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Items tagged with: Canadá

#Fediverse #OpenSocialWeb #Mastodon #Canada #CanPoli
This morning I got a response Letter (by email) from the Speakers Office of the House of Commons of Canada in response to the Open Letter* so many of you all signed back in June!

Here is Speaker Fergus’ letter in full. Reply with what you think we should do next to encourage MPs and Parliamentarians to ask for this!
Dear Mr. Alemany:

Thank you for your letter and proposal concerning Open Social Web.

Many Members, their staff, members of the Press Gallery and Canadians use social networks as a primary tool for consuming news, sharing stories of interest or to comment on news or information. The House of Commons established a presence on social networks in 2017, with a consistent branding, to share information and, critically, to provide Members increased and mobile access to relevant parliamentary information so that they may share this information with their social media followers.

Although the creation of an Open Social Web would present a promising opportunity with several advantages for the House of Commons, as enumerated in your letter, it also brings numerous challenges and risks to the organization (e. g. extensive engagement from many stakeholders, adoption of specialized and secure infrastructure and the need for content moderation and curation).

To date, we have had no requests for this type of service from Members. This would be a substantial undertaking that would require direction and approval from the Board of Internal Economy (BOIE) before being considered for prioritization and implementation. Even if mandated to offer such a service, we would be unable to ensure its adoption and widespread use among parliamentarians.

Thank you for your interest, and please be assured of our continuous support for more open, secure, engaging and informative multi-channel experiences for our users.

Hon. Greg-Fergus, P.C., M.P

*Open Letter:…
cc: @Paulatics

⚠️ "If you think naively that the #Russians don't care as much about influencing Canadian thought, penetrating the Canadian government at all levels — I'm here to tell you they care deeply about shaping how you think, how you vote and sowing chaos and discord,"
Canadians who .. assist in Russia's .. attempts to use disinformation, criminal and covert activities.... to undermine our sovereignty and democratic processes will face the full force of Canadian law"


#Canada #union #rail

Maths courtesy of DT Cochrane , Senior Economist for Canadian Labour:

#Canada #union #rail 2/5

Over the last three years CN and CPKC have distributed over $8.2 billion to their owners.

🧵 Before you even think about insulting the workers during the rail lockout/ impending strike, take a look at this: #Canada #union

CN and CPKC's profit margin was 33% in 2021-23. In the 2010s, it was 18%. 1 /2

#Canada #union #rail #Québec

Canadian rail workers are fighting for all of our safety, they are preventing another Lac-Mégantic rail disaster. And we should all support them.

Sensitive content

😱 Canadian tar sands pollution is up to 6,300% higher than reported, study finds #climatechange #Canada…

"Macron just made history. A president with more love for democracy combined with a fearless approach to it. With all chips stacked against him by a world media bought and paid for by bullshit propaganda, he prevailed.

PM Trudeau - Looking at you sir. Time to be bold."

#poilievre #singh #cdnpoli #canada #france via @rodkahx

Hello Mastodon!... time to try something new.

First an introduction - I go by Dyptre online, I'm a photographer based in Western Canada with a primary focus on capturing landscapes with a focus on natural and real editing. I shoot #film, I and primarily shoot #fujifilm

If you want to see more - give me a follow here I guess!

#photography #realphotographs #canada #nature #naturephotography

This Canadian Member of Parliament asked ChatGPT for a list of capital gains tax rates by country, got a nonsense answer, screenshotted it, and then tweeted the incorrect information.

(He later deleted the tweet.)

#canada #cdnpoli #twitter #x #ai #chatgpt #misinformation

In Alberta's official births data, there is an entry for a boy born in 2020 with the name Ííîîïïòòóóôôõõööùùúúûûüüýýààááââããääççè

I want to think this is a data-entry error but I also want to think this was someone just absolutely trolling the registry / vital statistics staff.

You can look up that name (and any name) here:

🔗 :

#alberta #ableg #canada #babynames

Hey Canadian nerds! I have held the domain registration for for a very long time. When I lived in Canada it was my primary domain, but I haven't used it for years. Does anyone on the fediverse have a good use for it?

I'm going to release it but if you've got a good pitch I'll pay for a 1 year renewal and then transfer it to your ownership.

[edit: @blakecoverett has put to appropriately goofy, human-centric use. huzzah for the Fediverse!]

#canada #regex #perl

New instance, new introduction. Hello, I am Adam from Ottawa Canada. I am a totally blind man, identifying as he/him.
My primary interests are technology and music. I was a former professional drummer, playing the bar stages of Ottawa and the ocasional out-of-town show.
I've always been rhythmical, annoying the heck out of my parents at the tendor age of four on up banging on pots, pans, spoons, and whatever else I could get my grubby little hands on.
I got my first drum kit when I was 12, back in 1999. I got a couple of upgrades over the years, and then switched to electronic kits in 2007 when I managed to save and purchase a Roland TD-12 kit with my own money. That was like buying a car for me, LOL.
I was professionally active from 2007 until 2019.
Some hearing issues with extended loudness causing anxiety and unease started my issues with playing live shows, and then COVID19 really finished that career.

I've been interested in technology from a young age as well, receiving my first electronic note taker for the blind, a Blazie Engineering Braille Lite in 1996 at the age of 9.
I then got my first computer in the summer of 1998, learned DOS, then eventually Windows 3.1, 95, and on up.
I've had many, many, many computers and other technological devices since those days, and I have done any serious compute work in Linux, where in I am mostly referring to running servers, hosting things, and distributed compute projects.
Professionally, I am currently a systems/server administrator, backend web developer, database administrator, and infrastructure administrator.
Other interests include animals, documentaries, listening to most kinds of music, having deep intellectual conversations, and pondering the meaning of life.
#Mastodon #Introduction #Ottawa #Canada #Blind #Music #Technology

Apropos people shot in Panama recently because protests for a mining contract for a Canadian company, and environmental (and political) problems in Costa Rica because another Canadian mining company.

When you visit Canada
When Canada visits you

#Canada #mining…

Radio Jammor is on the air...

Broadcasting from #Scotland to the #UK, #US & #Canada

Some exciting news: Over the past few months I have been working on founding a new organization: Blodeuwedd Labs (@blodeuweddlabs)

We are now in a position to offer subsidized security assessments (and other services) for open source projects.

(In addition to a whole array of analysis, development, and custom research offerings for everyone else)

Announcement (and more info):…

#infosec #security #appsec #canada #opensource

If you've visually impaired/blind and live in/can travel to BC, you might be interested in this prototype trial. You'll get $30 for an hour of your time.…
#ProductTesting #Blind #Accessibility #A11y #BC #Canada #Trial

CBC is pausing their Twitter use. Now would be a good time to email their PR team or your local shows and suggest they try Mastodon.

The CBC PR team can be emailed at

#cbc #mastodon #Canada #twitterMigration #cdnpoli

As part of their training, a crew of Canadian service dogs watched Billy Elliott: The Musical at Ontario's Stratford Festival theatre.

#Ontario #Canada #DogsOfMastodon

' Often, when we give a blank map of the surrounding areas to Inuit who are helping us [they] have no problem recognizing and identifying features on the map, going only from their recollections of the land and what their families have described to them in words or in songs — without otherwise having used maps. They’ll even correct you, explaining something like, “there should be a lake there, but it’s not on your map.” '

#PlaceNames #Indigenous #Nunavut #Canada #maps…

FYI for anyone in the USA with #Type1Diabetes or #Type2Diabetes, and who is struggling to afford insulin.

Canadian pharmacies will ship to the US. Even with shipping, the cost is dramatically lower.

I like, and our son has ordered from, Marks Marine Pharmacy. He had insulin shipped all the way to Texas multiple times without an issue. The staff is incredibly helpful! They'll give you a price over the phone or via live chat.

Thank you Canada! 🇨🇦

#T1D #Insulin #Canada

This morning, a kind comment about my narration reminded me of the beautifully relaxing vibe of this video. Check out the work the Social #AudioDescription Collective did as part of the #accessible Parks #Canada project.…

Hey friends! is now open for signups 🎉🇨🇦❤️

@andrew and I built it as a hosted-in-Canada, capital-region-focused (but open to all Canadians) instance.

Please boost so folks can find us! 👀

#fediverse #twittermigration #canada #ontario #ottawa #canpoli

I'm looking for latt/long for… &…

But really I suspect you want me to visit these places and take photos or something neat like that.

#Ottawa #Benches #OpenBenches #OpenData #NCC #Canada

Elf on a Shelf? Nah, this is better!
Only in Canada! 😆


Although Jesse Brown from the Canadian news / podcast company #CanadaLand has said he has no plans to come to #Mastodon I still think it is worth while to give them a plug here.

I have donated to this podcast, from almost the beginning. I initially started because I really enjoyed his #CBC radio show (which was unfortunately cancelled)

Show Jesse that Mastodon is worth joining by subscribing & donating:…


Did you know that #Canada is taking comments on the importance of #FreeSoftware?

I certainly didn't.…

#FOSS #FLOSS #OpenSource #OpenGovernance #OpenGov

#Library job posting

Librarian and Coordinator for Academic Transitions | Vancouver Island University…
#Canada #universitylibraries