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Items tagged with: HTML

I think that this #ableist #eMail bs should be #illegal and does not satisfy the notification requirements.

Also even for #abled people this is just bad, since a lot of them - like myself - will be sometimes if permanently on #WWAN like #2G, #3G or #4G and thus not download attachments at all, but only the text.

And yes, I do also automatically mark all #HTML - #eMails as #Spam so they won't even show up in my #Inbox.

if you're using javascript:void(0) as the value of the href attribute, the element you're actually looking for is <button> Great series from @matuzo #webdev #html #a11y

Overlapping interactive areas [are bad in HTML] — please don't nest Anchors and Buttons! #webdev #webdesign #a11y #html

Intro to HTML-first Frontend Frameworks #webdev #html #FTW

A Theory of Web Relativity — great article on many uses of the REL attribute #html #rel #webdev

File Uploads for the Web (1): Upload Files with HTML A nice, succinct tutorial plus follow-up of enhancing with Javascript. #webdev #html

I find that web developers need to implement inputmode more often (to customize virtual keyboard for phone, email, etc). Hey Safari, why don't you support it?! #safari #browsers #html #forms #usability

You Really Don't Need All that JavaScript, I Promise 👏 GOTO Copenhagen 2019 (includes Chrome Portal demo) #webdev #webperf #javascript #html

How to use, and not use, the tabindex attribute: #webdev #a11y #html

#Development #Outlooks
The end of front-end development · Things are going to change, but not in the scary way people are saying

#Job #AI #GPT4 #ChatGPT #ChatBot #WebDevelopment #WebDev #Code #Frontend #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #Skills #Productivity

"Description list support [by screen readers] is generally good (with Safari being the outlier), even if you may not like how it is supported." #html #a11y

I have started contributing PR's to improve the @w3c #HTML Validator/Checker, you should too!

#WebDev #WebStandards

Learn HTML — two resources: &
#html #webdev #tutorial

Glad <dialog> focus is finally being implemented/defined in a reasonable way after a torturous years long, largely pointless, discussion.

“1. Make the dialog focusing steps look at sequentially focusable elements instead of any focusable element.

2. Make the dialog element itself get focus if it has the autofocus="" attribute set.

3. Make the dialog element itself get focus as a fallback instead of focus being reset to the body element.”

#HTML #WebStandards #a11y

"Overlapping interactive areas" — don't do it! #webdev #html #tips

Added a color theme picker to my site recently, using a progressive enhancement strategy.

If you're interested, I wrote an article on how I approached it:

#ux #frontend #development #html #css #javascript #userexperience #webdev

Common nesting issues in HTML 🔥 HTMHell Advent 2022 Day 20 #html #webdev

#firefox #extensions #plugin #homepage #javascript #html This is first release of patched extension markdown-viewer for support custom-elements for icon buttons and random wallpapers. You can create own homepage with markdown. Example and patch is here:

Content warning: Asking for JavaScript WebDev Accessibility help

There can be only one: Options for building “choose one” fields — 🔥 HTMHell Advent 2022 Day 11 Deep dive into select, datalist, radio, etc. #html #forms #webdev

Book: "Upgrade Your HTML IV: 10 More Examples to Improve Your Markup" #webdev #html

Reading the meter (attributes, styling, screen reader support, etc) -- Day 5 of HTMHell Advent Calendar 2022 #html #meter #webdev

📝 Upgrade Your HTML IV:

My new book is out! It’s about #HTML #minimization and #optimization, the theme of the respective book series.

“Apart from discussing the appropriate use and the subtleties of HTML elements, this edition covers general topics like conformance, maintainability, and the balancing of optimization vectors. It also covers topics like attribute minimization, void elements, metadata, table buttons and button links, and even CSS art.”

You Don't Need ARIA For That: 🔥 HTMHell Advent 2022 Day 2 #html #webdev #a11y #aria

🤔 Wondering what #ARIA attributes can be used on #HTML elements?
Wonder no more:
#webdevelopment #accessibility #W3C

6 Steps to Improve HTML Images For Users & Developers #webdev #images #webperf #html #css

Hi, I'm treefit, a #foss dev working on #deltachat. I'm responsible for the desktop client together with @jikstra.
My favorite coding language is #rustlang, but I "speak" #typescript, #javascript, #html, #css, too.
I'm also capable in #python and #swift, but not as much.

I'm new to the mastodon/toot style of communication (never used Twitter, either), so I'm still learning of how this all works.

My goal is to give you some behind-the scenes peeks onto the DeltaChat development.


"7 Cool HTML Elements Nobody Uses"

#html #web
#html #web

Parser-Error bei FridaysForFuture

!Friendica Support

Ist wahrscheinlich kein Thema von Friendica, aber ich schreibe es hier doch einfach mal...

Beim Versuch, die Seite von #FridaysForFuture zu sharen, gibt es scheinbar Parser-Error. Jedenfalls gibt der Editor nur sowas raus:
Enter a title	
Enter a description	

Vermutlich hat die dortige Seite invalides #HTML? Oder können wir etwas machen?
