#AndroidAppRain at apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid today? Sure! 10 updated and 1 added apps for you:
* Install with Options: more advanced app installs without needing to use ADB (using Shizuku) 🛡️
Number of apps with #reproducibleBuilds is up to 289 (or 23.8% out of 1.213 apps altogether) now.
At apt.izzysoft.de/magisk today 2 #Magisk #modules were updated and 1 added:
* Enable Blurs: enable more extensive blur effects
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repos
IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository
This is a repository of apps to be used with your F-Droid client. Applications in this repository are official binaries built by the original application developers, taken from their resp. repositories (mostly Github, GitLab, Codeberg).IzzyOnDroid App Repo
It's amazing to see the groupthink among dipshits.
Look at this donkey's chorus of billionaire-worshippers filling my mentions with the word "cope" over and over again, evidently in the belief that it will pierce and wound me beyond recovery.
(it's re: this: twitter.com/doctorow/status/18…)
Space, the final frontier. Our solar system is in space, right? This BBC series gets into the nitty gritty of Earth, asteroids, moons and the other planets near us. Maybe it doesn't sound like edge of your seat stuff but Brian Cox does his best to keep your attention. Cox simplifies complicated concepts while he tries to figure out how life began here while postulating about where else life could be found. BBC 2 on iPlayer.
#tv #space #science #astronomy
BBC Two - Solar System, Series 1, Volcano Worlds
Professor Brian Cox explores planets and moons erupting with fire and ice.BBC
„Wir appellieren an die Ampel, mit einem positiven und solidarischen Gesellschaftsentwurf gegen Hass und rechte Narrative anzutreten, anstatt diese auch noch in Gesetzesform zu gießen. Lediglich als Echokammer für Faschisten zu dienen, darf nicht der Anspruch einer als Fortschrittskoalition angetretenen Regierung sein.“
In einer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme erklärt das Bündnis #GesichtserkennungStoppen das sogenannte Sicherheitspaket zum Totalausfall.
Den gesamten Text findest Du hier
Hey folks, finally got my resume into shape and figured I'd try to #getfedihired.
Looking for a tech job doing backend work--I can do full-stack but being #blind means I'm going to struggle more with UI. I'm proficient in #Rust, #Elixir, #Golang, #TypeScript, and a handful of other languages. I have Android experience as well, and have done fun accessibility-related projects like writing an Android screen reader from scratch or adding screen-reader-like functionality to multiple game engines.
I don't mind big tech too much but am looking to switch away to something more co-op/non-profit if possible. It'd be nice to use my tech skills for good, not just for some investor's benefit. Good work/life balance is also a must--I don't live to work, I work to live.
Here's my resume if any of this sounds intriguing. Thanks for reading and/or boosting!
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Ward Christensen, BBS inventor and architect of our online age, dies at age 78
Christensen kick-started online culture by inspiring thousands of hobbyist communities.Benj Edwards (Ars Technica)
The wait is over*—The #Mastodon stuffed toy is now available for purchase in the EU! Other regions to come later. Share your pictures with the #Plushtodon hashtag!
Mastodon stuffed toy
We created a stuffed toy of the highest caliber. Deliberately friend-sized and friend-shaped, with a soft surface material and soft, squishy stuffing, the toy measures a height of 35cm.Mastodon Merch
For a post-canon story it's pretty good, @FreakyFwoof
Meet Gawain Robards, Auror - This is the story of a man who had lost hope in the world, in humanity, in himself. And of his unexpected means of finding it again with some subtle help from the Boy Who Lived. But who is helping whom? A new POV of the Ministry reformation after the Battle of Hogwarts, tracking Harry's rather unusual assimilation into the Auror ranks. *Post-war canon.
[Knowing Where to Look by la baguette](fanfiction.net/s/5026437/1/Kno…)
LinkedIn just sent out updates for the Privacy Policy to use your data for AI training. 🤯
Unless you're in Europe, opt out now! We're explaining how 👇
#LinkedIn #LinkedInAI #AI #AItraining
LinkedIn is using your data to train its generative AI. Opt out now! | Tuta
By default your data is used to train LinkedIn’s artificial intelligence. And no, you didn’t opt in! Read here how you can stop this.Tuta
NA ROVINU so Zuzanou Kusou: Každý šiesty Slovák si nemôže dovoliť výživné jedlo, chudobnejú aj Bratislavčania
Uťahujeme si už utiahnuté opasky a najrýchlejšie chudobnejú ľudia v Bratislavskom kraji, ktorí pociťujú hrôzy enormnej záťaže hypotékami, hovoríPeter Hanák (Aktuality.sk)
The Brazilian team closed the POPCON500 translation! — Debian Brasil
by Thiago Pezzo For more than 2 years the Debian pt_BR localization team has been using the DDTSS platform as a gateway for beginners. This ongoning initiative resulted in a significant increase in the translation of package description...debianbrasil.org.br
For our (small) master dissertation about #education (but mostly because we are interested), we are doing research about using #OpenStreetMap within #secondary education (roughly 12 - 18 years old, but with a focus on 16 - 18 years old).
The long-term goal is to create a usable #lesson where pupils go out and map using a data collection app. If you have any experience with this, would you be so kind to spend 10 minutes of your time to fill out the survey?
MapComplete reshared this.
Kauza Huawei. Čína vydírala Českou republiku – Page Not Found
Kolaborantský prezident, ustrašený premiér a přítel Číny v čele ministerstva vnitra. Page Not Found zjistila zákulisní informace o dokumentu, který pomohl bezpečnostní reputaci České republiky, přesto však stál místo šéfa bezpečnostního úřadu.pagenotfound.cz
docs.google.com/presentation/d… #webdev #html #a11y
We published a security fix for a High security vulnerability in Matrix JS SDK (CVE-2024-47080) and disclosed an already patched issue in matrix-react-sdk (CVE-2024-47824). Make sure to update your dependencies!
Security disclosure for matrix-js-sdk (CVE-2024-47080) and matrix-react-sdk (CVE-2024-47824)
Matrix, the open protocol for secure decentralised communicationsMatrix.org Security Team (matrix.org)
If I am ever going to translate "Deutsche Sagen" ("German Legends") by the Brothers Grimm, I will probably have to re-learn #Latin - they used too many Latin-language sources for this work.
I suppose my Latin teachers from back in school will have had the last laugh then after all.
That sounds... tricky.
At least Latin _is_ covered by many online translation tools, although I am not sure how accurate they are.
Classical Chinese (or more anal retentively Literary Chinese) is a really difficult language for a variety of reasons.
1. It is essentially a written-only form of language. It uses the fact that two syllables with the same pronunciation but different meanings can be determined by looking at the character. In vernacular Chinese you can't do this. If you say "shu3" which one do you mean? So an extra disambiguating syllable is added like "lao3shu3" for "mouse".
🧵 ▶️
Perforce (Owner of Puppet since April 2022) has taken over the greatest Puppet community on Slack. This was an independent Slack that had a non-Perforce people at the helm. Perforce convinced Slack that they should own the community, and Slack removed all non-Perforce people as moderators, banned Ben Ford (Instance Owner) and transferred ownership to Perforce.
It is unclear why Perforce did this, but
Ben Ford speculates
Last time I talked to Perforce Legal a few weeks ago, they were excited by our “community owned community space” model. The fact that the company has now taken this subversive and hostile action makes me think that they are about to announce or do something incredibly shitty and want to have iron control over the messaging.
Puppet is currently licensed unter Apache 2.0, and has no AI-Integration nor are Puppet users absolutely required to make recurrent payments to Perforce.
So make your bets.
- Ansible is owned by IBM through RedHat (GPL v3, no CLA, DCO required)
- Chef is owned by Progress (Apache 2.0, CLA required)
- Puppet is owned by Perforce (Apache 2.0, CLA required)
- Saltstack is owned by Broadcom (Apache 2.0, CLA required)
CLA: Contributors License Agreement. If you want to submit code to the project, you have to sign a CLA that gives the respective owner company full IP rights to your contrib, enabling them to cleanly unilaterally change the project license at their discretion.
DCO: Developer Certificate of Origin. You have to submit a DCO that asserts that you have the right to contribute the code under the GPL v3 of the project.. The DCO exists to prevent your employer from sueing IBM/Ansible over your contrib, not to transfer rights to IBM/Ansible.
Ben Ford :grinchsmile: (@binford2k@hachyderm.io)
Personally, I’ve requested my information removed and you can do the same at https://preferences.perforce.com/ Now, a bit of personal speculation here.Hachyderm.io
Jede #EinwegEZigarette enthält eine #Batterie (#Sondermüll) & besteht aus #Metall (#Energie fressende Herstellung) & #Kunststoff (#Plastikmüll), Silikon etc.
Das Alles für eine Nutzung im Wegwerfmodus!
Gemeinsamer offener Brief an #Bundesumweltministerin Steffi #Lemke
Einweg-E-Zigaretten verbieten!
Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.: Schluss mit Einweg-E-Zigaretten!
Unterstütze unseren offenen Brief an Umweltministerin Steffi Lemke und fordere ein nationales Verbot von Einweg-E-Zigaretten!Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V.
Ja. Ihr habt recht, der #CarolaBrücke Livestream des #MDR ist so ziemlich das Unterhaltsamste was der Sender in den letzten Jahren gemacht hat.
Allerdings ist die Auflösung leider nicht so pralle, dass ich das neue Graffito auf der Brücke lesen kann. Daher…
Hey #Dresden, was steht auf der CarolaBrücke?
Edit: Da steht »Millionäre besteuern«.
FediVerseExplorer likes this.
Deutschland wegen Abschiebung eines Syrers verurteilt
2018 griffen die deutschen Behörden einen syrischen Flüchtling an der Grenze zu Österreich auf - und schoben ihn sofort wieder ab. Nun hat ein europäisches Gericht geurteilt: Die Abschiebung hat seine Menschenrechte verletzt.
➡️ tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/e…
#EGMR #Abschiebung #Syrer
Deutschland wegen Abschiebung eines Syrers verurteilt
2018 griffen die deutschen Behörden einen syrischen Flüchtling an der Grenze zu Österreich auf - und schoben ihn am selben Tag wieder ab. Nun hat ein europäisches Gericht geurteilt: Die Abschiebung hat seine Menschenrechte verletzt.tagesschau.de
Ben Ford :grinchsmile: (@binford2k@hachyderm.io)
Hi everyone! I just wanted to give you a heads up that Perforce has forcibly seized control of the #Puppet Community Slack. They've banned me and removed the Community team and all moderators.Hachyderm.io
#economics #colonialism #development
Nobel economics prize: how colonial history explains why strong institutions are vital to a country’s prosperity – expert Q&A
US-based Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James Robinson were recognised for their work on the vast differences in prosperity between nations.The Conversation
Sensitive content
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Phew only one real bug report for 0.17.0 so far, and it's for a bug that was already in 0.16.0 🤦
Thanks for the positive feedback everyone, glad you're having a good time with the release ❤
Ubuntu Summit 2024
The Ubuntu Summit The Ubuntu Summit for the last two years has served as a showcase for the innovative and the ambitious.Canonical / Ubuntu Events (Indico)
Hubert Figuière
in reply to Jon Worth • • •