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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Už jsem to na #tip_mastodon na podzim. Jak aktivovat pokročilé webové rozhraní Mastodon podobné Tweetdeck.…

Jak aktivovat pokročilé webové rozhraní Mastodon podobné Tweetdeck
Pokud používáte Mastodon prostřednictvím webové stránky, můžete aktivovat více sloupců tak, že přejdete do
⚙️ Nastavení
👉 Vzhled
Povolit pokročilé webové rozhraní, zaškrtnete políčko a kliknete na Uložit změny .

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Archos

@stary_mrzout no zkoušel jsem to, ale nakonec jsem to stejně na většině svých účtů vypnul. Ale samozřejmě na širokém monitoru to má jisté výhody, ale je snadný se v tom ztratit.
in reply to Archos

Jo, to používám. Ale někdy přemýšlím, že mi to moc nedává smysl. Ty dvě časové osy jsou často téměř stejné a je v tom trochu chaos.
To byl asi po přechodu z Twitteru největší "problém", zvyknout si na jiné, a hlavně trochu jinak se chovající, prostředí.
Teď už cajk.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Encouraging sighted gamers to try an audio game
Hey sighted gamers, I'm gonna try to get you to step out of your comfort zone a bit. Yes, believe it or not, despite the game I'm about to promote, this post is not for the blind gamers out there... unless you somehow haven't played it before. Anyway, here goes. While writing my book, I've been tempted to play some games again, and one of them is a game called alt-frequencies. It's a game where the entire story is told in the form of radio broadcasts which you can influence by recording clips from one station and sending them to another. The game is mostly linear, however you can affect the story by sending different clips to different stations, and yes, there are multiple endings. It has minimal graphics, but this game is all about the audio. Sighted gamers, step out of your comfort zone. Try it. It's available on PC, Switch, and mobile, and it's very high-quality. If you want more recommendations, I've got those too. Thanks for reading!

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in reply to superblindman

Encouraging sighted gamers to try an audio game
Aah yes, @ednun_p told me about this game. I'm wondering whether my incredibly ancient 2012 PC would be able to run this one. Sounds interesting.
in reply to Andre Louis

Encouraging sighted gamers to try an audio game
@FreakyFwoof @ednun_p I would guess it probably could. It's very light on requirements.
in reply to superblindman Andre Louis reshared this.

Circling back to point out that this excellent game is currently on sale for *2 dollars* on Steam… An absolute steal!
in reply to superblindman

@FreakyFwoof @objectinspace One game that is sort of similar is freeq, which you can no longer get sadly. That game was super cool.
in reply to Mike Breedlove

Oh man I miss that game. I didn't know you couldn't get it anymore. That is quite sad.
in reply to superblindman Andre Louis reshared this.

@stirlock @FreakyFwoof I just played a free game called the Klaxo Radio Hour which was pretty entertaining!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

A question on behalf of a friend: which appearance theme for the LuCI GUI for #OpenWRT is the most #accessible with screen readers? Any other tips on how to make this experience more accessible?
#OpenSource #Blind #Router

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

My understanding is that GUIs are usually worse than TUIs for #blind users. Sadly, I don't know of any #TUI for #OpenWRT (well, there's the command line, obviously, and there's a class-project over at…, but that's no replacement for LuCI 😞​)
in reply to Stefan Monnier

@monnier The friend in question isn't too technically inclined and would rather work with a GUI but thanks for the reply - the TUI project sounds really interesting.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Do you ever boost a toot, then see someone else boost it, and think to yourself: there you go, little toot; travel far! Like your boost had some sort of role in its spreading, and you wish it well.

No? No? Ok, I guess it is a bit weird. But I do.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The nine months of waiting have paid off. We now have a fully accessible Hacker News client, complete with one flick per post/comment, rotor actions and somewhere down the line, three-finger swipes planned or already implemented. The app also offers the ability to compose posts, comment on threads, search for old stories and browse all of the HN's categories. So far, Octal is the best experience I've had accessing Hacker News.…
#Accessibility #Blind #iOS #OpenSource

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

If you're trying to update an old #windows virtual machine that can no longer receive updates, so Windows 95 to XP, you may find this site useful:

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Andre Louis

Never heard of it. Can you still grab it from somewhere?
in reply to Jesse

@JesseF8693 Well I have a windows 98 VM with Supernova in it, which is newer than Hal 95. It should talk on bootup.
in reply to Andre Louis

I've wanted to mess around with older VM's for a while now. I just don't know what I'm doing lol
in reply to Jesse

@JesseF8693 Well I'd say try VMWare player 17, but there's some nasty issue with the sound at the moment, not sure why. I have older VMWare 12 and 15 and it's much better.
in reply to Andre Louis

@JesseF8693 FWIW, VMWare Player 17 sounds great on my machine. I don't know why.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

@BorrisInABox @JesseF8693 Things that use the old sound driver fail. AC97. If it's HD Audio it's fine. Windows 10 is fine, for example. Windows 98, ME and XP are using AC97, at least my VM's are, and they break, hard.
in reply to Andre Louis

Yep, I just saw a youtube video about this the other day from one of the creators. It looked super cool.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Všechny instance Mastodon, které dohromady tvoří celou „Galaxii Mastodon“, jsou součástí něčeho mnohem většího, co se nazývá Fediverse.

👉 PixelFed je podobný Instagramu;
👉 PeerTube je podobný Youtube;
👉 Friendica je podobná Facebooku;
👉 FunkWhale je podobný Soundcloud; a Plume jsou blogovací platformy
A je jich víc...

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

This week we bring you another video testimonial completely in Spanish from Noelia.

A translation from Noelia herself is:
“Hello. This is Noelia, from Spain. I work providing real time captions at events, and thanks to NVDA I can access the software that I need in my job, such as the stenotype software, video-call programs to receive the audio events, internet browsing etc.”

Thank you Noelia for sharing how NVDA helps you succeed in your job as a translator!

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in reply to NV Access

The Spanish transcript of Noelia's video is:

"Hola. Soy Noelia, de España, trabajo subtitulando eventos en tiempo
real, y gracias a NVDA puedo acceder a los programas que necesito en
mi trabajo. Como el programa de estenotipia, programas de videollamada
para recibir el audio de los eventos, navegación por internet, etc."

Y de nosotras:

¡Gracias Noelia por compartir cómo NVDA te ayuda a tener éxito en tu trabajo como traductora!

in reply to NV Access

Thanks Quentin, this time from the bot about the add-ons store managed by me. I'll pin this to my profile to show something about the person responsible for this bot.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

My colleagues are working on the project to re-write sudo in a memory safe language. In doing so, they had to write a sudo test suite, and found some bugs in the original sudo.…

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in reply to Jonathan ‘theJPster’ Pallant

Oh my god. Building a container image inside the test suite, in a Once.call_once() - it's genius, pure evil genius.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

This is just one part of a massive video series where a guy buys a pipe organm then slowly makes it playable with midi, but this part in particular culminates with an organ rendition of Circus Gallop which is a wild piece written specifically to push the limits of player pianos and it sounds absolutely wild on a pipe organ…

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in reply to Pitermach

that was magical. And no I totally didn't skip to the full playthrough of the song before watching the actual video nope nope
in reply to Talon

@talon I was tempted to add a timestamp to do that but then I was like people would miss all the other bits. But yes, it's absolutely magical
in reply to Pitermach

@talon I imagine Circus Galop on this thing playing while your multi-billion dollar mansion is burning down.
in reply to Pitermach

A I heard it, from the channel that made Morse code metal. If that organ will play Megalovania...

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Hello everyone! This is the very first open test of my blind accessible game engine called Unseen RPG Engine, a niche game engine that allows anyone to easily make turn based RPGs, at least that's the goal! This is very early and the purpose of this is to try and start getting the critical feedback I'll need to make this accessible, usable, and fun. Learn more about it, join the discord community, and download it here!…

#GameDev #A11y #Accessibility

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in reply to modulux

Also I will say it's so interesting to me how a lot of screen reader users say they expect enter to be primary key button, compared to space!
in reply to Ericbomb

Yes, consider Windows Explorer. Space selects the file but you need enter to open it. I think that's a place it comes from. Buttons in dialogue boxes usually take either.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Gajim is getting a major database overhaul 🔧

These changes will pave the way for:
- Message Replies 🗨️
- Message Reactions 👍
- Message Retraction 🚫
- Rich file transfers 📁

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

If anybody cares, the city of Poznań, Poland, has published all their public transit announcements, about 2700 of them, for everybody to Download and enjoy. Cc @Piciok…

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in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

Great! Now somebody could theoretically build those into a transit schedule app to recreate the announcements system inside our pockets for vehicles where this is missing. I believe Poznań updates their info in real time, actual real time, not every 30 seconds like some cities do so this would actually make sense.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

From what I’ve seen, vehicles that don’t speak are pretty rare over there.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

You could always use something like this to track the transit you're waiting for more easily. Would be fun to see how well the message in the app and the vehicle actually arriving would synchronize.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

True enough. I don’t go there often enough to bother, otherwise I’d have build something.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

Something like this would have been far more useful here in Wrocław, but our APIs are basically nonexistent. You can get GTFS schedules easily, but that’s about it. Realtime data is available in theory, but it breaks pretty often. If you want to get reliable realtime data or electronic access to the interactive schedule boards that you can find at many bus stops, you essentially have to reverse-engineer the official Android app and connect to the API with its username and password. Of course, none of the boards talk. Buses with no PA system at all, a PA system so quiet that you can barely hear it or a PA system that announces the line but not the stop are also pretty common, especially on some lines.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

Yes, I've experienced that. Also, the announcement about the line number and direction being played inside the vehicle only or as soon as it leaves the station. Pretty wild!
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

Yup. Our vehicles seem to be using the same speaker for the next stop / current stop announcements as for the line/direction announcements. If the line announcement plays with the doors closed, you can barely hear it.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

#PSA: #AuroraStore anonymous login is working again:…


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Yesterday I released version 0.4.2 of my XMPP client #Moxxy. This version brings many improvements under the hood and some that are more visible, like a "notes" chat, improved reactions display, and so on.…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Gajim 1.8.0 has been released 🥳 and it comes with integrated OMEMO encryption! Integrating the OMEMO plugin brings tighter integration and better user experience.

We also rearranged the chat menu and added some quick buttons for convenience.

Both Gajim’s message search and conversation view received some important changes and fixes.

Thank you for all your contributions!

#gajim #xmpp #chat…

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in reply to Gajim

looks better indeed with omemo integrated. Good work.

Is there plans to support omemo 2? Currently Kaidan and gajim can't communicate encrypted with each other.

in reply to vascorsd

@vascorsd there have been some preparations for OMEMO:2, but no plans yet.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

It’s time to start sharing our video testimonial series! We start off in France with a testimonial from Bachir who has been a proud NVDA user since 2009. Bachir helped translate NVDA into French from 2010 to 2020 & shares how he uses NVDA in his workplace, for online shopping, finances & reading books.

“NVDA is my favourite screen reader… because it makes me independent in daily living.” – Bachir

Thank you for sharing how NVDA has impacted your life Bachir!

Watch now:

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in reply to NV Access

I don’t know all the details but it turns off a few features such as commenting, ads and things like that. Probably limits them being discovered by the algorithm as well
in reply to Kara Goldfinch

@KaraLG84 I'll have to look into how that is supposed to work and whether we are support to generally use it or not - I just assumed it was saying "This video doesn't contain any adult or sensitive content, or anything I wouldn't want my 8 year old kid seeing", but I better see what I can find out... Thanks for the prompt!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

At work, we recently migrated to MS 365 for part of our email management and I discovered a tiny useful piece of software that simplifies for me the OAUTH2 based idiosyncratic system of Outlook and its friends.

A proxy now allows me to still use mutt, fetchmail, msmtp and exim to read and write emails.…

#oauth2 #outlook #proxy

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

There is an easter egg in Google's DNS leading to 😄

I know it must have been there for a while, but I just dicovered it now.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Oh snap, #Discourse is adding #ActivityPub support!…


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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Stop using Telnet to test ports…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I've only recommended one VPN service, ever (and no, I don't have any financial relationship to them): Mullvad. They have always seemed to be one of the few entities that practices the mantra, "You don't have to protect what you don't collect."

This is quite a press release:

"Mullvad VPN was subject to a search warrant. Customer data not compromised
20 April 2023 NEWS

On April 18 at least six police officers from the National Operations Department (NOA) of the Swedish Police visited the Mullvad VPN office in Gothenburg with a search warrant.
They intended to seize computers with customer data.

In line with our policies such customer data did not exist. We argued they had no reason to expect to find what they were looking for and any seizures would therefore be illegal under Swedish law. After demonstrating that this is indeed how our service works and them consulting the prosecutor they left without taking anything and without any customer information.

If they had taken something that would not have given them access to any customer information.

Mullvad has been operating our VPN service for over 14 years. This is the first time our offices have been visited with a search warrant."


This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

So I had the brilliant idea to have ChatGPT write a song, use Eleven Labs to generate the voice, and then edit it all together. And I've done the first two verses and chorus and now I'm bored of it. I technically have a bridge, last verse and chorus to go, but I really don't know if I can be bothered...

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Talon

Fixing the timing on the speech took a really long time. I was never happy with it. I'm still not happy with it. Also I don't have melodyne. I dunno if I could even use it. And I don't know if ReaVoice supports portamento. So hey, if anyone knows anything about that, then maybe I might finish it after all who knows!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Musím uznat, že Nostr vypadá vážně zajímavě. Ryzí decentralizace. Uvidíme, jak se to bude vyvíjet, až se zaplní větším množstvím uživatelů.


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Good morning everyone. I hope your all having a good day/night.
Please remember, your all very much loved and amazing. Always be kind to one another. We need to look out for each other.
Today we are gonna be talking about the parsec.

A parsec is a unit of length used to measure vast distances on a cosmic scale. It's an important unit that professional astronomers use to calculate the distance between stars and galaxies, with its definition rooted in the concept of parallax. Essentially, a star located one parsec away from us will appear to shift by precisely one arc-second (1/3600th of a degree when viewed from two different vantage points along the Earth's orbit. By measuring this parallax angle, we can use trigonometry to determine the distance to the star. Parsec is derived from the terms "parallax" and "second", reflecting the scientific principles on which the unit is based.

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in reply to Violet

Wow! As a sci-fi fan I've known the word "parsec" for like the whole my sentient life, but I've never thought about its etimology. Have good day, awesome girl!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Německá veřejnoprávní televize ZDF, má již na #mastodon vlastní instanci 👍
Snad se někdy také dočkáme.…
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Unknown parent

@peterkotrcka Jo máš recht, já myslel, že blbne ten odkaz 😳
Unknown parent

@peterkotrcka jj taky jsem to zkusil :-)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Strictly between the two, which do you prefer using?

#XMPP or #Matrix ?

(Boosts for increased reach are appreciated!)

  • XMPP/Jabber (43%, 293 votes)
  • Matrix (56%, 383 votes)
676 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Ostatnio na #Mastodon wprowadziło się sporo osób niewidomych. Powodem jest odcięcie przez Twittera dostępu do API co efektywnie unieruchomiło dedykowane nam wygodne nieoficjalne klienty. Teraz szukają tu społeczności, która odpowiadałaby ich zainteresowaniom czy to sportowym, muzycznym czy też Fantasy, Fanfiction itp. Powitajcie ich ciepło i opisujcie obrazki.
Nowoprzybyli: dopisujcie się w odpowiedzi pod tym tweetem to będzie Was łatwiej znaleźć. Sami też możecie się przedstawić pod hashtagami na końcu mojego wpisu.
Jedna polecajka ode mnie leci dla wszystkich, którzy chcą lepiej poznać #Dostępność Androida. Fantastyczną robotę robi ekipa serwisu @accessibleandroid, dostarczając poradniki, recenzje aplikacji, podcast, forum dyskusyjne, a nawet własną, dedykowaną aplikację, wszystko z myślą o niewidomych użytkownikach robocika.
#Introduction #Powitanie

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

A rzeknij mi, czy te specjalne klienty do Twittera dla niewidomych użytkowników jeszcze działają? TW Blue, Chicken Nugget i co tam jeszcze było.
@Piciok @74
in reply to Jacek Zadrożny 🇺🇦

@jaczad @74 Padło wszystko oprócz Spring na iOS, czyli poprzednika osławionej Mony. Tweesecake to był ostatni bastion i nawet gdy odcięli mu dostęp na Windowsie, przedłużono mu życie o Święta Wielkanocne za pomocą klucza z wersji na Maca, ale i to padło, dość symbolicznie, bo podczas trwania Tyfloprzeglądu, na którego początku jeszcze słuchacz mówił, że działa.
in reply to Jacek Zadrożny 🇺🇦

@jaczad @asael @74 Wszystko przestawia się na Mastodon z perspektywą na inne serwisy o otwartym API. Może inne odnogi Fediversum, a może coś zupełnie innego. Czas pokaże.
in reply to Jacek Zadrożny 🇺🇦

@jaczad @asael @74 Mi też się podoba, aczkolwiek, szczerze mówiąc, gdzie indziej mieliby pójść? Chyba żaden inny serwis mikrobloggingowy nie oferuje na tyle elastycznego API. Tu Mastodon był oczywistym i chyba jedynym wyborem.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

Są inne oparte o activitypub. Mnie żaden nie przekonał tak, jak Mastodon, ale wybór jest spory. Teraz trochę żałuję, bo może pośpieszyłem się z zamknięciem Tyflodona:)
@Piciok @asael @74
in reply to Jacek Zadrożny 🇺🇦

@jaczad @asael @74 OK, OK, ale to wszystko jedna rodzina. Miałem raczej na myśli coś zupełnie odklejonego od standardów. Oczywiście mając dostęp do czegokolwiek w Fediversum możemy śledzić używająccccccccccccccccwolnej odnogi.
in reply to Dash

@ogoniciel @jaczad @asael @74 To zobacz sobie platformy blogowe: Write Freely albo Pleroma to dobre przykłady. Możesz tam pisać cały post, a ludzie z Mastodona będą mogli to śledzić nie musząc tworzyć nowego konta. Ich odpowiedzi na post będą komentarzami pod wpisem na Twoim blogu.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

@ogoniciel @jaczad @asael @74 To jest potęga. To bardzo dobrze pokazuje co można uzyskać dzięki otwartoźródłowym rozwiązaniom jeśli są odpowiednio przemyślane. Migracje z Twitterabędą coraz szybciej postępować bo Mastodon otwiera dużo różnych możliwości.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

Thanks Paweł, and greetings everyone. Please follow us for everything related to Android and accessibility. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, whether you're just getting started or have more complex questions. #Introduction

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Staying still in the land of open source projects, this slipped yesterday through my Reddit reading:
FeedGears is a web-based, self-hostable RSS client with particular attention to accessibility. According to the dev, it was tested against the WCAG 2.1 guidelines on the AA level, has integrated shortcuts, consistent keyboard navigation and automatic announcements for system events. It's pretty new so a lot of features might be missing but that's for the contact mechanisms and the feedback. :)
I haven't tested this myself yet but the landing page looks definitely alright.
#Accessibility #OpenSource #RSS #Blind #ScreenReaders

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in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

@pitermach As an RSS buff and as much as I want to use this RSS reader, it fails to analyze my OPML files. Guess it's because my RSS feeds are in a tree view, but other apps like RSSOwlnix can properly import it. On a related topic, Windows 11 has a serious RSS issue as finding capable and accessible clients is a huge pain.
in reply to Amir

@amirsol @pitermach Agreed. Nothing seems to be living up to Thunderbird's standard and that doesn't do everything that I need, sadly. As for Feed Gears: I guess that's the infancy of the project. I'm sure the dev would be willing to improve the mechanism for OPML import.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

@pitermach I use RSSOwlnix on Windows 11, and like it for its wealth of features. However, it gets quite sluggish as time goes by - I mean in a matter of a couple of months, so I'm forced to remove my database, add everything afresh, and re-adjust my settings for yet another couple of months. Really painful to say the least! Wish we had Lire for iOS/Mac on Windows 11.
Unknown parent

Paweł Masarczyk
@gratefuldread Thanks for the heads up. Actually I still need to try it. From what I heard from others it's workable but well-written documentation is a must even for the simplest of solutions. Unless you beat me to it, I'll let the dev know as I doubt he's on here. Have a great day!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The @thunderbird betas have a rewritten main window UI. This has a lot of accessibility problems. Unfortunately, I currently don’t have the energy to file the bugs myself. Here’s what I found:

1. Too many tab stops. Toolbars should definitely be a one-tabstop container and employ the ARIA toolbar design pattern.
2. Speaking of which, the containers should all be made into proper toolbar containers in the process.
3. The main messages list should be a tree with tree items, since they are collapsible. List and list items are not. Also, there are a lot of focus issues still remaining when deleting messages/threads or when the view refreshes from the IMAP server.

Perhaps someone on the team can convert these into proper bugs in Bugzilla, or maybe most of these are already filed. Like I said, I unfortunately currently lack the energy to do so myself.

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in reply to Marco Zehe

I have accidentally posted all the issue links twice.
Just to add into it here are some recent accessibility related enhancements I have recognized.
reporting message columns is now greatly inproved in Thunderbird 114, it is now possible to inwoke the context menu in the message list, dropdown buttons in the message reader UI can now be activated with the enter or space key.
F6 and shift+F6 navigation has been improved so it can be inwoked when filter buttons or the edit field has the focus.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Marco Zehe modulux reshared this.

Hi Marco, I'm the product design manager at Thunderbird. Thank you so much for trying out beta and for this overview of the issues you encountered. We're 100% aware of all of these and we already have bugs and work in progress patches to address the issues.
ARIA toolbar design pattern is currently on alpha (daily) for the message pane, and it will be added to the main toolbar as well in the next months, alongside updating the container markup.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

For anyone who hasn't changed their ringtone in a million years or has completely abandoned the idea of those: the Austrian National Forestry department puts up the sounds of all of the beautiful nature that can be encountered within the Austrian forests in the form of mp3 ringtones.
Included is everything from common birds to bears and wolves.…
#Sound #Ringtone #Nature #Forest #Austria #Mobile #Phones

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Hey folks, new to the server and thought an #introduction was in order.

I'm Nolan, A.K.A.. Lights Out Games, a blind game developer making audio-focused games. Check out my profile link for examples of what these sound like.

I also do lots of open source work, much of which currently involves game accessibility in some form. Notably, recently I helped integrate the #Bevy engine with platform accessibility APIs via AccessKit.

Look forward to meeting you all.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

It's been a while since I've written something for my blog, and just posted about my journey into #TactileGraphics and #TactileArt after having gone #Blind almost a decade ago. I never thought I'd draw again, and here I am helping to teach other blind and low-vision folks how to create drawings both physically and digitally!…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Zajímavost: 1. výzkum fotovoltaického jevu se datuje do roku 1839, kdy Edmond Becquerel (otec Henriho Becquerela, objevitele radioaktivity) vytvořil elektrický proud umístěním chloridu stříbrného do kyseliny a jeho vystavením světlu.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

PL: 12 kwietnia 1961 roku, pierwszy raz w historii ludzkości, Ukrainiec zamiast psa wysłał w kosmos Rosjanina

EN: On April 12, 1961, for the first time in human history, an Ukrainian, instead of a dog, sent a Russian into space

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Ellie accessibility feedback, long post

Hello @ellieapp, I just found out about the app through HN, and gave it a quick try. I'm blind and use a screen reader (specifically NVDA) and have some suggestions how to improve Ellie's accessibility.

Firstly, most of the controls in the app are currently not labeled. Most critically in the list of posts or notifications, the list items are spoken as just "Ellie.ViewModels.PostListItemViewModel" where I would expect the post content, along with any media descriptions to be read out. Likewise, if you go into the details for a post, all of the various buttons to reply, boost and so on are unlabeled and spoken as just "Button."

The other thing I'd like to mention is keyboard navigation in the app. If I tab to the list of posts or notifications and try pressing down arrow to go to the next post, the app instead brings me into the details for the focused post. Ideally, when the list of posts/notifications is focused the arrow keys should just move through the items, which they do in other parts of the app like the navigation buttons. Speaking of the navigation sections, I can switch to most sections like home, notifications or settings by pressing enter on them, but for some reason if I do it on the compose button the item gets selected but the compose dialog doesn't open unless I do a simulated mouse click on it.

I hope you can look into some of these issues in a future release! :) Ellie has the potential to be a great app for screen reader users - I know several people who want a native Windows Mastodon client.

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in reply to Pitermach

Ellie accessibility feedback, long post
+1 to all this. I just tried it as well. I found the same concerns. I'd love to see additional keyboard support for frequent actions such as reply, compose, etc.
in reply to Pitermach

re: Ellie accessibility feedback, long post

@colby Hello again, and thanks for making improvements to Ellie, it's seriously appreciated! The new version is a big improvement, with the labels being much clearer. I have 2 suggestions on how the posts are currently presented, the "post from X" at the beginning of every item is redundant and doesn't need to be there, the label can just start with the author name. It'll make it faster to read through the timeline this way. For boosted posts, there isn't any indication of the original author and I think there should be one. So instead of "boosted post from <booster>", saying something like "<booster> boosted <original author>" would be more helpful.

Also, I'm still seeing some issues with the keyboard navigation. If I tab into the posts lists on any timeline and try to down arrow through the list the app still brings me into the detail view for the first post, and pressing space or enter on the compose button still doesn't bring up the compose screen. I saw mention of keyboard navigation improvements in the changelog which is why I mentioned this again.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Microsoft Windows just got a new Mastodon client!

It's called @ellieapp.

While it's very early access, I love the incredibly minimal interface and the snappy responsiveness.

I'm also glad that a new native Windows app was just released because the main Windows app has been Whalebird, and it's much too Slack-like for my liking.

Features are lacking in Ellie right now, such as Federated feed and the ability to upload photos.

But I like what I see!


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in reply to Mark Andrew

@spraoi we would love that! Sorry for the late response. Would you mind emailing me at Keith at Kodi dot tv and we can discuss? Thank you!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

NVDA 2023.1 is now available! New paragraph options, link destination & annotated web content keystrokes, new Braille tables, fixes for Kindle, Windows 11, Office, Chrome, Firefox, web, java and more! Read the full what's new & download from: Note: This release breaks compatibility with add-ons made for NVDA 2022.4 and earlier. The majority of add-ons have been updated, but please check… for the status of your favourite add-ons.

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in reply to NV Access

The problem though is that important add-ons like NVDA Remote haven't been updated yet. I might wait for the .2/.3 release to update.
in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson According to the user group, NVDA Remote has been updated, but the newer version is currently only on the Spanish add-ons site at:…