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Items tagged with: Friendica

Hilfe | Friendica: Was bringt einem eine Suche mit solchen Ergebnissen?

Eben habe ich nach dem Hashtag #Heidelberg gesucht und bekam dieses Ergebnis (Ausschnitt). Sprich die selben paar Suchergebnisse wurden immer wieder wiederholt. Und ich glaube bzw. um genau zu sein weiß ich es, dass das eben nicht im Geringsten alle Beiträge sind die mit #Heidelberg getaggt sind. Allein ich habe weitaus mehr Beiträge mit entsprechenden Hashtag geschrieben. Die Frage die sich mir stellt ist was eine solche Suchfunktion bringt? Vielleicht ist es ja auch einfach nur ein Bug?

#Frage #Friendica #Suchfunktion #Suche #Widerholung #2023-07-02 @Friendica Support

Hello !Friendica Support ..

When I search for a diaspora post ( on my #friendica instance, i get a Not Found - error message (with the diaspora post long link) or no result. (with the shorter link) (

Hallo !Friendica Support,

wie ich gerade festgestellt habe, taucht mein Server in der Statistik auf Fediverse Observer als englischsprachig auf. Allerdings habe ich sowohl im Admin-Panel als auch in der local.config.php die Sprache auf Deutsch gestellt. Muss ich da sonst noch irgendwo etwas angeben? So wichtig ist es mir ja nicht, das es meist kein offener Server ist, aber eigenartig finde ich es schon.

#friendica #language

Habe gerade von meiner #Friendica Instanz aus versucht - folgen geht. @helpers

!Friendica Support
von den Bots von #FediNINA kann ich keine Beiträge auf #Friendica finden.
Bedeutet dass, das ich auch keine Beiträge sehen werde, wenn diese etwas veröffentlichen?
Konkret geht es um die Orte die hier aufgelistet sind:

@Igor Warneck
ach so und selbst auf #Mastodon erkennt man am Screenshot das es #Friendica ist ... dafür ist das Logo Rechts in der oberen Ecke

Wenn Du dazuschreibst auf welcher Plattform, wird es leichter mit der Hilfe. Von #Mastodon aus kann niemand erkennen, das Du #Friendica meinst ^^

cc: @helpers

Hello !Friendica Support
anyone here having issues with deleted user accounts in #Friendica not being deleted but only showing up in the "Deleted" section?

Follow along here on Github:

Re-inventing the federated wheel because you don't know that wheels exist

I keep seeing lots of people who are totally giddy about the #Fediverse, who are gushing over it, who want to promote it, who want it to spread.

And who want it to advance. To learn new abilities. To grow new features.

That's all fine and dandy.

But almost all of these people are still fully convinced that the Fediverse equals #Mastodon. And nothing else. At least not until Tumblr and P92 join the fray. Okay, maybe the #WordPress plug-in that's the talk of the town now that it has become official. Okay, maybe a few of them have also heard of #Pixelfed and/or #PeerTube because their makers are all over the Fediverse.

When these people are talking about the Fediverse, they mean Mastodon. And when they're thinking about the Fediverse, they're only thinking about Mastodon. Because that's all they know.

So these people want new cool features or even new cool use-cases in the Fediverse, stuff that Mastodon doesn't have. They want Mastodon to have it, or they want new projects to be launched that have these features.

If only they knew.

If only they knew that everything, literally everything they propose has already been done. Yes, in the Fediverse. In projects which are fully federated with Mastodon. Why don't they know? Because they've never heard of any of these projects, much less what they can do.
So they want "quote-tweets" in the Fediverse. Which means they want Mastodon to introduce them.

Tell you what: Mastodon is the only microblogging project in the Fediverse that doesn't have quotes. Not only will Eugen Rochko never introduce them, but all the other projects have them with Mastodon forks #GlitchSoc such as being the exception. #Pleroma has them. #Akkoma has them. #MissKey has them. #CalcKey has them. #FoundKey has them. #GoToSocial has them. The old heavyweights #Friendica and #Hubzilla have them, and so does Hubzilla's youngest decendant, the #Streams project. Et cetera.

You want "quote-tweets"? Switch to something that isn't Mastodon, and you've got "quote-tweets".
Or text formatting in posts like bold type, italics, underline, strikethrough, code blocks etc. Would be great if Mastodon had that, in spite of other people saying they don't want it.

Again: Pleroma already has it. Akkoma already has it. MissKey already has it. CalcKey already has it. FoundKey already hasit. GoToSocial already has it. Friendica already has it. Hubzilla already has it (look at this post at its source in a Web browser and weep). (streams) already has it. And so forth. This time, even Mastodon forks have it.

It has been done. It has been done many times. It has actually been done before Mastodon.
Next, long-form blog posting. We need something like #Medium in the Fediverse that isn't Medium itself. Mastodon's 500 characters are too few, and Twitter-like threads are inconvenient.

Except we already have that, too. #Plume and #WriteFreely are about as close to Medium as Mastodon is to Twitter, including clean and distraction-less layouts. Oh, and Hubzilla can do that, too.

By the way: Again, Mastodon is the only Fediverse project that can do microblogging that has a 500-character limit. Pleroma, Mastodon's oldest direct competitor, raised it to a default of 6,000. MissKey and its forks have 3,000 as a default. Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) have character limits of "go ahead, drop your short story in one post in its entirety," so virtually none at all. And yes, Hubzilla has long-form writing on top of that.
Speaking of Hubzilla: Most recently, there has been the idea to uncouple one's online identity from a specific instance. Your online self should no longer be firmly tied to any one server exclusively. Now, this sounds so ambitious, it might just as well be science-fiction.

What if I told you that just this very thing already exists as well?

No, really. No, I'm not making this up. But you should know by now that I'm not.

Better yet: It was conceived as early as 2011. By the guy who launched Friendica in 2010. He invented a new principle named #NomadicIdentity and a new protocol named #Zot. In its early stages already, even with no technical implementation yet, Zot was more powerful than ActivityPub is today.

In 2012, Zot became reality as the basis of a Friendica fork which later became known as #RedMatrix and, upon its 1.0 stable release in late 2015, which is still prior to Mastodon's initial release, Hubzilla. Hubzilla is still being developed and improved, and it has a fledgling but growing "successor of a successor" named (streams) which offers nomadic identity, too.

Now, what does this nomadic identity even look like? Well, not only does it let you move your channel(s) around from instance to instance with ease and, unlike on Mastodon, with absolutely everything on it. No, it also lets you have your channel on multiple instances at once. Identical clones, automagically kept in sync in real-time, all with the same identity, the same content, the same connections.

Your identity is no longer strapped down to one instance. Not only that, but your channel, your posts, your content is no longer hosted on only one server. This means that if one instance with one of your clones goes down, you still have spares.
Okay, so how about community groups/forums? That'd be cool.

Well, for one, there's #Guppe. It's basically bolted on Mastodon, and in practice, it's centralised because there's only one instance. But it's impractical to use.

Besides, this is becoming a running gag here, Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) have exactly this built-in and open for the rest of the Fediverse.

Better yet: There's also #Lemmy which amounts to a federated #Reddit or #HackerNews clone. So not only does Lemmy offer this, it specialises in it.

Hubzilla alone can provide Fediverse feature suggestions with "has been done" for years to come. Not to mention what else the Fediverse has to offer. Even if someone should want a free, non-commercial, decentralised, federated #GoodReads clone in the Fediverse, it has been done: #BookWyrm.

Oof! Seemingly had everything working (as is far from the case on the shared hosting astoundingteam dot com #friendica instance) but now "No space left on device." `df` and `df i` show plenty of space and inodes on all devices (less than 6% usage in all cases). Is there some counter somewhere in the system (Ubuntu 22.04/Apache 2.4.52/MariaDB 10.6.12/PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.11) that maybe sometimes doesn't decrement when blocks or inodes free up?

Meta: Fediverse

Yes #itWorksLikeEmail but still I really don't understand how #friendica works. For example on this thread the original post was sent to 103 remote servers, my friend commented on it. My response to his comment was sent to 24 servers, but my response to my own comment was sent to 105 servers. I suspect him being on Diaspora* and most of my contacts being on platforms like #Mastodon than only support #ActivityPub has an influence here.

If I try to reference the same post from my Masto account, I thought it would look super weird, like I was talking to myself in a way that didn't make any sense, but I actually only see the OP while when I search for my later comment I see it and the comment of my own I was replying to, but not the OP !Friendica Support

@Signor Amministratore My experience has been somewhat different. The reliability of #guppe does not seem constant to me. Sometimes it dropped out or a post was only shared hours later.
With a #Friendica #forum, on the other hand, I have observed a relatively constant latency of a few seconds to 1-2 minutes.
Perhaps @Μαθθίας/ξ ✔ can contribute something more competent.

In addition, a forum also offers a relatively well-structured presentation, while guppe is just a pure distribution list.

Hello !Friendica Support
I need to ask again, I did some weeks ago and hoped this problem would be fixed in the meantime.

How can I delete the deleted accounts? This looks like a data protection nightmare!

In the top you see there are 46 Deleted accounts.

Which are awaiting deletion.

Many should have been deleted months or weeks ago.

So why is this not happening?


Moment mal der Beitrag war nicht von mir sondern von @𝗝𝗮𝗸𝗼𝗯 :𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮: 🇦🇹 ✅

Ich habe nur meine Meinung dazu geschrieben nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Meinetwegen können die hier auf #friendica machen was sie wollen - ich nutze es so wie es ist und wenn ich der Meinung bin das mir das nicht mehr gefällt dann suche ich mir etwas anderes oder baue mir meine eigene Oberfläche dazu fertig, denn der Core ist recht gut gemacht.

Also du sprichst hier den falschen an - das mit Git ist auch nur meine Persönliche Meinung dazu und wenn die Jungs und Mädels und was sonst noch meinen die wollen auf Github bei Microsoft bleiben dann sollen sie das gerne tun - das ist mir einerlei - ich nutze (aber das ist meine Entscheidung) diese Plattform eben nicht mehr.

Also nochmal - der Threat kam von @𝗝𝗮𝗸𝗼𝗯 :𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮: 🇦🇹 ✅ - also mußt du den dazu ans Bein treten und nicht mich.

Hello !Friendica Support
many of the profile pictures look like this since the latest updates (LAMP stack and Friendica).
  • What can be the reason?
  • Can I force to reload the profile pictures from the remote server, re-fetch of contact data does not help.

In two weeks (4 & 5 February 2023) #FOSDEM will take place in #Brussels and I'm asking myself if we can have a #Friendica developers & community meeting there at some point over the weekend.

@Friendica Developers @Friendica Admins @Friendica Support

But this shouldn't effect the usage of a multi-platform client with e.g. #Friendica.

But of course, it could have an impact on the future development of such clients.

Seriously, #friendica starts to annoy me. I get random posts on my time-line.

Example included. I do not follow this account or interact with. And my network is small, for testing/evaluation purpose. They did not interact with this account either. Why do I see this?


Hello !Friendica Support
When did #Friendica stop to complete threads I interact with? How can I activate it again?

@Mohamed Al-Hajamy💾 @Jamie Teh There are even some clients that don't allow changing visibility for individual posts e.g. #Friendica and the messages sent from there are either public or direct.

@ondrosik I'm testing it right now and I seem to be unable to locate the text entry field after hitting the reply button, so I need to investigate. #Pinafore is even listed as a supported client app in the #Friendica FAQ

@ondrosik Thanks for the confirmation, I haven't yet tested it with #Friendica my-self. Thank you

That's fantastic news! Welcome to the Fediverse!

And thank you for making the conscious decision to use the word #Fediverse, instead of the brand of just one particular type of Fediverse server among myriad others.

I've assembled a short list of platforms available to choose from here:

Particular favorites for many are those of #Friendica, #Akkoma, #Soapbox, #Hometown and #Calkey.

Don't forget to checkout other Mastodon forks like Glitch-Soc too 🙂


@Mikołaj Hołysz This is perhaps not the reply you would expect but #Friendica, another activity pub based server side app can do that i.e. Follow RSS feeds similar as if these were activity pub contacts.

"What does Friendica wants to be"?

@Friendica Support @Friendica Developers

Let me start with a concrete, question: Are there any efforts / plans to support the upload of videos?

And now, since I might have your attention, allow me to broaden the question to:

What is your opinion regarding "what #Friendica is / should be"?

My view / vision is heading slightly in the direction that nowadays image and video content is quite central in social networks and thus a #Fediverse application like friendica should support the multimedia aspect a bit more, if it wants to be attractive for the broad public in terms of being an alternative to commercial social networks.

Most of you might tell: "Yeah, if one prefers media centric Fediverse, then check out #pixelfed ". But I think, pixelfed is yet too much of an Instagram clone, only providing the image / video focus (which bothered me at Instagram from the very beginning not being able to have good commenting / discussion options there).

In my view, Friendica has great potential becoming a great "one fits all" application for the majority of people who like social media and the concept of the Fediverse. It has way more cool functions than #mastodon / pixelfed (which are in my opinion too close copies of Instagram and Twitter, respectively) but much simpler and convenient than Hubzilla (which I think is really great, for a computer science person, but not for the broad non-technical focussed public)

Wrapping it up: I would love to see a Friendica development towards an easier multimedia support. What are your thoughts?



@legeneralmidi En théorie, tous les services fédiversaux sont interopérables, mais mes partages de Mastodon à #Friendica viennent sans texte.

This sounds like an issue with a #waf (web application firewall), not directly #friendica . You should check the logs which rule is triggered and check if it can be disabled.

@Hypolite Petovan
Oui, j'y suis toujours, pour les posts un peu plus long et les copaines que je m'y suis fait.
Et c'est justement bien qu'iels puissent lire mes posts #friendica et que je puisse y partager les leurs.
Je ne sais pas si c'est faisable avec #mastodon ?

Yuup ich hab ja auch ein #friendica laufen mit Frio - aber ich meinte eine komplett andere Anordnung der Menus und Auswahlpunkte gibt es wohl noch nicht oder?

@Hypolite Petovan I have setup a local #Apache and added an entry to /etc/hosts to point to my local machine. Then in a /etc/apache2/sites-available/friendica.conf I setup a virtual host on that host name and even setup a self-signed SSL certificate so I can run #Friendica locally. To be able to receive mails locally, as I have #Linux running here, I had to a bit patch Friendica to disable a regex check on the entered email address. Now when I want to locally federate with e.g. #GNUSocial I just have to repeat above steps and I remember I was able to setup "remote" follow between these two local instances. For Windows users, there is #WinAMP around for a very long time, including #Mercury mail server so you could be able to repeat it even on Windows.

Participating on polls from Friendica

@Friendica Support : Just a curious question:
I follow quite a lot of mastodon account, and in the last days, mastodon users seem to develop a passion for polls.

I noticed that I am on my friendica instance are not able to participate in these polls since the content is only included in plain text.

Does #Friendica just do not support polls, or is it only my instance / a missing add-on that prevents me to participate in polls?

Still learning a lot about #Friendica and the #fedivers myself. But I'll be always happy to help others, and maybe I'll be able to also contribute some day. The vision of an open, noncommercial decentralized social network is worth the effort.
@Hypolite Petovan what will be best practice to get started to support developers? Unfortunately, I not that much experience in open source community social culture. I guess participating the discussion on the git site?

#Friendica needs new contributors!

I'm not used to do this, but with the large influx of new users and node admins recently coming from #Twitter, our small team is now behind the curve for handling support requests, bug reports and bring about much-needed features.

The project is built on a #PHP/#MySQL platform, but we also need people to be able to assist others just using the software to give developers some space.

If you're willing and able to help, please follow @Friendica Support and the project on Github:

Thank you!

Hello !Friendica Support

The menu that pops up when you click on the avatar only appears for contacts that are not on Friendica. This menu does not appear for my Friendica contacts.

Here at this Hubzilla contact appears the menu

The menu does not appear for this Friendica contact.

Friendica 'Giant Rhubarb' 2022.12-dev - 1488
PHP 8.1
Theme #frio

#friendica #bug