“We just launched a 16TB archive of every dataset that has been available on data.gov since November. This will be updated day by day as new datasets appear. It can be freely copied, and we're sharing the code behind it to help others make their own archives of data they depend on.” Harvard Library Innovation Lab (via BlueSky)




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Plnými doušky si vychutnávám uklidňující nápoj, vývar z meduňky a lipového květu. Vhodná chvíle nastala pro opětovnou aktivaci série budíků, které stejně zítra ráno v sérii odpálkuju, dokud nebude 4:30 a nebude nejvyšší čas k tomu vstát z mého vyhřátého doupěte. Je zde opět ta chvíle, ta všemi proklínaná chvíle, neděle večer. V každém zaměstnanci vyvolává vlnu úzkostí, které nekončí a plynule přechází v ráno, dokud člověk nevkročí na pracoviště.

AirGradient: sledování kvality vzduchu (nejen) pro Home Assistant

Před dvěma a půl lety jsme se přestěhovali do čtvrti s rodinnými domy na kraji Brna. A ač se tu nenachází žádná velká doprava nebo průmysl, vzduch je tu v zimě často horší než v centru. Mnoho let už platí, že mezi nejvýznamnější znečišťovatele vzduchu patří lokální topeniště. Do řízeného větrání jsme museli pořídit tři filtry, dva uhlíkové a […]

#AirGradient #AirQuality #ekologie #HomeAssistant

(reakce na tento příspěvek se může zobrazit jako komentář pod článkem)

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in reply to Tomáš Znamenáček

v dokumentaci je "Please get a standard 5v, 2A power supply." Je fakt, že nabíječku, která deklarovala, že zvládne konkrétně 2A, jsem měl doma jen jednu po starém HP Touchpad. Buď mají kolem 1,5 A a honí výkon přes napětí, nebo jsou pak rychlonabíiečky s 3A, ale těch je na toto škoda. Nezkoušel jsem to s jinou, možná to funguje i se slabšími. Určitě to nemá odběr 10 W.

Encryption backdoors must never be allowed. To prove that Tuta is #free from any #backdoor, the entire client code is published as #opensource.

Let's fight against mass surveillance! ✊


#privacy #encryption #surveillance

Welcome to the RB family, Sefirah 🥳


Sefirah is an opinionated phone link alternative designed to enhance your workflow with seamless clipboard and notification sharing between your Windows PC and Android device.

Thanks to the help of its dev, we finally managed to get it reproducible! :awesome:

RB status now: 427 apps (34.3%)

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

Microsoft Research: GenAI can inhibit critical engagement with work and can potentially lead to long-term overreliance on the tool and diminished skill for independent problem-solving.

Microsoft: *sells GenAI aggressively into the Education 365 packages*

Hao-Ping (Hank) Lee and others, ‘The Impact of Generative AI on Critical Thinking: Self-Reported Reductions in Cognitive Effort and Confidence Effects From a Survey of Knowledge Workers’ (ACM CHI 2025). advait.org/files/lee_2025_ai_c…

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Wow, Goodreads is a disaster. The community curated list of The Absolute Worst Books Ever Written includes The Diary of Anne Frank, Mein Kampf, I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban, and The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Along with, you know, The Twilight Saga and Dan Brown's books. Just in case you thought people who read were somehow smarter than those who don't.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna stick with FydeOS for a bit... Most of what I do is on the web anyway & for those things that actually require an app (Email, Matrix & XMPP for example) I've got access to Android apps via F-Droid & the Play Store. Bonus is that I can use a local account with FydeOS (which you can't do with ChromeOS/ChromeOS Flex, btw) and minimize what data Google collects about me. Only sources of data left are the Play Store & YouTube as the majority of Android apps I've installed within FydeOS were obtained via F-Droid. I can also use Linux apps, but really haven't had a need for that subsystem of FydeOS yet. #FydeOS #Chromium #Android #FDroidApp

If you are a Pagan and are fond of UU values, you might be interested in CUUPs. There might be a local chapter to you,


Never heard of CUUPs? More info can be found here, cuups.org/about-cuups

#Pagan #Paganism #UU #UnitarianUniversalism #CUUPs #CUUP #UnitarianUniveralist #UUism

in reply to Andrea Callegaro

@Andrea Callegaro I maintain some very small open source projects of mobile apps and, if you want them to be accepted in stores, you must follow a11y guidelines, there is no opt-out. Minor issue can be tolerated but each update (which requires a new review) may result in a rejection. Probably on Linux/desktop, where there is no central control, the situation is different.

Hovewer, I found the community to be very supportive on this topic and people contributed and helped me to fix accessibility issues.

Interesting breakdown of how Google has gone off the accessibility rails, among other rails, while also framing some common corp methods for reframing needs into revenue streams.

Original post for following:

#a11y #accessibility

Thank You For Your Feedback Loop is a monthly newsletter that will share previously unpublished reporting and analysis on the elite capture of disability movements.

The first post, "The Rise and Fall of Access" is available now.


#accessibility #DEIA #DEI

Rada nad zlato od Zyxelu: vyhoďte naše routery, jsou nebezpečné ino.to/ZesndGy

Una de las recomendaciones más habituales para garantizar la privacidad en Internet es usar una #VPN. Pero tengo una duda: si usamos esa VPN en el móvil y el móvil se conecta a servicios que nos identifican (imaginad cualquier red social "habitual"), al final nos da lo mismo: nuestro operador no lo sabrá y a lo mejor el proveedor de VPN no guarda logs, pero la Facebook o Instagram de turno sabe que nos hemos identificado con el usuario fulanito con tal IP y puerto a tal hora.

Creo que hay algo que no termino de entender o algún paso que me salto. ¿Alguien me puede contar algo al respecto?


:tapestry_app: Translate foreign language items in the Tapestry timeline to your native language quickly and easily. Here’s how:

- Tap the Actions icon (…) on an item
- Tap translate

Once translated you can act on the translated text like copy it, share it and more. 👍

#TapestryApp #TapestryTips

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Thank You For Your Feedback Loop is a monthly newsletter that will share previously unpublished reporting and analysis on the elite capture of disability movements.

The first post, "The Rise and Fall of Access" is available now.


#accessibility #DEIA #DEI

🚨 Welke gegevens van je zou #Meta nog meer allemaal gebruiken om #AI te trainen? 🤔


#WhatsApp heeft al AI in de app...🤷 faq.whatsapp.com/1002544104126…

Zeker zijn dat je privégesprekken en data niet en nooit worden gebruikt? Kies #Signal: signal.org/install


in reply to Mathijs

@mvgorcum Het blijft een vrije keuze :)

Ongetwijfeld ben je op de hoogte, maar wellicht hier wat voordelen ten opzichte van WhatsApp signalapp.nl/signal-app-info/w…

Vwb decentralisatie, veelgehoord punt uiteraard, zeker op Mastodon. Dat kent de nodige uitdagingen, president van Signal Meredith Whittaker stukje over Matrix wellicht interessant (interview De Balie)
Bij 1:28:10, kort stukje 4min: youtube.com/live/lMFYUGkqk_Q?s

in reply to Signal Nieuws & Tips

tsja, ik draai dus inderdaad een matrix en xmpp server in mijn huis. Werkt in mijn ervaring prima. Het argument dat ze maken is dat het moeilijk is om het gedecentraliseerd te doen. Dat is natuurlijk waar, het is niet simpel. Maar wat ze niet zegt is dat het gevolg is dat ze dus daarmee alle macht in eigen hand houdt. Dat gaat goed zolang signal geen kwaad wil doen. Ik hoop dat dat zo blijft, maar ik wil het er niet op gokken.

Oh man, I have so many stories about the "startup" (Path Network), which the 19-year-old DOGE employee, Edward Coristine previously worked for.

My first interaction with the founder, Marshal Webb, was in 2016 when the company was called "BackConnect'. I'd recently posted a research paper on the Mirai botnet, which lead to him harassing me online, simply because he considered himself to be the sole authority on Mirai.

It later turned out, that a lot of his knowledge came from the fact that he was personally hosting the threat actors' infrastructure, therefore had direct insight into the botnet. He tried to play it off as an "intelligence gathering operation". Everyone knew he was really just in bed with the threat actors, but nobody could prove it enough to make a case against him.

At some point shortly after, a DDoS-for-hire service got hacked and its entire customer database along with all DDoS attack logs was leaked online. One of the records traced back to an employee of his DDoS mitigation firm, and from a combination of attack logs and corroboration with customers, it was determined that they had been launching DDoS attacks against businesses, then cold calling them to sell DDoS protection services.

It was fairly apparent from the fact the emails coincided with the DDoS attacks, but did not originate from the the employee performing the attacks that the company was in on it, and this wasn't the work of some rogue employee. Nevertheless, said employee got thrown under the bus, convicted, and was unsuccessful in proving that his employer was in on the conspiracy, although they most certainly were.

Eventually, the founder ended up being named in some kind of criminal complaint or other FBI related court document. The specific wording seemed to imply that he'd gotten caught doing something illegal enough that he'd become an informant to save himself. Amusingly, when the document surfaced, the company just issued a press release about how they were "helping the FBI stop crime" and nothing become of it.

The company has always been shady as hell, and while it's not abnormal for cybersecurity firms to hire reformed hackers, I've not seen a single employee who was not directly involved in cybercrime immediately prior to getting hired. Furthermore, multiple of the employees have been caught committing cybercrime while working for the company.

Originally, when I posted this thread on February 6th, I stopped short of any allegation that Edward himself was involved in cybercrime. Since then @briankrebs was able to trace his aliases back to a known cybercrime organization and confirm he indeed was directly involved in cybercrime as recently as May 2024.

You can find Brian's Mastodon thread on the matter here:

Drop what you are doing and read this incredible story from Wired, if you can. After that, come back here.


It mentions that a 19 y/o man who's assisting Musk's team and who has access to sensitive government systems is Edward Coristine. Wired said Coristine, who apparently goes by the nickname "Big Balls," runs a number of companies, including one called Tesla.Sexy LLC

"Tesla.Sexy controls dozens of web domains, including at least two Russian-registered domains. One of those domains, which is still active, offers a service called Helfie, which is an AI bot for Discord servers targeting the Russian market.While the operation of a Russian website would not violate US sanctions preventing Americans doing business with Russian companies, it could potentially be a factor in a security clearance review."

The really interesting part for me is Coristine's work history at a company called Path Networks, which Wired describes generously as a company "known for hiring reformed black-hat hackers."

"At Path Network, Coristine worked as a systems engineer from April to June of 2022, according to his now-deleted LinkedIn resume. Path has at times listed as employees Eric Taylor, also known as Cosmo the God, a well-known former cybercriminal and member of the hacker group UGNazis, as well as Matthew Flannery, an Australian convicted hacker whom police allege was a member of the hacker group LulzSec. It’s unclear whether Coristine worked at Path concurrently with those hackers, and WIRED found no evidence that either Coristine or other Path employees engaged in illegal activity while at the company."

The founder of Path is a young man named Marshal Webb. I wrote about Webb back in 2016, in a story about a DDoS defense company he co-founded called BackConnect LLC. Working with Doug Madory, we determined that BackConnect had a long history of hijacking Internet address space that it didn't own.


Incidentally, less than 24 hours after that story ran, my site KrebsOnSecurity.com was hit with the biggest DDoS attack the Internet had ever seen at the time. That sustained attack kept my site offline for nearly 4 days.


Here's the real story behind why Coristine only worked at Path for a few months. He was fired after Webb accused him of making it known that one of Path's employees was Curtis Gervais, a serial swatter from Canada who was convicted of perpetrating dozens of swattings and bomb threats -- including at least two attempts on our home in 2014. [BTW the aforementioned Eric Taylor was convicted of a separate (successful) swatting against our home in 2013.



In the screenshot here, we can see Webb replying to a message from Gervais stating that "Edward has been terminated for leaking internal information to the competitors."

Wired cited experts saying it's unlikely Coristine could have passed a security clearance needed to view the sensitive government information he now has access to.

Want to learn more about Path? Check out the website pathtruths.com/

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Plugged into Europe! 🔌

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have officially disconnected from the Russian power grid, marking a historic leap towards energy independence.

After preparing for the integration into the EU energy market for almost two decades, the countries now have proper infrastructure linking them to the European continental grid.

This EU-supported initiative allows to fully benefit from the European common energy system.

A bold move of resilience and unity 🇪🇪 🇱🇻 🇱🇹 ⚡️

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Was back at Schwarzes Café [1] yesterday for breakfast in the middle of the night after probably 15 years. Nothing much (or anything at all, really) changed. Which is nice considering that not many places from the Berlin of 15 years ago are still the same. The age of the people visiting also didn't change, so we were about 10 years older than the average now, I guess 😅.

[1] atlasobscura.com/places/schwar…