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I really have a hard time understanding how any #disabled person can be a Republican, especially in light of the recently discovered information about how Donald thinks we are too expensive and that we should just die.
in reply to Darrell Hilliker 👨‍🦯♾️📡

Well, I sometimes have an equally difficult time understanding how disabled people can be Democrats, considering that many in that party embrace a pro-choice stance and how abortion often targets certain minorities because, well, they want those minorities to just die. Btw, this doesn't mean I support everything about Trump. Truth be told, I'm voting for the American Solidarity Party.

@AppleVis @Michael If people want to reach out to Applevis regarding the possibility of continuing the site, who should they reach out to?

Open Source Community auf #Matrix. ~5 technisch *sehr* versierte Personen rätseln, warum einer plötzlich keine Nachrichten der Anderen entschlüsseln kann.

Matrix ist nicht alltagstauglich.

Wenn eine Reihe von Informatikern und Open Source Contributors deine Fehlermeldungen nicht entziffern kann, dann ist das einfach *schlecht*. Da gibt's keine sinnvolle Ausrede. Dann hast Du einfach nur einen vollumfänglichen Fail hingelegt. Dann gibt's auch einfach nix mit "naja RTFM" zu wollen. Das ist Scheiße und muss als solche benannt werden.

in reply to Claudius

it sounds like a bug. if you want help, please let us know what version client & platform you were using. these days, undecryptable messages should be rare.
in reply to The Foundation

Ich hab das jetzt mal zusammengeschrieben, ich hoffe dass das irgendwie auch nur entfernt irgendwas helfen kann?

Vier beteiligte an der Konversation:

1. Problemperson (eigener server, element): Version von Element: 1.11.72
Krypto-Version: Rust SDK 0.7.1 (431263d), Vodozemac 0.6.0, kann Nachrichten von (2) nicht lesen ("unable to decrypt message")
2. Beteiligter (weiterer eigener Server, element auf Android) Kann Narichten von (1) lesen, allerdings mit Warnmeldung.
3. Beteiligter (noch ein weiterer eigener Server, element auf Android) sieht einzelne nachrichten mit und andere Nachrichten ohne Ausrufezeichen (die von (1) desktop-element mit Ausrufezeichen, aber die von (1) telefon ohne Ausrufezeichen.
4. Beteiligter (Ich) (matrix dot org, element standard client):
Version von Element: 1.11.72
Krypto-Version: Rust SDK 0.7.1 (431263d), Vodozemac 0.6.0. Ich konnte alle nachrichten lesen, aber sah die Nachrichten von (1) mit einem roten Schild und Ausrufezeichen ("durch ein unbekanntes oder gelöschtes Gerät verschlüsselt")

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

For the FireWire proaudio users out there. Wim implemented Freewheeling support yesterday in the FFADO module to allow @ardourdaw
exports to work.
Thanks to @Venn and the Interfacing Linux community for making us aware of this feature missing.…
in reply to PipeWire Project

Thank you very much for your efforts with FFADO. I will try to to upgrade my DAW with PipeWire next week.

Your privacy starts with secure components. Our transparent supply chain ensures every part of your Librem 5 is trustworthy. #SecureByDesign #PureOS…

‘Google recaptcha failed’ means you lost a sale. I am not pissing about with your broken checkout even if that means buying your book from Amazon.

Unpopular opinion: Damn cool kids with their HTTPs 3 and QUICs and whatevers. HTTP/1.1 was good enough for everyone!

They're adding all that fancy stuff into the new #cURL version, and it causes #Transmission to crash. How am I going to seed all these Linux images now?!……


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

When I was a kid, I always wanted a bunk bed, but never got one. I bought a bunk bed yesterday. I have no kids. It's for me. I'm 34. And I'm sleeping in the top bunk tonight.

Hello audio people. Having a weird issue in Gold wave where the home and end keys aren’t moving the play position. This used to work. I think I’ve seen a solution of this before but don’t remember what it is. Any thoughts?
in reply to Jason Fayre

I can't remember offhand, but I will tell you that the dev is very much aware of accessibility needs, so if you tell him your problem and that you're blind, he'll give you a keyboard-friendly response.

I suspect there isn't a good answer to this question, but I wonder now time has moved on whether anyone has found a Windows app for Mastodon which can be navigated efficiently with the keyboard, particularly so you can scroll through posts quickly?
Of course I know about the two specialist clients for blind people. I'm using one of them and I am exceptionally grateful for it. I've donated to it and would certainly do it again.
But they do not allow you particularly to mute conversations or hashtags.
I think we understand why that is; apparently the existing framework used by these clients does not make it possible.

Nevertheless, some of us use Windows all the time, and there are points throughout the year in this community when specific hashtags are used in large measure. In a few months, we have one of those coming up and I for one do not want to be caught out again.

Even if someone has found an app which has some keyboard shortcuts, then maybe I can script around it as I've done with X. I use that every day without issue, and of course I have all the flexibility of filtering there I could possibly need, not that I am going to require it in that particular use case.
But any feedback on this would be really useful. Maybe we can find something which works well.

WestphalDenn reshared this.

in reply to Brian Hartgen

You mean outside of enafore and such, the web-based interfaces? I've not come across anything. I find enafore so responsive though I forget I'm on the web.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I've not heard of that particular one Sean. I've heard of Semaphore, and something else which sounded similar. This is a new incarnation of that is that how it is? Does it have keyboard shortcuts? If so, I will definitely look this weekend.
in reply to Brian Hartgen

It's a fork of semaphore, yeah. is the URL. I'm not sure about filtering, I've never tried to apply any.
But it's one of the only things where, when cursoring around online, I feel like I'm in a native windows app.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Oh, and does it have filtering of some kind or maybe it reflects filters you apply on the instance?
in reply to Brian Hartgen

I've just looked at the settings for filters and it seems to have pulled the things I put on my instance in. That's cool.

Me, trying to be smart: I'll order an optical audio cable to connect my audio interface to my AV receiver so I can transmit my music losslessly to the speakers in my room instead of relying on flaky Airplay or Bluetooth.

Reality: It doesn't work and you have no way to troubleshoot the problem because it's all opaque digital tech. Fuck you!

So I'm returning the optical cable and ordering old school analog cables and adapters because they fucking work.

Digital technology was a mistake.

in reply to Esther is practicing

RCS (Chinch) was designed in 1930.

TRS goes back to 1877!

Turns out, a wire with a plug on the end is pretty solid tech.

Ordering Chinese for lunch. And we're doing it pretty early.

Here's a question for people who use WhatsApp more than I do: What do you call it when you record an audio message and send it to someone through the chat?

Is it a voice message? A voice chat? A voice memo? Something else? 1/2

in reply to Mignon Fogarty

I tend to call it a voice message, probably because that's what the label for a screen reader calls it on the app.
Local radio use the phrase voice note here.

I can't wait until next week, when my life begins a new chapter, and freedom finally comes knocking on my door.

in reply to Tuta

You won me over to a paid subscription when I realized that Tuta contacts could integrate with my iOS contacts, i.e. I no longer need to rely on iCloud for contacts storage 🥳🥳

Now, I am waiting to see if you can win me over to use your calendar as well with a hopefully impressive update 😉

Important Apple-focused accessibility site to shut down…

Drinking bottled water now comes with “extra perils”, says Isabel Oakeshott in The Daily Telegraph. The reason for this is a new EU law mandating that the lids must be attached to the bottles, to encourage people to recycle both bits. But trying to drink anything with the cap still attached is impossible. And wrenching them off typically involves spilling half the contents or tearing your lips on the jagged edge. I thought that we didn’t have to follow all their idiotic rules anymore.
in reply to Col

clearly writing for a national newspaper doesn't mean you can rotate somethingin your hands a few degrees.

Afternoon all, so to catch everybody up a bit, i had a small procedure on Wednesday. I'm healing nicely, I have to clean my wounds and put cream on them every day. Apart from that, life's good.
in reply to Kay

Yikes. I hope you're doing alright. Get better soon, and stay safe.

Fellow #Blind people. I'm looking for a really nice bluetooth keyboard and I need your help. I want something that'll work with IOS and windows, preferably mechanical, and has a numberpad. I have been doing my own research and have looked at the Keychron Q6max. The price is a little crazy at $219 but I'm willing to pay for quality stuff. If anyone has recommendations on good keyboards, that'd be awesome. Please boost for reach. #BluetoothKeyboards, #Technology

The goal of iAccessibility is to be a community driven website and community, and we have a few things that are in the works to make that happen. The biggest example of this is that we are working hard to create a nonprofit organization to oversee the operation of iAccessibility going forward. We will keep everyone updated as things develop.

Visited the father of modern GNOME icon style. Was surprised many of the younger folk at mini GUADEC didn't even know'im. Will be corrected next GUADEC!

My jsme na ceste do Tasova na Besedu a ve vlaku je prilezitost sepsat Unreleased update. Za posledni tyden pribylo nekolik umelcu a nejvetsi nadeje vkladam do

Borci do te kampane investovali mnoho sil ... hlavne po tom, co zjistili, ze maji vyvojare na WhatsAppu a muzou posouvat tlacitka tam a zpatky ...

Zena je prirovnala k Prago Union a do jejich beatu zpivala Katovy texty. Tak nevim, zhodnotte sami. 🤷

#music #album #pop #rock #alternative #satire

Yea, we're off to the cinema on Sunday. Daughter and I are going to see Thelma! And we got 2 free tickets and half-price popcorn!

Happy Friday everyone! To celebrate, we have a new blog post, an interview with our newest board member (yes, a YouTube video and everything!), info on our latest beta, our survey, an update to Basic Training for NVDA, thanks to Elston's Better Future Fund AND how (and when) to reset NVDA to factory defaults! Check it out here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Blog #News #Interview #ScreenReader #Accessibility #A11y #PreRelease #Foss #Training #Busy

David Goldfield reshared this.

The best bit about having smart thermostats is now I can hate the summer heat *with graphs*. This is downstairs. It is *much* hotter upstairs.

Včera som mal taký stôl že ženská mi vrátila carbonara... nevedela sa vyjadriť čo im je a nakoniec som z nej dostal že sú staré. Potom chceli rozúčtovať účet, boli traja a ty vole, ja nemám na to náladu ani čas, to je ak ez si potom nejako cca rozdeliť účet. Čo ma ale serie že som mohol byť trochu milší.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

An old man meets a young man and asks, "Do you remember me?"
The young man replies, "No, I don't."
The young man then explains that he was once the old man's student. The old man asks, "What do you do for a living?"
The young man says, "Well, I became a teacher."
"Ah, how wonderful, like me?" the old man asks.
"Yes, indeed. In fact, I became a teacher because you inspired me to be like you," the young man responds.
Curious, the old man asks the young man when he decided to become a teacher. The young man tells him this story:
"One day, a friend of mine, who was also a student, came to school with a beautiful watch. I wanted it so badly that I stole it from his pocket.
Shortly after, my friend realized his watch was missing and immediately reported it to you, our teacher.
You addressed the class, saying, 'A watch was stolen during the lesson today. Whoever took it, please return it.'
I didn’t return it because I didn’t want to.
You closed the door and told all of us to stand up and form a circle. You said you would search our pockets one by one until the watch was found.
But then you instructed us to close our eyes while you searched our pockets.
We followed your instructions. You went from pocket to pocket, and when you reached mine, you found the watch and took it. You continued searching everyone’s pockets. When you finished, you said, 'Open your eyes. The watch has been found.'
You never mentioned who stole the watch. You didn’t shame me or talk about the incident. You never revealed the thief’s identity.
That day, you saved my dignity forever. It was the most shameful day of my life, but it was also the day I decided not to be a thief or a bad person.
You didn’t give me a lecture or scold me. The message was clear.
Thanks to you, I understood what a real educator should do.
Do you remember this episode, Professor?"
The old professor replied, "Yes, I remember the search for the stolen watch. I didn’t remember you because I also closed my eyes while searching."

This is the essence of a true teacher:

reshared this

It’s been such a long week and I’m so sleepy that I accidentally took a second allergy pill when I meant to take my vitamin. I’m not in any danger, as doctors will often prescribe double or more the dosage I actually take over-the-counter, so I’m not worried about that, but It’s Zyrtec, which makes me even more sleepy. I did eventually get my morning vitamin as well. Caffeine to the rescue.
in reply to Allison Meloy

wow, that sounds like quite a bit of stress on your body. Hope today can be a least a bit restful
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Thanks, I have to go into the office today rather than working from home, and I have a rather aggressive to do list, so we’ll see how much of it I actually get to.

Open Source spotlight from @ktn -- including an interview with @r10s about past and future challenges with #deltachat and #chatmail ...…
(german text)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

does anyone have a portable way of running windows 9x with a screen reader in a Vm without a player preinstalled?
Can you even do that?

#MicroMapping parks has benefits you may not have realised:

A family is in a new city for a couple days on holiday, and needs to take their children to parks and playgrounds. It is important for them to be able to see the size of the playground. Maybe one child will be upset if there is no slide, so they want to try find one with a slide.

#OpenStreetMap has the possibility of providing highly detailed, useful information, and I'm excited for it!

in reply to Sunset Sakura (:osm: Nelson)

With, you can see and add individual play structures, such as swings, slides, ... Once added, you can add more information and even add pictures

periodic reminder that there is a desperate need for a neodeer emoji pack

The seventh day of DebConf24 has ended, we start again tomorrow, the final day of DebConf24, Saturday 3, August at 10:00 KST (01:00 UTC). The schedule for the day will be… Thank you to all our contributors, viewers, and to our Debconf Video team! See you tomorrow! #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Ja retard robím zase do štvrtka... nemám ani chuť piť, nechcem, nemám na to energiu, aspoň dnes a zajtra, aj viac zarobím.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Pozitívne je že cítim tie raňajšie bradlá a hrazdu, to je tak super.…

Child A's first wobbly tooth fell out yesterday at nursery, and they didn't even notice! We only spotted the gap in the evening when I was helping them brush their teeth. They were very upset they couldn't leave anything for the #toothfairy , or get a coin for it. But don't worry, #German paperwork to the rescue. I created a mini 'lost tooth' form that we've filled out and put under the pillow instead, I'm sure it'll work out 😉

#FediEltern #Parenting