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Which office suite(s) do you use at least once a week? (in a typical week)

Please only answer the poll *if* you use #office software, such as #wordprocessor, #spreadsheet #presentation software, etc.

#LibreOffice #MSOffice #MicrosoftOffice #GoogleDocs #CalligraSuite #Calligra #FreeOffice #SoftmakerOffice #Gnumeric #CollaboraOffice #CollaboraOnline #OpenOffice #OnlyOffice #Microsoft365 #WordPerfectOffice #WPSOffice #iWork #Windows #Linux #macOS #Android #iOS

  • LibreOffice (60%, 138 votes)
  • Microsoft Office (38%, 87 votes)
  • Google Docs (30%, 69 votes)
  • Other (please reply and explain) (5%, 13 votes)
229 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Hey, folks. Anyone know of any blind pet owners (specifically, blind cat owners) mailing lists, groups, etc. etc. etc. or even books/articles/courses out there? Probably going to be a new cat owner in a couple of months and would like to bounce some tips/advice off of folks.


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PSA: UK immigration, indefinite leave to remain

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It's Esperanto Day today. Feliĉan Esperanto-Tagon al ĉiuj, kiuj ŝatas la lingvon! Got any questions about the language? It's one of most used ones, so ask away!

Music's a weird concept, isn't it? I'm going to make an array of different noises at you in a way you will find inexplicably pleasing. I will even shout ooh and hurgh and day-o and you will enjoy it somehow.

Did you know Tuta offers discount plans for NGOs?

We spoke to the Committee for Justice, a Swiss-based Organization who use Tuta Mail as their end-to-end email provider.

Find out more on the CFJ, their work and why they chose Tuta:…
#givingback #nonprofit #privacy

Guide for Using Mastodon Search. It’s easier and more powerful than you… | by Mark Wyner | Jun, 2024 | Medium…

Khronos reshared this.

Well here I am all dressed up in my smart casual best to go out. I get to wear a tommy Hillfiger top I bought last year which still had the tag on, I never got to wear it, it's banging! Oh, I did take the tag off first! Giggling.
in reply to Lulu Hartgen

nothing worse than an itchy scratchy scritchy tag tickling your skin all day! Well done on zapping that!

have fun!

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Teoreticky to nerob.
To porno je super , ale všetko je potom také umatlané a bolia zápästia.😀

Unknown parent

@Sandruska93 Docela i dobré kafe tam dělají. Sice za 60 Kč, ale co bych neudělal pro fotku na Mastodon 😄😄

можно ли мне устроить выходной по причине день сисадмина?

...наверное нет, потому что работаю я все же девелопером(

in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

конечно, можо. Я деаю последний пулл риквест, а потом иду отдыхать.

This has been out for nine months already, and the feedback has been very positive. With airplay on BBC 6 music among other stations, it's garnered quite a lot of attention in the media.
The track is called 'Deusa' and is one of my absolute favourite things to have made in a while. I imagine hearing this as you walk down the street, coming out of a restaurant, clothes or shoe shop or in someone's car on a Friday night.
Roberta Silva is a fantastic Brazilian-Portuguese singer that lives in London. I first heard her at a gig and when I told Cian (aka Bruk Rogers) about her after he wanted us to find a singer, said she'd be the absolute best fit for the job, which she is.
Listen on your music platform of choice here:

having an amazing progress on getting rid of #telegram 😄

managed to move 27 conversations from telegram to #signal (I think one conversation was moved to #threema 😄)

About half of the people already had signal. The other half I spent time explaining all the things that are wrong with telegram.

The fact that people listen to me and then make the move, shows me that my friends, especially the ones who are not into tech, trust and respect me. One of my friends was really

impressed because she thought that all messengers are the same and just have different skins and buttons 😆😆😆

Only 1 friend left who has not (yet) downloaded #signal, but is going to 👌🏾

The family group was impossible to migrate. Apparently older people don't like change. Not really a surprise 😆 No idea how I'll handle that. Maybe my cousin will be a proxy or I'll have to use telegram every now and then (on desktop) to check the family group. OR I will just keep pestering every one when we meet IRL 😂 "We have to move to signal" and one of my uncles will be like "NO! I INSTALLED TELEGRAM BECAUSE LAST TIME YOU SAID WE HAVE TO LEAVE WHATSAPP. I WILL NOT DO THIS AGAIN" 😆😆😆😆😆

Other than that I have a handful of telegram bots. Most of them I have written myself. Nothing crazy though, almost all of them just wrap some APIs.

Since I've started to use #matrix since April, I'm now thinking about turning my telegram-bots into matrix-bots. I think it could be a fun project and would make telegram even more obsolete 😄

in reply to Nikhil 🐧

I've used threema with my daughter a while ago. I've not tried Signal for accessibility

OSM resturaunt photos/reviews?

I've been contributing to Google Maps for a while, specifically, I usually upload pictures of menu's from restaurants, so future visitors can see them before they decide to eat there! I'm trying to degoogle my life a bit & was wondering if there is a way I could contribute these to OSM?
in reply to ApplyingAutomation

If the menu is available on a website you can link to it by adding the website:menu tag. These will show on Organic Maps for example…

See for example this bar that Organic Maps shows the link to the Menu:

Mate Bar

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to randomaccount43543

I've added 'image:menu' and 'website:menu' to . With it, you can now upload an image of the menu with a few clicks.

It's fun when you drop something, but it lands exactly where you wanted it anyway. That's some kind of destiny voodoo junk.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

I'm picturing that Red dwarf scene now, where Lister drops the toast butter-side up every time.

Controversial opinions about disability.

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in reply to Nick's world

Controversial opinions about disability.

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in reply to Clare Page

Controversial opinions about disability.

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in reply to Sean Randall

Controversial opinions about disability.

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in reply to Sean Randall

Controversial opinions about disability.

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#PEP517 build backends with the same .gitignore related bug:

* poetry (…)
* maturin (…)
* hatch (…)

... 🙄

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Bubu :progress_pride:

wait! Am I going to be overwhelmed by all new build backends when I return to work?? *sweating intensifies*
in reply to Bubu :progress_pride:

Maturin is fixed now (and poetry already was at the time of the initial post, even though it took 1.5 years after the initial report).

Hatch isn't moving. Maybe in a year or two? 🤷

Myslíte si že všetci prišli do práce?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

@Friendica Support
Ich habe eingestellt, dass Beiträge nach 14 Tage gelöscht werden.
Das scheint nun wohl nicht mehr zu funktionieren.
Ich habe Beiträge im Profil die sind einen Monat alt.
Ist das Problem bekannt?
in reply to Tuxi ⁂

Es sollte eigentlich das Gegenteil sein. Das Löschen hatte eine Zeitlang ein Problem, aber das ist beseitigt. Laut meinem Monitoring werden bei mir einmal pro Tag Beiträge gelöscht:
in reply to Michael Vogel

@Michael Vogel
Kann ich leider nicht bestätigen. Habe in meinem Profil Beiträge die weit Älter als 14 Tage sind. Also der Löschmechanismus scheint nicht zu funktionieren. :thinking face:
in reply to Steffen K9 🍮

Das ist als Frontend Grafana und die Daten kommen von Zabbix. Es ist echt sehr gut darin, Probleme zu erkennen. Z.B. kann ich sehr gut sehen, wenn sich Worker-Jobs ansammeln, der Worker nicht läuft, etc.
in reply to Michael Vogel

Gibt es dazu ein API oder woher bekommst du die Daten was versendet etc wird / wurde
in reply to 👤 𝟳𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘀 ✅🖖⁂

Wenn Home Assistant URLs abrufen kann, die JSON-Content enthalten, dann sollte das klappen.

Die Daten sehen so aus:

in reply to Michael Vogel

Sollte es können - notfalls noch ein Node-Red dazwischen geschaltet und fein ist die Laube
in reply to 👤 𝟳𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘀 ✅🖖⁂

Die Funktionalität ist mit dem RC gekommen. Ich bin noch am Überlegen, welche weiteren Daten sinnvoll sein könnten.
in reply to Michael Vogel

Nun aktuell hab ich eh keine Instanz mehr am Laufen.
Denn mit der 32 GB Datenbank - Single User Instanz wollte mein Server nicht mehr.
Der Docker Firendica hat dann schon nach 2 Wochen die Flügel gestreckt, weil der Worker nicht mehr lief.

Bin also noch am Schauen, ob ich nochmal eine hochziehe.

A FOSS project like OpenSSL should be able to explain their choices without resorting to unverified, wishy-washy statements.

This has gone on long enough. Debian sid is now shipping curl with gnutls to enable HTTP/3. Gentoo is considering its options.

Talk to your distro of choice, if you want access to modern internet protocols. The alternatives are there.…

Wyciek danych nie jest udostępnieniem danych - tak wynika z ostatniego wyroku Wojewódzkiego Sądu Administracyjnego w Warszawie.

Pewna spółka, zajmująca się obsługą płacową, została zaatakowana przez ransomware. W rezultacie dane jednej z firm (kontrahenta spółki) zostały zaszyfrowane. Poszkodowana w ten sposób firma zwróciła się ze skargą do Prezesa #UODO.

Organ nadzorczy stwierdził jednak, że odpowiedzialność za naruszenie ponosi... firma, która (zdaniem PUODO) udostępniła dane osobie atakującej i to właśnie ona została ukarana upomnieniem.

Decyzja organu została zaskarżona. Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny w orzeczeniu z 25 lipca 2024 r. (sygn. akt II SA/Wa 2430/23) przyznał rację firmie. Wskazano w szczególności, że Prezes UODO nie wykazał, by w sprawie doszło do udostępnienia danych osobowych.

Szczegóły:… #RODO

V eDokladech je chyba, která bude brzy opravena. Omlouváme se.

Nejedná se o něco bezprostředně zneužitelného, ale být to tam nemá. Z mého pohledu se jedná o šlendrián programátorů a je ostuda že nebyl odhalen dřív.…

in reply to Ondřej Profant

Tak ted uz alespon rozumime vyjadreni pana Mesrsmida, proc by jim zverejneni zdrojovych kodu "velmi zkomplikovalo situaci".…

Na Lupe se Martin Mesrsmid vyjadroval k problemum eDokladu. Co se stalo tak nejak vime. Jako novinka padla otazka: "Planujete zverejnit eDoklady jako open source?" Na cez jednoznacne odpovedel:

Velmi by nám to zkomplikovalo situaci.

Kdo nekdy neco programoval, tak tusi, o jake komplikace se jedna 🙈. Pro IT netknute jsme poprosili Yenerator, aby nam situaci priblizil. Dekujeme!

Vyzblepty Yeneratoru a nazory na stav Ceske IT infrastruktury najdete na

#it #dia #meme

in reply to Martin Wenisch

Pepik: A co kdybysme to rovnou udělali jako open-source?

Martin: Nene, to by nám hrozně zkomplikovalo situaci: museli bysme pořádně definovat requirementy (nemohli bysme pracovat agilně)! A navíc: takhle si tady v analýze rizik můžu škrtnout všechna reputační rizika ...

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I'm not sure what the part of my brain that used to store telephone numbers is doing now.

From EYB re #AsmaKhan's new book, #flavour
[My comments are in square brackets.] It sounds interesting, especially as I have #MasalaLab by #KrishAshok on my desk at the moment.

Asma Khan, creator of Darjeeling Express in London, thinks that the idea of what Indian people eat at home is so wrong. “No one in India eats naan at home,” she says. “You need a tandoor. Your bloody house would catch fire. People’s idea of what we eat is so warped.”

Her two #cookbooks focus on Indian home cooking. Her upcoming book, Flavour – Discover the Elements Behind Delicious Indian Cookery, is different.

It is structured around the six core #ayurvedic tastes: Tangy, Bitter, Hot, Sweet, Sour, and Salty and how they correlate to the six seasons in Bengal. [These aren't actually the 6 Ayurveda tastes, which are Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, Pungent, Astringent.]

This book aims to illuminate Indian cookery by giving the foundations needed to build balanced flavours, dishes and sumptuous feasts. [All from a Bengali perspective, of course. Each region in Indian has very different food and approaches.]

With core techniques including roasting, grinding and tempering spices, how to cook with ghee, chillies, and onions, and what to add and when to re-balance flavours in a dish, Flavour will have home cooks applying fundamental processes intuitively to their cooking of Indian [Bengali] food.

#IndianFood #BengaliFood #Food #Cookbooks

According to #NS, people on the go are not used to returning deposited bottles at the stations so it makes no sense to deploy more reverse vending machines there.…

How come that often three out of four machines at Amsterdam Centraal are full? And what would it then look like if people were used to returning bottles at the station?


I think I posted it before, but gonna post again. A fanfic prompt.

You're home alone 1 night reading, working on a paper for school, just playing around on the computer, Etc. From another room you hear voices and some movement. You grab a nearby object that you might be able to defend yourself with, and go to see what it is. You find some characters from your favorite fandom there. Who are they? Did they come on purpose or are they just as confused as you are? What happens next? #Fanfiction

I have been travelling the past few weeks, and have not yet had the time to fully digest the recent announcement by Deepmind of how their two new #IMO problem solver engines, AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry2, were able to between them solve 4 of the 6 problems at the most recent International Mathematical Olympiad:… . But I can record some preliminary impressions.

1. This is great work, shifting once again our expectations of which benchmark challenges are within reach of either #AI-assisted or fully autonomous methods. For instance, IMO level geometry problems are now effectively a solved problem for specialized AI tools; and it seems now that IMO problems that can be readily formalized and with formal proofs that can be located through a reinforcement learning process are now at least somewhat amenable to AI attacks (though currently requiring genuinely significant amounts of compute per problem, and human assistance on the formalization side).

2. There may be side benefits of this approach into making formal mathematics easier to automate, which could in turn facilitate mathematical research methods that contain formal components. In particular, the database of formal proofs generated by this effort could be a useful resource if shared more openly.

3. The approach (based more on reinforcement learning than large language models, somewhat in the spirit of AlphaGo, and heavily emphasizing formal methods) is clever, and makes sense in retrospect. As per the "AI effect"… , once explained, it does not "feel" like an exhibition of human-like intelligence; but it is still an expansion of the capability of our suite of AI-assisted problem solving tools.

#AI #imo
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

"We estimate that the decline in Nuclear power Plants caused by Chernobyl led to the loss of approximately 141 million expected life years in the U.S., 33 in the U.K. and 318 million globally".

So, for the slow kids, let’s spell this out:
1. Chernobyl happened
2. Many countries close down nuclear or no longer build it
3. Instead fossil fuel plants get built
4. Air pollution is spiking
5. 318 million life years are lost globally (thus far)

All because of fear.…

You cannot befriend and date people who are neurodivergent and/or disabled with the expectation that they will behave neurotypically and/or able-bodied. I don't think people truly grasp how ableist and damaging that is.

Sooo many people think this entails accepting abuse or severe incompatibility, when what it actually entails is learning about your loved one's neurodivergencies, hearing them out when they explain to you what they need, and adjusting how you interact with them + how you navigate certain situations based on this knowledge with the mutual goal of maintaining a healthy, harmonious relationship.

If you refuse to adjust in any regard, then don't insist on befriending and dating neurodivergent and/or disabled people. It's not fair to them or you, and it's also extremely unrealistic.

People act like compromise is the worst thing ever or is inherently toxic, when it's literally essential for maintaining relationships, ESPECIALLY if both parties are multi-intersectional and have neurodivergencies and/or disabilities that contrast.

It's not in-tune with reality at all to treat everybody the same way because not everybody is the same.

-- CherryMewnCake, 2022 (Facebook)

#Disability #disabled #accessibility #activism

Kačica detektív.…

local instance, donation meta

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This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Takže "Internet je naše moře", pojďme si to shrnout:
- digitální stavební řízení nic moc
- evidence ubytovaných je WTF
- #eObčanka taky průser
- v ochraně před copyright lobby se vůbec nic nestalo
- v oblasti drogový politiky je úplný ticho

Možná se pletu #Piráti, ale nezačínali jste jako strana, která má problém s velkýma bratrama a podobnýma srandama? Kde je důraz na soukromí?

Ano, práva LGBT, sociální role státu a všechny tyhle věci jsou důležitý, ale kvůli tomu vás nevolim. Dělá něco #Šalomoun? Dělá něco dobře #Bartoš?

V tuhle chvíli jedinej důvod, proč vás znovu volit je #Lipavský.

Nevim, jestli mi to stačí...

eObčanka měla chránit soukromí, přitom odesílá, kdo se kde ověřuje. ‚Sběr dat omezíme,‘ slibuje agentura

in reply to Schmaker

Jojo a oni se pak divý, že jim klesají preference. 😁

Humans invented art 40,000 years before we invented money

We’ve never needed monetary motivation to do beautiful things

and we never will

Zdá se mi, že se nám ta digitalizace nějak vymyká a velký bratr číhá v každém kroku...…