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Má ísť o veľký a pravdepodobne drahý
Right, I'm going to do something I dislike, but I literally don't know how else to get support to follow up with me.
I have indeed submitted two support requests in the intervening time, i'm not just being lazy I promise.
On 17 Aug I made a video about #FloatPlane accessibility and how not good it is.
I wasn't a troll, I was constructive and thoughtful, and yet I cannot get a hold of anyone at either Floatplane Media or LTT.
If *anyone* happens to know someone at one of these companies and could get my video to them, I'd be extremely grateful.
The other thing I really dislike doing is asking if people could boost for reach, but I'll make an exception.
Fedi is big now, and far more reaching than modern-day xitter, so all help gratefully received.
I thank you in advance.
Accessibility Issues With Floatplane (from a VoiceOver Perspective)
#LTT #LinusTechTips #Accessibility #VoiceOver #iOS
I've never made a video I wanted to age as badly as this one, but needs must.There are some glaringly obvious issues with LTT's Floatplane app for iOS if you...YouTube
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"This is a recording of the panel "Realizing Visions of Postcapitalism: A Conversation about Information Systems for Democratic Economic Planning" with Alejandro Ruiz, Jessamyn West, David Zachariah, and Tomas Härdin, on 22nd October 2024.
Event description:
In this panel, we will explore some of the technical considerations of democratic economic planning (DEP). Alejandro Ruiz, Jessamyn West, David Zachariah, and Tomas Härdin will explore their work and converse about how existing organizations might be able to integrate that work to build DEP systems and postcapitalist outcomes in the real world. This panel will explore some of the infrastructure, interface, and institutional dimensions of postcapitalism, including the burning question of, “What is to be done to realize a better world?”
The beginning part of the event will be directed towards a general audience interested in DEP. The last part of the event will be directed more towards an audience of specialists who may want to engage in more technical dialogue. All questions and contributions are welcome, no matter how general or technical. We’ll do our best to make space for and translate between these two domains of conversation.
INDEP - The International Network for Democratic Economic Planning -
We are an international network of workers, students, researchers, and activists, who share the common goal of advancing a post-capitalist economic system based on democratic economic planning.
You can join INDEP as a member (as individual or as organization), subscribe to our newsletter, share news and events from the world of democratic economic planning. If you are interested in organizing an event with INDEP yourself or want to get involved otherwise feel free to reach out to us (email address is on our website"…
This is a recording of the panel "Realizing Visions of Postcapitalism: A Conversation about Information Systems for Democratic Economic Planning" with Alejan...YouTube
Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bob Colegrove, who shares the following guest post: What’s Your Favorite Corner of the Dial? As asked by Bob Colegrove Let’s suppose you’ve been listening to…The SWLing Post
riding bikes every day until I can’t for some reason, day 1514
#Cycling #BikeTO #Photography #BikeTooter #BikeStreak #Autumn
This is activism in action. This is how you be an ally. This is how when the deranged get loud, you get louder.
As they say “speak up, even if your voice shakes.”
Way to go, Springfield woman. Someone get her some metal cuffs and a golden lasso.
#Allyship #Springfield #Haitians #Propaganda #Activism
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Semantic websites are awesome! Among other things, they let you write reusable CSS. Please send me your semantic websites, so I can analyze them for common patterns and write a composable CSS framework.…
#indieweb #smolweb #semanticHTML #html #semantic #css #semanticcss
My personal IndieWeb site. I write about and develop software to promote user autonomy. Topics include accessibility, security, privacy, and software freedom.Seirdy’s Home
En Telefónica España buscan a una persona especialista en accesibilidad y diseño inclusivo…
Ve Vršovické ulici srazil v úterý 22. října v dopoledních hodinách nákladní automobil cyklistu. Na místo ihned vyrazili pražští záchranáři. Muž ale utrpěl na místě zranění neslučitelná se životem.Eliška Novotná (Pražský deník)
Hi, @jcsteh. By any chance do you know if someone has this bug in their radar? Thanks for your time and all the work you do!!…
UNCONFIRMED (nobody) in Core - Disability Access APIs. Last updated
Ani se mi moc sem nechce dávat babišovské téma, ale zjišťuju, že pořád jsou lidi, kteří nevědí a dost možná video je pro ně stravitelnější forma.
Je to série několika videí, kde je převyprávěné to nejdůležitější.…
Zahajujeme sérii o Bossovi Babišovi prvním dílem, který se věnuje úplným počátkům jeho kariéry, jeho údajnou spoluprací s STB a jeho odjezdu do Maroka, kde s...YouTube
🔄 AKTUALIZOVÁN ČLÁNEK: Jak mít na internetu více soukromí? Sledování můžete často zabránit
@NVAccess posted:
In-Process 23rd October 2024…
Over the past fortnight we had a fantastic response to our braille survey, thank you! We already have some learnings to share with you! Plus, we’re nearly ready for NVDA 2024.4, are you? We’ve also…NV Access
Police have confirmed the body of an employee who died at a Walmart in Halifax over the weekend was found in a walk-in oven.Atlantic
PQ leader says story time poster by Montreal library example of 'religious invasion'…
In short PQ is just like the CAQ. Racist AF.
A Montreal borough and Muslim leader are pushing back against the head of the Parti Québécois after he accused a local library of promoting a "religious invasion" by posting a photo of a young girl wearing a hijab for a storytime event.Montreal
¡Explora el calendario de actividades para el 25 y 26 de octubre en #GNOME Latam 2024!
No te pierdas las charlas y eventos que hemos preparado, con destacados expositores y una gran promoción del Software Libre.
¡Va a ser imperdible!
Sensitive content
Union raises concerns over cracks in newly poured concrete in Montreal's La Fontaine Tunnel
Born poor in colonial India and dead at 32, Ramanujan had fantastical, out-of-nowhere visions that continue to shape the field today.Quanta Magazine
In-Process is out, featuring the results of our braille survey, Elston Changemakers event, the 2024.4 Release Candidate, an NV Access All-Hands, and using Data Validation in Excel.
Read now at:…
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Blog #News #Software #FOSS #Elston #Excel
Over the past fortnight we had a fantastic response to our braille survey, thank you! We already have some learnings to share with you! Plus, we’re nearly ready for NVDA 2024.4, are you? We’ve also…NV Access
modulux reshared this.
Welcome to the RB family, WikiReader 🥳…
WikiReader is a lightweight Android app for reading Wikipedia articles distraction-free. Supports light mode, dark mode and Material You dynamic colors.
Thanks to Nishant's work on it, we were now able to build it reprocucibly
#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid
Read Wikipedia pages distraction-freeIzzyOnDroid App Repo
It seems to me that the mainstream software industry is no longer attractive to our best and brightest young technologists. This is sad.…
"It might help if I had any idea what I want to be when I grow up, but I don't. Probably not a programmer, the thought of working on microservices and bloated web stuff all day does not appeal to me. But...what else? <shrug>"
@jscholes Everything you've just described is exactly what I'm feeling. I'm in networking 1, and while the other students are being told what an IP address is, I'm probing all the subnets on the school's wi-fi network with nmap.The Dragon's Cave
Matt Campbell reshared this.
Well now.
Rustls Outperforms OpenSSL and BoringSSL……
Apparently some fiddlery went on with the CPU, but even if Rustls is "only as fast as" the traditional solutions, I feel like it''s a hell of a lot safer from a security POV.… (about 10-20 a year) vs ... 2 for Rustls. Now 2 a year. 2 as in forever
Now granted Rustls has less legacy technical debt and baggage and is written in a memory safe language... Which I guess is sort of the point, it's more secure. So if it's as performant...
ISRG has been investing heavily in the Rustls TLS library over the past few years. Our goal is to create a library that is both memory safe and a leader in
#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 15 updated, 10 removed and 2 added apps:
* Rate Your Pics: allows you to rate your pictures very quickly 🛡️
* Ease The Waiting: a mix between a calendar and a clock that makes you wait faster
Thanks to Aholic Gino for walking through older apps (see:… – still a lot to do there), 10 apps which were no longer working were removed.
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo
This is a repository of apps to be used with your F-Droid client. Applications in this repository are official binaries built by the original application developers, taken from their resp. repositories (mostly Github, GitLab, Codeberg).IzzyOnDroid App Repo
Robin Bedrunka 🐞
in reply to SuspiciousDuck • • •