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@Michael Vogel @Friendica Support Absprachegemäß mit Michael auf XMPP habe ich das Native Teilen (das seit einigen Wochen nicht mehr funktioniert) auf Spiegeln als meine eigenen Beiträge umgestellt. Der aktuelle Blogeintrag mit dieser Einstellung wurde in den letzten 30 Minuten nicht mit meiner oldie-Instanz föderiert.

Wo ist er geblieben?

Lest you think ride share discrimination is limited to those with service dogs, an #Uber driver told me she wouldn't transport me from a hotel to the Las Vegas airport because I am a blind person without sighted assistance. She tried to get a hotel employee to accompany me. I use a white cane. This stuff is real even as we conclude the first quarter of the 21st century. #accessibility #ableism #blind #discrimination #RightToRide

Belated #AndroidAppRain report for yesterday (I was AFK the entire day) with 9 updated and 2 added apps:

* Conty: Interactive stories for children
* AlgoSorts: understand how sorting algorithms work using the example of animations 🛡️

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Took the kid to the park trying to get a bit of "outdoors" and not think about all the stressful stuff. It didn't really work for the stress but the outside is kinda nice (at least in the shade) 🏞️

He changed his mind halfway through getting into bed and has been like this for like 20 minutes

Has anyone ever heard of any accessible air quality monitoring devices? Specifically, I need to monitor the levels of volatile organic compounds. As I begin to operate multiple 3D printers, and use more advanced filaments, filtering/venting is becoming a serious safety concern. There are quite a few devices that monitor this sort of thing, but I haven't yet found anything that talks or can be used through an accessible app. If you don't kno, please boost.

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Der Windows 10 Support nähert sich dem Ende. Zeit für den Umstieg auf Windows 11 oder doch der perfekte Moment, um der Abhängigkeit von Microsoft zu entkommen? Es gibt viele Alternativen – Linux, Open-Source-Tools, Datenschutz und Freiheit warten. Was denkst du: Upgrade oder Ausstieg?

#Windows10 #Windows11 #Linux #OpenSource #Datenschutz

A very long shot once again on the #Fediverse and #Mastodon but I keep trying because I desperately wish that one day it'll give me better answers to niche questions than Tiktok and Google.

Calling all #Sudanese. What's your recipe for fit-fit? I received a container of it, made by a bunch of dudes from #Sudan (They know my cousin, I swear they're not just randos), and I refuse to believe that they have the best recipe. Google gives me Ethiopian recipes, which are vastly different from what I had tonight. I found one recipe that I don't really trust.

So, do you eat it raw?
Do you include lungs and livers? What about kidneys?
How much peanut butter do you add?

There's an underwhelming number of sources for sudanese recipes online, I guess for very understandable reasons, but dang, I have a feeling those guys can't really cook and I must know how their elders made it.

Something I've learned from this impressively international conference:

1. It's hard to explain to people from Europe how sparsely populated Saskatchewan is (yes the space debris fell ~50km from my house, but the number of houses I pass on the way is equivalent to a few city blocks)

2. It's hard to explain to people from Africa how cold Saskatchewan is (yes, our first frost was Sept 9, and our last frost was June 25ish, yes you really can still grow food there, yes it kind of sucks sometimes.)

Tradiční Tišnovská 50, letos pouze příjemných 19km, ale zase s nádherným počasím.
#walking #outdoors
in reply to Tomáš Odehnal

Jezdíval jsem na letní tábory do areálu vedle Šárky. To už je dávno...

Dneska jsem se činila 👌🏻💪🏻😎
A jak jste sobotu strávili vy?
in reply to Archos

@archos U mě je hranice přežití 5 hodin. Jakmile spím kratší dobu, tak už to má vliv na mé soustředění. A to, že to vůbec není dobré pro zdraví, to ani raději nekomentuji 😅

Even though I know #HTML inside out and use it virtually every day, I'm still reading #HTMLForPeople by @bw because it's a prime example of how a good guide should be written.

1. The book is simple and easy to follow, with relevant points explained well enough even for non-coders to understand.
2. Images are clearly described for #blind readers through the use of #AltText.
3. The website is easy to navigate with a #ScreenReader.
4. There are no annoying pop-ups or ads on the website.
5. The book is entirely free of charge.

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Výpusť bazénu. Trubka velikosti 50. Se zakončením šroubovice 1" na hadici. Ať se může bazén vypustit po celé zahradě, né jen na jedno místo.

Jenže závity zrezlé. Dolů to nejde. A celá koncovka na trubku v místním dealerství není. Mají max. velikost 40.

A i kdyby, stejně nemají kombinaci závitů, abych se dostal na požadovaný rozměr na konci.

To bude ještě sranda, abych nemusel používat ponorné čerpadlo na vypuštění 😁

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Zechy

Ok dám vědět. Jinak tady budou na 100% vše…
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in reply to Archos

@archos Ok, dík. A vida... NA ptáčka jsem zapomněl, že tu máme... 😄
in reply to Archos

@archos to jo, ale zrovna tady je v takové odlehlejší části města... Na to snadno zapomeneš 😄
in reply to Zechy

Mně to nevadí ti to poskládat, jen jezdím až večer domů, tak to nestíhám poslat. To bych poslal až v pátek.
in reply to Archos

@archos uvidíme jak to výjde... Ale musím @sagittaras připravit na konferenci další víkend, takže nečekám, že něco zázračného zvládnu 😄

Mann muss nur Cookie-Hinweis wegklicken, Push-Benachrichtigungen ablehnen, Newsletter-Abo-Banner wegklicken, automatische Video-News stoppen und Website-Unterstützungs-Aufruf ablehnen, um festzustellen, dass Artikel, den er lesen wollte, hinter Bezahlschranke ist…

Fliegerbombe in der #schanze

#Evakuierung !

Betroffen ist der zentrale Bereich der #Sternschanze rund um den SBahnhof in einem Umkreis von 300 Metern.

Na Prost Malzeit. An nem Samstag Abend.. das kann ja was werden.


500 kg-Bombe gefunden - Hamburg-Sternschanze…

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I always love the fact that Google Gemini is literally how Yesterday by The Beetles was conseived.

"A decade ago, Germany’s renewable energy transition was seen as a model for the rest of the world. Today much of the working class has turned against all things green. What happened?"

Excellent piece by Sean Sweeney in Jacobin

Just a thought: abundant cheap and clean energy is necessary. "Public ownership" in itself won't solve that basic physical reality. As long as Germany doesn't build plenty of new nuclear power plants, it will remain to deindustrialise for the same reasons the article already explains very well.

#EnergyTransition #Germany…

Jedna z dnešních pro mě nejzajímavějších přednášek na #LinuxDays už je sestřihnutá na youtube:…
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Another one of those "I didn't leave the left, the left left me" screeds by the deposed minister who I used to work for😐 so much for self reflection and "sensitivity training" with interfaith groups she promised.…


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A question for selfhosters: What do you consider the best option for a self hosted cloud drive?

I've deployed owncloud some time ago. But I don't know whether it is currently the best choice or not. Nextcloud? Any other?

#Selfhost #Selfhosting #Owncloud #Nextcloud #Selfhosted #nx

in reply to Tristan

Germans would appreciate, it seems. Their website URLs are super long, like (I'm exaggerating, but only a little bit :))

I don't know what's more astonishing: the new typesetting language José Reyes explains here, or the depth and quality of the explanation.

#typst #latex

Doing another yard sale stream tonight at 7PM est! Auctions start at $1, even the computers

Come hang out, it’ll be a ton of fun!

“I did not communicate with the driver prior to his arrival. Once he arrived...He said, 'Is that a dog?' I said, 'Yes, he is a service dog.' He said, 'Sorry, no.' I said, 'It is a task-trained service dog accompanying me for a disability. You actually cannot legally refuse to offer service based on my dog - it is against the law.' He said, 'I don't care.' I said, 'You don't care about breaking the law?' He drove off." – Guide Dog User from California, March 2024


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AAA gaming comes to Apple M1 thanks to the latest Asahi Linux build — Control, Cyberpunk 2077, and The Witcher 3 are playable with respectable frame rates

Asahi Linux is now the first and only distro capable of running x86 Windows games on Apple Silicon devices through a Linux OS.

I need to get off this domain registrar site before I buy and set up a Mastodon instance that no one will likely join, LOL.


Sensitive content

"The search for AI is the search for a better slave."

Tech bros watch Blade Runner, and immediately set about trying to become the next Dr. Eldon Tyrell.

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"we should only care for linux and shouldn't worry about bsds bc there's not enough users" is just "why build for linux when basically everyone runs windows or mac" but in a smaller scale
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Here in one paper is the probable reason why Apple abruptly pulled out of OpenAI's current funding round a week ago, after previously being expected to buy at least a billion bucks of equity.

(AI is peripheral to Apple's business model and not tarnishing their brand in the long term is more important than jumping on a passing fad.)…

in reply to Sevoris

> I want [this] from my digital assistant

is 1000% valuable product-direction research data

Current systems are basically outsourcing to call-center style labeling factories — with a bit of ML laundering in between — & this fully pre-dates the LLM boom (Facebook M,? & when Siri was new)

Recent LLM innovation has let them do more of the ML laundering and time shifting by throwing compute at it

But they're still mostly emulating what a call-center drone can do

in reply to Jeremy Kahn

That "emulate form without doing actual reasoning" is so effective at charming the executive class into throwing money at it…

…is kinda damning of the executive class' own "genius" intellectual self-regard

They themselves have used prose-based discriminative pattern-matching (& privilege) to get where they are, not actual reasoning

"That guy fast-talks like he knows what he's talking about, put him in charge of a division" is no way to run a system of {governance}…

Poseck erfüllt die Voraussetzungen für eine Duldung schon gar nicht. Ich denke, es ist an der Zeit, ihn an einer Autobahnraste seinem Schicksal zu überantworten.

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I remember a time when everyone was on Twitter during conferences. You could barely keep up with the posts on the conference hashtag timeline. That's long gone.
The #LinuxDays have roughly a thousand attendees and during the conference there were 14 posts with the conference hashtag on Mastodon and 8 on Twitter.
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

@stepan @lepapierblanc I keep doing it. I promote our booth during the conference etc. I do receive responses, but only online. It's not like that someone comes and says "I've seen your post that you have this to show...". In the past, Twitter was the information hub for attendees. You posted something with the conference hashtag and most attendees read it. This is gone. Twitter is going down the hill and people haven't moved elsewhere to communicate during conferences.

There's a lot of animosity against #AI on this platform. I can understand why, up to certain extent (eg using creators contwnt without permission, the use of earth resources for questionable goals...). However, I wonder how they think the "detect text from picture" function works.

#AI #ocr

#AI #ocr

Feedback submitted to Caltrain:

"Hi there, I just tried to get on train 424, which stopped at San Antonio around 6:35 pm. I was on the station rushing to the blue zone at the opposite end of the platform. It was very difficult to go over the bumpy stamped concrete. No conductor came out to meet me, and the train left without me. I'm quite surprised by this, as the conductors are usually very attentive. If I had been able to walk, I would have been able get on the train, but this time, I felt excluded based on my wheelchair. Is there anything you can do to make this better?"

Tags: #transit #ableism, #Caltrain

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The other day someone here said that they used one of the AI services to have it draw a picture for them. I don't remember who it was, or which AI service offers this, but if anyone could please tell me how I can get AI-generated images I'd appreciate it. I want to try an experiment. Thanks for any help with this.
in reply to Caroline Toews

The simplest and easiest is to go for they have restrictions but you can do it and you can also specify that you want a direct download link.

What do you even get with a perpetual Jaws license? How long does that license last, exactly? How much for each update? #Blind #JAWS
in reply to Nick's world

That seems to depend on whether you get the SMA or the AMS, the latter seems like it's similar to the home annual license. A perpetual license costs more up front but the one advantage is that it doesn't time out, even if you choose not to renew a maintenance agreement. That being said, I prefer the subscription model.