Call for proposals
The Linux App Summit (LAS) is designed to accelerate the growth of the Linux application ecosystem by bringing together everyone involved in creating a great Linux application user
Did you know that you can change the user interface in LibreOffice?
Höre gerade diesen Podcast zu ethischen Fragen des Trainings von KI und kann das nur weiterempfehlen. Zwar ist es nicht so, dass mir das bisher völlig unbekannt war, aber es veranschaulicht das nochmal schön.…
Clickworker - Ausgebeutet für künstliche Intelligenz
Damit eine KI ein Auto oder eine Katze erkennt, muss sie trainiert werden. Diese mühsame Handarbeit erledigen oft "Klickarbeiter" in armen Ländern wie zum Beispiel Kenia.ARD Audiothek
Nevěděl by nějaký zkušenější tiskař, jak tohle trošku zkrátit, aby se to vešlo na desku i3 mk3 a zároveň zůstaly zachované rozteče, velikosti děr apod.? Rozdělovat to a lepit je asi blbost. #3dprint…
(profil 1 - GR86)
GoPro mount for headrest by EngineerPro
Universal GoPro mount for cars. Originally designed to fit Toyota GR86 or other cars with headrest with 14mm diameter pins spaced 135mm center to center, but have since then also added a version with 150mm spacing that is supposed to fit earlier GT86…
Na svoje projekty hledam vyvojarskou pomoc (React + TypeScript) a rad dam prilezitost lidem pred prvni praci, kteri muzou benefitovat i z meho mentoringu.…
Budu moc rad boostovani tu. Ale hlavne za osobni sireni mezi juniory a velka pomoc by bylo i sdileni na LinkedInu, kde je precijen vetsi sance, ze se nejake zacatecnictvo najde.…
#prace #developer #it #react #typescript
Martin Wenisch on LinkedIn: Vyvojarstvo pro | Notion
Na svoje projekty v hledam vyvojarskou pomoc (React + TypeScript) a rad dam prilezitost lidem pred prvni praci, kteri muzou benefitovat i z meho…Martin Wenisch (
Peter Vágner reshared this.
Ticket-App der #UEFA teilt #Standortdaten der Nutzer mit #Polizeibehörden
"Die für den Stadioneinlass notwendige Ticket-App der UEFA trackt die Nutzer und teilt den Standort mit Polizeibehörden. Die App-Stores erwähnen dies aber nicht."
#TeamDatenschutz #Illegal…
"Damit Köln endlich leiser wird - Tempo 30 in ganz Köln - JETZT"
Last Call - Deine Möglichkeit schließt am Sonntag, 07.07.24, 23:59 Uhr
Das Jungfernhäutchen, auch Hymen genannt, soll beim ersten Sex reißen wie eine Folie. Ein Irrglaube, der sich hartnäckig hält, und viele Frauen dazu bringt sich
operieren zu lassen.…
Mythos Jungfernhäutchen – Wie falsche Vorstellungen Frauen schaden
Das Jungfernhäutchen, auch Hymen genannt, soll beim ersten Sex reißen wie eine Folie. Ein Irrglaube, der sich hartnäckig hält, und viele Frauen dazu bringt, sich operieren zu
Il video dell'#XMPP Italian Happy Hour di Giugno é online; I temi:
- #Chatcontrol
- La fragilità dei progetti di sw libero, ancora (Il caso di Xerolinux)
- La liberazione di Julian #Assange (c'entra con XMPP? forse sì)
Lo trovate sul canale Peertube dell'Happy Hour:…
Italian XMPP Happy Hour
Questo è il canale PeerTube dell'Italian XMPP Happy Hour, un evento a cadenza mensile dedicato al protocollo XMPP. XMPP è l'acronimo di "Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol" ed è costituito ...XMPP-IT.NET - PeerTube
Running commands of your servers or bots from Libervia CLI.
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na prvých takmer osem minút sa nedá netancovať
Mike Oldfield Live knebworth + Bonus track 1980 HQ EDIT Hi-Fi audio 2017
Reedicion de audio y video de uno de los mejores (para mi, el mejor ) directos grabados de Mike Oldfield.Reescalado a pantalla completa eliminado ruido (VHS)...YouTube
Jack Welch said in 1999, 2 years before his retirement as CEO of General Electric after 20 years at the helm, that his effectiveness in that role would be measured by GE's performance for a comparable period under his successor(s).
That's a very reasonable thing to say.
By 2018, GE's market cap had decreased by 55%.
When asked about this in an interview, he refused to discuss it.
Link to interview transcript (from 2018):…
čo mu to dáva, ja som rád že je živý a zdravý ale môže hovoriť aj ináč, lepšie a mohol by zmanipulovať ľud aj k lepším výkonom ako byť blbý…
Fico se poprvé od atentátu objevil na veřejnosti. Zkritizoval liberalismus a ocenil Orbána
Slovenský premiér Robert Fico se poprvé od květnového pokusu o atentát na svou osobu objevil na veřejné akci.ČTK (ČT24 - Česká televize)
As people react to the horrible crime of someone getting pushed in front of a BART train, it's worth noting that platform screen doors prevent this and are standard in subways around the world. In 2019, BART decided against them because the $24 million cost was too expensive.
Meanwhile, hardening fare gates to exclude people who can't afford BART's highest-in-the-nation fares will cost $90 million.… #aws #blog
This is literally #music to my ears
‘An Introduction to Inclusive Design of Audio Products’: summary and recording from the Audio Developer Conference workshop…
‘An Introduction to Inclusive Design of Audio Products’: summary and recording from the Audio Developer Conference workshop - Sound Without Sight
Introduction The last couple of years have seen a huge increase in the attention to the discourse surrounding inclusivity and accessibility in design of audio and music software.Guillem León (Sound Without Sight)
Khronos reshared this.
Das wohl größte #Roots#Folk#World#Music#Festival#Europas in #Rudolstadt#Thüringen#Osten#WeltOffen scheint im #FediVerse so gut wie nicht stattzufinden...
Rudolstadt-Festival – das größte Folk-Roots-Weltmusik-Festival Deutschlands - Rudolstadt-Festival 4. – 7. Juli 2024
Rudolstadt-Festival – das größte Folk-Roots-Weltmusik-Festival Deutschlands - findet jährlich am ersten Wochenende (inkl. Donnerstag) im Juli statt und dauert vier
Quick 🧵 on Biden's speech in Madison
On the debate: "Can't say it was my best performance. Ever since then, there's been a lot of speculation ... well here's my answer: I'm gonna run and I'm gonna win again." (1/5)
The Matrix Rust SDK now provides a room list that is sorted on the client-side instead of server-side,….
It has landed in Element X iOS nightly and soon on Android.
I’m going to publish blog posts to explain all the technical details but it’s really pretty neat!
#matrix #RustLang #stream #future #asynchronous
feat(ui): Client-side sorting in `RoomList` by Hywan · Pull Request #3585 · matrix-org/matrix-rust-sdk
The goal of this PR is to implement client-side sorting in RoomList. So far, we used to use the sort parameter of sliding sync to sort the rooms. It is set to by_recency and by_name (see Sliding Wi...GitHub
A new issue of #ThisWeekInGNOME is now online!
#155 Overhauled Keyrings…
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2000-Year-Old Bottle of White Wine Found in a Roman Burial Site…
2000-Year-Old Bottle of White Wine Found in a Roman Burial Site
Image via Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Back in 2017, we featured the oldest unopened bottle of wine in the world here on Open Culture.Colin Marshall (
🇺🇸Patriotism encompasses devotion to the country as a whole – including all the people who live within it.
🇺🇸Nationalism refers to devotion to only one group or people over others.
Pictured ⬇️
An image from 1950 shows Superman teaching that patriotism should drive out nationalism. DC Comics…
#Politics #USPolitics #American #4thOfJuly
What is the difference between nationalism and patriotism?
Nationalism and patriotism are sometimes treated as synonyms, but they have very different meanings.The Conversation
PSA to orgs: if you use Microsoft 365, check your email logs for an email from
Microsoft are emailing tenant admin email addresses about a breach by Midnight Blizzard - you might not get the emails due to spam filtering etc.… #threatintel
This is a bit of a concern @signalapp hopefully this is addressed sooner
#Signal #Bug #security
Unknown parent • • •SuspiciousDuck
Unknown parent • • •