Ich musste feststellen, dass es auch Musiker gibt, die bei der Erwähnung eines veganen Produktes ausrasten, aber nicht vor Freude. Und das nur, weil das Musikhaus Thomann, lt. Wikipedia „der umsatzstärkste Musikalienhändler weltweit“, eine vegane Konzertgitarre ins Sortiment aufgenommen und dies bei Facebook beworben hat. Und ich habe wie so oft den Fehler begangen, die Kommentare zu lesen.
Es zeigt sich schnell, dass Musiker in der Tat kreativer sind als Kommentierende, die unter einen Beitrag über Veganismus Sachen posten wie „Darauf erstmal ein Steak!“. Musiker schreiben „Als nächstes will ich ein Drumset das nur aus Knochen, Fell, Fleisch und Blut hergestellt wird!!“.
Generell ist die Ahnungslosigkeit allerdings genauso hoch wie bei anderen kontroversen Themen. Was denn an einer Gitarre nicht vegan sein könne, fragen einige. Nun, dass die Instrumente nicht aus Hack gemacht sind, dürfte klar sein. Dafür kommen z. B. Perlmutt-Einlagen, Knochen, Schellack und Leim mit tierischen Bestandteilen zum Einsatz. Die von einigen Kommentierenden erwähnten Saiten aus Katzendarm werden dagegen bei Konzertgitarren schon lange durch Nylon-Saiten ersetzt. Es fehlt also auch hier das Wissen, wo überall tierische Bestandteile verarbeitet werden. Es sei denn, es geht darum, einer vegan lebenden Person Heuchelei zu unterstellen, dann ist klar, dass ein Smartphone nicht vegan ist.
Ansonsten gibt es zur veganen Gitarre Kommentare wie „WTF? Are you serious?“, „Jetzt fangt bloß ned a no mit dem Scheiß da o!!!“, „Noch bescheuerter geht’s nicht mehr…“ und „Auch ein Baum ist ein Lebewesen…!! Aber okay, wer es braucht….“. Die Pflanzenversteher dürfen ja nicht fehlen, die zwar kein Problem damit haben, dass für ihr Essen leidensfähige Lebewesen getötet werden, aber Empathie für gefällte Bäume entwickeln.
Kommen wir zur Gitarre selbst. Bereits 2020 hatte der Berliner Gitarrenbauer Armin Hanika eine vegane Konzertgitarre für den American Guitar Shop, auch in Berlin ansässig, gebaut. Das Hanika Vegan Modell 50MF ist dort noch immer erhältlich. Und auch Thomann ist nicht erst gestern auf den Zug aufgesprungen, sondern bereits im September 2023 mit dem Modell Hanika H-Thomann KEF Vegan. Wenn ich mir die Arbeiten von Armin Hanika anschaue, habe ich keine Zweifel, dass die vegane Gitarre mit den herkömmlich gebauten Modellen mithalten kann. Leider gibt es bei beiden Shops keine Kundenbewertungen.
Ich finde es sehr gut, dass in vielen Bereichen mittlerweile tierische Inhaltsstoffe ersetzt werden, das Unverständnis einiger – online wie offline – ist jedoch immer groß. Was denn bitte an Weichspüler nicht vegan sein könne oder an Rotwein? Warum gibt es vegane Holzkohle? Müssen Veganer immer Fleischprodukte nachbauen? Das darf dann aber nicht „veganer Leberkäse“ heißen! Es ist noch ein sehr langer Weg bis zu der Erkenntnis, dass Veganismus kein Trend ist, keine Sekte oder Religion, sondern die Zukunft.
A couple weeks ago I gave a talk at @djangocon about the finances of the Django Software Foundation. I wanted to give folks a high-level understanding of our current financial situation, and then imagine a world where we had a substantially-larger budget.
Here's a written version of this talk, with annotated slides, and expanded notes:
jerf.org/iri/post/2024/not_abo… Alternative title: "Engineers are not fans of technologies."
I stopped being a fan of Python many years ago. Of course, these days I risk being a fan of Rust.
Did you miss the #AndroidAppRain at apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid a little? Well, get your capes out, I'm back from my vacation. So today, 19 updated and 7 added apps:
* QuickMDCapture: quickly create notes in Markdown format 🛡️
* Mock my GPS UnifiedNlp Backend: mock the GPS and Network location providers
* Mock Silently: mock the GPS and Network location providers
* IrisChat: IRC client 🛡️
* Grit: ToDo List and Habit Tracker 🛡️
Právě jsme aktualizoval novou verzi Phanpy! 📢 Verze 2024.10.08
💬 Máte návrhy nebo jste našli chyby v překladu? Lokalizace ještě není kompletní, takže uvítáme jakékoliv návrhy na zlepšení a pomoc s překladem.
#Phanpy #Mastodon #Update #Localization #OpenSource
Malé upozornění: Možná budete muset zkontrolovat nastavení oznámení emailem v sekci předvolby, protože jsem měl po aktualizaci všechna oznámení automaticky zapnutá. 🔔
Doporučuji to zkontrolovat, pokud nechcete být zahlceni notifikacemi. 📬
Jsou i novinky webového rozhraní 👍🏻
Could Toronto-Montreal route be Canada's first high-speed rail?
It lacks of ambition. I guess that the values.
Max 200kph? FFS this is not the 1960s.
When TGV opened in 1981, the cruise speed on the Paris Lyon was 260kph. Paris Lille was 300kph when I commuted on it 20 years ago.
I guess lots of gloss on the report.
@samloonie th railroad were not interested in it. That's why VIA was created and remained a band-aid by still using the same badly maintained trackage on why the heavy freight has priority.
This is the root cause of the poor service. That and the lack of courage and ambition from politicians to do anything about it.
American Water shuts down online services after #cyberattack
American Water is the largest water and wastewater treatment utility in the US…
OT systems not affected - so appears this only affects their IT systems. Suspected nation state activity (Russia).
(I encourage everyone sharing this with their friends because cyber attacks absolutely can have direct “real world” consequences.)
For very good reasons, the .io
TLD is going away.
Once this treaty is signed, the British Indian Ocean Territory will cease to exist. Various international bodies will update their records. In particular, the International Standard for Organization (ISO) will remove country code “IO” from its specification. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), which creates and delegates top-level domains, uses this specification to determine which top-level country domains should exist. Once IO is removed, the IANA will refuse to allow any new registrations with a .io domain. It will also automatically begin the process of retiring existing ones. (There is no official count of the number of extant .io domains.)
(H/t @mwl )
reshared this
I don't think this is actually going to happen.
There's so much stuff relying on .io at this point that I won't be surprised if major DNS providers just sidestep ICAN and take matters into their own hands.
ICAN isn't omniscient and omnipotent, if the majority of the world decides that they shouldn't be in charge of DNS any more and that we'd rather use a different set of root servers, their power basically goes away.
#Mastodon 4.3 is out! 🎉 We've made notifications easier to manage and improved the look and feel of the whole app across the board. And that's just the tip of the iceberg! See what you can expect once your server upgrades:
You might have noticed already: since a few weeks, #MapComplete has a totally new search experience.
If you search something, the matching locations are shown on the map. If it matches the name of a layer or a filter, you can also opt to show only this layer or to enable this filter. For examplr, on mapcomplete.org/food, one could search for 'sushi' to only see sushi restaurants and then for 'open now'. Or search with an emoji, such as 🍕🍟🥙 or 🍙
- AI-generated images are used to convey whatever partisan message suits the moment regardless of truth
- for all the fear of deepfake-driven disinformation, proves fakes don't even need to be realistic
Today's challenge -- working out why GObject Introspection bitfield objects return zero when the value is bigger than MAX_UINT32. The value is correct in the .gir file, just not in the fwupd python bindings.
@ebassi @pwithnall (or anyone else) does this ring any bells please? I've opened gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gobject… with some more data.
King 5: "Poulsbo woman calls authorities after finding over 100 raccoons outside her home demanding food
The woman told deputies she started feeding raccoons around her house about 35 years ago without any problems. Six weeks ago the population of raccoons "exploded.""
😂 😬
Včerajší lov na polárnu žiaru bol úspešný. Dokonca sa mi pravdepodobne podarilo zachytiť meteor (na prvej foto) 😍
#PolárnaŽiara #meteor #auroraborealis #aurora #slovensko #slovakia
Wenn Ihr mit dabei sein sollt: Bitte eine DM.
Wise words from Tuta's co-founder, Arne Möhle 👏
Will you join our privacy revolution?
Western observers often express cynicism towards China’s self-proclaimed “Whole-Process People’s Democracy” without fully grasping its distinct characteristics and underlying principles. While Western liberal democracies prioritize periodic elections, China argues this approach is inherently limited, susceptible to corruption, and ultimately fails to truly represent the people’s will.
@tink will be attending #DevFestNantes to share her talk: “The Land That Time to Interactive Forgot.” 🌐
She’ll explore how Time to Interactive (TTI) impacts web performance, accessibility, and user experience, offering insights into how we can all make the web faster and more inclusive.
Read more about her talk and find the full schedule at: devfest.gdgnantes.com/en/sched…
#WebDevelopment #Accessibility #SustainableAccessibility #DevFest
Thunderbird for Android 8.0b2 has landed on the Google Play Store and on our Github Releases page. We've removed the existing folder class system, and would love feedback on this change from new and existing users. For more information on the release, see the release notes on GitHub:
🔊 We're finally getting a fully stylable <select> element!
Me and @surma dive into the details, including 10 web platform features we got along the way.
⬇️ Listen here ⬇️
Welcome to the RB family, USB Serial Telnet Server Thanks to the help of Alexey, this was finally achieved:
And it means that 275 of the apps at #IzzyOnDroid are now set up for #reproducibleBuilds – or in relative numbers, 22.9% Hoping for the "forth egg" (25%) though it's quite a way to go, still 😊
Quebec's language law may force music gear off store shelves
Yup. Franco Fascist. I thought these goons were pro-business but apparently they are not either.
and then banning Anglo channels? Non-dubbed movies?
They are going for all of that. Like Fascist.
I am more sympathetic than most to the need to ensure products & services are equitably available in french
at some point the gov't has to realize that the entire rest of the world is not going to bend to their whims
Québec's language law may force music gear off store shelves...
And, how long before Québec cannot reach anglophone websites to purchase anything...
montreal.ctvnews.ca/quebec-s-l… #polQC #QCpoli #assnat #languagewars #cdnpoli #polcan
Federico Mena Quintero
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in reply to Federico Mena Quintero • • •