Can't comment on the company, but the dataviz and editing skills of whoever does the Tracklib's videos are really on point…
Sample Breakdown: The Most Iconic Electronic Music Sample of Every Year (1990-2024)
YOUR TURN 🫵 Win $10,000, a Ninja Tune release, and a Sample Breakdown : (it's free to enter)We're now giving you the opportu...YouTube
Im #Newsletter gibt es einen #Bluesky #Guide mit einer klaren Nutzungsempfehlung.
Kein einziger der fragwürdigen Punkte wird angesprochen oder die #Fediverse - #Bluesky Bridge erwähnt.
Hm, schade ... 🤔
#FediKirche #digitaleKirche #digitaleNachhaltigkeit #selbstbestimmtDigital
Thunderbird can help you get on Jeopardy!
Okay, it can help you not miss important messages, like those saying you passed the contestant exam and audition. But if you're using Thunderbird, you're definitely clever enough for Jeopardy. 🟦 🤔
#Thunderbird #Productivity #Jeopardy…
Maximize Your Day: Make Important Messages Stand Out with Filters - The Thunderbird Blog
Worried about missing a crucial email? Thunderbird is flying to the rescue. Learn how to make important messages stand out with filters.Monica Ayhens-Madon (The Thunderbird Blog)…
- Fewer than 10 (0 votes)
- 11-20 (0 votes)
- 21-30 (0 votes)
- 31-50 (0 votes)
- over 50 (0 votes)
Seirdy reshared this.
El último barómetro de noviembre del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) muestra que la preocupación por la vivienda se mantiene mientras que la noción de la inmigración como “problema” cae diez puntos.…
FreeCAD Version 1.0 Released
After more than twenty years of intense and sustained development, the FreeCAD community is proud to announce the release of version 1.0. FreeCAD 1.0 is now available for download on all platforms.……
FreeCAD Version 1.0 Released
After more than twenty years of intense and sustained development, the FreeCAD community is proud to announce the release of version 1.0. FreeCAD 1.0 is now available for download on all platforms.…FreeCAD News
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PSA: An iOS 18 bug is why our favorite ‘Apple Frames’ shortcut broke - 9to5Mac
A popular shortcut, ‘Apple Frames,’ has been broken since iOS 18 debuted, and its creator has outlined the cause of the Shortcuts issue.Ryan Christoffel (9to5Mac)
Deals: M4 Pro MacBook Pro, 24GB M3 MacBook Air, more 9to5Mac
While we now have the details on the upcoming Walmart Black Friday sale, among many others, none of the advertised...Justin Kahn (9to5Mac)
Speaking of bread, I spent a lot of time thinking about why I simply don’t like the breads that many people like. I’ve come to a few conclusions:
1. Soft bread isn’t always terrible outside the U.S.
2. Since I eat a mainly East and SE Asian diet, wheat just isn’t a primary grain
3. Between noodles and rice dishes, there is realistically only space for crusty spreads sometimes (when I cook other cuisines)
4. The main cuisine I cook outside of those is Mediterranean so soft flatbreads work too
@modulux sometimes Europeans go to East Asia and complain about our soft breads. But they don’t see that those breads are our ‘fun snacks’ between meals. We almost never eat bread as a main meal
That view also completely discounts how Japanese, Korean, Chinese baking is totally its own thing and plays a different social role. It’s a luxury not an essential
I'm happy so many people liked my first article!
Now I wrote about why focus outlines deserve better treatment in web design, and how to make them both beautiful and accessible ✍️…
#accessibility #webdev #webdesign #indieweb
Beautiful focus outlines
Baker’s son turned web developer, kneading pixels and code for 15+ years. I help you bake your ideas into websites 🥨.Thomas Günther (
#TechCrunch said it perfectly, "Encrypted Gmail Alternative" 💪 💪
And unlike Gmail we are proud to:
✅ Not serve you ads
✅ Not collect your data (or profit from it)
✅ Not have access to your end-to-end encrypted mailbox…
I will be right here waiting for you - Richard Marx with lyrics
My seventh video One beautiful song is this :) Plz comment and rateI´m not good making videos ok?So if you don´t like my videos, the door is so big for you t...YouTube
This year @igalia has contributed in a number of ways to encourage discussions and efforts aimed at improving the Linux display stack.
In the first half of the year, we hosted the 2024 Linux Display Next Hackfest, and in the second half, with a gathering of developers at XDC 2024, I co-organized the Display/KMS Meeting.
This blog post details what we discussed during those 3 hours together:…
Display/KMS Meeting at XDC 2024: Detailed Report | Wen.onweb
XDC 2024 in Montreal was another fantastic gathering for the Linux Graphicscommunity. It was again a great time to immerse in the world of
I think my paper on Dummett, proof assistants and pluralism has shaped up rather nicely, and it will be good to see it out in the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society in a few months’ time. You can read the preprint now.
Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on earlier drafts, and discussed these issues along the way.
There's more to be done, but I hope to have clarified some issues around how we can think about the relationship between constructive and classical reasoning, and how philosophers might engage with what is going on in the application of dependent type theory in proof assistants, programming language design, and the formalisation and mechanisation of reasoning.
Mám už hodně dlouho účet na #Bluesky. Občas se tam teď podívám, ale přijde mi to jako nudnej koncept nucené zábavy: tapeta příspěvků s obrázky od cizích lidí?
Vlastně nevím, proč bych tam měl někoho hledat nebo sledovat. Je to příznak deprese, duševní vyrovnanosti, dospělosti, nastupujícího stáří?
Should #Conversations_im add as a fallback for #XMPP servers missing XEP-0215: External Service Discovery?
I’ve hesitated to add anything resembling "calling home" (no update checker, no metrics).
However, the main goal here wouldn’t be improving A/V call success (though it helps) but making P2P file transfers more reliable. Many servers still lack HTTP Upload, and the refactored Jingle File Transfer would benefit greatly from a fallback STUN server.
- Yes (72%, 63 votes)
- No (27%, 24 votes)
Peter Vágner reshared this.
If it can be deactivated in the configuration, then I don't see an issue with that. I would appreciate a warning though somewhere, maybe just a Message Toast on both sides that the fallback is used. That would help notice wrong configurations.
It would be great if conversations could verify that stun/turn works completely in addition to that. (Might also be a separate tool).
LibreOffice Podcast, Episode #1 – Marketing Free Software
Italo Vignoli and Mike Saunders from The Document Foundation, the small non-profit behind LibreOffice, discuss marketing free and open source software. Join our marketing community: https://www.lib...PeerTube Luxembourg
LibreOffice Podcast, Episode #1 – Marketing Free Software
Italo Vignoli and Mike Saunders from The Document Foundation, the non-profit organisation behind LibreOffice, discuss marketing free and open source software...YouTube
A very nice and interesting episode, but unfortunately no audio only version.
It would be very nice to listen to this via antennapod. Also, if you aim to do this on a regular basis it might be worth to consider also publishing this on the more main stream services like spotify (additionally to some open platform of course)
Matrix is coming to FOSDEM in full force this year, with no less than a community event, a booth and a devroom!
Find all the details, including the CfP at… and join us!
Matrix in full force at FOSDEM
Matrix, the open protocol for secure decentralised communicationsThib (…
Pohlavár Himl se mu vysmál, ale špiclové byli krátcí. "Nedo" utekl až do Síně slávy
Uplynulo pět let ode dne, kdy byl Václav Nedomanský uveden do Síně slávy v Torontu. Projděte si příběh střelce, který kvůli snu emigroval za oceán.Ondřej Zoubek (Aktuálně.cz)
Fellow Whovians, I'd like some recommendations for some #BigFinish audios that are 'happy'. Something like The Great Sontaran War or The Veiled Leopard. Something that doesn't have deep issues or lots of dreariness. I wanna get back into the audios but *waves around at everything* the dark stuff isn't really for me right now.
You might want to save it for December, but there is a festive Short Trip that I like to listen to at this time of year - O Tannenbaum, narrated by Peter Purves.
A log cabin buried in snow, surrounded by Christmas trees - it's the Big Finish audio that Bob Ross would have enjoyed painting.
#homelessness has been an emergency for decades! But let's debate it some more, eh.
Montréal councillors debating whether to declare state of emergency on homelessness:… #polMTL #MTLpoli #polQC #QCpoli #assnat #cdnpoli #polcan
A čo tak urobiť taký článok aj o Mastodone? Ale o jeho existencii určite ani nevedia.…
Utečencov z Twitteru prichýlila sieť Bluesky. Ako z nej vyťažiť čo najviac
Povedzte nie algoritmu a utečte z Twitteru. Nájdete zaujímavejších ľudí.Ondrej Podstupka (
@matt Not sure, I've only used Skeets on iOS which is native. Reports I've heard from others suggest that their official mobile app suffers from the "multiple swipe targets per post" problem, among other things.
The website is as bad as you'd expect a modern website to be, and I consider it quite unpleasant to use. That's sadly not surprising, and I find the official Mastodon web UI similarly unusable.
2XL - The ‘70s toy that faked A.I. with an 8-Track
2-XL - a smart toy created from a very simple idea. 00:00 Start 00:55 Power 01:54 Testing 1203:23 Player repair07:37 Cart repair11:18 First demo14:05 Talking...YouTube
Thinking of switching back to Linux from Windows but I have some questions on the state of accessibility these days:
- Is full Wayland accessibility any closer? I know xorg is still supported but that going away is only a matter of time.
- Is there any way to duck non-screen-reader audio when the screen reader is speaking? This is so integral to my workflows now that I'm having a hard time doing without it, even only on the media PC which does run Linux.
- Is there a plugin mechanism for Orca yet? I have a long-standing wontfix annoyance where pressing enter on a clickable HTML element that doesn't support keyboard handling doesn't send a click like it does on NVDA, so a bunch of times I press enter to click a thing and spend a bit searching for changes only to realize that I have to use capslock-7 to click the left mouse instead, and I was told 20 or so years back that wouldn't be changed.
I have more but those are the big ones.
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V rámci dnešní prokrastinace jsem dal unfollow účtům, které jsou 1) víc jak rok mrtvé a 2) nesledují mne. Udělalo mi to radost a cítím se trochu volněji
Odslednul jsem i pár mlčících Pirátů. Ti sice jistě dostanou za pár měsíců příkaz ke kampani na všech sítích a obživnou, ale o takové nucené účty nestojím. Nešel jsem na #fediverse, abych byl produktem pro cílenou kampaň.
Windows 365 Link is a $349 mini PC that streams Windows from the cloud
Microsoft has created a Windows 365 Link device that’s designed for cloud PCs. It’s a mini PC that connects to a more powerful cloud PC.Tom Warren (The Verge)
Remembering William Russell, who played one of the earliest (and one of my very favourite) of the Doctor's companions, Ian Chesterton, on what would have been his 100th birthday.
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Pro nově příchozí je dobré čas od času zopakovat některé #tipy, jak chápat svoji přítomnost na Mastodonu:
- není tu žádný algoritmus, vůbec žádný. Vaše příšpěvky ručně přepisují na psacích strojích sektretářky najaté provozovateli instancí. Občas se používá i OCR a AI na přepis mluveného slova.
- Mastodon nepatří miliardářům, ale bezdomovcům. Normálně se instance zakládá tak, že vyšlete bezdomovce na sběrný dvůr nasbírat nějaký vyřazený hardware. Současně prohlásíte, že jim ten hardware patří, kvůli ochraně před GDPR. Mastodon je tak složitá aplikace na administrování, že ji zásadně necháte spravovat někoho jiného. Zodpovědní admini toto bezpečnostní dilema řeší tak, že instance neaktualizují vůbec.
- používat Mastodon je nesrozumitelně složité. Především musíte mít chytrý telefon a na něj nainstalovat hloupou aplikaci, která se jmenuje jinak, než Mastodon. Dále musíte mít účet, který si vytvoříte ve webovém prohlížeči, což se naposledy používalo v éře vlaků, tažených parními lokomotivami. Nakonec musíte do appky napsat náhodné bláboly a zmáčknout "Tootnout", což je zase nepřekonatelná překážka pro introverty.
- Mastodon vůbec nefunguje! Pokud vidíte odpovědi na svoje statusy, tak se vám to jen zdá. Nikdy nevidíte všechny odpovědi - počet odpovědí o kterých nevíte, tedy narůstá exponenciálně. S čím větší přesností znáte počet odpovědí na svůj status, tím méně vám zbývá času na to, si ty odpovědi přečíst. Navíc v řadě statusů se ukrývají fotky koček (i když jejich počet v čase klesá...)
- Mastodon nemá žádné uživatele. Pokud někdo váš status boostuje nebo favuje, tak jen předstírá, že je uživatel. Divní autisté na Mastodonu pouze předstírají, že jsou uživatelé, ve snaze vytvořit honeypot na lov trollů (trollové se loví do kbelíčků, jejichž vnitřní stěny jsou namazané sádlem, což je mimochodem přiléhavá metafora pro celý ekosystém Fediverse).
Erwin Lottermann
in reply to FediVerseExplorer • • •Link?
in reply to Erwin Lottermann • • •Philipp Greifenstein
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Digital Tutorial Nr. 5 – Der Bluesky-Guide
SteadyErwin Lottermann
in reply to Philipp Greifenstein • • •Danke.
Wer als Journalist oder Öffentlichkeitsarbeiter einer Organisation Microblogging kommerziell betreibt, mag ja bei Bluesky wirtschaftliche Chancen sehen.
Wer im gemeinnützigen Auftrag unterwegs ist und auch bei digitalen Dienstleistungen auf die Auswahl seiner Geschäftspartner achtet, dürfte sich schwer tun, sich mit der Bluesky PBLLC auf die Sicherstellung der grundlegenden Spielregeln zu einigen.
Oder gibt es andere BS Instanzen?
in reply to Erwin Lottermann • • •