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Items tagged with: gtk

WebKit GTK4 is now fully accessible. Shipping in GNOME 46 :gnome:

Funded by @sovtechfund and @igalia ❤️

Completed by Georges Stavracas at Igalia 🎩

Thanks to everyone involved !……

#GNOME #WebKitGTK #accessibility #a11y #Linux #GTK

I’d like to thank my employer, Igalia, for allowing me to participate; and the GNOME foundation for sponsoring the hackfest

#gtk #gnome #igalia

Day 1 was more subdued, but it was very productive, with discussions about rendering architecture, GL and Vulkan, and accessibility. Matthias and I have also worked on making the Text interface for accessible objects public, and we’re pretty close to finishing the merge request

#gtk #hackfest #gnome #accessibility #a11y

Day 2 of the 2024 GTK hackfest—today we have a lot of visitors, so the place has gotten lively with discussions and work on the whole stack

#gtk #hackfest #gnome

I added support for libadwaita AlertDialog to Blueprint

That's all that should be needed to support GNOME 46 changes…

#GNOME #libadwaita #gtk

Playing with the new libadwaita dialog in Workbench

I didn't expect AdwDialog to render and behave fine in the preview

There are issues with auto-reload - might have to move it to a separate preview window but I'm having fun until then.

#GNOME #GTK #libadwaita

Playing around with Cairo, using the Rust bindings! I don't have any practical ideas to utilize what I'm learning yet, but it's fun to experiment with nonetheless ✏️

#GNOME #GTK #Cairo #Rust #Graphics

My reaction when I discover a script running "cargo build" in the repository of the first example program I opened from the ones listed on the gtk-rs documentation page.

Is this common in the rust world when interacting with primarily C based libraries?

#rust #gtk #rustlang

I know cool people don't like to use them ( @tbernard 👀 ) but this really deserves the visibility of an infinite hashtags soup

It looks absolutely fantastic and I can't wait to make use of them; as a user and as a developer.

#GNOME #GTK #LinuxMobile

Workbench 45.4 is out 🛠️…

• Restore on-disk projects on start
• Restore scroll and cursor positions on format and Run
• Add "Copy" and "Select All" to Console
• Add Vala formatter support
• Add WebP image format support
• Library: Add "Context Menu" demo
• Library: Add "HTTP Server" demo
• Library: 12 demos ported to Python, 4 to Vala and 2 to Rust

Happy hacking / learning / prototyping

#Linux #development #GTK #GNOME #libadwaita #Rust #JavaScript #Python #Vala

Currently working on two #gnome apps!

- Scripter: A simple app for basic scripts ⌨️ & calculations 📐 [GitHub:…]
- Flashcards: Create, edit, and study flashcard sets 🎓 - easily import your existing Quizlet sets [GitHub:…]

Both are written in #swift using an interface similar to #swiftui for #gtk and #libadwaita [GitHub:]

Podoba mi się konsekwencja w nazwach klawiszy #GDK pomiędzy alfanumeryczną częścią klawiatury, a numpadem.

GDK_KEY_Return -- GDK_KEY_KP_Enter
GDK_KEY_plus -- GDK_KEY_KP_Add
GDK_KEY_minus -- GDK_KEY_KP_Subtract…


#gtk #gdk

After two and a half years of rewrite, #Fractal 5 is finally out! Get the #GTK 4 #Rust #Matrix client from… and enjoy new features such as #EndToEndEncryption, location sharing, or multi-account with Single-Sign On 🚀


New blog post from Matthias Clasen: dmabuf, subsurfaces, and graphics offload for zero copy data transfer over the graphics stack coming to GTK 4.14:…

#gtk #gnome #linux #wayland #graphics

PSA: if you are spawning callbacks with something other than g_idle_add you should think hard about what priority you want and hopefully you can use G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE or lower.


#gnome #gtk #glib

If you have experience maintaining a GitLab CI runner on macOS, and you wish to contribute to building and testing GLib and GTK on macOS, please join the GNOME Infrastructure channel to help maintaining the macOS server provided by the GNOME Foundation, otherwise we will have to retire it. More details on Discourse:…

#gtk #gnome #macos #ci #gitlab

Some very vocal #LibreOffice devs consider that client-side window decorations (for example #GTK HeaderBar kind of things) are "NOT a #UX #design issue", and that it's all about the burden of maintaining that across different OSes/platforms.

Yeah… I might buy their argument if LibreOffice had the guts to actually commit to only one (or two) UI layouts and toolkits, instead of maintaining *seven* UI layout choices, to begin with 🙄️…

Are you interested in working on GNOME, writing Rust apps, or working with Fonts? If so, you may be interested in taking a look at… :)

This port may take a while, and I greatly appreciate any help available. I've laid out a list of tasks to be done before merging, and if anyone wants to take something on let me know and we can work together.

If you want to help with the effort, please join on Matrix :) (

(boosts appreciated)

#GNOME #Rust #Fonts #gtk-rs #gtk4 #libadwaita

Wanna help out an old-school utility that just recently accomplished its port to #GTK 4? The "File Roller" compressed archives utility needs your help to fix Drag & Drop files/folders extraction to #GNOME Files (a.k.a. #Nautilus). Technical investigation and/or patches would certainly be quite welcome.…

it's been some time since the last Muzika update, but I (and some people that joined along the way) didn't stop working on it.

A few changes:

1. Column view for playlists & albums on larger screens

2. Decent (not perfect) mobile support

3. All links are now underlined for better visibility/a11y

4. Simplified code & improved perf (not yet perfect)

5. We now have flatpak builds (CI)

6. The app now supports translations

etc, etc.

see it at

#gnome #gtk #libadwaita

This is @halfmexican; GNOME Outreachy student excited that their effort to make a modern and sandboxed Camera demo for Workbench has paid off 🛠️

Well done! 🎉

Thanks @philn and @slomo for your help!

#GNOME #Outreachy #development #students #GStreamer #PipeWire #Flatpak #freedesktop #libcamera #GTK

Just added support for different gradient types to @fkinoshita's Vibrant app. Happy designing!

#GNOME #libadwaita #GTK

Today I released Footage; the simplest tool to crop, trim, rotate, flip, mute, and export your video to a format of your choice. It's now available on flathub!…

#gtk #gnome #libadwaita

If you’re using the GLib reference on and you’re missing the documentation for various C pre-processor macros, you can now find it here:


#gtk #glib #documentation

Somebody PLEASE make something like but for GTK.

I would be a LOT more inclined to create native #linux #gtk apps if I could create them using #react or something similar.

Creating interfaces using GTK's native APIs feels like programming in the 90s.

Oxidizing GTK…

At the next GUADEC, there will be a presentation on an experiment
about integrating Rust in the GTK code base.


Snapshot, the new Camera (photo/video) app is available on Flathub 🎉 📷

It looks fantastic, here is a picture of Hermine sleeping next to my desk.…

Made by @maximiliano 🎩

#Flatpak #Flathub #GNOME #LinuxMobile #Linux #Rust #Gtk

A new version of Amberol music player is out with a couple of new features… #gnome #gtk #opensource

#Amberol 0.10.0 is out! After a tragic mess with a #GNOME run time update, and with lots of fixes accumulating over a development branch, I decided to spin up a release. Highlights:
- tweaked UI, to avoid confusing the waveform control and the volume control
- improved scaling of textures using #GTK 4.10
- ability to restore the last playlist at startup
- optional background playback

Plus the usual lots and lots of small fixes, tweaks, and performance improvements.

Over the Easter holidays I experimented a bit with building Rust code with meson instead of cargo.

Specifically I tried building a GStreamer plugin with a few dozen Rust dependencies, but the same applies in a similar way to GTK/GNOME applications or literally anything else.

A write-up of the results with a lot of details can be found here:…

#RustLang #GStreamer #GNOME #GTK #meson #cargo #BuildSystems

Inkscape is hiring: Accelerating the GTK4 migration…

#cplusplus #cpp #gtk #gtkmm #inkscape

Anyone to continue/fork Headlines?

It's an awesome Reddit client as good as Android ones. But the project is archived 😥️…

#gtk #GNOME #Linux

Got all gestures wired up in Identity: there's drag-and-drop heavily inspired by Loupe with its beautiful thumbnail (naturally, in Identity it shows playing videos!), there's drag to pan when zoomed in, there's click to "select" a video tile.

I love how easy it is to do drag-and-drop while showing whatever in the thumbnail in #GTK 4 (especially now that sizing and hotspots work ;)). Thanks @sophie and @brainblasted for things I stole from Loupe and @alexm for help with gestures!


Using #GTK and #Libadwaita in #swift Attempt Number 2.

Instead of using GIR to generate the code, use hand-written bindings.
More work? - Yes

Full coverage? - No

Better API and easier to use? - Yes

I spent yesterday evening trying to see how to make apps that use #libadwaita (the latest UI for #GNOME), and walked away with a streak of anger over a surprising lack of documentation and examples.

#GTK and #GNOME app development have always been a quest that involves throwing a ring in a fiery mountain, while hoping for the best, but in the 25 years since GTK+'s introduction, it has only gotten worse, it just looks prettier now. sigh. #linux

Bit of a an odd mood to today so wanted to check if I can brighten things up a bit by adding some color and transparency to #phosh. (Basically just a quick hack to see how the performance is on the #librem5 and it's quite good). Background image by @francois .

#MobileLinux #LinuxMobile #gtk

Sometimes I find it very hard to know how to look for/describe #GNOME bugs. I could use some help with this one. It's a bug in #libadwaita as I can trigger it both in GNOME Files and GNOME Settings. I just have no clue how to describe it. I think searching on "dialog" might be too narrow of a search, and I also don't know what to give as extra info (platform, version...). I can't seem to find it in the gitlab repo, which surprises me as it's such a major regression...

#gtk #adwaita