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Items tagged with: AltText

A photo of part of a tower computer featuring a headphone jack, a knurled dial switch, and a 5-1/4" floppy disk drive. A large sticker on the computer proclaims: "REMEMBER Turn your computer off before midnight on 12/31/99 - BestBuy"


@BasicAppleGuy next time please ask and there are folks who are glad to write your alt text for you

Reading some people complaining about image descriptions because they help train AI. I'm not sure what interpretation is worse: that there's a new excuse for not including alt text, as if there weren't enough already; or that people may actually earnestly be this spiteful about AI so as to regard helping others as a necessary collateral damage of their Buttlerian jihad.

#llm #AI #AltText

Quick note about alt texts: There's no point in starting off with "Image of...", because screen readers will announce that this is an image anyway.

But there *can* be value in saying if it's a photo, a drawing, a cartoon, etc. That helps the person visualize it better, and may make a real difference to the impact. "Photo of a cat wearing sunglasses" is much cuter than a mere "cartoon of" the same thing! 😺

#AltText #accessibility #a11y

That particular Nooo! intake of breath as I hurry to hit Unboost after realising, seconds too late, that I just boosted an image with no #AltText.

Hello. I just spat out my coffee. I'm #blind and your #alttext made me do it. Brilliant toot too. May I congratulate you especially on including "bum bouquet". Bowing. Grateful.

Looking for advice on image alt-text/description on personal website :boosts_ok:

For now, I use both alt and title fields of my <img> and often they have the same value.
I read here on Fedi and on MDN that it's a bad practice as screen readers will read both.

I'd like:

  • An alt-text/image description, for visual-impaired people
  • An alt-text for when the image cannot load (may be the same as above, but ideally different)
  • Not necessarily a caption as it would break the visual flow in most cases
  • A different message from alt-text that appear when you hover the image (the tooltip)
  • No JS

The idea is that I want the tooltip to often have the same value as an alt-text, but sometimes different (mostly for jokes)

I added on one of my page a bit of CSS (without JS) to make an info icon appear on bottom right corner of an image on hover, and when the icon is hovered, it displays a custom tooltip.

Is that the only solution? Should I just drop the title value of <img> and use my custom one instead? Are there better solutions matching the list above?

Thanks! Boosts welcome and appreciated~ :dragn_heart:

#indieweb #accessibility #alttext

I have a lot of cat pics in my mind, thanks to all of you who put alternative text descriptions. I Love you, and I hope you don't feel pressured to put them. Writing a text description should be fun, should be easy, and should be rewarding, because when writing it, you know blind people, visually impaired people, or people with very slow internet connections could read the text and enjoy the cuteness along with you. Let's not forget the dog friends, a lot of them too. Let's not forget the other media and types of images you all describe #Appreciation #Grateful #AltText #Accessibility #A11Y You get a lot of virus free, warm, comfortable virtual hugs, and universally global level love from me, as well as interactions. 🤗 😺 💙 PS: last but not the least important, the effort counts, always.

Been seeing some alt text that I don't think are very helpful lately, so some tips since I think the point is to be more inclusive!

If you're sharing a screenshot of some text, please copy the text you screenshot into the alt text. It doesn't help if your alt text says "screenshot of Twitter", for example (or what I've seen in the past "screenshot of AO3"). Someone who cannot see your image will not be able to understand the context of your post.

If the text is too long, you can include it in a reply, or you can focus the alt text to the part in the image that you are referring to.



Hi visually impaired people 👋 Does your screen reader read out text in bitmaps for you?

I.e. if I post a jpg of text, does your speech thing decode and read it out to you?

Please boost for reach...

  • yes it reads out text in images (0%, 0 votes)
  • No, give me alt text if you can (8%, 7 votes)
  • it does, but its wonky so alt-text still helps (2%, 2 votes)
  • not visually impaired but want to know (89%, 76 votes)
85 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Mastodon has introduced me to the joy of reading descriptive #alttext. I take in the image then read the text as icing on the cake. It can really add extra personality to images.

#Bot #CatsOfMastodon #Catstodon #Cat #AltText

Re last: I thought I was done with shitty machine-learning #AltText but nope.
'Description: Photo by 9to5Mac on October 30, 2024. May be an image of 1 person, box, dental floss, bar soap, thermostat and text.'

I'm pretty sure this is in relation to #Airpods actually, not dental floss but there we go.

This courtesy of @9to5mac.

What do people think of this response to ‘generate detailed Alt Text’ by Gemini:

Here is some detailed alt text for the image you provided:
Alt Text:
A large, menacing grey cat, reminiscent of a monster, stands on its hind legs with its front paws raised. It has glowing yellow eyes and a wide, toothy grin. The cat is surrounded by a fiery aura as it emits a powerful beam of energy from its mouth. The beam is directed towards the Empire State Building in New York City, which is engulfed in flames. The city skyline is visible in the background, with tall buildings and smoke rising from the destruction. The overall tone of the image is chaotic and destructive, evoking a sense of fear and awe.
Additional Notes:
• You may want to adjust the description of the cat's appearance based on its specific characteristics.
• If the image is part of a larger context (like a movie poster or book cover), you could add a brief reference to that context.
• The alt text should be concise and informative, providing a clear description of the image without being overly detailed.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

#Accessibility #AI #AIsoftheBlind #AltText #Blind #ComputerVision

Do you rely on alt text on social media?

#AltText #accessibility #SocialMedia #poll

  • Yes, because of a disability (6%, 13 votes)
  • Yes, it helps add context (60%, 116 votes)
  • Yes (other reasons) (16%, 31 votes)
  • No (33%, 64 votes)
192 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

A couple years ago I opened a thread to add #AltText on #Mastodon banners and profile pictures. Now detailed todos are being posted. Is there anyone who could help in this case?…
#a11y #Acessibility

Even though I know #HTML inside out and use it virtually every day, I'm still reading #HTMLForPeople by @bw because it's a prime example of how a good guide should be written.

1. The book is simple and easy to follow, with relevant points explained well enough even for non-coders to understand.
2. Images are clearly described for #blind readers through the use of #AltText.
3. The website is easy to navigate with a #ScreenReader.
4. There are no annoying pop-ups or ads on the website.
5. The book is entirely free of charge.


You will get more Mastodon boosts if you have suitable Alt Text on your image posts.

Trust me on this 👍🏾

[Prompted by the uptick in image posts /re-toots these past few months that have no Alt Text and which I would otherwise boost, but generally no Alt, no repost]


Sometimes we're in a hurry, or we didn't think (or even know) about #AltText , for images and videos, to assist visually impaired and describing text for other languages.

Guide on writing Alt Text: identifying who, the expression, the description, color, and interesting features.

I greatly enjoyed this one from @eric: “Dungeons & Dragons taught me how to write alt text.”…
#AltText #DungeonsAndDragons #TTRPG

I'd like to boost this, but:

1. There's no alt text
2. There doesn't seem to be any link to the original source

In the interests of accessibility, avoiding disinformation and getting your post the most reach possible, would you consider fixing these two issues?


#accessibility #AltText #Disinformation #Tuta #Journalism

From the double tap team. Maybe we shouldn’t advocate for alt text… #Blind #AltText #Accessibility #A11y #AIHype #AI

Still looking for a reason to bother adding alt text to your images here? Here's one: out and about in low bandwidth land images may not ever load. The first image here is what it looks like. The second one shows what you get when the author included a description.
Folks who are blind don't need low bandwidth to experience the difference, in case you didn't know the most important reason.

#alttext #images #photography

Reminder: #AltText is not a place for copyright information, or additional details about the image.

Put that into a separate post, for the love of god.

It's as if you were blocking a bike path with a street sign.

The purpose of alt text is increased accessibility, so when in doubt, ask yourself if the text you're adding helps blind or visually impaired folks better understand what's in the actual image.


"How can you use AI, it steals things people share online, it burns down the planet!"

"Alright, do you mind telling me what's in this picture you posted online?"

"Ah. Carry on."

#AltText #accessibility #AI

Hey, if you don't like the fact that many #blind people have to rely on AI to describe images for them, you can help by, you know, describing images for them.…

#AltText #accessibility #ai

The contorted excuses people concoct to excuse not adding #altText boggle my mind.

Case in point: even if alt text is "now primarily used to train AI" [citation desperately needed], as I've just seen claimed, there are still real-world humans who benefit from it, just as there have been since the web emerged.

If AI tech is now being trained on alt text, it's also now being trained on all the rest of your whatever.

By only concerning yourself with the alt text, you're routing all the AI-related harm to screen reader users, actual humans who already experience massive social & technical marginalization.

Solve the image issues for humans.

Then, in parallel, solve your more widespread AI problem (like adding rules to your robots.txt… ).

It's much simpler to just start adding "cute cat" to your cute cat photos than it is to invent new excuses for behaviors that ultimately just harm screen reader users.

Here's a great alt text guide!

A few extra seconds of your time it takes to add a good image description can really improve someone's day.

"To a totally blind person like me it means a lot to have a picture in my mind of your images, especially the animal pics."

"I don't know what it is, but as a blind user it's making me emotional to be able to actually interact with content."

#accessibility #a11y #AltText #ImageDescriptions

#SocialCoop has been discussing whether to disable images on May 16 and October 10 for #WorldSightDay, as suggested here….

One concern raised about this proposal is that it is symbolic and might not do anything to improve the lives of people with visual impairments.

I would like to hear perspectives from people with visual impairments on whether this kind of action is helpful.

(boosts welcome; please only reply if you rely on alt text)


If you're #blind, #VisuallyImpaired, or otherwise rely on #AssistiveTecnhologies and #AltText, your thoughts on this proposal to temporarily disable images across the fediverse to highlight the importance of well-written image descriptions would be very much appreciated.…

Please boost the original post for reach!

#accessibility #a11y

One thing I learned when making an 88x31 badges page: it is actually a really good example of one of the few times you should keep #AltText generally short.

When you have dozens of tiny badges on a page, it should be easy to skim them the same way it is for a sighted user. It shouldn’t take an hour to finish reading the page.

Alt Text, ente descoñecido no Fediverso Galego


a porcentaxe de imaxes publicadas no que teñen un texto que as describe é mínima. Non todas as persoas actúan do mesmo xeito, pero tendo habilidade e tempo para escribir media dúcia de cancelos que acompañan á publicación, tampouco é un traballo enorme engadir unha breve descrición á imaxe e axudar así a persoas con dificultades visuais, a aportar contexto ao que se ve, a que os lectores de pantalla poidan facer a súa labor e a ter empatía con quen nos le.

Incluso hai servizos (iniciativas) como #AltText4Me para intentar axudar a quen o precise.

Todos os clientes coñecidos teñen no seu editor un apartado para engadir esta descrición.

A veces vexo un certo patrón, como se fose cool ou algo así tirar aí unha imaxe e que se apañen, unha artistada snob.

Xa pode ser ben fermosa que non lle poño nin estreliña ⭐

De etiquetar as nosas publicacións idioma #galego xa falamos outro día.


Give the people the full picture

via @rbreich
#Media #Inflation #Profits #AltText

This is the Llava:34B LLLM (local large language model) running on my #MacBook Pro describing a #screenshot from #BBC News. This, to me, is as good info as #BeMyAI would provide using #GPT4, so it goes to show that we can do this on-device and have some really meaningful results. Screenshot attached, #AltText contains the description.
Lately, I've taken to using this to describe images instead of using GPT, even if it takes a little longer for results to come back. I consider this to be quite impressive.

I have one image, and two very differing descriptions of said image. The first is from #Llava13B, a local model installed on my #Mac, and the second is from #GPT. The GPT response is so huge that I'm going to have to post it as threaded replies, but it shows the vast difference between models. For this first post, the Llava13B response has been included as #AltText.


I was reflecting this morning on the lie #music #streaming told those of us who love listening to music, but aren't musicians ourselves. We were told that it would give us access to more varieties of music, and spontaneously introduce us to stuff we might love. Yet, I found more #indie music by mistake on file sharing back in the day than I ever find on Apple Music or Spotify. This is a good example: as a silly teenager, I searched for "pretty girls", and found this song amongst the porn. It says it's buy "The Capricorns". It's not on any of the music streaming services. There is a compressed copy on YouTube, but it only has 200 views. None of the streaming sites would ever have recommended this to me. I don't know who's singing, or anything about the band or song. Odds are I never will. And I kind of treasure that. #AltText was over 1500 characters. It is in this thread. I did my best, but I don't know how to describe music!

I’m sorry but the interface for adding alt text (image descriptions, which all images should have) on mobile is terrible in most apps. Here is tumblr and the Mastodon app. 👎 #mastodonsupport #mastodonapp #alttext

(please do not reply telling me to use desktop, I do, it’s great, or with other work-around suggestions. I just posted the names of 30 insects using OCR and a host of other tools— I’m the queen of work-arounds! the point here is that “accessibility” shouldn’t be an afterthought!)