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Peter Vágner reshared this.

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Já zrovna dočetl Mokrou rybu a vrhl se na Tichého zabijáka. Obě to jsou detektivní knihy od německého autora Volkera Kutschera , jedná se o 1. a 2. díl ze série a odehrávají se v meziválečném Německu. Podle kníh byl natočen seriál Babylon Berlín.

Já mám sérii dočtenou, akorát jsem původně začal číst až od 4. dílu, protože jsem si toho v knihovně nevšiml. Tím, že se případy neprolínají, tak to ani nevadilo a já tak dnes jen doháním dluh :D

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in reply to Jakub Šenk 🇨🇿 🖥️ 📚

@james Začínam práve čítať Temný experiment preložený do češtiny, čo mi odporučil známy.… Väčšinou čítam sporadicky, tak 1 2 knihy za rok.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

So is anyone besides me overjoyed about Spongebob being audio described on prime video? And what about disney plus adding bear and the big blue house and PB and J otter? Finally? it’s the small things in life
Unknown parent

Silly Millie
@fireborn the show is great if you’re silly and love silly things.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Aww, somebody just stole my perfect startup idea. 😆 So happy for the blind people in Paris who now have got a taxi-bike service. Still not a tandem ride on-demand but that much closer to it. I recall was interested in this kind of idea at some point.

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in reply to Andre Louis

@freakyfwoof @talon It seems the actual users are of a similar mindset. The service doesn't accept anybody new at the moment due to too few resources. I hope they will get enough support to expand. It's a great way of including us in the greener mobility plan, actually.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

If you are interested in improving the #accessibility of Mastodon, take a look at the issue queue…+

If there are issues you've found that aren't there, are they part of the instance of Mastodon that you are using, or part of the core open source project? Custom themes can get in the way.

Posting #a11y bugs is important in moving ahead any open source project.

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in reply to Carter Baxter

@tbaxter In GitHub it is difficult to tag issues if you aren't a member of the community. Regular GitHub uers (like you and I) can't add a Label. If we were added to the GitHub Mastodon project we should be able to.

Peter Vágner reshared this.


My name is Evan Prodromou. I'm an Open Source software enthusiast, best known for my work in wikis and in social software.

I work as Director of Open Technology at the Open Earth Foundation.

I live in Montreal, love to garden with native plants, make wine, cook, and live an examined life.

in reply to Evan Prodromou Michael Connor Buchan reshared this.

this has to be one of the most under-stated introductions I have seen here!

So let me offer a better one: Evan is one of the reasons we are all here. He is credited as one of the creators of the #ActivityPub protocol:

Back in the day (a decade ago), he also used to run the biggest instance of #StatusNet, My old account is still there, even though I have lost access to it:

StatusNet was the precursor of fedi.

Welcome, Evan!

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Eset has something called Keyboard protection in v16 of its flagship products. It's suitable for preventing keyloggers to do its thing, however reportedly it also affects screen reader experience. Here is an article in czech about this thing

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Webinar tomorrow: VPATs 101… #vpat #a11y

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Yesterday I have discovered this amazing call recording app for #Android. It's called #BCR. Apart of its settings it has no UI, it detects both incoming and outgoing calls when they are picked up not when you are making them, it supports storage access framework, it uses android system decoders, it has quick tile toggle, it generates consistent file names with optional contact names, it can be installed as a magisk module. Ihave translated it into slovak. It's really very light on resources and works great.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

A small group of #blind people have come together to raise funds, after 11 blind children were killed in a fire at Uganda’s Salama School for the Blind. This is such a terrible tragedy and there is considerable need. Times are tough right now, but if you have a little to spare and would like to, I’m sure they would be grateful if you #donate.…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Jen malá ukázka, co se zde děje za poslední dny

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Olda Festa

@ofesta zatím ok, horší je to večer mezi 6-9 hodinou, dnes to budu řešit. 👍
in reply to Archos

Za poslední 3 dny vzrostl load RAM z 30% na 60% a to máme mnohem méně uživatelů 😆 a už to řeším 😁

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Jen pro přiblížení co je #fediverse
Fediverse je obří síť služeb sociálních médií.
Existují zde platformy pro mikroblogování, blogování, fotoblogování, videohosting a mnoho dalších a všechny jsou vzájemně propojené nebo federované.
Ke sledování uživatelů na kterékoli z platforem vám tedy stačí jeden účet.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Přesto, že se to stalo včera, tak chci vyjádřit upřímnou soustrast. Odešla skvělá režisérka Marie Poledňáková. Její komedie jako "Jak dostat tatínka do polepšovny" " Jak vytrhnout velrybě stoličku" tu s námi budou pořád. Nechala za sebou velikou stopu v české kinematografii. Odpočívejte v pokoji paní režisérko.🕊️❤️

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Peter Vágner reshared this.


TIL: Windows ignores 802.1q VLAN tags. This becomes extremely tricky with IPv6, as you receive router advertisement from ALL VLANs on the cable (tagged and untagged) and your connectivity breaks.

Windows demands one and only (untagged) VLAN on the cable. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Good news for the @Mastodon #iOS app‘s #VoiceOver support. @jedfox has been on a roll these last few days and has added some really awesome #accessibility related pull requests to the public repository. Hope they all get merged soon and new TestFlight builds be made available so we can test them out before release. Among the fixes is the compose button, custom actions, better labels in the compose screen, and more.

Hope @Gargron or @zeitschlag can approve and merge them soon. #a11y

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

We never did a proper #introduction, did we? 😲

Hi Fediverse, we're Thunderbird, an #opensource #email client available for free on Linux, macOS and Windows. (And coming next year to Android. FINALLY, right?)

You can use Thunderbird for managing an unlimited number of mail accounts, calendars, newsgroup accounts, and RSS feeds. You can also chat using your @matrix account.

💙 LIKES: Open standards, privacy, freedom, customization.

🚫 DISLIKES: Proprietary code.

Nice to meet you 📩

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Archos

@archos Twitter má @​DnesJe, tady zatím moc botů není, tak vyplňuji prostor.
Postupně tu přibude pár dalších funkcí (nechce se mi zakládat spousta samostatných účtů) pro náhradu botů co český Twitter má, a které by spadaly pod téma Kalendáře. Ale nechci aby to zas spamovalo, jen pár tůtnutí denně.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Pro vyznavače šachu... Manžel provozuje web, který by vám mohl zajímat.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.


Představte si, že jste Představte si, že si rozbijete DNS (nastavíte "" u jednoho providera, část starých serverů vypnete). Co se stane?
P.S.: Pro případné konzultace jsem k dispozici, peníze převeďte na můj účet ve Fiu. Kam se teď nedostanu.😂


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I wish @thunderbird would promote the Autoconfiguration file format a lot more. The only available documentation still online is:…

Links from this article are mostyle dead. Thanks to webarchive and this blog post I managed to create a functional autoconfig file for my mail server:…

#Thunderbird #email #server

in reply to Artur Weigandt Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox reshared this.

I'm sorry you had to go through so much trouble creating an autoconfig file.

Restoring and improving the documentation is on my ToDo list. It might be a while before I get to it. But it's definitely something we want to fix.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

#Mastodon ve mně budí jeden zajímavý pocit, podobný jako jsem měl před nějakými 15-20 lety po založení účtů na Facebooku a Twitteru: na síti byla zpočátku vesměs jen ajťácká komunita, žádný obří hatespeech, maximálně flamewars na nějaké technické téma.
Má to svoje kouzlo, možná by mi ani nevadilo, kdyby to tak zůstalo. Dezolátské diskuze ať zůstanou na jiných sociálních sítích. 😀
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil

@stepan Věřím, že to půjde lépe filtrovat. Dezoláti se přesunou na nějaké své instance, které budou na těch slušnějších zabanované.
Četl jsem v jiném vlákně, že na Mastodonu už takové profily jsou. Já se s nimi zatím nesetkal, moje bublina je asi hodně daleko.
in reply to Michal Špondr

Jasně, to je pravda. Banují se instance které obsah vůbec nemoderují a profily, které jsou vyloženě nenávistné.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Na Twitter zavládlo "odcházení" a jedním z cílů je Mastodon. Trochu zvláštní sociální síť. Takže jsem o víkendu strávil pár hodin psaním návodu, zkoumáním, zkoušením a testováním. Třeba jste odcházející a bude se vám to hodit.


This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Daniel Dočekal

"Příspěvky není možní opravovat, ale někde v budoucnu je to plánováno." .. budoucnost už asi nastala. Aspoň na a by to mělo jít.
in reply to Smoon

@smoon Příspěvky lze opravovat na webu i v aplikaci. V Tusky bez problémů. Je jedno jakou kdo používá instanci.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I turned off cross-posting from and to Twitter now. It just doesn’t work for me. It feels weird to see RTs here and Mastodon handles on Twitter.

Mastodon is not a cheap copy of the hellsite, but a platform of its own with a healthy, respectful community. 💚

I will, however, microblog on my own personal website more and syndicate the posts to different platforms. #IndieWeb FTW! I wrote about it here:…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I wrote a nano tool that tries to extract the #Fediverse accounts of your #Twitter followings:

It searches for the patterns @user@host.tld, user@host.tld and host.tld/@user in the screen name, description, location and URL field. It displays them to you in the correct format for easy copying as well as a CSV download that can be imported to #Mastodon.

New version:

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

👋🏿 Hi. I'm Erik!

🎉 I like to write about Accessibility!

🔎 You can find me on:

🚀 Get started with accessibility and inclusive design:

This entry was edited (2 years ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Unknown parent

Erik Kroes ✅
@blindscribe so much to learn from this space!

Peter Vágner reshared this.


I got fed up writing FFmpeg commands. Its unintuitive, and can get ugly and complicated quickly

A couple of months ago, I built this GUI to help me write complex ffmpeg filtergraphs that we have been using internally and decided to launch today.


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

British computer scientist and mathematician Kathleen Booth has passed away. Kathleen is credited with inventing the concept of assembly language and implementing the subsequent assembler and autocode for computers at the University of London. Machines: The Automatic Relay Calculator (ARC), Simple Electronic Computer (SEC) and the All Purpose Electronic (X) Computer (APE(X)C)

Kathleen Booth 1922 - 2022

#rip #obituary #computerhistory #retrocomputing #hacking

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What a joy. There is a speech-dispatcher package on termux for quite some time already. Just install it with apt-get install speechd and It'll start working with espeak included.…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

There has recently been a huge rush of people trying out Mastodon. I love it. This is also noticeable in the number of people reading my earlier Mastodon Guide. I wanted to take this opportunity to provide a brief list of usage tips that I wish I had at hand when first setting up my Mastodon home.

10 quick Mastodon tips:


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Updated my Mastodon migration blog post to add a link to @IzzyOnDroid’s help for exporting and viewing posts, media, favorites, etc. which is here:…

My migration blog post that links to it:…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

#microG Services Core v0.2.25.223616 was just released 🎉

Beside the usual set of improvements and fixes to keep compatible with Play Services, this release adds support for the Fido API to use U2F and Fido 2nd factor devices like Yubikey via Chromium and Firefox WebAuthn API and an updated set of client libraries to make it easier for existing apps to become fully free software. Check the release notes for more details.

Release notes:…

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in reply to microG Project

Is this only for the FIDO hardware devices? Is it planned to have access to the new FIDO passkeys?

Peter Vágner reshared this.

If anyone at would like to talk about avoiding single points of failure through decentralisation, we'd love to sync :)


One of KakaoTalk’s two CEOs resigned Wednesday as the company faces harsh criticism over its handling of a fire at a data center that caused massive outages and plummeting shares.…


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

This thread is pure gold! A fascinating insight! And thanks also for all the image descriptions you put in! I think @jensimmons might get a laugh or two out of this, too. ;-)
RT @MoritzGiessmann
Maybe you already knew, that it is possible to inspect web views in MacOS?……

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Our latest video on @tilvids explains the two best places to get Thunderbird support:…


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Version 1.2.0 of the #Keyoxide Android app is now available on @fdroidorg ! 🚀

Beside a few performance and design improvements (better QR reader!), the app now also supports storing your personal profile for quick access!

Congrats to the dev @Berker for a great update!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Hi, I'm treefit, a #foss dev working on #deltachat. I'm responsible for the desktop client together with @jikstra.
My favorite coding language is #rustlang, but I "speak" #typescript, #javascript, #html, #css, too.
I'm also capable in #python and #swift, but not as much.

I'm new to the mastodon/toot style of communication (never used Twitter, either), so I'm still learning of how this all works.

My goal is to give you some behind-the scenes peeks onto the DeltaChat development.


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Peter Vágner reshared this.


In August, I programmed Get4For6, a NAT46+DNS46 translator, which enables IPv4-only devices/networks to access the whole IPv6 Internet, and after testing it for ~1.5 months in my home network, it appears to do its job well!


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.


Cestina 🇨🇿 je nejvic podobna slovenstine 🇸🇰, slovinstine 🇸🇮 a chorvatstine 🇭🇷

Ukrajinstina 🇺🇦 a rustina 🇷🇺 je si mene podobna, nez ukrajinstina 🇺🇦 a polstina 🇵🇱

Ukrajinstina 🇺🇦 a cestina 🇨🇿 je si podobna asi jako nemcina 🇩🇪 a 🇬🇧

A madarstina 🇭🇺 …


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Nezkoušel někdo? Docela se mi ten projekt libí. #vikunja

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Jan Korbel 🇨🇿 🏴‍☠️

@jackc Přímo admin rozhraní to bohužel nemá. Jdou povolit a zakázat registrace v config.yml. Týmy jdou vytvořit i nastavovat různá práva členům týmu. Ale vymazat uživatele jsem nenašel. Mám to pro rodinu, tak jsem to ani neřešil zatím. @sesivany

Peter Vágner reshared this.


Here is one big addition to our ejabberd messaging server: Matrix support.…

It will come first to eBE and Fluux customers and get into ejabberd Community later.

#ejabberd #xmpp #matrix


Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to The Foundation

Quite unexpected. But Erlang/OTP does seem to be a natural fit for a Matrix server. I'm still kinda hoping for an Elixir homeserver to pop up.