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🤬 Hey no fair!
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"The actual words don't matter," the witch said, "only the cadence, and the strength of feeling."

"That was a healing spell?"

"Keeps me focused."

"You swore, with the worst profanities I have ever heard, for two minutes."

"Your leg's not broken anymore, is it?"

"Fucking hell!"

#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic

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OK, friends, and friends of your friends, etc etc. I think I am in a need of good-quality over-the-ear cans with built-in noise reduction. Would Bose Quiet Comfort fit the bill and or there are better options on the market? Thx for any recos!

Did you hear about the stressed out Priest who went to the Doctor in a panic and asked him, "What does it mean Doc, when I go pee it burns like the Fire
of Satan and I have this God awful drip?"

The Doc,smiled and said, "It means the Alterboy lied. He wasn't a Virgin."

Bob, an experienced sky diver, was getting ready for a jump one day when he spotted another man outfitted to dive wearing dark glasses, carrying a white
cane and holding a seeing-eye dog by an extremely long leash.

Shocked that the blind man was also going to jump, Bob struck up a conversation, expressing his admiration for the man's courage. Then, curious, he asked,
"How do you know when the ground is getting close?"

"Easy," replied the blind man. "The leash goes slack."

Via Kyle Griffin:

Leader Schumer will introduce the No Kings Act today — an attempt to reverse the #SCOTUS 's immunity decision.

The No Kings Act would make clear that presidents and vice presidents are not immune from criminal law and clarify that Congress — not the Supreme Court — determines to whom federal criminal law is applied.

in reply to Laffy

@ppatel Why does he introduce that law if it probably won’t pass? Should pass though…

Literally setting billions of cash on fire in the hopes of printing money through some “AI magic” while laying people off.…

The original #hackerone report for #curl's CVE-2024-7264: ASN.1 date parser overread is now published:

I see Vance has chosen party (racism) over family.

(He has bi-racial kids and is clearly signaling they are allowed to identify with only one ethnicity and how they speak will be a measure of how well they match that ethnicity, which you can be sure he will assert is ‘white’).


Crowdstrike should remind everyone that continuous deployment is a cost cutting measure, not an engineering best practice.

A new #law goes into effect today in #Louisiana that will make it a misdemeanor for anyone, including #journalists, to be within 25 feet of a police officer if the officer orders them back.

Louisiana is the 4th state to enact one of these so-called #police "buffer laws," which allow officers to order people to keep their distance.…

Why do many companies use surveys by Qualtrics. We don’t know how to create survey tools? :)

Well y'all, I think I've reached the next stage in my Linux journey. Yeah yeah I know I'm writing this on Windows, eat me. Anyway, I used a computer all day today. No surprise. I got ready to go home, so I reached on my desk to grab my (Windows) laptop to put it in my bag. But it wasn't there. It had been in my bag the whole time. I really had used Linux, with only the few issues that I've talked about on here, the whole day without really realizing it.

#foss #accessibility #linux #Fedora #blind

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in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael Enafore for Mastodon, and... Telega in Emacs for Telegram, if you can deal with Telega.

Díky usilovné detektivní práci kluků kolem webu se podařilo získat originální hru Videostop přímo od autora. Tím je Zdeněk Vodák a hru naprogramoval v MegaBasicu pro Československou televizi. Tam běžela na ZX Spectru gumáku a přes kempston interface byl připojený ovladač s tlačítkem
#ZXspectrum #games #8bit…

De alguna forma exótica, mi tarjeta de débito venció casi 2,000 años antes de que el banco siquiera existiera.

Imagino que esta tarjeta es con el César, y lo que es del César se le debe a él.

Very sweary take on management sayings and being British

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I really like this thread. It's much more in line with what I've been saying about expanding our imagination about what's possible with decentralized platforms.…

Once again, mastodon's affordances (and missing affordances) are framing everyone's imagination. There are other options than simply allow list vs deny list federation. Personally, the one I want to see is multiple named federations:

Right now, there's just one federation, named public. There's absolutely no reason we can't have more than that.

in reply to Marco Rogers

The other thing that I think is important is individual identity. I don't want my identity to be tied to a particular platform ever again. I'm gonna stay me even as different platforms and trends rise and fall. (this shouldn't be that hard tbh. Just let me use my personal domain)
in reply to Marco Rogers

I love your ideas on this. It's kind of what I'm thinking also, the future is probably going to be some flavor of "I interact with ActivityPub using X client and Y server that applies rules I agree with and that keep me safe".

The more different services adopt ActivityPub, the less social media is a location and the more it's a set of interactions you agree to.

Once again, mastodon's affordances (and missing affordances) are framing everyone's imagination. There are other options than simply allow list vs deny list federation. Personally, the one I want to see is multiple named federations:

Right now, there's just one federation, named public. There's absolutely no reason we can't have more than that.

Study uncovers unique brain plasticity in people born blind…

KOSA passed overwhelmingly in the Senate yesterday, but today it’s dead in the House. The fight isn’t over, but we have won this round and let’s take a minute to enjoy it.
in reply to evacide

I wonder what explains the difference in response between the two chambers.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Would you believe it’s because the Republicans won’t vote on a bill that Democrats voted for?
I’ll take any victory that stops it, but boy do we Dems need to call our reps about this!

(Congress members are required to log all phone calls and note what they’re about. They don’t have to do that for emails or online petitions.)

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Well, after it passed the Senate, i did write my Congress person and threaten to vote against them in the next primary if they voted for it.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt it's honestly just one of those cases where the gridlock and chaos that has defined the house for years happened to produce the right outcome for once

Next is @baabbaash speaking about "Zigzag Mosaics and Single-Line Drawings." He shows us how to create #MathArt from single-line drawings (paper here:…). The trick is to modulate the zig-zag of the line to make it lighter/darker at a pixel.

What Does It Mean To Be A Signal Competitor?

A lot of recent (and upcoming) blog posts I've written, and Fediverse discussions I've participated in, have been about the security of communication products. My criticism of these products is simply that, from a cryptography and security perspective, they're not a real competitor to Signal. For all its other faults, Signal sets the bar for secure private messaging. It's a solid security tool, even if its user experience……

On break from work today, I tried to get a sense for the current state of XMPP + OMEMO.

Apparently the entire ecosystem is locked into an older version of he spec. Everybody (including Conversations) still implements it.

For want of a stable reference implementation online, I looked at Conversations.

I'm not sure I even want to blog about this. It's such a fucking mess.

If my employer told me today I'm going to spend the next 3 weeks auditing their code, I'd need to frontload anger management before the engagement began.

Please tell me you aren't all using Conversations.

We're like, two weeks out from the Matrix blog post going live, and I have not heard hide nor hair about any fixes.

What this means is: The blog post with my findings will be public on August 14, regardless of whether Matrix fixes any of the issues I reported to them.

If you use Matrix, and your client uses the official Olm library, you're going to want to pay attention to this.

EDIT: A few quick notes.

1. They are not fixing the issues in Olm.
2. When I say Olm, that's the name of the Git repository on their GitLab instance. They started calling it "libolm".
3. After I posted this on Fedi, they pushed a commit to mark "libolm" as deprecated.

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I’m partly for banning billionaires and confiscating their assets just because I don’t want to have to read about their astoundingly stupid philosophies anymore. Like if you or I went on the TV and said some of the stuff these rich fuckers say we’d be committed.

14,000 Disneyland workers organized and won a 31% raise after threatening to strike.

It’s their biggest ever wage increase.

We are witnessing a historic rebirth of worker power, and I couldn't be happier to see it.

Take note: There's strength in a union.

#CD Rohlinge werden heute nur noch selten benötigt. Vielleicht liegt aber im Büroschrank noch eine angebrochene Packung?

Nicht wegwerfen!

Denn #Blindenhörzeitschriften werden nach wie vor gern von blinden Menschen mit speziellen Playern auf CD genutzt.

Die @ComputertruheMuenchen hat uns solche zukommen lassen. Vielen Dank!

Für einen guten Zweck und dazu ökologischer als ungenutzt zu entsorgen ;-)…

#Spende #DAISY

Mame 0.268 came out yesterday, and it’s a really cool release for blind fans of vintage tech because it includes a fix by @datajake1999 to its emulation of the Dectalk PC Card. What this means is it’s now possible to emulate a self-contained talking IBM PC complete with an original synthesizer without having to resort to a windows only virtual serial port driver and separate apps like you have to with Dosbox. If you want to play with this there are already 2 packages that help with setup just like the community made for the Apple II a while back - one from Jake, which just includes a talking freeDOS installation and no other programs found here…
As well as one compiled by Daniel Nash that also includes a bunch of games, including some text only classics like Eamon Deluxe as well as the first audio games from PCS Games or Jim Kitchen found here…
The cool thing is even though both of these come with a Windows version of Mame this all works just as well on Mac or Linux, you just have to get the latest version of mame from homebrew or your package manager, then unzip either of these and take the startup command from the .bat file and paste it into the terminal.

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in reply to Pitermach

so I download the pc.7z file but the batch file insists curl not found.
in reply to Munchkinbear

@munchkinbear Interesting, makes me wonder if Daniel updated the archive since I last downloaded. I’d check but it’s downloading at 20 kbps, says it’ll take about 3 hours. Does the batch file in your case call curl download anything? The one I downloaded just runs mame.
in reply to Pitermach

PC.bat calls curl and does nothig else because curl doesn't exist.
in reply to Munchkinbear

@munchkinbear curl has been built into Windows for a while now. I wonder how you ended up not having it installed.

@pitermach @datajake1999

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I sent you the batch file privately. I suspect it's because of the path part of that file. @pitermach @datajake1999
in reply to Munchkinbear

@munchkinbear Oh, it looks like at least part of that batch file is running a big long command in a bash shell. And maybe, for whatever reason, the bash installation (presumably Cygwin, MSYS, or WSL) on your PATH doesn't have curl.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt it's running sh.exe from within the folder i extracted it to, so it's searching for curl from within that folder and not on the actual path's, as I ran sh.exe from the run dialog and ran curl from their and it's their, also curl runs from cmd as well. So I suspect it's trying to find curl.exe in c:\portable\pc (that's the folder this thing's existing in)
in reply to Munchkinbear

@munchkinbear @matt OK, I looked at it as well, it’s a really weird way of doing things. Before the archive already included Mame, and Jake’s package still does. But what he’s doing here is grabbing the windows mame from GitHub, then just extracting it (mame’s windows download is just a 7-zip extractor, using a windows port of SH for some reason). If you download Mame manually, extract it to the same folder then take the last part of the batch file it should run.
in reply to Pitermach

@matt how do I cleanly shut down the thing when I'm done? @JamminJerry and I cna't figure it out, if I close the batch file with ctrl+c it breaks the ram thing and I have to extract it again to fix it.
in reply to Munchkinbear

@munchkinbear @matt @JamminJerry The typical way to shut down MAME is to hit scroll lock to enable the MAME UI (mostly unusable with a screen reader) then hit Escape to exit.
in reply to Jayson Smith

@jaybird110127 @munchkinbear @JamminJerry I know this is a tangent, but on the part about the MAME UI being mostly unusable with a screen reader, if a developer with C++ chops wants to make the MAME UI accessible using AccessKit, I'd be happy to provide some guidance, but I don't have time to take on that project myself.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt @jaybird110127 @munchkinbear @JamminJerry Relevant Mame issue here…
in reply to Jayson Smith

@jaybird110127 @munchkinbear @matt may I ask what might sound like a really stupid question? how do you use the screen reader commands inside the emmulation, and not your windows screen reader keys? I need to look at spellings of folder names and such, but the JFW curser just says blank blank blank.
in reply to Jayson Smith

@jaybird110127 @mcourcel @munchkinbear @matt ah, ok, will most certainly do that the next time I run it. I think this is just awesome as hell! being able to play with old dos stuff like this. you know how most people back then were using word perfect? my adoptive parents baught a program called first choice. now how many people remember that one?
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry My mom used to run First Choice on her PC. It was one of those integrated office suite type packages, right?
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt yep. it had a word processer, and let me think, I think a spreadsheet too. it has been so many years sense I have seen it, I can't remember what all it had, but I know it had a few things in it.
in reply to Pitermach

It looks like the version of Mame in the Raspbian repository is out of date, as starting this freedos.img produces an error stating that files are missing. Hopefully this version of Mame has an equivalent Arch64 release. I think we all know where this is going. BTFreedos on a BTSpeak would be something.

I express my sincere gratitude for this: • VoiceOver support is available in the Tags filter and the details of
Column view. I basiclaly live in DT and that helps me a lot.…

Hello Jamers 😍

As you know, Transifex serves as our #collaborative translation #management platform. While the core principles remain similar, this tutorial diverges from its predecessor by focusing specifically on the translation of the Jami application. 📲

Are you #multilingual? Your skills can make a real impact! Join our translation efforts and help us break #language barriers! 💪

👀 Want to know how ?
Here's the link:…

#Jami #opensource #P2P #App #PrivacyMatters

The Man Behind Project 2025’s Most Radical Plans
As #Trump tried to disavow the politically toxic project, its director, Paul Dans, stepped down.

But the plans and massive staffing database that he prepared — to replace thousands of members of the “deep state” with #MAGA loyalists — remain.

#News #Government #election2024 #Election #project2025 #HeritageFoundation #Politics #Voting #GOP #PaulDans…

USpol; Vance's "childless" comments reveal his own heartlessness

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in reply to Kagan MacTane (he/him)

USpol; Vance's "childless" comments reveal his own heartlessness

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Blogs are still a thing, and blogs have always been a thing. They didn't go anywhere. My technical blog is thriving.

People come back to old posts constantly.

Something I posted 10 months ago is still my top performing post. Social media posts are ephemeral & if something happens to your content - it's gone.

Host your own blog, control your content. My social media posts may max out at 500-1000 views but my page views have a consistent baseline of 30k/a month. And I haven't posted in a bit.

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Are you an engineer who is passionate about #accessibility and developer tooling? You should apply to join the Accessibility Insights team!…

Make the web better at scale!

How to log into a website in 2024:

1. Enter master password to password manager
2. Password gets automatically pasted into password field
3. Fix the rest of the login form (username was deleted and mother's maiden name was pasted into email)
4. Solve an unhinged AI-generated hCaptcha that is way easier for a robot to comprehend than a human
5. Cloudflare is verifying your IP address...

#AndroidAppRain at today with 14 updated and 1 added apps:

* Dhaaga (Lite): An Opinionated Fediverse Microblogging App (Mastodon, Misskey, Pleroma, Firefish, Sharkey, Akkoma)

One more app has been confirmed RB aka #reproducibleBuilds – and some more are in preparation.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Cool class on applied accessibility for designers:…

Application for scholarship for it here (apply by 11:59pm PT August 1 2024):…

#a11y #design #learning #lessons #accessibility #scholarship

in reply to Harley 🐝🌿

Jeannette Ng: Eye-opening little ancdote from a friend who ran a table top game for his all male gaming group: he genderflipped every character in the pre-written module resulting in an all female setting. His players grew increasingly paranoia and were convinced of a conspiracy.

The players (convinced there's some sort of murder cult going on) started scouring the setting for men. The pre-written module's village contained only one female character: the wife of the blacksmith. Unnamed. Which of course was all the more suspicious to them.

There was absolutely nothing my friend could do to convince his players that there wasn't a great conspiracy or at least a basement full of dead dudes."

LinguisticParadox: (Hashtag) This could be a new 'Bechdel' test: If you genderswap all the characters does it feel like something must have happened to all the men?

It's amusing when people learn stock terms like "buy the dip" and just apply it to any time a company stock goes down. Brother, you're not buying the dip on crowdstrike, you're investing into a company with a 500x P/E ratio that's probably about to spend the rest of the year getting sued.