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Ani se mi moc sem nechce dávat babišovské téma, ale zjišťuju, že pořád jsou lidi, kteří nevědí a dost možná video je pro ně stravitelnější forma.

Je to série několika videí, kde je převyprávěné to nejdůležitější.…

@NVAccess posted:

In-Process 23rd October 2024…

#NVDASR #accessibility

I'm in the middle of reading the #DoctorWho novel "the Time Travelers" by Simon Guerrier. Although it's a First Doctor novel with Ian, Barbara and Susan as the companions, it's far from the simple adventures of the first two seasons. I don't want to reveal any major spoilers but one thing that I like about it is that it establishes that Ian and Barbara both had feelings for one another. This was also established in the first episode of "Susan's War" from Big Finish. I'm very glad to see that the audio stories and the novels pursue this as I've felt for years that it made sense for Ian and Barbara to develop a deep bond, considering the situation they were unwillingly thrown into. Am I the only one who considers Ian and Barbara one of my favorite DW couples, in spite of the fact that this was never explored on screen?
in reply to darren harris

@edenGD02 From the Internet Archive. The novel is out of print and is otherwise not available in any accessible format. It's not available on Bookshare or in the Kindle store.
in reply to David Goldfield

Ian and Barbara absolutely were a couple after the show. You only have to watch The Romans to see the sort of close bond they had.

Ehw ehw ehw!!! Walmart death: Halifax police say employee was found in oven:…

PQ leader says story time poster by Montreal library example of 'religious invasion'…

In short PQ is just like the CAQ. Racist AF.


¡Explora el calendario de actividades para el 25 y 26 de octubre en #GNOME Latam 2024!

No te pierdas las charlas y eventos que hemos preparado, con destacados expositores y una gran promoción del Software Libre.

¡Va a ser imperdible!

Dear @cbcnews calling Covid 'seasonal' is journalistic malpractice

Covid has NEVER been seasonal, and we've been in one of the highest waves of the ongoing pandemic since early August

Being a stenographer of Henry is not serving the public, you have a mandate to call out and correct disinformation

Do better

#Covid #Covid19 #BCpoli #CDNpoli

Promoting real-estate listing for my for-sale house

Sensitive content

in reply to Hubert Figuière

Promoting real-estate listing for my for-sale house

Sensitive content

in reply to Tim Bray

Promoting real-estate listing for my for-sale house

Sensitive content

Union raises concerns over cracks in newly poured concrete in Montreal's La Fontaine Tunnel…

Is there some kind of trick to restarting NVDA programmatically? If I try to just task schedule or python subprocess c:\program files (x86)\nvda\nvda.exe I get "Requires elevation" errors even when running as privileged user. How does this work? @NVAccess #nvda
in reply to Florian

NVDA has the uiAccess privilege to enable access to the UI of apps running as admin. This requires a special kind of elevation. The easiest way to get that elevation is to use ShellExecute, which will verify that the app is in an allowed location for uiAccess apps and then elevate accordingly.
in reply to Jamie Teh

import ctypes; ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, None, r"c:\Program Files (x86)\nvda\nvda.exe", "", None, 1)
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Ah Jamie has you sorted, ignore my earlier reply which is out of date :)
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Thanks! :) I was noodling with it a bit more and noticed that supplying shell=True to subprocess also seems to work although using that is discouraged for security reasons, which is amusing :) I'll use this for now, thanks much

PSA: if it is exclusive to a closed platform, it is not a podcast.

Wow, what an amazing story:… #math

I primarily use fedi because

  • It’s fun (72%, 176 votes)
  • It’s better (61%, 149 votes)
  • I can be smug when the other things fall apart (50%, 123 votes)
244 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

In-Process is out, featuring the results of our braille survey, Elston Changemakers event, the 2024.4 Release Candidate, an NV Access All-Hands, and using Data Validation in Excel.

Read now at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Blog #News #Software #FOSS #Elston #Excel

modulux reshared this.

Welcome to the RB family, WikiReader 🥳…

WikiReader is a lightweight Android app for reading Wikipedia articles distraction-free. Supports light mode, dark mode and Material You dynamic colors.

Thanks to Nishant's work on it, we were now able to build it reprocucibly :awesome:

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

in reply to Hubert Figuière

rebooting reset things. But I can't reboot each it goes into low power... Not sure wtf. Maybe there is something I need to do tell "this is a new CPU"
in reply to Hubert Figuière

ran an OS update and I wonder if it is not the same bug I observed with the Dhell: slow CPU speed when unplugged.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

Ugh, my previous Lenovo laptop for work would often throttle to 400 MHz and stay there. Rebooting sometimes helped, but not always.

I tried many things. Nothing worked. Forums were full of other people complaining about the exact same problem, on both Linux and even Windows.

It was a hardware problem with the Intel CPU and poor chassis design that had no way to get rid of the heat.

I hope your laptop is fine and that it was a random aberration.

Have you tried updating the firmware yet?

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Garrett LeSage

@garrett it was running for less than 30 minutes since I got it. But then I ran an update (didn't before transplanting the drive because rebooting is a waste of my time). New kernel

Now it seems to not have had that problem. As I said elsewhere in the thread, it looks like the behaviour I recently observed when running on battery on the Dhell.

The code in librsvg that I know the least is the first code of it that I ported to Rust 🤔

My @frameworkcomputer laptop 13 is in service. Just dropped the SSD in and it booted immediately.

Pros: I didn't have to install an OS
Cons: I still haven't ditched Silverblue.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

@NostalgicKitsune it's just my fault I bought the hype. and them I'm being told there is a bug in the installer if I try to install workstation on top it might wipe my home partition/volume...

death by a thousand cuts.

My goal isn't for Mastodon to replace Twitter.

My goal is for the Fediverse to attack and dethrone God.

working on location systems is fun because you get to say things like "trilateration can be performed after acquiring the almanac and ephemeris".

Is Ponderosa still a thing? A low cost restaurant in the 80s.
in reply to Martin from Toronto

No. Those are long gone. There was another place like it called Bonanza. I think that might’ve only been Manitoba though

I'm <having the opposite problem some people seem to: my timeline is way, way, way too fast. But it's hard to slow it down because it's interesting too. I think I will have to hide boosts from some accounts.

Brailliant BI20/40X tip when using multiple connected Bluetooth devices. When using a device, Home button on Brailliant plus far left or right thumb keys to switch between devices.

I tested more thoroughly simple #NextCloud apps that I was willing to use, like Deck, Notes, and Tasks. Unfortunately their #accessibility is so that it's quite painful to use. And, as far as I could investigate, main accessibility problems come from core NextCloud frontend components, like NCSelect (pseudo-combo-box'ish thing) or NCListItem. Sad but true.

It seems to me that the mainstream software industry is no longer attractive to our best and brightest young technologists. This is sad.…

"It might help if I had any idea what I want to be when I grow up, but I don't. Probably not a programmer, the thought of working on microservices and bloated web stuff all day does not appeal to me. But...what else? <shrug>"

in reply to Matt Campbell

Part of it's also that I just see how shitty software is. I go onto a website now and there's a very good chance I'll be met with a cookie popup or some other annoyance. I'd sooner die than get paid $120000 a year to put an aria-live region on an ad to announce that it closes in x number of seconds, or whatever. But that's where the world is going. Shitty web apps and super overcomplicated backend infrastructure that gives me a headache to even read about, and this is the person who read Bjarne Stroustrup talk about C++ templates for like two chapters and didn't get a headache. It's not the coding that I don't want as a job, I'd be happy working on fun stuff like NVGT or Hammerspoons, but open source software doesn't pay the bills, and I'm not sure I'm smart enough/possess the necessary business skills to sell software on my own. But coding's what I'm good at, so shrugs. Maybe I'll end up finding some fulfilling programming job. I haven't ruled it out, but I look at what a lot of entry positions on indeed would want and nope straight out.

Matt Campbell reshared this.

in reply to Quin

@TheQuinbox Well I definitely didn't have the necessary business skills to sell software on my own, and maybe I still don't. I guess it was lucky that I crossed paths with Mike Calvo when I did. That doesn't help you, though.

a few days ago there was a heated argument about whether developers should study the humanities.

well, i'd just like if most developers can just learn how to write concisely and clearly in any format. how about that

in reply to Adrianna Tan

Absolutely agree, and if quoting the greats helps with it, here's E. W. Dijkstra, one of the most hardcore programmer-mathematicians ever:

Besides a mathematical inclination, an exceptionally good mastery of one's native tongue is the most vital asset of a competent programmer.

Macron facilitó un gobierno de la derecha con apoyo/permiso de la extrema derecha porque pensaba que el Frente Popular derogaría la reforma de las pensiones, que lo habría hecho.
Y ahora el Gobierno facilitado por Macron lleva a la Asamblea Nacional dicha derogación. Hilarante.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Well now.

Rustls Outperforms OpenSSL and BoringSSL……

Apparently some fiddlery went on with the CPU, but even if Rustls is "only as fast as" the traditional solutions, I feel like it''s a hell of a lot safer from a security POV.… (about 10-20 a year) vs ... 2 for Rustls. Now 2 a year. 2 as in forever

Now granted Rustls has less legacy technical debt and baggage and is written in a memory safe language... Which I guess is sort of the point, it's more secure. So if it's as performant...

Health Canada: we have the tools

Also Health Canada: you peons are too stupid to be trusted with far-UVC devices so we are banning you from buying them domestically or importing from other countries. Just fucking die quietly.

If you can't discuss politics without it becoming an argument, either you're hanging with the wrong people or it's a skill issue.

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

You matched my filter :mastogrin:
Aber gute Idee, die Uhren woanders hin (um)zustellen, obwohl.. eigentlich steht die eine Uhr gut da im Küchenregal.

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 15 updated, 10 removed and 2 added apps:

* Rate Your Pics: allows you to rate your pictures very quickly 🛡️
* Ease The Waiting: a mix between a calendar and a clock that makes you wait faster

Thanks to Aholic Gino for walking through older apps (see:… – still a lot to do there), 10 apps which were no longer working were removed.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome: