Da ich nicht genau weiß, wann ich zur Aufbereitung des weiteren Backlogs komme, habe ich meinen lieben Leseratten schnell noch die 17 bereits fertig gestellten #eBooks bei ebooks.qumran.org/ hochgeladen. Kommt bald wieder Nachschub zu den jetzt 12.917 Büchern dazu, weiß halt nur noch nicht genau wann…

Bis dahin also: Häppi Schmökering! :awesome:

NY Times tech union has asked users not to play Wordle or other Times games while they are on strike. It's a really easy way to support them. polygon.com/news/474209/new-yo…

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Zmizeli beze stopy. Tragédii hokejových reprezentantů stále halí záhada

Přesně před sto lety, 5. listopadu 1924, se narodil český hokejový útočník Karel Stibor. Mistr světa z roku 1947 a stříbrný medailista z olympiády o rok později byl jednou z obětí leteckého neštěstí, při kterém zemřelo i pět jeho parťáků. Připomeňte si jednu z největších tragédií v historii českého sportu.


Great guide by @vantablack that explains how to run your own 🏴‍☠️ radio using azuracast and mixxx on the Oracle free cloud tier:


With the neat idea to use #ffmpeg through "yt-dlp --extract-audio" to "borrow" some cool audio fillers from one of thousands of video services supported.

Thanks to Vanta #azuracast and #mixxx

🎶 // @vantablack // @azuracast // @mixxx // 🎶

How to Identify and Add Labels to Unlabeled Elements in TalkBack and Jieshuo Screen Readers accessibleandroid.com/how-to-i…

🕓Z #NowPlaying #Live at top of hour join Chrissie Cochrane, Chris Gray, Kelly Sapergia. and the gang for a friendly #chat on All Sorts! Imagine you're in a comfortable room chatting with friends about this and that; playing a bit of music, and keeping the children amuzed as well. That's what it's all about. Live Chat with Us theglobalvoice.info/chatroom find the link to Zoom with us here: theglobalvoice.info/gallery.ph… and Listen at theglobalvoice.info:8443/broad… #TGVRadio 👥📺🗣️🗣💬💁

These turned out magnificently. 'Baristicuffs' combines the arts of pugilistic boxing and making an amazing coffee.
Buy your prints here:
Although not listed on the site, I printed this for sale in A2 for Milkjug cafe and it looks amazing
If you want that get in touch.

The October Thunderbird Monthly Development Digest is out! In it, we have updates on:

* Exchange support 🦀
* QR cross-device support 📱
* Account hub 👥
* Upstream changes and database issues 🛠️
* and more! ✨

#Thunderbird #Development #OpenSource


Aleca reshared this.

We'd like to hear your feedback!

Brave people asked us to include Brave as a Google Chrome alternative. In the original post, Brave was not included because it is based on Chromium.

What are your thoughts: Should we, or should we not include Brave in this image of Google alternatives? Why?


It's #CyberSecurityMonth! Time to #deGoogle 💪💪💪

What are your favorite privacy-first apps?

Check out our list:

Wild ass day in the Tor node operator world. Got an email from my VPS, forwarding a complaint from WatchDog CyberSecurity saying that my box was scanning SSH ports!

> Oh no, oh no, I knew I should have set up fail2ban, oh god why was I so lackadaisical!

So I remote in to the machine: no unusual network activity, no unusual processes, users, logins, command history, no sign that anything is doing anything I didn't tell it to do.

So what's up? Turns out there's been a widespread campaign where some actor is spoofing IPs to make it look like systems running Tor are scanning port 22: forum.torproject.org/t/tor-rel…

Operators from all over are saying they're getting nastygrams from their VPS providers because WatchDog is fingering their source IPs (which are being spoofed and NOT part of a global portscanning botnet).

@delroth did an amazing writeup of the whole thing here: delroth.net/posts/spoofed-mass…

#tor #infosec #cybersecurity #threatintel #privacy

I've been looking at @Seirdy's /meta/ page and it was so cool I was inspired to follow suite.

In fact, I realized I love reading about people talking about their personal sites themselves and wished more people do it, so I made a post about it which lists some other examples I've found:

"Add a Meta page to your personal website"

personal sites are really cool, would love to see more meta pages out there -- #BoostsWelcome

Hi everyone! We've just made another bugfix release of #GoToSocial, version 0.17.2 Ridiculously Selective Sloth:


The update fixes a couple small bugs around media processing and filter expiration, and adds media-image-size-hint and media-video-size-hint values to the config file.

Please read the release notes carefully when updating to this version.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day! Or not, it's up to you; whatever you prefer! :catjam: :gtspat:

Good morning everyone!

You may be feeling a bit anxious about today (understatement). I'm here to help take your mind off the happenings. I'll be sharing some of my creations and art today as a distraction.

If you notice a colour theme, that's intentional! Sending good vibes to everyone! ❤️❤️❤️🙏

#art #pottery #ceramics #MastoArt #handmade

Meta's nuclear power plans were foiled by bees — yes, bees
"...A rare species of bee was found on land where the company was planning to put a nuclear-powered artificial intelligence data center, the Financial Times reported, citing people familiar with the matter. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg reportedly told employees during an all-hands meeting that the rare bees would further complicate a deal with an existing nuclear power plant to build the data center."
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

#PSA: if you have a small business that ships items, consider not using Uline: the owner uses the company's profits to fund right wing anti-democratic causes.


And, because you still need to ship your product, here's a good resource to replace them:


#Uline #RefuseUline

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

liebe leute,

ich suche nach aufträgen für mich, ich bin #freelancer für native #iOS apps und sofort verfügbar.

wenn ihr da was wisst, denkt an mich und sagt gerne bescheid. mein angebot ist simpel: ordentliches handwerk. kein bullshit (ki ist mitgemeint). l

lebenslauf inkl. projektliste gibt’s hier: zeitschlag.net/lebenslauf/

vielen dank fürs teilen und weitersagen! ❤

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Hello, World! We’re now the Sovereign Tech Agency 🎉

It’s been two years since the Sovereign Tech Fund began investing in open technologies in the public interest, and our mission has grown to be more than the “fund” in our name. The new Sovereign Tech Agency anchors digital infrastructure on the agenda and is a home for the Sovereign Tech Fund and our other programs that strengthen the open source ecosystem.

Read more: sovereign.tech/news/stf-part-o…

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Are you interested how to use Apple notes as an #accessible graphing calculator? Check out this post

#accessibility #apple #blind #ios #math #education #tech

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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"Disposable vapes are indefensible. Many, or maybe most, of them contain rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, but manufacturers prefer to sell new ones. More than 260 million vape batteries are estimated to enter the trash stream every year in the UK alone. Vapers and vape makers are simply leaving an e-waste epidemic to the planet's future residents to sort out."

(Original title: Guy makes “dodgy e-bike” from 130 used vapes to make point about e-waste)


Nos gobierna la pandilla del bombero torero.


Wohooo! Díky @archos za upozornění, pokud používáte Matrix (mxchat) a jste stejně pomalí jako já a nepostřehli jste to, vyšla oficiálně appka Element X a je boží. Vypadá jak z 21 století, je citelně rychlejší a šlape bezchybně



Inspired by @kees and @bagder I graphed #ArkScript source code age (last 3.x version is from mid 2023 hence the big purple triangle starting in 2023)

There seems to be a lot of code, but tests are counted too.
16'540 lines for the source code only, and 12'430 for the tests (8k dedicated to the fuzzing corpus, 4k for the unit tests)

I attribute the big jump to my recent "add tests everywhere" addiction