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"Digital archiving as we know it would not exist without the Internet Archive—without it, the world would lose its best public resource on internet history."

Read the full story:

You can make a stranger feel less alone today.
You can share exactly what's on your mind.
You can be yourself and not worry about likes.

Kind Words 2 is now available!

A game about writing nice messages to real people.…

Am SA 05. Okt. hatte ich zum ersten Mal Todesangst beim Radfahren. Wir waren zw. Sandebeck & Himmighausen (Kreis Höxter, Teutoburger Wald, NRW) auf offiziell ausgeschilderten Radrouten auf geteerten Feldwegen unterwegs. Ohne Hinweisschilder, Absperrungen od Streckenposten fand hier ein Autorennen (Zeitfahren?) statt. 2x sprangen wir in den Graben, sonst wären wir von einem Auto erfasst worden. Weiß jemand etwas von solch einer Veranstaltung? Konnte im Netz nix finden #fedibikes #fahrradbubble

Few impressions from the last few days from #spiel24 in Essen.

In the two days we were there we managed to make our way through (parts of) three out of six halls.

It was a lot of fun!

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Am 5.9. beschließt die FDP-Fraktion ein Papier zu Migration. Von 'Brot' oder 'Seife' steht nichts drin.…

Am 24.9. beantragt d. AfD wörtlich "Brot, Bett und Seife" im Bundestag. Debatte am 25.9.…

Am 5.10. erklärt FDP-Fraktionschef Dürr der Bild: „Künftig sollten die Leistungen für alle ausreisepflichtigen Asylbewerber aufs Bett-Seife-Brot-Minimum gekürzt werden.“…

Die FDP kopiert 1:1 die AfD. Das ist der eigentliche Skandal.

The #LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024 starts in just a few days in Luxembourg, and it’s supported by the country’s Digital Learning Hub, which offers short and hands-on training courses in the fields of computer science:… #foss #opensource

EDIT: Now updated with ISO 639-1 codes!

Do you speak Croatian (hr), Breton (br), or Scottish Gaelic( gd)?

All three of those languages have slipped under 70% translation for Thunderbird for Android! Normally this would mean removing them from the app. But we're hoping we can rally some translators to help complete these languages - or at least get them over 70% translated!

#OpenSource #Localization #Community

To learn more or get started, go to our Hosted Weblate!…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Bubu reshared this.

in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox


Completing the Gàidhlig translation of Thunderbird email client on Android would be a great community project. A small amount of Scottish government funding/support would help too.

in reply to David Strachan

@chillypenguin Oh, this is a really good idea - both for this language and others that are in danger of falling under 70% translated. We'll definitely pass it on to our new community manager once we hire them, and maybe we could do some outreach!

These Are the 7 Things I Wish I'd Known Before Switching to a Chromebook…

In the last poem of the Kalevala, the sage Väinämöinen gives a bad verdict. Embarrassed, he sails away from the lands of Kaleva. He leaves his kantele and songs to the people. A boy born to a virgin becomes the new ruler of the land. The story is thought to tell of the arrival of Christianity.

"Who owns your shiny new Pixel 9 phone? You can’t say no to Google’s surveillance"…
"Google's latest flagship smartphone raises concerns about user privacy and security. It frequently transmits private user data to the tech giant before any app is installed. Moreover, the Cybernews research team has discovered that it potentially has remote management capabilities without user awareness or approval."

A vážně si v EU myslí, že tohle něčemu pomůže?
Vše poběží dál, jen do EU se budou dodávat ty dražší suroviny, které budou mít jakýsi certifikát, který možná něco dokazuje a možná také ne. Jen další z hřebíčků do konkurenceschopnosti Evropy. 🙁…

In der ganzen EU finden sich gerade mal 344-Tausend Leute, die #TaxTheRich sinnvoll genug finden, um eine offizielle Petition an die Europäische Kommission zu unterschreiben? Macht mich fertig. Bis Mittwoch wäre noch Zeit, die restlichen 656k und 4 Länder überm Schwellenwert (Belgien ist kurz davor, dann wären es noch 3) zusammenzubekommen...…

20 hudebních alb, které ovlivnily to, kým jste. Jedno album denně po dobu 20 dnů. Žádné vysvětlivky, žádné recenze, jen obaly alb.

Lanzamos la propuesta de organizar una conferencia internacional por la paz, con todas las fuerzas de la izquierda, para oponernos al escenario de conflicto global temerario al que nos arrastra la OTAN, Israel y los EEUU.

🚩 Máxima movilización ante la guerra.…

Vůbec do lesa 🌳 nechoďte, nerostou! 🍄‍🟫

in reply to Archos

@archos Ty se máš! Já si tento pátek beru náhradní volno. Mám toho dost.
in reply to Robin Bedrunka 🐞

No docela jsem měl o víkendu honičku. Jsem jediný v rodině, co mluví německy a přijeli příbuzný z říše. Tak jsem je vozil po rodině 😄

Heute ist Welttag für menschenwürdige Arbeit!

Lohngerechtigkeit und sichere Arbeit sind nur zwei von vielen Zielen, für die wir als Gewerkschafter*innen jeden Tag und gemeinsam mit Euch kämpfen.

#WDDW24 #Arbeitsrecht #DGB #Gewerkschaft

📣 Do-It-Blind (DIB) online Besprechung am Montag, 7. Oktober, um 19:00 Uhr. Du bist eingeladen!… Wöchentlich am Montag um 19:00 besprechen wir neue Formen der digitalen und inklusiven Zusammenarbeit. Mach mit! 🛠️ #make #blind #inklusion

A Hugo theme to convert a Hugo site to Gopher and or Gemini…

#hugo #gopher #gemini #web #python

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

A working Turing Machine made out of Lego. Posted to Lego Ideas in the hope that Lego will make a set of it, I think. Detailed video of operation at the link. Absolute madness.…

Wow! And so easy to do with virtual money… Don’ even need to print it!…

This is a good one. Sounds like the “back” button in Safari which will display the history of visited website. Wow, so useful. I wonder when this was introduced?…
in reply to victor tsaran

Yeah, it's been there for a while. I noticed it once when I paused before hitting the back button and heard the hint that a double tap and hold would bring up the history. Once in a great while I remember to listen for the hint to see if I can pick up something new.

I think VoiceOver does a good job with hints. For example, I like how when I'm using the braille screen input command mode.

Carole Ann Ford on reprising her role as Susan in Doctor Who:

“I've met Russell [T Davies] a few times and I absolutely adore him. He is the man that would be the boss man to say yes or no - so hopefully it's going to be yes.”…

The future of search is here!

Source: Tom's Guide The future of search is here!
Source: Tom's Guide

in reply to Jonathan Mosen

@JonathanMosen Yep, all I can say: the team is on it. Hopefully soon we will see changes on a rolling basis.

"hey, how's the tech job market?"
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

One of the themes which came through from the NVDA Satisfaction Survey earlier this year, was to improve Braille support. To help us target the most needed improvements, we have created a short survey. If you use NVDA with braille at least some of the time, please consider completing this survey.…

Please also share with anyone else who may be interested.
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Braille #Accessibility #A11y #Survey #CommunityInput

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in reply to Marc Hoffmann

Bruh I'm so sorry. It kepped opening the wrong link somehow. It opened this attachment thing instead. Sorry again lol. Let's fill out

I just want to know what it's like to breath under the water.

Guess when #MapComplete started uploading pictures to our @panoramax -instance and started introducing `panoramax`-tags to the #OpenStreetMap-database...

There are 614 pictures in our instance for now.

If you want to see the graph for yourself, it is here:***/p…

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Pietervdvn reshared this.

Sam Altman believes #AI is using a trivial amount of energy.

"The energy use of AI, I think relative to the value it's creating, is quite tiny today. I don't want to minimize it too much, because it's going to go up — like we will use gigawatts over time, out of, you know, terawatts on Earth."

I guess this depends on if the energy use of small countries is trivial and if you believe Earth can sustain producing terawatts of energy indefinitely.……