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Items tagged with: mastodon

🚀 The Mastodon Auto-installer script has just been UPDATED! 🚀

Gone are the days of modifying code in the script. It's now fully interactive! 🎊 Just follow the server prompts during script execution, & you're all set.

PLUS, for an even smoother experience, we now have ONE-COMMAND installs! 🎉

But there's more... A GUI installation wizard might be on the horizon! Stay tuned. 🔮

Dive in & give it a try:…

Happy MastoAdmining!

#Mastodon #MastoAdmin #MastoAdmins #MastoDev

Y'all are going great work! This is definitely my favorite #Mastodon client.

I've been messing about with the Lemmy 🔁 Mastodon interop today and it has BLOWN MY MIND. 🤯

This excellent post from @vjprema explains how to use #Lemmy from your #Mastodon account. Amazing.…

As @evan says, don't bet against the #fediverse.

This thing is 🔥.

💾 We're not going anywhere, but you should still back up your #Mastodon content regularly.

💡 Ready to start? Try this out:…

There's an alternative version of Mastodon called "Mastodon Glitch Edition" (aka "glitch-soc" or just "Glitch"). Glitch is totally compatible with normal Mastodon, but adds experimental new features.

For example, Glitch instances let the admin alter the character limit, allow local posting, text formatting and lots of other stuff.

Many features in Glitch have eventually made their way into normal Mastodon after proving themselves stable and useful.

You can find out more at:

If you run your own Mastodon instance you can switch to Glitch, and switch back again if you don't like it.

(You may be wondering how this post is so long? It's because FediTips is on an instance that uses Glitch, and the instance character limit has been extended to 1000.)

#FediTips #MastoTips #Fediverse #Mastodon #Glitch #GlitchSoc

I’ve promised enough people this, so I had to do it! 😁

Here’s my write-up of how I added client-side Fediverse-powered comments to my Jekyll blog using the Mastodon API.

Huge props to @jwildeboer for the initial inspiration, as well as @julian and everyone who provided feedback for inspiring the design improvements.…

✨💬 Reply to this thread then check the blog post comments to see it in action!

#Mastodon #Jekyll #WebDevelopment #ActivityPub #design

“The fact that large platforms are adopting ActivityPub is not only validation of the movement towards decentralized social media, but a path forward for people locked into these platforms to switch to better providers. Which in turn, puts pressure on such platforms to provide better, less exploitative services. This is a clear victory for our cause, hopefully one of many to come.”

Famous last words.…

#mastodon #fediverse #threads #BigTech #SiliconValley #zeroSumGame

Habría que poner este cartel a la entrada de #Mastodon.

Meine Damen und Herren. Auf dem ersten Bild sehen Sie die Daten, die die App #Threads von Ihnen speichern und einem Profil zuordnen möchte. Das zweite Bild zeigt die App #Mastodon und welche Daten dort erhoben werden. 👇

#fediverse #meta #zuckerberg

Meta's plan for the Fediverse and ActivityPub is likely no different. At first they will play nice and lure in #Mastodon servers and users. Mastodon will see a meteoric rise in activity - but most of it will be from #Threads.

Meta needs Mastodon to seed activity in Threads. By federating, they can show how "active and flourishing" their app already is, with activity from servers showing in their app.

It's much easier to kickstart a platform when you have years worth of content already.


Svět #fediverse není jen Mastodon. Možná někdo využije náš PixelfedCZ, který byl vytvořen jako open-source alternativa k Instagramu, která by umožnila uživatelům sdílet své fotografie a videa bez zásahu externích společností. Nebo díky ActivityPub, je možné sledovat uživatelé třeba s Pixelfed na platformě Mastodon.
#pixelfed :pixelfed:
#mastodon :mastoblush:

От себя тоже поприветствую всех пришедших и дам несколько советов.

✅ Заполните профиль и поставьте аватарку. Неплохой идеей будет указать там ваши увлечения или вид деятельности.
✅ Напишите что-нибудь: приветствие, пост о себе (тут используют тег #introduction
✅ Листайте ваши локальные и глобальные ленты, и подписывайтесь на тех, кто интересен - тут нет алгоритма, который будет подсовывать вам контент. Набрать свою ленту нужно будет самостоятельно. Также возможно вам будет полезно зайти в настройки и установить языки контента, которые вы хотите видеть в ленте.
✅ Общайтесь с людьми.
✅ Не бросайте как только Twitter опять даст заднюю - дайте свободным соцсетям шанс, они могут вас удивить.

Эти простые советы могут помочь вам не заскучать и заинтересовать других людей подписаться на вас.

Если будет интересно почитать про Mastodon и Федивёрс в целом - список статей и постов по этой теме есть внизу на нашем проекте-лендинге Fediland:

Добро пожаловать и удачи!

#Mastodon #Fediverse #twitter #migration #TwitterMigration #log #новичкам #newbies

Hello, new folks from Twitter,

- Welcome to the fediverse!

- If you’ve joined because it was the default option in the app, please look to move to a smaller instance so doesn’t grow to become Twitter 2.0. (You can use to find a new instance or ask folks on here for suggestions.)

- Please add alternate text to your images so people who use screen readers can join in too. (…)

#TwitterMigration #mastodon #fediverse

@MMB Já chápu, že přechod z Twitteru může být pro uživatele složitější. Proto jsem udělal hashtags #tip_mastodon . Snažím se tam přidat odpovědi na nejběžnější otázky, aby pro všechny byl přechod na #mastodon :mastodon: co nejpříjemnější. Klidně mi můžete i napsat, když budu vědět rád poradím.

Dobrá věc, díky. Já teda zatím nevyužiju, ale sdílím to. Docela mi vyhovuje ten klid před bouří, než zase v průběhu dne krátce spustím #Tusky a naskáčou mi všechna oznámení 😁

Remember that you can use the "Advanced Web Interface", accessible from your Mastodon account settings, for a TweetDeck-like interface on desktop!

This makes it way easier to see stuff at a glance. If it isn't your thing though, you don't need to use it.

Also note that you can adjust which columns are pinned, so if your local and federated timelines move too quickly, you can just unpin them to only see Home and Notifs, or only open them up manually when you want to see them!

Boost this so people can be made aware!

#Mastodon #TweetDeck #PC #Desktop #Browser

No já limit taky nestihl 🤷🏼‍♂️
Jinak vítej na #mastodon :mastodon:

Note: #Mastodon *needs* a better mp3 encoder. Bloody friggin hell on a pike!

I decided to choose violence.

An essay on why the #TwitterMigration failed, some things to learn for the next time it's a possibility, and some thoughts on things that the #RedditMigration has done differently, especially with #Kbin.…

you know, if your gonna squish a flac I upload into mp3, you could do me the pleasure of letting me upload the wav so you could at least turn that lossy instead you useless jerk. sigh, #annoyed #audiomo #mastodon.

A ještě jeden nástroj pro #Mastodon, který pomáhá s vyhledáváním nových přátel. Opět stačí do políčka zadat název účtu a vybírat :) 🔗



Integration of the #Fediverse and #Mastodon Identity standards into the software that powers #WikiPedia & other Wiki's is so important I find it hard to express.

It is the first big step of integration between the Wikipedian and Fediverse communities, and it has been massively under-noticed and not gotten nearly the attention this deserved.

I'm all for it, want to find ways to help & hope this is the beginning of much more integration to come. 🔥


@Igor Warneck
ach so und selbst auf #Mastodon erkennt man am Screenshot das es #Friendica ist ... dafür ist das Logo Rechts in der oberen Ecke

Wenn Du dazuschreibst auf welcher Plattform, wird es leichter mit der Hilfe. Von #Mastodon aus kann niemand erkennen, das Du #Friendica meinst ^^

cc: @helpers


Folks, I just found a treasure trove:

a list of over 1,300 #journalists that already are on #Mastodon in the form of a #googledoc

In order to give the #BorgSite its final push, journalists there need to see that there really is an audience for them here in the free #fediverse

Some pull marketing would be helpful: follow as many, as you find sensible. This helps a lot.

Please boost!


Tohle není špatný u aplikace #megalodon , jak má pod příspěvkem překladač 👍 :mastodon:
#mastodon #translate

This is a brilliant release from the National Federation of the Blind about why they are scaling back #Twitter and how they have embraced the #Fediverse by coming to #Mastodon.
They truly understand the benefits and the culture here which promotes the engagement of #blind people.…
@nationsblind #feditips

I tooted Hello World on November 30, 2022.

Then I began tooting my #music and a ton of #puns #jokes, and #memes. And you all responded so genuinely, and with such positivity, that I very quickly was made to feel at home.

My deepest gratitude goes out to the #Mastodon community, a #community that has literally improved the quality of my time on this spinning rock as it hurtles through space, towards a future that seems more uncertain every day. It’s unlike any other “social media platform” here.

Today, I celebrate the arbitrary milestone of five thousand followers, and I just wanted to say thank you.

Thank you for the favourites, the boosts, the follows, and the comments.

Thank you for your conversations, discussions, and corrections.

Thank you for listening to my music and sharing your thoughts on it with me, and for following along on your chosen streaming service. This has been amazing.

But, above all, I’d like to thank you all for making Mastodon the friendly and welcoming place that it is. My experience here is one of wonderful acceptance, and it has been truly humbling. There is nowhere else quite like it.

Massive big huge love to you all,

- Jon (Dgar)

Nice to see this #a11y patch get into #Mastodon…

Wow. Wordpress just announced they have to drop support for Twitter in their Jetpack post sharing plug-in as they haven’t been able to reach agreement with Twitter for access. They are committing to adding support for Mastodon!
The majority of the Web’s individually run websites are Wordpress! It’s ON!!

#TwitterMigration #TwitterBroken #Mastodon #activityPub #Fediverse


- MAS-129: Fix search being hard to find on mobile
- MAS-48: Quote posts
- MAS-137: Sorting options for threads
- MAS-136: Add server setting for default discoverability of accounts
- MAS-134: Privacy settings as an onboarding step
- MAS-133: Display followed hashtag above posts in home feed
- MAS-132: Synchronize boost and favourite counts for remote posts
- MAS-131: P… #mastodon #roadmap

:boost_love: Hey folks - please boost for visibility!

:mastodon: The brilliant & hard-working 16-year old Lucas @moshidon is doing a great job building a fun and innovative fork of the #Mastodon #Android client.

💡 Take a moment to download and try it out, and if you can, toss him a little money to support & encourage his work!…

I’m very excited to see the discussion for the @Mastodon post migration issue has picked back up. This is probably the single largest gap between rhetoric and reality on #Mastodon.

It’s anecdata, but *every singe person* I mention account migration to immediately asks “oh, so my posts can move with me.” This is, unfortunately, immidiately followed up with disappointment that their posts stay behind. Coupled with the recent push to make the default for the iOS app… we need a way for users to move around SEAMLESSLY. We can make all the technical excuses we want, but if the process doesn’t work it’s not really account migration.

Until we have post support, we should probably say we have “social graph” migration, not “account migration,” or we’re really just lying and setting up people to be let down.…