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Items tagged with: eu

Finally a Law for Right to repair and hopefully therefore in the future more sustainable and better repairable Products. 😃

FairPhone and ShiftPhone as Producer of Smartphones are already having this repairability in their Products long ago before that was made by Politics into a Law.

#EU #RightToRepair #Law #FairPhone #ShiftPhone

You guys still didn’t get it. It’s not a choice between supporting or not supporting Ukraine.

It’s a choice between fighting Russia yourself or with money. And it’s not indefinite, if Ukraine loses you will have to fight.

Not because you want to. But because there’s only one kind of invitation you cannot say no to: “let’s go outside”.

France is smart: they are already discussing reinstating general military service. They are preparing. You should too. 1/2

#ukraine #war #nato #us #ww3 #eu

Today, we have opened five non-compliance investigations under the Digital Markets Act.

It concerns:
🔹Alphabet’s rules on steering in Google Play
🔹Alphabet’s self-preferencing in Google Search
🔹Apple’s rules on steering in the App Store
🔹Apple's choice screen for Safari
🔹Meta’s ‘pay or consent model’

More info:!4NF6bV


#dma #EU

Tomorrow is the final day for public administrations in the #EU to sign up for our #interoperability assessment pilot!

Seize the chance to shape the guidelines for mandatory interoperability assessments of digital public services. 👩‍💻

While we welcome all applications, we especially encourage those from the EU member states with a smaller territory.


#ECJ: The United Kingdom infringed #EU law as a result of a judgment of its Supreme #Court #UK 👉
#EU #uk #ECJ #court

Výborný tah. #Slovensko je v tuto chvíli bezpečnostní riziko pro celou #EU i #NATO

Apple's response to its ~$2 billion fine is telling.

It's the same mentality Apple shows with the #DMA.

This must be the start of the #EU's crackdown on #BigTech. 💪

Here's why we're in revolt against #Apple's malicious compliance with the DMA

I’m not sure who’s to blame in the #EU for giving up to the lobbying efforts of #Apple and #Microsoft (I can’t think of anything short of either public official corruption or macroscopic incompetence behind the last minute partial reversal of the #DMA definition of “gatekeeper” for the two most valuable companies in the world), but these are some consequences of this decision:

  1. If Apple isn’t labelled as a gatekeeper when it comes to #iMessage (an app used by 1.3B people), then they won’t have to comply and open up their walled garden to 3rd-party clients - while, for example, Messenger and WhatsApp will have to comply, despite having similar numbers of users.
  2. If Microsoft isn’t labelled as a gatekeeper when it comes to #Edge (a piece of software installed as the default browser on an OS used by at least 1.5B people), then they’ll be free to keep rewriting https:// URLs as microsoft-edge:https:// just for the sake of intercepting everything and breaking compatibility, they’ll no longer have to provide browser selection pop-ups on fresh Windows installations, and they can keep opening all the web views and PWA on Windows devices in their own browser without providing alternatives - while, for example, Chrome and Safari will have to comply.

Shame on the EU for bending to them. They have just lost a huge chunk of credibility, and nobody should trust them the next time that they say that they want to uphold the same principles to everyone. Shame on these companies and on their lobbying efforts. Shame on everybody who still uses their products and gives them so much undeserved leverage.

The DMA and the “gatekeeper” definition was supposed to be the proof that these companies are now run by responsible adults. Being a “gatekeeper” is the acknowledgment that you are running platforms used by billions, and with great power comes great responsibility - towards society, towards regulators, towards the rules of the open market, towards your own competitors.

My employer might be included on the list soon as well, and I’m more than happy to comply. Large tech companies like ours have enjoyed lavish profits and outrageous market shares and ignored anti-competition laws for too long: now it’s time to prove that we’re all grown ups who want to play by the rules.

Instead, Apple and Microsoft have unleashed their overpaid legal counsels and lobbying crews, who have engaged in a pathetic dance to gaslight Brussels officials, and force them to say that one of the largest messaging platforms and one of the most used browsers in the world, run by the two companies with the highest evaluations in the world, for some reason are not expected to play by the rules written for everyone else.

Shame on them, and shame on the childish sociopaths who run them.

Mozilla says Apple’s new browser rules are ‘as painful as possible’ for Firefox 🙁 #apple #mozilla #ffx #apple #browsers #ios #eu #webkit #blink #gecko

The Foundation is pleased to share that today, alongside @mozilla, we have joined @OpenForumEurope as supporters.

OpenForum Europe has proven an effective convener and advocate for open source and open standards in Europe, and we’re glad to help further that work:

#Matrix #OpenSource #OpenStandards #EU

Heute ist der alljährlicher #DataPrivacyDay / #DataPrivacyDay2024 und deswegen schrieb schon vor ein paar Tagen @threemaapp online einen offenen Brief, wie auch @Tutanota, @element und @protonmail, an die #EU-Behörde gegen den #ChatControl also einen #NoChatControl Anforderung – denn dies ist nicht nur #unwirksam, sondern auch unglaublich #gefahrlich:


We've teamed up with other #privacy focused companies to fight against the #surveillance pushed by the #EU Chat Control Bill. 💪

You are not a criminal & shouldn't be treated like one.👮‍♂️

Contact your representatives and make your #voice heard! 📣

I'm still concerned but the Python Software Foundation's post about the #EU's Cyber Resilience Act (#CRA) makes me optimistic that it could work for #FreeSoftware. I do agree with the core idea that #commercial #software companies should be held more accountable than they currently are. The key is getting it just right so that anyone can write whatever free software they feel like writing, and share it on the internet, without having to get a lawyer first.

If you live in the European Union and want the European Commission to establish a tax on the rich to contribute to the ecological and social transition, development cooperation policies, and fight against climate change you can now sign this petition for it to enter the legislative process.
#TaxTheRich #ClimateChange #EU

European Commission on accessibility overlays:

#EU #a11y #overlays

European Commission makes statement on accessibility overlays.

"Claims that a website can be made fully compliant without manual intervention are not realistic"

"overlay tools may make a website less accessible for some users"

#eu #a11y #accessibility #overlays #fail

The #UPowerWAD project is an #EU project to empower disabled users to exercise their rights regarding the Web #accessibility directive and report issues regarding public sector websites:


Die #EU will und wird künftig ihre BürgerInnen überwachen über Webbrowser!

"Browser müssen künftig Zertifikate von EU-Staaten akzeptieren, das öffnet Tür und Tor für Überwachung des Netzverkehrs."

Wurden bislang nur von Firmen wie Apple, Google oder Meta Daten von Nutzern gesammelt und weitergegeben geht es hier um die aktive Überwachung der BürgerInnen im Netz.

Die EU wird zum Polizeistaat. Stichwort: Festung Europa ...


❗ 🗣️ The interpreting services of the #CJEU, the @EU_Commission and the @Europarl_EN regularly need freelance interpreters.

❗ Join our @LanguageShow webinars today and tomorrow to find out what it takes to become an accredited freelance #interpreter at the #EU institutions 👉

seems #EU legislature is copying the laws of nice places like #iran and #russia resently. Breaking the trust model of browsers on top of #YlvaJohansson mandated ai driven #masssurveillance bugs on all citizens private smartphones.. this #EU project is suddenly going downhill quick.

Say NO to broken browsers! ⛔

The EU is preparing a very dangerous law that would undermine the security of every browser.

Speak up now! 🗣️

@Jeremiah has more on how you can help to protect the web! 💪


🚨 Another EU mass surveillance attempt. Will kill privacy on web. Must not pass. 🚨

“[A]ll web browsers distributed in Europe will be required to trust the certificate authorities and cryptographic keys selected by EU governments.

These changes radically expand the capability of EU governments to surveil their citizens by ensuring cryptographic keys under government control can be used to intercept encrypted web traffic across the EU.”

#eu #privacy #surveillance #eidas

The EU bans Meta's use of personal data for behavioural advertising.

The European Data Protection Board said Wednesday it had adopted a binding decision that will ban Facebook and Instagram owner Meta from using the personal data of users for targeted advertisements.

Earlier this year Norway imposed a ban on sending Facebook and Instagram users targeted advertisements based on their personal data.

#EU #Privacy #EDPB #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #Advertising

📢 The EU Parliament will not be moving forward with chat control! The indiscriminate mass surveillance measures have been removed and secure end-to-end encryption will not be compromised! 🥳

💪Let's keep pushing for strong privacy rights!👇
#chatcontrol #eu #privacy #datenschutz #encryption #politics #goodnews

If you're an #EU citizen, I strongly encourage you to take a look and consider signing this European Citizen's Initiative (ECI) that calls for the establishment of a #tax on great #wealth to fund a just ecological and social transition:

Boosts very welcome.

#environment #policy #taxation #TaxTheRich

All experts in #TheNetherlands are against it. The parlement is against it, yet the Cabinet wants to vote for it. How? #democracy #EU #chatcontrol

It's #InternationalCoffeeDay!

As many of you are big fans, we want coffee placed on the #EU market to be environmentally friendly.

This year, a new EU law came into force, requiring companies to confirm that #coffee and other products were sourced from land free of #deforestation.

Companies will also have to verify that these products comply with relevant legislation of the country of production, including human #rights.


„Es gab keinen Hinweis darauf, dass sie Amerikanerin war. Wir dachten alle, sie sei Irin“, berichtet ein Hoher Beamter der französischen Libération und versichert, niemand habe eine Ahnung gehabt, worüber da eigentlich abgestimmt wurde. „Wir haben erst auf Twitter herausgefunden, dass wir etwas Inakzeptables akzeptiert hatten“.

#EU #Kommission #Chefökonomin #Generaldirektion #Wettbewerb #ScottMorton #USA #Tech

Today, two open letters from academics on the scientific arguments against the current #CSS (client side scanning) initiatives have been released:

* The first (in English, internationally coordinated) one is online at and still open for additional signatures.

* The second (in German, by #Austrian academics) one is online at and explicitly includes law experts in addition to the arguments from a security, privacy, and AI perspective.

This debate is expected to gain new steam with #Spain taking over the EU council presidency, given recently leaked statements like "Ideally, in our view, it would be desirable to legislatively prevent EU-based service providers from implementing end-to-end encryption" (

Please boost on any channels you deem adequate. The discussion is still open, and we have little time to bring it to a more rational level.

#csam #law #eu #privacy #dataprotection #privacy #humanrights #messenger #chat #chatcontrol #signal #whatsapp #telegram #threema #e2ee

Great news for the Right To Repair:

"EU: Smartphones Must Have User-Replaceable Batteries by 2027 | PCMag"

#RightToRepair #EU #Europe #phone #batteries #tech


❗️The US and its allies plan to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets as part of long-term efforts to strengthen Kyiv's security, — a senior White House official commented to NBC News
#Ukraine️ #Russia #Russian #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey #Finland

This is big. No #embargoes. No #APCs.

"The #EU is ready to agree that immediate #OpenAccess to papers reporting publicly funded research should become the norm, w/o authors having to pay fees & that the bloc should support #nonprofit scholarly publishing models.

In a move that could send shockwaves through commercial scholarly #publishing, the positions are due to be adopted by the Council of the EU member state governments later this month."

#Europe #RightsRetention

What is the European accessibility standard EN 301 549? with Shadi Abou-Zahra of W3C (2019) #a11y #eu #en301549

Free software is about much more than zero-cost. It's about the freedom to use, study, modify and share software. So we're increasing public policy-related activities in the EU, to raise awareness of this: #foss #opensource #libreoffice #eu

Es ist ja nicht so, dass wir nicht schon länger vom Vendor-Lock-In gewarnt hätten. Nun hat Microsoft ihren Cloud-Kunden am 1. April ganz unironisch ein Preiserhöhung-Ei gelegt.

«EU-Cloud-Wettbewerber: Microsofts Preissteigerungen reichen an Erpressung»


#microsoft #cloud #vendorlockin #eu #erpressung #IToldYouSo

A public consultation by the European Commission has been launched regarding the European Disability Card which seeks to gather the opinion of persons with disabilities, their organizations and other interested stakeholders regarding this new instrument in the making. For as long as I can remember, travelling around the EU as a person with a disability has been a riddle of which benefits and discounts work where and whether a particular institution honours them or not even if I'm not a local. The European Disability Card could change that. You can feel the survey in using the form below, available in all of the 24 EU languages. ##Europe #EuropeanUnion #Disability #EU

At #FOSDEM, @marcel_kolaja will present the #EU pilot project to look into open-sourcing the EU's apps and publishing them outside of #BigTech including on @fdroidorg. @eighthave will join, talking about how F-Droid will help pull the EU towards #FreeSoftware. Join us!