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Items tagged with: RedHat

Oh, thank goodness not having a fully functional screen reader isn’t a blocker for Fedora 41. We wouldn’t want them to miss their 10th anniversary of shipping an operating system without a fully functional screen reader, after all.…

#Fedora #RedHat #IBM #a11y #accessibility #screenReader #orca #linux #openSource #FOSS #ableism…

Fedora has been shipping with a broken screen reader for NINE YEARS but the real problem is me…

#fedora #accessibility #a11y #ableism #RedHat #IBM #Linux #OpenSource

“Just because we don’t consider lack of accessibility to be a blocker doesn’t mean we’re ableist.”

– Open Source folks in my mentions.

#openSource #linux #accessibility #a11y #ableism #fedora #gnome #redHat #IBM #wayland

For eight years Fedora has been shipping GNOME with a broken screen reader!


(Wayland has been default on Fedora for eight years – since Fedora 25, released in 2016.)

And a hundred-billion-dollar corporation like IBM ships operating systems today based on it with a broken screen reader.

What is an ableist culture? One in which the people who call this out get ostracised.

#ableism #fedora #redHat #IBM #gnome #cosmic #wayland #a11y #system76 #linux…

Exciting talk alert! Marta Lewandoska from Red Hat at #DevConf_CZ is presenting a game-changing solution to replace GRUB: nmbl (No More Boot Loader).

Join on 06/15, 09:30-10:05(CEST), E112 to learn more about using the Linux kernel as its own bootloader. Say goodbye to complexity and security holes!

More info:…

#redhat #Linux #bootloader #OpenSource #linuxkernel

Outreachy is grateful for the support of our Promoter sponsors.
Thank you for your continued support of humanity!
#Cisco, @tarides , #RedHat (@fedora), #microsoft.

We appreciate you!

And we thank our Includer sponsors:
@@wikimediafoundation, #Indeed, #GoogleOSS, @gnome, and #CloudNativeComputingFoundation (CNCF).

Your support to the program is invaluable.

After more annoyances that Gnome/RedHat is pulling lately (… ), I just donated to #Linux #Mint, instead of my original intention, #Gnome.

The Gnome Project is a wall-garden, but not of the Apple kind. It's a club of mostly #Redhat programmers & a few select others, and either you're in it, or you're not. Your user needs, your bug reports, your patches, all end up on /dev/null. They listen to no one. Never have, never will.

So, my money went to a fork.

#opensource #foss

Can you elaborate on #RedHat? Aren't they having all the mentioned features except the #Hardware?

@Jami is officially supported on #RedHat and #AlmaLinux 9, aligning with their mission to provide free, secure communications for all.
#Jami benefits from the robust ecosystem and community-driven innovation fostered by #redhat and #AlmaLinux.

Donate :

#freesoftware #opensource #gnu #communication #linux

Dnes a zítra nás najdete na #LinuxDays. Zastavte se na kus řeči, vzít si nějaký #Fedora swag nebo se podívat, jak Fedora běží na Macbooku s procesorem od Applu.
#RedHat #Linux

@pvagner Jsem také uživatelem Woken od jejich vzniku nad M$ DOS, který jsem používal též 🫡. Nyní je ale používám jen v práci jako poučený uživatel 😊, tam to bohužel nejde jinak 😕. Ale většinou jako terminál 😎 a pak využití místních Office🙄
O #powershell proto slyším poprvé 😳, nevím, jestli mi k něčemu bude 🤔. No prostě #lama 😁.
Koncem 90. let jsem chtěl použít #RedHat, ale nerozběhl jsem tehdy jejich X Window 😬
Na hracím notebooku mám nově #fedora😜

I’m not going to use bloody bugzilla, so if anyone from Mozilla sees this, your enterprise flow for adding certificate authorities (CAs) to Firefox on Linux fails on Fedora Silverblue.

Since Fedora Silverblue is seen as the possible future of Fedora/Red Hat, you folks might want to talk to the Fedora folks about it and come up with a solution.…

#mozilla #firefox #fedora #fedoraSilverblue #bug #tls #ssl #redHat #linux #enterprise #certificates

Worth reading: #Accessibility in #Fedora Workstation…

#gnu #linux #foss #redhat #desktop #opensource