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Items tagged with: Apple

Announcement: Macstodon 0.3 is here! 🥳​

Macstodon is a Mastodon client for 68k Macintosh computers! With it, you can post plain-text toots, view your home and local timelines, and view your notifications!

System Requirements:
- A 68020/68030/68040 Macintosh
- System 7.1 through 8.1
- At least 1.5 MB of free memory
- 32-bit addressing enabled
- Internet Config installed
- an SSL-stripping proxy running on another machine

You can download the latest release from GitHub:
(but please read the Read Me, I worked hard on it!)

And with that, I'm going to take a break from this project for a few days! But do let me know if you've successfully used it!

#RetroComputing #RetroProgramming #VintageMac #68K #Apple #Mac #MacOS #ClassicMac

Love all the information #Apple provide with their #macOS software updates. 🙄

606MB update with apparently no changes I need to be aware of...

RECENZE: #Panzerglass ochrana pro #AppleWatchUltra


#Apple #Smartwatch

Just learned today there's a pendant to #FDroid for #macOS & #iOS users called "App Fair". I'm not using any #Apple device – but if you are, you might be interested to take a look. And if you're a developer and want your #FOSS #app there, I'm sure you'll want to take a look as well:

Wow! Impressive Geekbench score from a Windows 11 Arm VM instance running on my M1 Max. #geekbench #apple

When will you start selling directly in stores worldwide? I'd honestly be thrilled if one day when walking to my local mall I'd see a #Librem device alongside all those boring #Android / #Apple phones.

Maybe this could help FOSS developers make something like this for Linux or Android. This is an article from Apple Machine Learning, on how they made mobile apps accessible with machine learning:…

#a11y #apple #ml

Avoiding USB-C on iPhones may get harder for Apple as Brazil considers mandate

#smartphones #Policy #Brazil #iphone #apple #USB-C #Tech #USB

The EU Commission is planning what Apple stopped after backslash from privacy groups: Automatic CSAM scanning of your private communication. Act now to stop surveillance! 💪👇…
#surveillance #csam #privacy #encryption #apple
