Welcome to the RB family, Just Listen 🥳
"Just Listen" is a media player to play songs in background. Thanks to joint efforts of @obfusk identifying the culprit (sqldelight issue) and RLD-JL (the author) addressing it, we succeeded here.
This brings the number of RB apps at #IzzyOnDroid to 277, or in relative numbers to 23% now
Good to see an open source alternative arriving on the scene so soon.
Source: It's FOSS Good to see an open source alternative arriving on the scene so soon.
Source: It's FOSS search.app/uXqRP6sBovBFWroQ8
The book discusses all the available Braille Displays and is available for free as a word document, ePUB and in PDF format. If you'd like to download your copy, visit braillists.org/brailleondispla…
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🧙 "Ridiculous!" 🧙
Indeed the only fitting reaction to that statement. Not questioning it, but "falling from the couch to ROFLMAO", making clear one cannot take that serious. Well done!
I'd almost said "calling that man truthful is like calling a gun a peacemaker" – but ouch, wasn't there something… 🙈
#AndroidAppRain at apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid today brings you 10 updated and 2 added apps:
* PuppyGit Pro: Git Client for Android
* Vaani: a client for your Audiobookshelf server
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo
This is an example of why Mastodon is the future:
On Threads they have been using algorithms to moderate user content, but The Verge now reports how a large number of popular accounts have been banned, simply because Zuckerberg's software mistook their good content for bad content.
That is the difference:
On Mastodon, we have humans taking part in the moderation of humans. But on commercial social media, humans are pushed around like sheep.
Urteil: Rechtsextremist hat kein Recht auf Referendariat
Ein Neonazi wurde zu Recht nicht als Referendar an einem Oberlandesgericht zugelassen. Das urteilte das Bundesverwaltungsgericht. Der Staat müsse niemanden ausbilden, der die Verfassung aktiv bekämpfe. Von A. Lagmöller.
First up, Beethoven's fur elise. This SMAF remix takes the piece in a Latin direction, replacing the lead piano with a trumpet, and adding its own background improvisation on other instruments. From Samsung PC Studio version 2.0. Arranger unknown.
MMF: onj3.andrelouis.com/phonetones….
Original piece: youtube.com/watch?v=s71I_EWJk7…
The Vegetarian
Check out this great listen on Audible.com. WINNER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOOKER PRIZE • “[Han] Kang viscerally explores the limits of what a human brain and body can endure, and the strange beauty that can be found in even the most extreme forms of re…Audible
Khronos reshared this.
Let's keep the contributor appreciation from earlier going! Our most recent Contributor Highlight is out, and we're shining the light on Toad Hall, one of our Mozilla Support (SUMO) forum superheroes! The SUMO forums are the pillar of our support, and contributors like Toad keep it strong.
@73CC We don't track you and we don't have trackers! We have telemetry, which is a completely different thing that is fully anonymous and only collects technical pings . You can see the things we collect here: stats.thunderbird.net/
But also, you can already completely disable telemetry from the settings page.
With the release of Thunderbird Mobile, the tracker was removed.
»incoming.telemetry.mozilla.org« was included in the beta version.
Khronos reshared this.
The wait is over. HTML for People is OUT NOW!
I feel strongly that anyone should be able to make a website with HTML if they want. This web book will teach you how to do just that. It doesn’t require any previous experience making websites or coding. I will cover everything you need to know to get started in an approachable and friendly way.
And it’s free for all. 🚀
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New from 404 Media: people are using AI to auto apply for jobs. Bot scrolls LinkedIn, opens job applications, writes cover letter. Users say they've got interviews
We tested it. "By the time I finished breakfast, I had applied to 12 different jobs" 404media.co/i-applied-to-2-843…
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Please boost!
Do you need Code of Conduct Enforcement training in 2025?
Fill out my workshop time survey:
Help me figure out what time to run my monthly Code of Conduct Enforcement workshops.
With people needing training in Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and North America, it's impossible to find one single workshop time that works for everyone. So each month I pick a different time zone to best accommodate.
If you are a conference organizer, please let me know which month and time you need training!
You can either fill out the form, or send an email to sharp@otter.technology
Kurzer Bericht im DLF über Behinderten-Ausbeutungsbetriebe ("Werkstätten").
Es gilt immer noch als Argument, dass behinderte Menschen mit einem feuchten Händedruck entlohnt werden können, weil sie dankbar sein sollten, überhaupt arbeiten zu dürfen. Es ist einfach nur empörend, wie unsere Gesellschaft mit Menschen umgeht.
Knapp 6 Minuten, es gibt eine Zusammenfassung als Text.
Ich kenne übrigens einige der Argumente aus meiner Erwerbslosenzeit, wenn mir irgendwelche Mistjobs oder Quatschmaßnahmen schmackhaft gemacht werden sollten: Geregelter Tagesablauf (als wäre das ein Wert an sich), "Anerkennung" (als stünde ein entwürdigender Lohn dem Anerkennungsgefühl nicht offensichtlich entgegen), "Sinnstiftung und Identität" (weil ein Mensch ohne Arbeit ein wertloser Niemand ist), blabla. Das alles sei viel wichtiger und toller als eine angemessene oder überhaupt eine Bezahlung.
Unsere verkorkste Arbeitsmythologie macht wenige Menschen reich und viele Menschen arm und krank.
Das ist eine Nummer, die du in einer Situation weitergeben kannst, in der du dich belästigt oder unwohl fühlst. Wählt die Person dann diese Nummer, erhält sie kurze Zeit später folgende Nachricht:
„Hey, hier ist Noa. Eine Person hat sich nicht wohlgefühlt und dir deswegen diese Nummer gegeben. Besuche noanruf.de/nummer-bekommen/ und schau, wie du diese Situation beim nächsten Mal vermeiden kannst. Grüße, NoA.“
No idea how it renders visually but it works well for VO.
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