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Items tagged with: NixOS

I like #Nix, I do not like what has happened to it. #NixOS is an incredible technology and it deserves better. Nobody else has started the process so I guess I have to be the one to do it. We are forking. I would rather try and fail alongside all the people who love Nix but were pushed away from the project than give up.

Getting really sick of painstakingly migrating to some Cool New Technical Thing With Superpowers and then whoops, It's All Ethics Violations after a while.

First #Kagi - CEO is a white dude who can't read the room when a bunch of users raise serious concerns re: suicide warnings, .ru indexes, Brave collab, etc.

Now #Nix / #NixOS - BDFL is a white dude who can't read the room when a bunch of users raise serious concerns re: toxic members, shitty governance, MIC sponsorship, etc.

A piece of advice regarding #NixOS: You know how it's really difficult to find something similar to replace it with?

That also means that if worst comes to worst, a fork is very likely to happen - because there are going to be many other people *also* looking to replace it.

I would recommend not panicking yet, and instead keeping an eye out for further developments. Even if NixOS dies, that doesn't mean the community does.


Just installed the Prosody #XMPP server on my home server using the #NixOS module and a Let's Encrypt certificate. Everything just works out of the box, including E2E encryption and push notifications to Monal on iOS.…

#Nix #nixos #ReproducibleBuilds

There is another tool that is useful for this as well. With nix, development environments are easily shared and all builds are reproducible. Nix can be installed on any distro and is in most distro's package repos.

#nix #NixOS

I independently reproduced the #NixOS minimal installation ISO!

This is an amazing milestone for me personally: I've been involved in #ReproducibleBuilds since 2017 and #NixOS since 2019, and have been slowly chipping away at this problem. While there is much more to do to further reap the benefits of reproducibility, this is a long-awaited tangible benefit.

For more about the What, Why, How and What Next, check the post below :)…

I will just wait until it pops up natively on #NixOS stable, cannot imagine that will take long.

I have no complaints about the current interface, but I don’t mind getting something a bit more in line with what is usual in interface design today too. 👍🏻

I have been a thunderbird user for decades now and I still recommend it to everybody!

Thank you very much!

Seems to be packaged up in #NixOS already 🙂

$ nix run nixpkgs#trurl -- --version
trurl version 0.3 libcurl/8.0.1

That's nice, then I can add it to my installed systems 🙂

#NixOS and #nixpkgs too…

NixOS is an advanced Linux distro that offers some pretty neat features.

#linux #nixos


I think two things that makes #NixOS and #Neovim great are: (1) The Community /People are simply awesome (2) Both communities have standardized on #Matrix so I chat to everyone on #Matrix! If you are on #Matrix lets chat, if not join! Find out more via or AMA!


Hey #nix and #nixos people!

I wrote a matrix bot for nixpkgs pull request notifications.

It‘s like the cool https// by @qyliss, which shows you which release channels a pull request has reached.

With the bot you can subscribe and get notifications, whenever it reaches a channel instead of hammering F5 in your browser tab.

Just open a query to… and send "help".

Looking forward to you all stress testing it!

If you use #NixOS or #nix and want to contribute with the new release (22.05), please check one of the failing builds from and throw a PR at by following the instructions from this issue….

Thank you!