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Items tagged with: telegram

Nejaká neznáma osoba na #Telegram-e ma pridala do zvláštnej skupiny, ktorá je rozhodne podvodná, no zaujalo ma skôr to, že nejaký muž si tam chcel zaobstarať zbraň. Ako je vidno, Polícia Slovenskej republiky tu má všetko pod kontrolou 🤷🏻‍♂️

Argh. I'm getting notifications on #Telegram about contacts who have joined the platform but that are no longer in my phone's contacts. How do I fix this?

Nachdem #Telegram ziemlich eindeutig Nazisymbolik im letzten "Hey guck mal wie tol wir sind"-Pitch verwendet hat, gehen mir langsam die barrierefreien Messenger aus. Die Partnerin und ich überlegen, es mal mit #Matrix zu versuchen und sind etwas erschlagen davon, wo man anfängt. Selbst hosten ist zumindest momentan keine Option. Wo ist es denn angenehm?

#Followerpower ist gefragt. Nachdem großen Update der Messenger-Matrix habe ich noch den Line-Messenger ergänzt. Ich bitte alle #Follower mal einen prüfenden Blick auf die Matrix zu werfen - insbesondere auf jene Messenger, die ihr selbst benutzt. Sollten Angaben nicht stimmen bzw. überarbeitet werden, so meldet das bitte. Entweder hier oder über die Projektseite.

#messenger #element #matrix #signal #simplex #telegram #line
#threema #viber #whatsapp #wire

Moin #fediverse, #neuhier
Ich suche eine vergleichbare Anwendung wie #signal oder #telegram im fediverse. Gibt es so was? Ich meine einen Beitrag darüber gelesen zu haben. Finde ihn aber nicht wieder. Vllt irre ich mich auch

Many people affected by the recent blocking of #Telegram in 🇪🇸 Spain are looking for alternatives - especially decentralized ones.

#Snikket is one of those alternatives, and fully open-source. However, our Spanish translations are lacking, which can lead to a poor experience for our #hispanohablante friends.

If you think you could help us with translation, please reach out 🙂

Content warning: 🔥 удаление статей о обходе блокировок 🔥

Getting rid of #Telegram messaging app, a centralized commercial service that gives voice to terrorists.
Jabber/XMPP turned out to be a much better choice (regarding freedom & independence).
Good opensource apps:
▫️blabber on #AndroidOS
▫️gajim on #Linux
Both are lightweight and support OMEMO and PGP encryption.
More software here:
You can also follow @xmpp
#opensource #messaging

Telegram leaks your IP address to anyone in your contacts during a call. And a researcher has created a tool to easily exploit this.

#Telegram says this is expected behavior, so there's nothing to fix or change.

That's why our top WhatsApp alternatives are #Signal and #Threema:

More on this story:

Hey ! We're pleased to announce that [1], an email (JMAP) client, and Mercurygram [2], a new fork of #Telegram, now support #UnifiedPush. And support is being upstreamed to Telegram-FOSS :)

[1] from @daniel
[2] from @timothy

Say hello to our official Telegram channel. We're slowly but surely taking steps to get closer to you and make our content accessible to everyone. Our Telegram channel will keep you up to date with the latest news, tips, app insights and device reviews straight from our website. Subscribe to us for all things Android accessibility! #Android #A11y #Accessibility #Telegram

Today, two open letters from academics on the scientific arguments against the current #CSS (client side scanning) initiatives have been released:

* The first (in English, internationally coordinated) one is online at and still open for additional signatures.

* The second (in German, by #Austrian academics) one is online at and explicitly includes law experts in addition to the arguments from a security, privacy, and AI perspective.

This debate is expected to gain new steam with #Spain taking over the EU council presidency, given recently leaked statements like "Ideally, in our view, it would be desirable to legislatively prevent EU-based service providers from implementing end-to-end encryption" (

Please boost on any channels you deem adequate. The discussion is still open, and we have little time to bring it to a more rational level.

#csam #law #eu #privacy #dataprotection #privacy #humanrights #messenger #chat #chatcontrol #signal #whatsapp #telegram #threema #e2ee

Cuando estén en una conversación sobre #IA y la otra persona insista en que tomará conciencia y será el fin de la humanidad, le mandan este #sticker :

(lo tengo en #whatsapp y #telegram por si ocupan)

Nope. #Telegram

Když už tu jsme na té linuxácké instanci, tak sem přihodím link na přidání nálepek do Telegramu. ☺️


#Telegram #stickers #Linux #opensource

good or bad?



what are all these servers?
job queue increased to 1400
Is this good or bad?...I don't know how they a

!Friendica Support

#Librem5 also badly needs #Telegram and #Signal clients.
#Jami seems to be usable with jami-qt


#Telegram leak votre username dans l'header TLS [Server_Name_Indication extension]
Sympa non ? :)


Anyone got an experience with using the various Telegram clients available in @fdroidorg ? I can see three options, all compatible with my ancient Android (6.x); Forkgram, Telegram FOSS, and Nekogram X, all of which were updated within the last month. No idea how compatible they are, or how fast they run on older hardware.

# # # # # #


Bringing up a #synapse ( stack with,, #elementio, #facebook and #telegram bridges from #mautrix and a bot manager from #maubot, with #dockercompose. My first ever guide!

#matrixorg #traefik #PostgreSQL #homelab
