Items tagged with: C


Items tagged with: C

What the hell is wrong with #Jabber? The two most important console clients, #Poezio and #Profanity, both released version 0.15.0 today. Same version number, same day, same first letter "P". Do you want to confuse us all?

At least Poezio is written in #Python, Profanity in #C/#Clang, i.e. there are some differences. Otherwise it would be too much.

@mathieui @profanity


Happy I Love Free Software Day! 💕

Unfortunately, this year I could not join nor organize any in-person celebration, BUT of course I want to share my gratitude to the many, countless #FreeSoftware services I don’t merely use, but actually depend on.

Last year, I decided to focus only on #YunoHost, because it would have been crazy to list all the projects I use and I love.

This time, even if I will most certainly forget someone, I am challenging myself to mention all the #LibreSoftware my life is powered by.

Without further ado, THANK YOU to:

  • @yunohost, for powering Nebuchadnezzar
  • @fedora, for running my beloved #Framework laptop
  • @frameworkcomputer, for designing and building repairable, #Linux-friendly and truly open hardware
  • @gnome and @GTK, for being just gorgeous
  • @calyxos (thus @LineageOS), for powering my #Fairphone5
  • #Obtainium, for making me directly download apps on my phone, and @fdroidorg for distributing them
  • #AuroraStore, for proxying the download of apps I am doomed to get from Google Play
  • @element, for developing #Synapse, even though the new proprietary Synapse Pro is VERY PROBLEMATIC AND DISAPPOINTING
  • #Fractal, for being the most beautiful and awesome #Matrix client ever
  • @signalapp, for keeping me connected with the people I love
  • @Mastodon, for also maintaining a feature-packed experimental fork (#GlitchSoc), that is what Pan runs
  • #Tuba and #Moshidon, for being the most beautiful and awesome #Mastodon clients ever
  • #Firefox, for still remaining the best possible #browser choice, despite #Mozilla’s governance messiness
  • @openstreetmap, for allowing us to find the right path, both literally and metaphorically!
  • @organicmaps, for being the simplest, cleanest, yet feature-rich #OSM client and navigation app
  • @protonvpn, for making me browse safely from/to anywhere in the planet and @protonprivacy #ProtonMail, for hosting my email, despite the latest alarming political statements…
  • @libreoffice, for allowing me to draft documents with ease, the last of which was my #CV
  • #LanguageTool, for preventing me from making embarassing spelling mistakes
  • @photoprism, for safely storing and indexing all my photographic memories, on Aby, and for providing stellar and friendly support too!
  • #Actual, for moderating the very likely risk of ending up completely broke, since it forces me to manage my finances consciously and coherently
  • @readeck, for storing and sorting ALL my varied and overwhelming inputs
  • @nextcloud, for storing and synchronizing my data, for its #calendar, its #tasks, and all its awesome apps
  • #Rustdesk, for preventing my friends and family members from going crazy, by allowing me to remotely connect to their devices and directly address the issues they have
  • #Listmonk, for sending out my newsletter
  • @eleventy, for powering all the websites I maintain, above all the virtual representation of my mind, and for being the only reason why I resist and try to continue learning #JavaScript
  • @forgejo, for giving us a chance to truly control and collectively develop the sources of our software, but most importantly @Codeberg, for RESISTING, RESISTING, RESISTING, despite the hatred and attacks nazi assholes throw at them
  • @musicbrainz for keeping music knowledge open and free, and @ListenBrainz for scrobbling the crazy music I listen to
  • The @fsfe, for promoting this celebration and fighting the good fight!

Lastly, but most importantly, the biggest thank you goes to all the free software libraries and dependencies the above mentioned #software are made of/built with, including #C, #JavaScript, #Python, #Rust, and all community-maintained programming languages.

I am super sorry if I forgot someone!

#OpenSource #ILoveFS #SoftwareFreedom #Fairphone #Android #LineageOS #FSFE #OpenStreetMap #PhotoPrism #LibreOffice #Readeck #Eleventy #11ty #GNOME #Signal #forgejo #Codeberg #MusicBrainz #ListenBrainz #MetaBrainz

✨ My first technical blogpost is out now. ✨

If you ever wanted to learn a bit about how
#deltachat works internally and why we have two ways to communicate with our #rust core, then this is the introduction to read…

#jsonrpc #cffi #c #rust #deltachat_desktop #deltachat_core

I love #curl. It is a very nice and useful piece of #softwae. I use it i #C++, #Java, #PHP and other for any type of secure connection. Keep on with that great job!

Finally I understand #C

Any experienced C developers among my followers? #BoostsWelcome.

Expat, arguably the world's most popular #XML parser, is understaffed and without funding. As #xz has shown, situations like this are dangerous.

Last month, maintainer Sebastian Pipping put up a plea for help at…

(I would help myself, but my C skills barely surpass "Hello, World".)

Found via @timbray -…

#SoftwareSupplyChainSecurity #OpenSource #OpenSourceMaintainer

I think the #xz incident is teaching us that our infrastructure is dangerously fragile in the face of well-organized/funded attackers. The response isn’t “try harder” or “donate to your OSS project”, it needs to be institutional, professional, and at scale.

So, here’s my proposal, called “OSQI”, aimed at starting a how-to discussion:…

Hey #gnome and #kde people, since you are at #fosdem could you maybe discuss what would it take to make a common toolkit (Linux toolkit?) that would appeal to both #c and #cpp devs? Basically covering both platforms so we could converge. Maybe #swiftlang? Fork of #Kotlin native? Seems to me we would be better off with people writing mobile apps for Linux desktop, than people writing web apps and electron garbage on desktop.

Fully aware of

Last week I presented my paper at SecDev on the impact #Rust has vs. #C++ on the probability of a vulnerability being introduced by a first-time contributor to a project—and therefore, how easy it is for newbies to get contributions merged. The full paper is available here:…

but the tl;dr is: Rust significantly lowered the number of vulnerabilities introduced, especially from new contributors, and increased the quantity of new contributors to projects.

#rust #c

I'm looking for a new job, or contract work, for the first time in a while - boosts appreciated!

I'm a polyglot programmer, with a wide range of experience behind me, from developing firmware that runs on 8-bit AVR, to highly distributed systems across hundreds of nodes, I covered pretty much the whole landscape.

I had my fair share of Ops experience too, and worked in (technical) Customer Service aswell.

I speak many languages (#C, #Rust, #Lua, #Python, #JavaScript, some #Go among them), but I pride myself in being able to pick up a new language at a decent level between signing a contract and starting on the job.

I'm a #Linux guy through and through, and have very little experience (or desire) to work with anything else, save maybe for the BSDs. I worked with containers, databases (relational and otherwise); in the cloud and on premises. I can debug, I can mentor, I can teach, and build, and integrate (continuously, even!). I'm not afraid of git rebase, nor of a crowd to speak in front of.

I live in Hungary, and am seeking remote work. I cannot relocate.

If you are someone looking for something like that, or know someone who is, please get in touch. My CV - with contacts - is available here.


4 years using and championing the #fediverse full time and I've never written a #introductions toot. Well, or I have and can't find it.

I'm a #blind guy from 🇬🇧 with a passion for #technology and #programming, particularly #lowLevel #systemsProgramming in #C, #C++, #Rust, etc.

I've been a huge #freeSoftware / #openSource advocate for the majority of my life. I run #Linux and I love open, #decentralised technologies like #ActivityPub, #Matrix, #bitTorrent etc.

In my view, technology is built to make our lives easier, and in many ways, it isn't these days. It is truly my opinion that the only way #tech can be sustainable is if it's built using #FOSS, and does not give ultimate control to any 1 entity, individual or corporate. If technology is to help the people, it must be built *for* the people.

Currently working on, various projects with the rest of the Lower Elements gang at, and a Computing Science BSC at the #University of #stirling

We're looking for a #c / #cpp or #rust #freelance developer! It's mostly about Linux namespaces, PAM modules, and patches in 3rd-party software. Low volume. Take a look, mail us, or spread the word!…

Boosts very welcome! #rustlang #jobad #job

#linux #c

You might have seen me before on your TL if you receive posts from, but I might aswell do another #introduction

I'm Denise, a 20yo trans girl into #sysadmin and #DevOps, running my own libre hoster over at, with #typescript experience, currently learning #C.

Since I'm in a baby, barely federated instance, reboosts would be appreciated so that I can increase the diversity in my stream :)

Have a nice day ❤

#musl is a lightweight libc.

musl is a lightweight and standards compliant #C standard library implementation. musl uses Linux calls very closely, making it faster than more general standard libraries as better kernel-specific optimizations are made. musl is highly compatible with standards as well as with glibc, allowing for it to serve as a drop in replacement in many cases.

Website 🔗️:
apt 📦️: musl musl-dev#free #opensource #foss #fossmendations #programming

#gemini #programming #C
I'm creating a new Gemini browser in C with Ncurses, named (very creatively) Gemcurses.

It's actually my first project in C, so my code is messy and I'm sure it has a ton of bugs, but it somewhat works!

It requires only Ncurses and OpenSSL libraries.

Feel free to check it out, and tell me what you think and what i need to fix/change/add :)