We talked to the wonderful @Robin today on the show all about getting to grips with Windows, with a particular focus on Outlook and the File Explorer. Robin recorded a more detailed demonstration for all to enjoy - check it out here doubletaponair.com/finding-you…

@Tusky I would like it if the link to the post was automatically attached to the “Share post content” function. Otherwise you always have to copy the content first and then the link into your messenger app, which is a bit annoying. But apart from that, thanks for this wonderful great Mastodon App. Keep up the good work, you guys are great :-) #tusky
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

The blast radius of a toxic contributor in an open source project is mostly invisible.

If you're a community leader you need to understand that for every prominent developer loudly driven out there were hundreds, maybe thousands of people who could have done great work, who could have been your next generation, looking at how your people treat people, at the bar your community has set for decency or dignity, silently taking their talents elsewhere, that you didn't see.


With a heavy heart, we announce the resignation of Asahi Linux founder Hector Martin. Our project is continuing with new collective governance. Our statement is on our project blog.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Last weekend the Open Film Database (ofdb.cc) received another update, which included the migration from #WordPress (Blog) and #DokuWiki (Wiki) to #Drupal, front-end improvements for TV shows, improved cast editing, and more!

The #OFDb is a database for movies and TV shows with its data published under an open license (Open Database License). Everyone can participate and add more titles. The more the merrier!

#film #TV #movies #cinema #OpenData #database

Biometrics are a convenient and secure way to authenticate our devices. Many of us use and trust the biometrics of our devices without much thought, but are they really secure? With so many options, which ones are the best?


#Privacy #Biometrics #Security #PrivacyGuides #Article

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to DennisL

It was a stupid thing for Trump to do but map companies are merely consistently following their usual policies. "Official" names of places are decided by governments and map makers use those names within those governments' territories; if you're not in the U.S., the map should still show Gulf of Mexico.

Unless a law is passed, deciding what a place name should be, the Executive branch can name it.

Trump also changed Mt. Denali back to Mt. McKinley but it was only named Denali in 2015 by an Obama executive order.

And I know, I know. Some of you will be like, "Don't you know it's unhealthy to set multiple alarms and snooze them? You wake up more tired?" For me, it's not that I usually don't wake up after the first alarm, it's that noise canceling headphones which I wear to combat snorring from my partner when they have allergies can block out the first alarm quite well. I'll try to set them to only 40% noise cancel (this is why I love the Bose models for supporting manual-adjustable variable ANC,) on some nights, that just doesn't work out and I need max. Both the watch and phone vibrating endlessly are what I have as my saviors at that point, or loud sharp alarm noises that ANC cannot filter out well.

Someone should refresh these benchmarks and test a modern #pycurl against python requests.

"PyCurl is much faster than Requests (or other HTTP client libraries), generally completing smaller requests 2-3x as fast, and requires 3-10x less CPU time" (nine years ago)


Want a less chatty BlindShell Classic 2? In this under 4-minute episode, we show you how to cut down on extra menu announcements for smoother navigation.

🎧 Listen now: pnc.st/s/shell-phone-show/802d…

🛒 Get the BlindShell Classic 2 in red or black + accessories at ATGuys.com/Blindshell .

🔄 Found this helpful? Share with a friend & check out Unmute.Show for more tips!

🎵 Music thanks to Andre Louis – Shorts Collection. onj.me/shorts

25 years ago, on February 13, 2000 the final "Peanuts" comic strip was released. It followed the death of Charles M. Schulz the day before, as he passed away only a few hours before its publication, serving as his final farewell to his readers.

#Peanuts #Comics #CharlesSchulz #comic #ComicStrip #ComicStrips #OTD #Snoopy

I think today's dose of Doctorow (or @pluralistic , if you prefer) may well be more relevant than most.

We MUST make informed decisions and harbour informed opinions. If we go about uninformed, we end up with both our feet in our mouths.

Which is something the left has been doing a LOT in what concerns the internet as a whole.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I figured it out!
A lot of reports of alarms on iOS not sounding for people have emerged (as far back as even last May, phonearena.com/news/annoying-i…, and then early this year: nypost.com/2025/01/14/tech/iph…)
I know why now. If you set multiple alarms, iPhone will only sound them for 10 minutes. Should your alarms not be turned off and this 10-minute time is up (say, because you slept through it), the first alarm is stuck waiting in queue, and subsequently scheduled alarms will never sound but go off.
The moment you dismiss that first alarm, all of those others will magically begin sounding every 10 minutes as you dismiss them in horror, realizing that Apple's operating system is not able to properly queue alarms.
And yes, this is in iOS 18.3. I've been struggling with this pattern all week, it has made me late to my first meeting Monday because I woke up too late and scrambled too long to get ready, ETC. Not good.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Tamas G

I bet if someone tested that, you could pretty reliably repro the bug after. Just create multiple alarms, about 15 minutes apart (or 10 minutes +), don't snooze or dismiss the first alarm. See if any subsequent alarms go off, and I can almost bet that they will not. My best guess is that alarms are all run on a single thread, so until that thread has returned as finished with the first alarm, the others after just can't execute properly.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Tamas G

A good solid workaround: Go into the options for each alarm, and uncheck the "snooze" toggle. This will mean that (A) you will not have a snooze option when it goes off, but more importantly, (B) it will continue sounding through 10 minutes. Still not ideal, especially as what I'll often do is set different tones and vibrations to gradually make them more annoying through each alarm, but what else can I do, I guess. This way there's hope I could dismiss that first one and the others after it would sound, even if on a delay from me sleeping off the firrst 10 minutes. Sigh.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Wow, the silence trimming within NVDA 2025.1 for the OneCore voices is really superb to see, for the first time I'm willing to give their use seruious consideration. It's fairly close to Eloquence, if not the same exactly - even when you hold down the tab key to cycle through items in the taskbar area super quickly, you can notice the starting fragments of speech are uttered, so for me it has entered the ring as a solid contender. Now if only the Neural Voices add-on was updated to support the silence trimming and rate boost, wow.

UI/UX Design Studio Manager Laurel Terlesky's #fosdem talk is online! Explore Thunderbird's journey toward a cohesive, scalable, and data-informed open-source design system that unites desktop, Thunderbird for Android, and beyond.

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Design


Aleca reshared this.

Unsere #Matrix #Bridges sind jetzt offiziell aus der Beta-Phase raus! 🚀

Neben Telegram, Signal und WhatsApp haben wir ab sofort auch eine Bridge zu Discord im Angebot.

Vielen lieben Dank an unsere Beta-Kunden! Wir melden uns in Kürze bei euch 🙂

Mehr Infos zu unserem Matrix-Hosting und anderen Open-Source-Lösungen findet ihr auf unserer Website:


Genauere Infos zu den Bridges findet ihr hier:

#OpenSource #Messaging #Privacy #Hosting

oooh. I got the alpha version of NVDA, might begin to update the Eloquence add-ons I made to support it this weekend. Good to know that stuff like BeSTSpeech still work (and to see the debug version's logging always raise the OS access violation error in BstShutup too), Brailab works. No DECTalk, sad sad. Same goes for the Orpheus Lite and other classic synths, there will for sure need to be a larger update where many add-ons need revising.
As usual, it's amazing to see the documentation and changes / deprecation for developers so clearly laid out, I don't see it a big challenge to revise a few functions here and there to the new formats or accepted params.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Steve

ha. I think part of what they're fighting is knowing that something will get deprecation but then not knowing how rewriting part of that code later on to deprecate it will cause other changes. I feel a bit of this for the Wasapi changes, we knew the old MME code and feature will go away in (X) release, sure, but then rewriting Nvwave to not support it meant that other stuff like passing in config params changed, too. So it can be a bit unpredictible even for them probably as to the rewrites something might later require. (I also wouldn't be surprised if even though SAPI4 goes away in 2026.1, there will be a 3rd-party add-on floating around to support it beyond it.)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Tamas G

BeSTSpeech still works, yet eloquence and dectalk don't? How strange. What's the alpha like of NVDA? I don't usually get alphas or betas in their early stages because of things like this, or in iPhones, mainly the developer betas, only twice I have had a problem. my older iPhone wouldn't start and my iPad's in the same state, I just can't get the iPad to power on. I guess I need to restore from a backup or something.

#Fractal 10 had a couple regressions. We didn’t want our users to wait until Fractal 11 to get the fixes in their favorite #GNOME #Matrix client, so here is Fractal 10.1:


"The UK’s war on encryption affects all of us" via @verge.

Indeed, the UK's actions imperil security across the globe.

It's worth highlighting that open source comms tools, like @matrix and @signalapp, empower researchers and users: you'll _see_ if a backdoor is added.

Not so with proprietary tools. Do you really trust Meta, Apple, or Google not to roll over on you?


#FOSS #SoftwareFreedom #OpenSource #Security #Privacy #Encryption


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@Friendica Support
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DE: Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, sich alle Beiträge anzeigen zu lassen, die man entweder geliked, geboostet oder kommentiert hat? Ich hatte schon öfter das Problem, dass ich einen Beitrag später wiederfinden wollte, den ich entweder kommentiert oder nur geliked hatte. Bisher habe ich aber keine Funktion gefunden, die mir eine Übersicht über meine Likes oder Kommentare bietet – außer der manuellen Suche. In meiner Home-Timeline sehe ich nur meine eigenen Beiträge und geteilte Inhalte. Übersehe ich da etwas?

EN: Is there a way to view all posts that I have liked, boosted, or commented on? I've often found myself wanting to revisit a post I had either commented on or simply liked, but I haven't found any feature that provides an overview of my likes or comments—aside from manually searching for them. In my home timeline, I can only see my own posts and shared content. Am I missing something?