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Items tagged with: Debian

OMG it really is the year of the Linux desktop! πŸ€”β€‹Signs of normalcy and modernization have come to our dear little Nano...
#FOSS #Linux #Nanoeditor #Nano #Ubuntu #Debian #PCLOS #Q4OS #Editors #Texteditor #Tech

Here is my new GNU/Linux distribution guide about Debian KDE 12, the right GNU/Linux distribution for professional digital painting in 2024! Also about three major problems with GNU/Linux distros that will drive away all professional artists, IMO, and how I got kicked out of the Fedora KDE ecosystem with F40, which imposed Plasma6 and Wayland. I hope it helps other artists here!

Blog post:…

#linux #x11 #wayland #debian #fedora #krita #plasma #kde

Accepted #curl 8.8.0-1~bpo12+1 (source) into stable-backports #Debian

Just setup a 2nd hand bought #Lenovo #Thinkpad T480s. Had it running with #Debian. Now runs #Windows 11, #JAWS and #LeaseyLove

The efficiency boost is honestly mind blowing. And that is with so many keystrokes to wrap my head around. Absolutely worth the money and lets me work at least four times as fast as with the previous setups.

Would I have liked to keep on using Linux? Yes but at this point if one is doing more than just browsing the web and reading E-Mails it is very hard to recommend.

For our fellow nerds (you’re reading about Linux on the Fediverse, we see you!), dive into the release notes for more details:…

And of course, thank you to the free & open source projects & communities of Linux, Debian, and GNOME for many of the improvements we’re shipping in Endless OS 6. We strongly believe in open source, and would not be able to have the impact we do without standing on the shoulders of the projects we build upon. 🧑

#Linux #Debian #GNOME #OpenSource

I see some people are really disappointed about Debian packaging a stripped-down version of KeePassXC. But hey, I actually wish there was also a minimal @thunderbird package without integrations of IRC or Matrix etc, just with core email functionality.

#Debian #Thunderbird #Email #Neomutt

#Debian Security Advisory DSA-5681-1 fixes the following CVEs in the #linux kernel: CVE-2023-6270 CVE-2023-7042 CVE-2023-28746 CVE-2023-47233 CVE-2023-52429 CVE-2023-52434 CVE-2023-52435 CVE-2023-52447 CVE-2023-52458 CVE-2023-52482 CVE-2023-52486 CVE-2023-52488 CVE-2023-52489 CVE-2023-52491 CVE-2023-52492 CVE-2023-52493 CVE-2023-52497 CVE-2023-52498 CVE-2023-52583 CVE-2023-52587 CVE-2023-52594 CVE-2023-52595 CVE-2023-52597 CVE-2023-52598 CVE-2023-52599 CVE-2023-52600 CVE-2023-52601 CVE-2023-52602 CVE-2023-52603 CVE-2023-52604 CVE-2023-52606 CVE-2023-52607 CVE-2023-52614 CVE-2023-52615 CVE-2023-52616 CVE-2023-52617 CVE-2023-52618 CVE-2023-52619 CVE-2023-52620 CVE-2023-52622 CVE-2023-52623 CVE-2023-52627 CVE-2023-52635 CVE-2023-52637 CVE-2023-52642 CVE-2023-52644 CVE-2023-52650 CVE-2024-0340 CVE-2024-0565 CVE-2024-0607 CVE-2024-0841 CVE-2024-1151 CVE-2024-22099 CVE-2024-23849 CVE-2024-23850 CVE-2024-23851 CVE-2024-24857 CVE-2024-24858 CVE-2024-24861 CVE-2024-26581 CVE-2024-26593 CVE-2024-26600 CVE-2024-26601 CVE-2024-26602 CVE-2024-26606 CVE-2024-26610 CVE-2024-26614 CVE-2024-26615 CVE-2024-26622 CVE-2024-26625 CVE-2024-26627 CVE-2024-26635 CVE-2024-26636 CVE-2024-26640 CVE-2024-26641 CVE-2024-26642 CVE-2024-26643 CVE-2024-26644 CVE-2024-26645 CVE-2024-26651 CVE-2024-26654 CVE-2024-26659 CVE-2024-26663 CVE-2024-26664 CVE-2024-26665 CVE-2024-26671 CVE-2024-26673 CVE-2024-26675 CVE-2024-26679 CVE-2024-26684 CVE-2024-26685 CVE-2024-26687 CVE-2024-26688 CVE-2024-26689 CVE-2024-26695 CVE-2024-26696 CVE-2024-26697 CVE-2024-26698 CVE-2024-26702 CVE-2024-26704 CVE-2024-26707 CVE-2024-26712 CVE-2024-26720 CVE-2024-26722 CVE-2024-26727 CVE-2024-26733 CVE-2024-26735 CVE-2024-26736 CVE-2024-26743 CVE-2024-26744 CVE-2024-26747 CVE-2024-26748 CVE-2024-26749 CVE-2024-26751 CVE-2024-26752 CVE-2024-26753 CVE-2024-26754 CVE-2024-26763 CVE-2024-26764 CVE-2024-26766 CVE-2024-26771 CVE-2024-26772 CVE-2024-26773 CVE-2024-26776 CVE-2024-26777 CVE-2024-26778 CVE-2024-26779 CVE-2024-26781 CVE-2024-26782 CVE-2024-26787 CVE-2024-26788 CVE-2024-26790 CVE-2024-26791 CVE-2024-26793 CVE-2024-26795 CVE-2024-26801 CVE-2024-26804 CVE-2024-26805 CVE-2024-26808 CVE-2024-26809 CVE-2024-26810 CVE-2024-26812 CVE-2024-26813 CVE-2024-26814 CVE-2024-26816 CVE-2024-26817 CVE-2024-26820 CVE-2024-26825 CVE-2024-26833 CVE-2024-26835 CVE-2024-26839 CVE-2024-26840 CVE-2024-26843 CVE-2024-26845 CVE-2024-26846 CVE-2024-26848 CVE-2024-26851 CVE-2024-26852 CVE-2024-26855 CVE-2024-26857 CVE-2024-26859 CVE-2024-26861 CVE-2024-26862 CVE-2024-26863 CVE-2024-26870 CVE-2024-26872 CVE-2024-26874 CVE-2024-26875 CVE-2024-26877 CVE-2024-26878 CVE-2024-26880 CVE-2024-26882 CVE-2024-26883 CVE-2024-26884 CVE-2024-26885 CVE-2024-26889 CVE-2024-26891 CVE-2024-26894 CVE-2024-26895 CVE-2024-26897 CVE-2024-26898 CVE-2024-26901 CVE-2024-26903 CVE-2024-26906 CVE-2024-26907 CVE-2024-26910 CVE-2024-26917 CVE-2024-26920 CVE-2024-26922 CVE-2024-26923 CVE-2024-26924 CVE-2024-26925 CVE-2024-26926 CVE-2024-26931 CVE-2024-26934 CVE-2024-26935 CVE-2024-26937 CVE-2024-26950 CVE-2024-26951 CVE-2024-26955 CVE-2024-26956 CVE-2024-26957 CVE-2024-26958 CVE-2024-26960 CVE-2024-26961 CVE-2024-26965 CVE-2024-26966 CVE-2024-26969 CVE-2024-26970 CVE-2024-26973 CVE-2024-26974 CVE-2024-26976 CVE-2024-26978 CVE-2024-26979 CVE-2024-26981 CVE-2024-26984 CVE-2024-26988 CVE-2024-26993 CVE-2024-26994 CVE-2024-26997 CVE-2024-26999 CVE-2024-27000 CVE-2024-27001 CVE-2024-27004 CVE-2024-27008 CVE-2024-27013 CVE-2024-27020 CVE-2024-27024 CVE-2024-27025 CVE-2024-27028 CVE-2024-27030 CVE-2024-27038 CVE-2024-27043 CVE-2024-27044 CVE-2024-27045 CVE-2024-27046 CVE-2024-27047 CVE-2024-27051 CVE-2024-27052 CVE-2024-27053 CVE-2024-27059 CVE-2024-27065 CVE-2024-27073 CVE-2024-27074 CVE-2024-27075 CVE-2024-27076 CVE-2024-27077 CVE-2024-27078 CVE-2024-27388 CVE-2024-27437…

Got a couple of m4b files without #DRM. However my #VLC installed in #Debian does not want to play those files. Anyone know how to fix that? Bonuspoints if the #LyrionMusicServer starts to do the same. It is one Computer running Debian which runs #LMS. So fixing one might fix the other. Also I could just change the m4b files to mp3.

Running #Debian #MATE now for a couple of weeks. Not fully switched to it yet but so far really likeing it as a #blind user. Yesterday I opened #LibreOffice Writer and was wondering about a few unlabled buttons in the printer dialogue.

Please dear devs: Every button needs a propper label. That is not just good for accessibility but should be considdered good work in general. And thanks for everyone who thinks and tries to make their work and the work of others accessible.

This #Debian wiki page was what I found that helped me get fingerprint authentication set up on my laptop.

So I contributed something back. I added the "Caveats" section at the bottom. Hopefully this helps somebody else, πŸ™‚…

#Linux #Security

MiniDebConf 24 BH is underway, we will have the first Andreas' talk as DPL on Tuesday 19:30 GMT. Live stream is available at #debian #Brazil #miniDebConf… #debian


‘Hola a todos en Mastodon! Soy wil.deb, y como mi nombre indica, soy un apasionado de Debian. Originario de Norte de Santander, Colombia, me encanta explorar el mundo del código abierto y la ciencia de datos. Las matemÑticas son mi otra pasión, y aunque aspiro a ser un matemÑtico, a veces sueño con ser un ermitaño budista, practicando zazen en las montañas. ‘Es un placer conocer a todos! 🌿🐧 #Debian #CienciaDeDatos #MatemÑticas #Budismo

After checking out #Fedora40 yesterday I quickly realized that it seems to not be possible to use it as a blind user. Regardless if I set the insert or the capslock-key as the modifier key for orca, the key presses will still go through to the system. So randomely typing in all caps is no fun at all. From what I could getzer it seems like a #Wayland issue not being fixed at least since 2018 that orca can't stop those keys from triggering their function. Back to #Debian where #x11 just works.

The 2024 Belo Horizonte MiniDebConf starts tomorrow! Registration and volunter slots are still available. #debian #miniDebConf #Brazil… #debian

From IT wire we share an interview with Project Leader Andreas Tille :… #debian… #debian

After a great week for Linux, with the releases of Fedora 40 and today Ubuntu 24.04, I would be interested to know which operating system the Fediverse in my "bubble" uses? Linux? Windows? Or macOS or even a BSD? More than one?

Please write in the comments which distribution or version! Thanks for participating and SHARING!

#linux #unix #opensource #freesoftware #windows #microsoft #apple #macos #bsd #freebsd #openbsd #netbsd #debian #fedora #ubuntu #linuxmint #archlinux #opensuse #gnome #kde

  • Linux - Which one? (71%, 50 votes)
  • Windows 10/11 (15%, 11 votes)
  • macOS (20%, 14 votes)
  • FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD (30%, 21 votes)
70 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

huh, debian-devel-announce is two days out of date! Congratulations Andreas Tille the new #Debian #DPL

MiniDebConf in Berlin is coming up in four weeks! Registering now will guarantee that you'll get a t-shirt. We are still looking for presentations, as well as sponsors for the event. More information at… #debian

Registration and the Call for Proposals are now open for DebConf24. This year's event will be held in Busan, Korea, and will offer Talks, Hacking sessions, activites, discussions, and of course a legendary cheese party!… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea… #debian

MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024 with presentations on Debian and Free Software, mostly in Brazilian Portuguese, is about to start in 2 weeks. Registation is still possible and volunteers are very welcome; the schedule is now available. See… #debian

The Debian Policy Manual has been updated to version Highlights include: The addition of the non-free-firmware archive, hard links now permitted in source packages, addressing autobuild network permissions, and systemd requirements for packages that automatically start or stop system services.…… #debian

@valhalla @eliasr

It didn't occur to me, that some of the #Debian #slang might be obscure or even alienating to other people. Maybe we should from that #jargon? Or better point to

MiniDebconfBerlin 24 registration and CfP are open. The conference will take place Tue May 14th till Tue May 21st at in Germany. See…… #debian

Its also kinda enlightening on how distros react to the #xz backdoor:
* #arch "lets rerelease the version from the untrusted party, we run ourselves now"
* #debian "lets roll back to the last version not having any changes by the untrusted party and rebuild our infra from scratch"

I know which of these I trust more as an upstream ...

I am working on a GTK/#Relm4 password manager already 😎
But it is a client for #BitWarden/#VaultWarden only.
You want to build a local one?

#GTK #Rust #rustlang #GNOME #Linux #Ubuntu #Linux #Fedora #OpenSUSE #Debian

Are you experienced with GTK and Rust ? :gnome: ❀️ :rust:

We are looking to contract someone to work on the new GNOME Password Manager πŸ”‘

We want it to become a core/default app and help secure millions of users.

You'll be working with the GNOME Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to building emancipatory technologies for everyone.

Please send resume / portfolio to

Boosts welcome :boost_love:

#GTK #Rust #rustlang #GNOME #Linux #Ubuntu #Linux #Fedora #OpenSUSE #Debian

Although no Debian stable versions are known to be affected by CVE-2024-3094 the next point release for 12.6 has been postponed while we investigate the effects of this CVE on the Archive.…… #debian

I know this is not directly related to the recent Chinese (?) backdoor, but the XZ format has all kind of problems and I personally avoid using it. Having a better compression ratio is not a reason to prefer XZ, IMHO. See…
#gnulinux #opensource #Debian

CVE-2024-3094 concerning a backdoor exploit in XZ Utils 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 releases are currently being analyzed, for the moment we have paused Archive processing. We will advise as soon as possible. For more reading and information:… #debian

Debian 10 buster has moved to freeing up space on our mirror network holding presently at 5,746GB across several architectures. More information on this move and other details:… #debian

Debian 10 buster has moved to freeing up space on our mirror network holding presently at 5,746GB across several architectures. More information on this move and other details:… #debian… #debian

Mini-DebConf Berlin will take place Tue 14 May until Tue 21 May 2024 at the c-base hackspace in Germany. Book your trip and lodging now! RSN a CfP will get published. Please register at…… #debian
