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I am thinking about actually using my website and write some blog-ish stuff. Should I write in English, and add to the pile of blogspam (but with the benefit of better spell-checking), or should I go for Dutch (more original content, my native language, but spell checking is more difficult)?

#blog #language #English #Dutch

  • English (0%, 0 votes)
  • Dutch (100%, 1 vote)
1 voter. Poll end: 1 month ago

in reply to Bart Groeneveld

if you have the time/energy, there’s also the option of multilingual posts. If not, I’d say that you should prioritize Dutch if your post doesn’t say anything that hasn’t already been blogged about in English. If it’s original, just pick one.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

#NVidia #NVDA apparently going to delay it's next-gen #Blackwell B200 GPUs for the #AI sector ... Share price drops in pre-market trading from 107.27 at close on Friday to 93.85 at the time of writing (Down 12.5%)…
in reply to Stewart X Addison

Is there any chance we can encourage you to trend #NVIDIA when that's the company you mean, please? I know what their NASDAQ handle is, but #NVDA is much more widely known as the name of the screen reader we make and the #NVDA hashtag is very widely used for the screen reader. It will save both our communities polluting each other's feeds. If you'd like to find out more about the screen reader, our website is - Thank you!

Did y'all know Enafore (mastodon client) has a translation feature? Ugh yes, this was all I've been missing from Mona!

#Enafore #accessibility #translation #MastoClient #blind

why does anybody give two shits about pinboard, the owner is an asshole and the product is garbage

PSA per Nitrokeys own documentation their security keys DO NOT use the secure element within the device. You should probably start looking for a new key.…

in reply to Matt Campbell


This is a joke based on the "biblically accurate angels" meme, which depicts angels as a terrifying mass of eyes and wings; the Graphviz drawing is a terrifying tangle of nested protocols.

in reply to Matt Keeter

Ah, got it. I grew up evangelical, but wasn't familiar with the "biblically accurate angels" meme, and didn't know what was biblically accurate about Ethernet being at the top and bottom of the stack as described in the alt text.

Has anyone experienced behavior where it skips pages when you press down arrows to review the document on Microsoft Word with #NVDA? Also NVDA gets super sluggish for some reason. @NVAccess
in reply to Chi Kim

Do you mean you press right arrow ONCE and it moves between pages - or right arrow when you're at the end of the last word on a page? It could be the zoom level - if you press alt+w to open the view ribbon, you can then press J to go to 100% zoom, or 1 to fit one full page on screen, or i to fit the width of one page on screen. Try alt+w, j or alt+w, i first and see if that helps.
in reply to NV Access

Or you could try alt+x, z, y, 3, i, j and maybe something useful will happen, or maybe not. It certainly wouldn't be any less cryptic than the correct solution. 😒 #unhelpfulPost
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh I love alt+x, z, y, 3, i, j, it's one of my favourite shortcuts!

My favourite used to be on the Layout ribbon, you had to press alt+p, then j for columns, and there was another option which began with j but you had to press alt+p, then c. They changed it now, but there are still 21 options on that ribbon (note, fewer than the number of letters in the alphabet) yet only FIVE of them use a single letter. At least the other four use the logical single letter (eg M for Margin), but J?

in reply to NV Access

@jcsteh I can't stand the ribbon. Every time I have to use them I end up floundering around for a sec like I don't know what I'm doing, even though as of next month I will have been using Windows based PCs for 26 years.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @KaraLG84 I once asked @ednun_p to tell me how to do... Something with ribbons in word and the response was a 55-page manual of the keystrokes necessary. I died a lot inside at that point. They just don't get any better.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh lol. I'm buggered if they expect me to remember any of those alt, f, u, c, k, i, n, g, shortcuts. I'm just glad they let you still use the old ones.
I needed to do a word count the other day so I did alt+T and w like it was Office 95 not 365.
in reply to Kara Goldfinch

@KaraLG84 @jcsteh Ironically it's keeping backward compatibility with thirty year old keystrokes whch is part of the problem. Looking at the main ribbons in Word:

Home H
Insert N (not i)
Draw JI (???)
Design G (not d)
Layout P (Not L… because Developer is?)
References S (Review is r)
Mailings M
Review R
View W (Not V)
Developer L
Help Y2 (Can’t be H because “Home” uses it)

in reply to NV Access

@KaraLG84 Yeah, I know that was the intention, but in practice, it just doesn't actually work. It breaks muscle memory enough that they may as well have just gone, screw it, we're going to break everyone completely, but at least the new system might be internally consistent. Instead, we have alt, b, r, 0, k, 3, n.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh I think alt, h is the only one I can remember. At least the very bizarre file menu' is still alt+f. If I can't remember one of the old shortcuts I use alt+q and search for the command I want with that.
in reply to Kara Goldfinch

@jcsteh When I came across PowerPoint for the first time back then I actually thought it had something to do with the power supply, so I was scared to open it for ages in case I broke something.
in reply to Kara Goldfinch

@KaraLG84 Heh, when someone first told me about Microsoft PowerPoint, I thought they were making a joke.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh My favourite has to be alt N, A, F, B to attach a file because obviously that's so much more efficient than the old way of control a???

Just asked Gemini to restart my device (a Motorola Razr Plus). It told me that it couldn't do that, and then told me how to restart... a Windows computer, speaking as if it thought that was the device I was on. I also asked it to turn on TalkBack, and it told me that my device doesn't support TalkBack. Something I read... with TalkBack. #WompWomp #Inishitification

A new report from European Commission's Open Source Observatory gives an in-depth analysis of #OpenSource policy across 15 EU and non-EU countries.

It shows that governments are adopting open source to enhance
🔴 digital sovereignty
🟡 data privacy
🟢 control over digital infrastructures

Read the report 👉!DDyPBb

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

We know you can’t get enough of us, so we are back again with #Fractal 8!…

Every time I read about some deeply toxic behavior in an open source community, I am reminded of the saying “culture isn’t what you encourage, but what you tolerate”.

If you tolerate toxic assholes? That’s your culture.

reshared this

The contradiction to the Dead Internet Theory is people who appear in multiple @haveibeenpwned data sets.
in reply to Soatok Dreamseeker

I prefer my Living Dead Internet Theory over the classic Dead Internet Theory.

If #Musk is allowed to say "#CivilWar is inevitable", we're allowed to say revolution and the uncompensated nationalisation of the assets of billionaires is inevitable.

I'm fucking dying at this. Dude literally started racist anti-immigrant anti-Muslim riots in the UK, then 4 days later realizes he's a brown dude who converted to Islam
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to modulux

I don't know if he did, but he fled the country to avoid jail time.
in reply to P J Evans

I was reading his wikipedia article and while it's hard to tell how seriously to take it, it says:

Tate was raised Christian[139] but later became an atheist.[140] By early 2022, he identified as a Christian again, and said that he tithed £16,000 to the Romanian Orthodox Church on a monthly basis.[141][142] After a video of him praying at a mosque in Dubai went viral in October 2022, he announced on his Gettr account that he had converted to Islam.[143][144][145]

Updated the JAWS to NVDA guide with a Common Problems and solutions section, in an attempt to tidy it up a bit.
feel free to either suggest what you would like to see included in the guide (except Eloquence), or edit it yourself.…
#nvda #Blind
in reply to Kara Goldfinch

Thanks so much Kara! That resource is a fantastic help to many users, and it is largely thanks to a lot of work by you!

Sometimes, asking for help is almost as overwhelming as the tasks at hand.

I maintain that we need a "fall guy" group in the Linux desktop space to fund, develop, and openly release stuff that would get the Internet mad at existing players, so they typically avoid doing them.

Keeping in mind the intent is to push things forward while not caring about peoples' gut reactions (because technology is more nuanced than a gut reaction!), this could include…

#Linux #OpenSource #FreeDesktop #GNOME #FDo #KDE

in reply to Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

“AI” features, which actually means local, private ML features we’ve fallen behind on like autocorrect, grammar checking, camera quality, noise canceling… basically, ML features your phone has been able to do for 5+ years that we’ve fallen behind on.

I hate “AI,” and the current generative-AI landscape is a speculative bubble—BUT there are real features and improvements that wouldn't have been called AI before; fundraise based on the hype, implement based on actual useful local improvements.


This wild day just got wilder! 😲

Here’s what the judge wrote:

After having carefully considered and weighed the witness testimony and evidence, the court reaches the following conclusion: Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly. It has violated Section 2 of the Sherman Act.

This ruling won’t just affect Google but also Apple, Amazon, Meta, and every other Big Tech company that the DOJ is going after!

Let me be blunt. After decades of not doing anything about tech monopolies, the U.S. government just showed it is not playing games!…


Google's online search monopoly is illegal, US judge rules…

A lot of the time our hopes for funding critical FLOSS infrastructure has been benevolent billionaires: Google or Meta or Mark Shuttleworth or whoever is supposed to pay for things to happen.
Then lately we have seen some government grant programs which are ... fine but come with strings and issues attached that I don't want to get into here. Also they tend to focus on the server side and security and whatnot.

It kinda does not scale for each individual to pay for all the projects: 1 EUR Patreon for this lib here, 5 bucks for that application there ... Things get unwieldy and expensive and leads to people not doing it at all.

Here's a dumb idea I had a few days ago while running: Set up an org that's focused on supporting FLOSS end-user apps/environments. Like browsers, maybe a Wordpress fork to get that out of the hands of the "AI" people. You can become a member with a monthly "subscription". Like your Netflix/Spotify/etc. The organization distributes funds in a transparent way with a long-term focus (easier said than done, I know). And no, you can't and shouldn't enforce this, FLOSS should also be available to people who can't pay, that is important. But by collecting like 10 or 15 bucks by a whole bunch of people you could build a bit of a fund that's not at the whim of one state, one billionaire or something.

Probably stupid.

Why can't we have more articles like this one? Don’t Panic: Here’s What’s Behind Today’s Sell-Off - Bloomberg…

☆☆☆ is 7 stars away from 35K stars now. ☆☆☆

A totally meaningless number.

O Usha, be careful who you defend. He said what he sad, and that's that... Usha Vance tries to defend her husband's 'childless cat ladies' comment - NPR…

Welcome Voyage to the selection of reproducible apps at #IzzyOnDroid – v0.10.1 coming up tomorrow just made it :awesome:…


in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

eine Frage, war der Sinn hinter dem Repo nicht mal Apps aufzunehmen welche (noch) nicht in FDroids eigenem Repo vorhanden sind?

In letzter Zeit häufen sich bei mir die Apps welche in beiden vorkommen ... oder habe ich das mal falsch verstanden? :D

in reply to Michael

@Michael1 Es war einmal, vor langer Zeit… Und Dinge ändern sich. Früher habe ich Apps, die schließlich bei F-Droid verfügbar wurden, i.d.R. auch aus dem IzzyOnDroid entfernt.

"Damals" hast Du das schon richtig verstanden. Voyage (der Toot auf den Du antwortest) ist aber nicht bei F-Droid zu finden, oder habe ich nur nicht richtig geschaut?

I haven't, just asking where to go for now. I take note and will check it, thanks!

Pushing Google onto non-Google phones, abandoning the removal of 3rd party cookies by Google, and possibly removing Google money from Firefox.

That’s how you get a Google browser monopoly on the web in three easy steps. All would be fine if Chrome wasn’t part of Google. But as it is, and Google ads are the main income, Google will now push their browser even more having no way to buy being the default.

Well done everybody!

psa about unclear content warnings drug, fat fetish, & sex mentioned as examples

Sensitive content

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

reshared this

Welcome Austin Moore as #curl commit author 1292:…

I don’t know how I missed it, but anyway, just discovered that on Mac OS 14.x… If you load a scanned image into the Preview app and, with VOiceOver on, start interacting with the object called “image”, you are actually able to read OCR’d text, with each line of the image placed in a separate text field. The quality is so-so, but it works! :) #accessibility

So I’ve been suspended from Twitter/X. I’ve violated their platform rules. Tune into #DoubleTap on Tuesday to find out what I did wrong, and how they could be coming for you next.
in reply to Double Tap

I'm very interested to find out what happened. I'm still on Twitter (I refuse to refer to it by the new name), but don't post there anymore.

So! Ich habe gerade WhatsApp gelöscht.


Zu Anfang hatte ich mich lange dagegen gewehrt, dort überhaupt zu sein, fand die Möglichkeit der Sprachnachrichten aber toll. Die gibt es aber nun mittlerweile auch bei Signal.

Abgesehen davon finde es gut, dass immer mehr Gruppen angelegt werden, die über Signal laufen. Es tut sich was.

Nur eine Freundin konnte ich nicht überzeugen, mit zu Signal zu kommen, schade.

#datenschutz #whatsapp #signal #privacy

in reply to Krasse Eloquenz

Nutze Matrix seit einigen Jahren, XMPP noch länger.
Großer Vorteil von beidem für mich: Nicht an eine Telefon-Nr und Smartphone gebunden.
in reply to FediVerseExplorer

Das sind übrigens die meisten anderen Messenger mittlerweile auch nicht mehr. Matrix ist fürchterlich zu bedienen IMO. @krasse_eloquenz @insl
in reply to Krasse Eloquenz

Mir sagen Leute, bei WhatsApp müssten sie eh sein. Einen weiteren Messenger (Signal) sähen sie nicht ein.

Kannste nix machen.

Mein neues Telefon kann auch RCS, den Nachfolger der SMS. Vielleicht ist das ganze Messenger-Drama damit eines Tages eh vorbei.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

А уже есть консоль, замена башу, написанная на Расте?

Собрать бы LFS используя такую консоль, плюс coreutils, плюс http-сервер из RedoxOS (можно и самому на базе Actix написать).

Короче, избавиться от всего сишного кода, (пока) за исключением ядра.

in reply to ⚛️Revertron

Да, это уже значительно лучше. А есть шеллы, которые его поддерживают? Или тоже мечта?