
Items tagged with: A11Y

1 week left until the #axecon speaker application deadline! Join amazing speakers like Gene Kim, Steve Saylor, Jutta Treviranus, Aaron Gustafson, and Elle Waters at this amazing, free, virtual, digital accessibility extravaganza.… #a11y


Accessibility Acceptance Criteria - "Automatically generate test cases for Web, iOS and Android components…" by T-Mobile's Accessibility Resource Center #a11y

Folks, I want to boost your lovely posts, I really do but I won’t if you don’t write image descriptions (alt text) so people who use screen readers can also experience them.

It doesn’t take long to write one.

And if you’re posting an image of text and you have an iPhone, you can select the text from the image with a long press and copy/paste it.

Even Linux has apps that do this (like Frog:

#accessibility #a11y #fediverse #altText #images #screenReader #mastodon

Super post from @SaraSoueidan on how to set up a screen reader testing environment.…

Sara, do you or anyone else know of a way test VoiceOver on Mac if we don't have access to a Mac? One of the perennial frustrations in the web industry is the assumption we're all on Macs. For many, Macs are well out of our budget ranges, but we still want to do the best we can with the tools at hand. Any advice?

#accessibility #a11y #inclusion #mac #macos #windows #testing

#OpenAccess journals, please take heed.

New study: "Using a random sample of 300 English language open access journals, we assessed author guidelines to understand image requirements for submissions…We found that most open access journals do not include disability accessibility elements in their guidelines…While over half the journals had required parameters for image submission, none of them required alt text."…

#accessibility #a11y #images #alt

With WCAG SC 4.1.1 Parsing maybe going away in WCAG 2.2, I wrote how I think other SCs will (already) cover for the narrow 4.1.1 bits:

“The 411 on 4.1.1”…

This is *not* my opinion on the current wording nor argument for removal. #a11y


I do find it mildly ironic that I just got a marketing email about a accessibility book with an unsubscribe link with a contrast of 2.35 and so not accessible at all. #a11y #darkpattern



Wow. Someone raises millions for a Twitter alternative ( and says he’s “Not focused on accessibility.” You mean you ARE focused on exclusion? On ignoring the security and privacy of disabled people (yes- accessibility is privacy and security) Accessibility is a civil right. You can’t “let everyone in” and THEN do accessibility because accessibility IS the door. C’mon Noam Bardin do better H/t @blakereid #a11y…

While many are praising him for his transparency, it reveals a major problem and hurdle with building accessible products. Not to mention the ableism in stating several times, the need to "let everyone in" while choosing not to make sure the application is accessible. Statements like "Our number one focus is letting in the 300K+ users on our waitlist" assume that none of those people have a disability and/or all use technology in the same way.



Here's's founder Noam Bardin, declaring in the same breath "we are not focused on . . . accessibility" and "We want to do it all but first, let's get everyone in." In other words, "everyone" does not include people with disabilities. This kind of discrimination is not uncommon from tech companies, but it's a pretty unusual for a founder to state it this explicitly. #a11y must be an MVP expectation for digital startups.

(H/T @jaspar; cc @LFLegal)…

Fascinating to think through #Mastodon & #Whiteness within this #TechPolicyPress #Podcast featuring @shengokai…

I hand't thought of the RT as part of a call/response culture.

My main concern with the piece is that we cannot control whether or not Twitter implodes. Monopolies are inherently fragile & we know it is being run by a benevolent dictator.

Twitter had a good run. We have to adapt. That means building in better means to protect marginalized users. #a11y