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One of the most prominent nazis in America boasting that his fellow travelers are in JD Vance's social circles. He's absolutely correct.

Vance’s veep nomination makes it obvious that what was once called the “alt-right” has taken over the Republican party.

This group of reactionaries is far more intelligent and far more extreme than any previous Republican influx group like the Tea Party.

We're in dangerous times.

If you're mad about Google killing short links all over the Internet, and are saying things like "let's scrape it all before it goes down", I suggest checking out…. Some chaotic good people are well ahead of you in terms of planning, and have a VM image you can run to lend some compute and bandwidth to the effort. It's like SETI of old, but for praxis against internet vandals like Google.


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

So does @Tutanota have any pledges to not jam AI garbage into their products? Asking for a disgruntled #Protonmail user.

Dear sighted girl on the 2 train: thanks for explaining that my guide dog is trying to lay down! I was worried there was a black hole in the floor sucking her inexorably down against her will. Super relieved it's just her usual post-vacation behavior — before you intervened, i wasn’t sure whether to call the MTA, the dog trainer or NASA

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Very interesting article on The Straits Times regarding anti-Chinese disinformation campaigns in Singapore by anticommunist fraudster Guo Wengui:…

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Viernes. Echándole un vistazo a los planes de calidad.

Sächsische Behörden: Grundkurs Rechtsstaat nicht bestanden saechsischer-fluechtlingsrat.d…

🔐 C++ Must Become Safer — Andrew Lilley Brinker — Software Supply Chain Security

「 If a cheap-to-maintain legacy system is faced with the proposition of an expensive rewrite, it may instead be eliminated. The externalities of this kind of change are difficult to consider in advance and in general 」…

#C #CPP #Rust #MemorySafety #Infosec

Krásné dobré ráno mastodoníci! 🙋‍♀️🐕🐈
Už jsem vám tady psala, že náš dům je trošku zvláštní, že?
Tak občas vypadá, jako něco extra. 😁😁
Taky má obrovskou půdu, dělenou přepážkami na dvě poloviny. Jedna půlka je v pohodě, na druhé se necítíte moc dobře. 😁😁 Je tmavší. Dcery národa se tam bojí a nechce se jim tam chodit věšet prádlo. Nepřispěl k tomu ani nález starého zrcadla, otočeného ke zdi. 😁😁😁
Taky se občas bojíte rádi?👻

Přátelé #fediverse, rád bych vám připomněl, že se bude konat 2. sraz uživatelů Mastodon v Karlových Varech!
🗓️ Datum: 15. srpna
⏰ Čas: 17:00
📍 Místo: Národní dům, Karlovy Vary

Připojte se k nám na příjemné setkání s ostatními nadšenci! Budeme sdílet zkušenosti a diskutovat o všem, co se týká Mastodonu. Těšíme se na vás!
#MastodonSraz #KarlovyVary #mastopivo

Krásné páteční #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse. Hned po ránu jdeme na dentální hygienu, ale samozřejmě bude i páteční #cyklovýlet.
Musím se pochlubit, koupil jsem na kolo od Garminu nové pedály :flan_hearts:. Už se těším, až dorazí. Sice to byl ranec za dva pedály, ale občas si člověk musí dělat radost :-).
Taky moc děkuji za cenné rady @pavelkout.

I don’t know why, but I keep coming back to this tune created by Suno #AI with just a simple “Hello, world!" prompt. It just sounds so, like, what, Scorpions or something like that? :)

Jamie Teh reshared this.

Reply to Google Now Defaults to Not Indexing Your Content by Vincent Schmalbach

Selectivity is long overdue. Marginalia, Stract, and Teclis feel like a breath of fresh air for broad short-tail queries because they downrank or skip pages full of ads, trackers, scripts, and even SEO. However, Google’s selectivity can’t penalise such criteria as that would conflict with its ad business.

Google has a bias against new sites. This makes sense, given their spam potential. I disagree with your argument that a bias against new sites is a pivot away from Experience, Expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (EEAT): it takes time for a website to become an authority and earn trust. If delayed indexing of new sites is wrong, then the problem lies with EEAT. I argue that EEAT is a good framework for an answer-focused engine, but a bad framework for a discovery- or surfing-focused engine like Marginalia or Wiby, respectively.

Originally posted on See Original (POSSE). #Google #SearchEngines

Seirdy reshared this.

In-Process is out! Featuring all the news on NVDA 2024.3 Beta 4, the add-on update notification feature in NVDA 2024.3, thanks to Intopia (& all our corporate sponsors) and a look at jumping between paragraphs! Check it out here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #ThankYou #Intopia #Navigation #Beta #Prerelease #FOSS #Software #blog

An #Uber driver refused to transport me from the Cosmopolitan Hotel to the airport on my way home from the #DisabilityIn conference because I am blind! I have already reported the discrimination with Uber. I am also reporting the incident to the Las Vegas Police Department and I will also be contacting the NV Attorney General's Office. Does anyone have any other ideas on how I can call additional attention to this incidet so we reduce the likelihood of it's being repeated? #accessibility #blind

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i’ve thought about it carefully and at length and i have concluded that i would be uniquely suited to a life of luxury and extravagance

"Today, the time has come to turn off the serving portion of Google URL Shortener."

No, you absolute shitheads, it's not just "the time." There's no immutable reason here other than your own disgraceful attention span.

If you create a link-shortening service, you owe it to the Internet not to just turn it off after a mere decade; even more so if you purport to have a mission "to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful."…

Ah joy ... Google is turning off its URL shortener and breaking every link that ever used it:…

A quick search on…

...turns up about 19,000 messages with affected links. That's a lot of history that is going to become harder (or impossible) to find.

in reply to Nep (Travis) Smith

"Well it's your fault for relying on..." ..on what, on one of the largest, richest companies ever to exist?

On the company that publishes that it is "Committed to significantly improving the lives of as many people as possible"?

On a company that is so synonymous with the internet that it's a verb and it has its own TLD?

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Nep (Travis) Smith

But yes, actually.

Google has shown over and over and over again that it simply cannot be trusted to build things that it will maintain.

There's a whole site devoted to things they've scrapped.

It's not just that Google gets rid of services. It's the collateral damage.

Example: The Google Domains shutdown has resulted in folks losing control of their domains to spammers and phishers.

Killing your products -- reasonable. Killing other people's work -- despicable.

What are some applications designed from the ground-up to be non-visual first? I am aware of emacspeak and speechd-el on the emacs side of things, and I’m aware of edbrowse (ed(1) on steroids with textual browser capabilities to browse the web with a line-based editor).

Ideally applications that feel more like well-crafted computing environments that people can spend long periods of time in.

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in reply to Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺

I have absolutely no idea. I can call a friend so to speak, to send here the installer information, but I dk if it's worth it, or if it even works anymore
in reply to the esoteric programmer

Looks like it works, but it's not even worth it, because the website isn't in English, soo sucks.

Jsem odvápňoval vnitřní střeva Geberitu - napouštěcí ventil.

A experimentálně jsem ověřil, že ten plast vodu 100˚C nevydrží 🤦

Na štěstí zrovna Geberit má ty náhradní díly i po 15 letech pořád stejný a dostupný, tak už jenom díky tomu se to tenkrát vyplatilo.

Ale zlobim se na sebe, taková blbost tyvole!

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I once ran my own personal URL shortener but eventually killed it because it wasn't that useful, but I kept the links working, and in fact they still work _to this day_ because I converted them from a dynamic PHP web application to a little list of nginx URL redirects.

Google have comparatively infinite budget and can't figure out how to be a respectful web citizen.…

Ah joy ... Google is turning off its URL shortener and breaking every link that ever used it:…

A quick search on…

...turns up about 19,000 messages with affected links. That's a lot of history that is going to become harder (or impossible) to find.

this is not the browser you're looking for.

Google would never kill their URL shortener. Would they?

Proton Mail is now AI bullshit. Pass it on.…

Please boost.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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in reply to Dr. Matt Lee

“If an organization runs a survey in 2024 on whether it should get into AI, then they’ve already bodged an LLM into the system and they’re seeing if they can get away with it”

@mattl sweats in Fedora AI/LLM survey.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

There has been a misunderstanding over what link shorteners shortened. In turns out to have been their lifetime, not their length.

My main instance is down, and I am unsure if it will return, so I cannot transfer my followers, so boosts would be helpful! I am a Blind Romance writer, #Accessibility advocate, and more! I do a lot of digital community work and love reading audiobooks. I still do penpals, the snail mail way! I detest #AI but love eating international candy! #Introduction #Introductions
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

Welcome! Can’t wait to learn more about your work. Make sure you save your private key. You can use it to log into any other Nostr app. Some of the web ones require a chrome extension for authentication. Once you log in - all of your follow and fillers will be available.

My new narrated audio fiction project An Invisible Sun launches on August 1st!

Go to to hear the teaser, subscribe on your fav pod app, and get more information!

But if you can't wait, members of my Patreon can hear the episodes early and ad-free!

I hope you'll listen!

#audiodrama #audiofiction #fiction #podcast #fictionpodcast #sff #specfic #writingcommunity #writing #indie

You don't need to use link shorteners on Mastodon. All links count as 23 characters towards your posts's maximum size, no matter how long the link really is.

By avoiding link shorteners, you are also protecting people's privacy and reducing the risk of link rot.

(There is a bug on the official iPhone/iPad app that means links are counted as their true length instead of 23, which is yet another reason to switch to a third party app such as Ice Cubes or Mona or Ivory.)


This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

p.s. People asking "Why 23 characters?", it's because a long time ago on Twitter links were counted as 23 characters by Twitter replacing all posted links with their own link shorteners (which meant Twitter could track what people clicked). These shorteners were always 23 characters long.

Mastodon provided a more privacy-friendly alternative to this by leaving the links intact without a shortener, but still only counted them as 23 characters.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Fedi.Tips

p.p.s. Google announced today that they are shutting down their link shortener service From 2025, shortened links will no longer work:…

This is why link shorteners cause link rot, because eventually link shortener services close down, even ones run by megacorporations, and all their links break.

Your link will survive a lot longer if you avoid using shorteners. You don't need shorteners on Mastodon, all links count as 23 characters anyway.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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It's just about time for the #GUADEC2024 pre-registration party! If you're in Denver, make sure to stop by Tivoli Brewing Co. to grab your badge and meet up with #GUADEC attendees!…

Technical FediMeta, spam
Akkoma has an optional “HellthreadPolicy” to ignore mentions in a post with over N mentions, and to reject the post entirely if it has over M mentions. Admins who enable the policy can set both M and N. How would you feel about a policy that applies this logic to hashtags? #AskFedi
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Seirdy

@pancakes i suppose if we combine it with a UI that warns of other instances dropping hashtags when posting with more than a maximum number of hashtags, it could work for local users.

Talking to an Expedia #AI bot. Man, are these things stupid! :) I still get transfered to a human agent who seems to be doing a much better job.... So far... :)

Congratulations to our newest NVDA Certified Expert, Victor-Daniel Dima!

If you'd like to become an NVDA Certified Expert, you can sit the exam for FREE here:

(There is a cost to receive the certificate, with all money helping keep NVDA free for all!)

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Certification #Qualification #Study #AmStudying #Exam #Leadership #Technology

Home Landline Phones Are Still Around, Here's Why You Might Need One…
in reply to David Goldfield

I fought tooth and nail against getting rid of my landline, but once I got my current high speed internet and the landline only worked when there was electricity, I saw no point. Enter the Blind Shell and my $8 a month Tello plan. I have physical buttons for making calls, kept my old land line phone number, and my bill is much lower; paying around $70 a month for 800 MB internet speeds and couldn't be happier. I still miss the old reliable land line, but it doesn't seem to exist in that form any more, at least not in my area.

Lots of yours truly in rotation on ACB Media 2, with no nasty compression artifacts now. All instrumental things.…

The Biden/Harris administration has released a tool — a first-of-its-kind software in partnership with the Department of Energy and HHS — that connects families to solar energy through the HHS' Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

Those enrolled in the program can see significant electricity bill savings, aligned with the National Community Solar Partnership goal of 20% in average household savings — the equivalent of $370 yearly per household.


"The EU’s #NGI programme has supported free, open source software for years. But now a silent death seems to be looming: An internal document suggests that financing may soon end. Developers are surprised and call for the programme’s survival."…


#curl macOS gcc / llvm build compatibility (and more) final patch landed, with write-up:…