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Items tagged with: books

Do you know there's a #fediverse alternative to Amazon-owned #Goodreads? #BookWyrm is a social network for tracking your reading, writing reviews, and discovering what to read next. You can follow and interact with users on different #BookWyrm instances and on #Mastodon. You can import from a Goodreads CSV export. You can create private shelves and curated lists. Join us at or choose one of the other instances available #books #reading #bookstodon @bookstodon

Happy day! Got my copy of Mastodon for Dummies by
@workingwriter @chrisminnick huge thanks to them for sending it to me😊

Will be reviewing the book and testing out the explanations on my favorite dummy, since my husband has finally decided to make a Mastodon account 👀

#Mastodon #Fediverse #books

Purism President @kyle caught up with Matthias Kirschner, President of @fsfe to talk about the inspiration behind the children's book "Ada & Zangemann: A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream", and the need to raise awareness about free software…

#freesoftware #software #books

New book! The Inclusive Speaker — how to truly connect with all of your audience by Denis Beaudreau #speaking #books

Properly jaw-dropping moment this evening: an e-mail from my US publisher saying that "since it's a science book", they'll publish Blue Machine WITH METRIC UNITS. So I don't have to convert everything to foot pounds per square elephant. In YEARS of writing for the US, this is the first time I have ever had a hint that there is a world outside feet and inches. Progress! #Books #Metric #Science

A man named Bruno Schröder was a mining engineer for most of his life. When passed away in his 80s in June 2022, he had around 60,000 or so books spread out on the 4 floors of his house in Mettingen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The books likely weigh about the same as 15 modern cars. 📚
#books #library #BookCollection #collection #Germany

h/t @BrianJopek

Boosting this with alt-text because #librarians rule! 💪

I love the last panel. 😊

#Libraries #NoLimits #Books #Reading

Over on #booktube I posted a quick update sharing a bit about the new weekly series I’ll be doing:…

SO excited to be creating content again after my long hiatus!! Just *one more place* for me to blather on and on about my favorite hobbies! 😂

Thanks, @AeroEagle!!

#bookstodon #books #friday

I have mixed feelings about this.

Apple quietly launches a catalog of #books narrated by #AI on its Books app, in a move that publishers, authors, and agents warn may upend the #audiobook market.…


Here's a good piece that lays out some advantages to #AI narrated #audiobooks. The trouble is that there is no analysis of what happens when an author or publisher decides to forego hiring a human and go directly to this method.

Why AI audiobook narrators could win over some authors and readers, despite the vocal bumps…

#books #bookstodon

I'm still being haunted by this Barnes & Noble article and everyone praising the new policy changes so I just wanted to share another piece about it

This one is about the authors. because no one loves books and readers more than authors. especially not the CEO of Barnes & Noble.…

#bookstodon #books #reading

I'm in the middle of this book and finding it worth every penny and second I've invested: The Coaching Habit, by Michael Bungay Stanier… #coaching #books

"Today, however, unpredictability in how people use technology is higher than ever." A great point from the book Mismatch. #design #inclusiveDesign #books

Just come across these guys as a sustainable and ethically run alternative to Bezos for #audiobooks
#bookstodon #books #sustainability #ethicalconsumption #climate #thereisnoplanetb #wordnerd

If you’re a designer, this new book is for you! “Design Is A Job” by Mike Monteiro… #design #books

Good evening! I just switched instances, so I guess a brief hello is in order. I'm Terryble, #ftm guy from Poland living in Austria, trying to deal with my recently realized disability and an awful job. I'm into #writing, #books especially #fantasy and #sf, #sailing and #socialJustice. And probably several other things when I'm not that tired. Also #dogs, meet Baton too

Welcoming the #WritingCommunity to Mastodon!

Perhaps, I should do the second #writerslift here.

So you know how it goes, like, follow for follow, and post your #links to your #books #wip #blogs etc. on this post below

#amreading #amwriting #writers #writersblog #writerchat #writerdons #writerlife #writingtips

I'll go first, I'm working on my first #novel The Ravenport Club, you can follow for updates on its Facebook page and very near to publishing it.

Me and My Dysphoria Monster is a children's book, illustrated by Ang Hui Qing, which aims to discuss gender dysphoria in child approachable language.

The book focuses on a hopeful and optimistic future, and contains an adults reference guide at the back.

#Books #trans #lgbtq

So, from there, let's move onto my published books, in chronological order.

Uncomfortable Labels is a memoir about living at the intersection of being both trans and autistic, an overlap that is fairly common, but under discussed.

#author #trans #lgbt #books

Gender Euphoria is an anthology of real life stories of trans joy, told by a variety of trans / non-binary / intersex / non cisgender authors.

The book focuses on all the different forms trans joy can take, and attempts to offer a variety of perspectives.

#Book #Trans #books #author

My next upcoming book is Who Hunts the Whale, a satirical novel set in a AAA video game development studio.

The book, which I co-authored with my wife @janeiac , aims to be funny, sweet, and unflinching in its critique of exploitative game development practices.

#Books #Author #Gaming

A bit more info:

1. I am a #TraditionallyPublished #author of #books for #teens
2. I believe in more #equity in #TraditionalPublishing, especially when it comes to payment, marketing, and support for #BlackAuthors
3. I try to be #positive online, but #publishing is a hard, hard industry to be in
4. I'm trying to hold on to the joy of #writing regardless ... 💕

- 1st book (out now): WHEN THE STARS LEAD TO YOU (…)
- 2nd book (Spring 2024) THIS NIGHT IS OURS

I’ve been hosting #jinglebooks on #bookstagram for a few years now. These days it’s mostly me #reading and sharing all my favorite #christmas #books. (I also try to find and read new releases for holidays too!) so as a mastodon exclusive (is that a thing???), I thought I’d share my curated collection of #newbooks I’m reading this year!!!

Are any of these on your TBR?? Let’s read them together! Look for reviews coming soon! Also share your book recs with me!

[time for a #reintroduction! #introductions #introduction]

I'm Flo (he/him), a #queer #author of #lgbtqia #fiction.

Primarily I write #sliceoflife, #comedy, heartwarming & lighthearted, #gay #romance in a variety of settings, such as #hopepunk, #scifi, #fantasy, #steampunk, #horror, #gothic, annnnd the list goes on~ 😅

Some more things about me:

— I'm currently pumped for #NaNoWriMo!

— I like #writing, #reading, #drawing, #art, #gaming, #movies, #books etc.

— I dabble in #learning #mandarin and #tokipona (which i don't tend to talk about here).

— I am #agender, #asexual, #aromantic, (thus #AroAce) #disabled, #ActuallyAutistic, and a #demiguy

— i have a wishlist (mostly full of very, *very* gay books):

— alt accounts at & @floghost

Hi all!
I'm Seth. Nice to meet you and looking forward to some interesting conversations🙂.

As I'm an author and it's my first post on Mastodon (#introductions), I suppose I should start with the kind of work that I do. Here's a glimpse!

Sci-Fi Dystopian Thriller: Can a talented criminal from Chicago take on America's most powerful regime?
Discover life in #America2052!

#scifi #books #Dystopia #KindleUnlimited

NASA published the free ebook "A Guide to Smartphone Astrophotography" by Sten Odenwald.

It's a comprehensive resource on using Android and iOS phones, as well as other equipment, to take photos of celestial objects, astronomical phenomena, and artificial satellites.

Download the PDF here:…

Image credit: NASA.

#astrophotography #astronomy #books