is it with the microphones on the wrong side? not only that, why is the monitoring recording so shitty? seriously? I mean come on!
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg ok, it works. it works. meaning talkback is talking again. I don't know why it didn't say it was avaialble, but I have talkback once again. lol.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg oh wow! I think talkback got totally hosed! so I just pressed the google assistant button, and said, "turn on talkback." I just heard from google that talkback isn't available on your device. this isn't good at all!
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg @JamminJerry gonna chuck this on my samsung, what's the worst that can happen lol

"When cis people try to understand what it is to be trans, I think they often try to imagine what it would feel like to want to be 'the opposite sex'. What they should be trying to imagine, instead, is how it would feel to wake up and find that the whole world insists they *are* the opposite sex. That would be a much closer scenario to how it feels to be trans." Sage

#TransAwarenessWeek #Transgender #Trans #LGBT #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #Queer

Tieto Vianoce by som chcel robiť to čo minulé... nič a piť víno. Ty vole ako keby to bolo včera.

New OSM tool (to me):

It is an easy way to see where lights are already mapped, and what still needs to be covered. I do believe MapComplete has one as well.


in reply to end0fline

Correct: our street light map is here:…?

Feel free to tag us on your future posts!

Jako je moc fajn, že #Bluesky profily maj RSS feedy. Já jen, že #Twitter je míval taky a jak to dopadlo… 😄 Asi bych ani RSS, ani nebral jako samozřejmost.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Radomír Žemlička

přesně. Veřejně dostupné příspěvky, bridge na kde co i rss twitter míval. Ale jen do té doby než se začlo tlačit na monetizaci. Nepoučitelní...

Continuing on my journey to switch to Windows Terminal, I want my various terminals to have separate pinned icons on the taskbar so I can get to each one quickly with Windows+number. Nothing I do seems to allow me to do this. There are command line arguments to focus a specific tab in a specific window, but that doesn't help with the initial launch where you need to specify a command line. This all worked just fine with conhost and various shortcuts. 😩
in reply to Jamie Teh

I found a very ugly, not at all intuitive way to do it:
1. Create a shortcut which starts the terminal with the desired command line, specifying a unique window name with the -w option; e.g.:
wt -w wsl wsl.exe ~
2. Create another shortcut which focuses the first tab in the same window name; e.g.:
wt -w wsl ft -t 0
3. Pin the second shortcut to the taskbar, but not the first. You can then delete the second shortcut from wherever you created it if you like.
4. When you want to launch it, you'll have to use the first shortcut. However, once launched, you can use the pinned taskbar shortcut to switch to it.
in reply to Jamie Teh

It took me a while just to figure out how to create a simple shortcut to open a specific Windows Terminal - mainly so that I could open a WSL Terminal at a specific folder without navigating to it.

I tested pinning one of those just now, but as you note, my shortcut doesn't manage new vs multiple tab instances.

Windows Terminal keeps improving and sometimes surprises me as I continue to learn more neat things about it, but it definitely still has some awkward quirks!

“Cyber Monday” is notable as one of the few surviving coinages that contains the forgotten English word ‘cyber’, an archaic term for sexting.

Today is one of those days I am forever grateful I have my Tom Baker scarf for walking the dogs. #snow #DoctorWho…

"In his new book, Supercommunicators, the journalist Charles Duhigg writes that one of the most common sources of conflicts in relationships is when partners don’t agree on the type of conversation they’re having. Some conversations are practical: Let’s solve a problem together. Others are emotional: Let’s talk about and understand our feelings. Many fights mistake practical for emotional conversations, and vice versa."

This entry was edited (1 day ago)