Items tagged with: messenger
Signal is a secure messenger, but there are interesting alternatives, such as @matrix , @session , @delta , @simplex or XMPP …
If you’d like to learn more about these options, have a look at the responses to this toot.
#matrix #session #signal #XMPP #messenger #decentralized #tech #technology #OpenSource #FOSS #WhatsApp #security #InfoSec #data #safety
Session | Send Messages, Not Metadata. | Private Messenger
Session is a private messenger that aims to remove any chance of metadata collection by routing all messages through an onion routing network.Session
Interessanter #Tipp von für #blinde #Matrix Nutzer:
#ElementX statt #ElementDesktop auf dem #Mac installieren. Das ist mit #VoiceOver besser bedienbar. #Chat #Messenger #ScreenReader
in the next #ArcaneChat release: new option to control behavior of notifications of reactions and replies to your messages as well as the new mini-apps notifications in muted chats
don't lose important replies or reactions to your messages while keeping all the uninteresting chat flood/noise away 😌
#DeltaChat #email #decentralization #e2ee #messenger #chat #im
We asked and you answered! Here's Tuta's updated list of best WhatsApp alternatives in 2024 👏
Which one is your favorite? 🤔 Do comment below - or check out our detailed review first!
#WhatsAppalternatives #Messenger #Privacy #Encryption
Best WhatsApp Alternatives For 2024 | Time To Go Private! | Tuta
There are lots of messaging apps similar to WhatsApp. Here's a review of the best secure alternatives: Signal, Threema, Telegram, Element, Wire, SimpleX, Session, and more.Tuta
Der Messenger »Doctolib Siilo« richtet sich an den medizinischen Bereich. Direkt nach dem Start verbindet sich die App zu:
- Google Firebase
- Adjust (Tracking)
- Google Crashlytics (Analyse/Tracking)
- Google Firebase Remote Config
- Google Firebase Logging
Um Erlaubnis wird nicht gefragt. Besonders brisant: Das personenbezogene Datum (Google-Advertisting-ID) wird ausgelesen und an Adjust übermittelt. #DSGVO und #TTDSG Verstoß.
Genau so geht Datenschutz nicht. 🤷♂️
#Followerpower ist gefragt. Nachdem großen Update der Messenger-Matrix habe ich noch den Line-Messenger ergänzt. Ich bitte alle #Follower mal einen prüfenden Blick auf die Matrix zu werfen - insbesondere auf jene Messenger, die ihr selbst benutzt. Sollten Angaben nicht stimmen bzw. überarbeitet werden, so meldet das bitte. Entweder hier oder über die Projektseite.…
#messenger #element #matrix #signal #simplex #telegram #line
#threema #viber #whatsapp #wire
Messenger-Matrix • Kuketz IT-Security Blog
Gegenüberstellung sicherheits- und datenschutzrelevanter Eigenschaften von
The monocles chat update is available on the Playstore with a Easter special offer 🎉 .
There are several new fixes and features like:
* Initial GIFs picker
* Animated Avatars (up to 100kb and 480px)
* Initial status image preview
* Better image quoting
* Little battery usage reduction
* Updated translations
and much more…
A good weekend to everyone!
#playstore #encryption #xmpp #chat #messenger #monocles #monocleschat
monocles chat - Apps on Google Play
monocles chat - The secure and ethical chat
monocles chat just arrived on the Playstore with awesome updates and on a great new level:…
* Improve restore Backup
* No swiping anymore for commands and webxdc viewpager fixes several webxdc problems
* Initial stickers picker
* Bigger stickers
* Fix flashing emoji picker
* Fix commands view
And many more
Try it out with a WebXDC app of your choice:
#monocleschat #monocles #chat #messenger #privacy #xmpp #webxdc
monocles chat - Apps on Google Play
monocles chat - The secure and ethical chat
#monocles chat 1.7.9 is released on the playstore with a lot of updates and improvements! (See comments below)…
#xmpp #chat #privacy #security #messenger
monocles chat - Apps on Google Play
monocles chat - The secure and ethical chat
Guten Morgen. Wer sie noch nicht kennt, sollte unbedingt einen Blick in die Empfehlungsecke werfen. Diese enthält meine aktuellen Empfehlungen zu verschiedenen Themen wie Messenger, Werbeblocker, werbefreies YouTube, Passwort-Manager, Suchmaschinen und Co. 👇…
#empfehlung #tracking #security #datenschutz #adblocker #android #youtube #messenger #linux #firefox #dns #unifiedpush #email #frankgehtran #thunderbird #passwortmanager #videokonferenz #vpn #suchmaschine
Die Empfehlungsecke beinhaltet aktuelle Empfehlungen zu Messengern, Browser-Add-ons und weiteren Themen • IT-Sicherheit aus KarlsruheKuketz IT-Security Blog
#Threema hat heute einen Blogpost veröffentlicht, der sich mit der Problematik der Google/Apple Push-Dienste auseinandersetzt. Vorbildlich! Von Signal fehlt mir so eine Stellungnahme noch @Mer__edith…
#messenger #threema #signal #security #sicherheit #datenschutz #privacy
Push-Benachrichtigungen und Datenschutz
Seit einigen Tagen werden Push-Benachrichtigungen und deren Implikationen für den Datenschutz heiss diskutiert. Auslöser war der Brief eines US-Senators ans Justizministerium (DOJ), worin gefordert wird, dass Betreiber von Push-Diensten –
Databag, a tiny self-hosted federated messenger for the decentralized web, now supports UnifiedPush!
Find it on GitHub at
GitHub - balzack/databag: A tiny self-hosted federated messenger for the decentralized web.
A tiny self-hosted federated messenger for the decentralized web. - GitHub - balzack/databag: A tiny self-hosted federated messenger for the decentralized web.GitHub
Today, two open letters from academics on the scientific arguments against the current #CSS (client side scanning) initiatives have been released:
* The first (in English, internationally coordinated) one is online at… and still open for additional signatures.
* The second (in German, by #Austrian academics) one is online at and explicitly includes law experts in addition to the arguments from a security, privacy, and AI perspective.
This debate is expected to gain new steam with #Spain taking over the EU council presidency, given recently leaked statements like "Ideally, in our view, it would be desirable to legislatively prevent EU-based service providers from implementing end-to-end encryption" (…).
Please boost on any channels you deem adequate. The discussion is still open, and we have little time to bring it to a more rational level.
#csam #law #eu #privacy #dataprotection #privacy #humanrights #messenger #chat #chatcontrol #signal #whatsapp #telegram #threema #e2ee
Leaked Government Document Shows Spain Wants to Ban End-to-End Encryption
In response to an EU proposal to scan private messages for illegal material, the country's officials said it is “imperative that we have access to the data.”Lily Hay Newman (WIRED UK)
Ever heard or tried a #matrix #messenger? A new, decentralised protocol of communication to allow multiple participants join the network with different clients and servers. You can choose whatever fits you best. You probably wanna start here to try it: (Get a client, choose a server)
For more background information, see here:
Matrix is an open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time
#Bwmessenger: Vom #Messenger der Bundeswehr zum #Bundesmessenger
SmallTalk is a minimal, modern, friends and family focused Android messenger. Heavily inspired by Whatsapp and Signal, powered by Matrix.
Its goals are to be reliable and stable, and have a tiny app size.
It recently started supporting UnifiedPush, and publishing beta releases on Google Play:…
And the IzzySoft F-Droid repo:…
You can find out more about it at
#matrix #messenger #chat #android #app #UnifiedPush #smalltalk
„SmallTalk“ – IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository
Minimal Android messenger powered by MatrixIzzyOnDroid App Repo
In vier Schritten in die Matrix!
#Chat mit #Datenschutz
Hier erklärt mit und
#messenger #opensource #foss #decentralized #encryption #privacy #tutorial
A new open #Matrix #server for all #Finnish users. Instant #messenger with global open #federation.
Pikaviestin suomalaisille
Suomalaisille käyttäjille suunnattu avoimeen Matrix-viestiverkkoon perustuva viestipalvelu, jonka avulla voit yhdistää ja käyttää myös lukuisia muita pikaviestimiä ylläpitäjät