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Items tagged with: community

Community Office Hours start in an hour at 17:30 UTC! Join us to talk about the present AND future of the Thunderbird release process! Details and joining information here:…

#Thunderbird #Development #Community

In this episode of the CHAOSScast podcast, Alice Sowerby, Luis Cañas-Díaz, and Dawn Foster unpack the new Practitioner Guide for understanding and improving responsiveness on Open Source projects.

#community #OpenSource

Do you care about the future of #Thunderbird? Join this mailing list and participate in helpful discussions with your point of view:…


This week's In-Process is out! Featuring the latest on NVDA 2024.1, add-on updates, the Microsoft FOSS Fund, Philanthropy Australia awards, an Interview with our GTO Gerald, and more! All available now at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #News #Newsletter #Blog #Awards #Interview #FOSS #Community

Today more companies are announcing their support of the Valkey community (the group that includes committed developers previously working on the OSS version of the core Redis engine): Aiven, Alibaba Cloud, Chainguard, Heroku, Huawei, Percona, and Verizon.

#OSSummit #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FOSS #OSS #Redis #Valkey #Community #LinuxFoundation…

Now on stage for the morning #OSSummit keynotes, core team member Madelyn Olson to speak about the new Valkey community effort.

The walk-on music: "We are never ever getting back together" by Taylor Swift. 🤣

Love it!

#OSSummit #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FOSS #OSS #Redis #Valkey #Community #LinuxFoundation

You've got questions, and we've got answers! We took feedback from recent social media, mailing lists, and in-person conferences, gave it to our team in last month's office hours, and then turned those answers into a blog! 📖

So if you want to know more about Thunderbird for Android features, or when full sender names are coming, read this short and sweet post full of information! 💡…

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Community

I am working a talk for DORS/CLUC in Zagreb about #OSM.

My topic is how and why to start contributing to #OpenStreetMap as a total beginner. I'll be showcasing tools such as @streetcomplete , @everydoor, @MapComplete.

I'll be also talking about #gamification, #community, helping projects like #hotOSM and #OpenHistoryMap.

Do you have any tricks or ideas you would like me to include into the talk. How would you encourage a total stranger to start contributing?…

In the glory days of web 1.0, social websites would prominently link out to their digital neighbors via lists known as webrings; magical doorways to an expansive hinterland of digital villages.

Let's envision what a truly federated chat like #Matrix could do to improve the cross-connectivity of chat channels. Most of these features are already possible, they just haven't been implemented yet in a community-oriented client experience.

#CommuneApp #fediverse #community

Who needs bad April Fools' Day jokes when you have laptop lids! Today's lid is from @Unaccounted4

Things we are loving:
* Sweet, squishy mascots 🐧
* Sound haberdashery 🎩
* Science and swears 🤬

Rating: 1100/1010 binary references

#OpenSource #Community #WeRateLaptopLids

Thunderchat Alert! 🚨

Community Office Hours start in ONE hour at 17:00 UTC! Today's format is Open Forum and FAQs, so bring your questions and comments and we'll bring the team! Find out how to join in the blog post:…

#Thunderbird #Community #OpenSource

It's time for our Community Office Hours this Wednesday March 27 at 17:00 UTC and the topics are up to you! We'll answer live questions, questions sent to, and some of the questions we heard most at SCaLE! 🤔 🐧

Find out how to join us in the blog, and note the shift in day and in UTC! Silly spring time changes. 🗓️ ⏰…

#Thunderbird #Community #OpenSource

#SCaLE21x, it's almost time to say goodbye, but it's been a blast. Thank you everyone who came by our booth to share your stories, heard @linuxflower talk about Thunderbird for Android, and made our first time here a great one. 🐧 💙

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Community

This is your friendly reminder for our monthly Community Office Hours this Thursday at 18:00 UTC! Team Thunderbird will be joined by John Bieling, who will be talking to us and answering your questions about Add-ons and Add-on development.

Find out how to join live and more on the blog post:…

#Thunderbird #Community #OpenSource

Before we get too far into 2024, we wanted to think about everything that went well - and the things that didn't go so great - for Thunderbird in 2023. Don't get us wrong, while we think some amazing things happened last year, we also want to admit what we could have done differently. 🙂 😐 😕

As always, we'd love to know your thoughts on where - and how - we can improve! 💙…

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Community

Exciting news! The Ubuntu Community is now on Matrix. As of today, we're now fully federated with the rest of "The Matrix"! Anyone can join the party 🎉

Did you know that you can also find the Ubuntu HPC community on Matrix? We're an active group supercomputing professionals that meet every Wednesday over Jitsi. Just look for when exploring rooms.

Hope to see you there with the rest of the Ubuntu Community 😎

#Ubuntu #Community #Matrix #HPC #supercomputing

At long last, the Thunderbird blog now has a "Share To Mastodon" button!

A hearty round of applause and eternal thanks to @micah, @oopsallnaps, and @devmount for making it happen 💙

#Mastodon #Community #OpenSource

I’ve been with Tuta for many years now. I first moved off a mainstream option to get #encrypted #email from a service provider who gave a dam. However, over time it has become way more than that. I feel part of the @Tutanota #community, a place where there is some heart and soul. Their #customersupport is second to none with actual considered answers (no mile long threads to get understanding- they get it straight away). And the design just keeps on giving! #gratitude for your service!

Save the date! 📆
In zwei Wochen ist es wieder soweit!🙂

📍 Wo? Link erscheint kurz vor Streamingbeginn auf der Statusseite.
👥 Mit? Carsten, Samuel, Dir und anderen SHIFTphone 8-Begeisterten.
💬 Wie? Interaktiv. Während des Talks kannst du im Chat Fragen stellen und Feedback geben.

#shift #shifthappens #shiftphone #shiftphone8 #shifttalk #community #smartphone

Hello #FOSS folks!

Outreachy is seeking #OpenSource and #OpenScience communities to mentor Outreachy interns in the May 2024 cohort.
Read more:…

The application deadline for FOSS communities to apply is Feb. 15, 2024, at 4 p.m. UTC.

Do apply now:

#DiversityinTech #Outreachy #Community

Die Zusammenfassung des letzten SHIFTtalks.🙂…

#shift #shifthappens #shifttalk #shiftphone #shiftphone8 #community

▶️ $17.44 ◀️ That’s the average donation to Thunderbird so far in 2023. A gift roughly the price of a pizza helps provide jobs. It helps us bring Thunderbird to iOS and Android even faster. It helps us develop new features. It substantially improves our sustainability.

YOU have that power! YOU can help give people a free, ethical alternative to corporate giants and walled gardens. Please donate today, and help Thunderbird thrive:

#OpenSource #Android #iOS #Community

We added as a redirect to a permanent Discord invite link to make it easy to remember and share.

For Matrix, joining provides a list of all our non-archived rooms. 2 main rooms are regrowing after recently being bricked.

#XMPP Events

XMPP Meet-up Berlin

@mattj talks about "Spam, Abuse and Moderation"

Wed, 2023-11-08 18:00 CET
#xHain hack+makespace
Grünberger Str. 16, 10243 #Berlin…

#Jabber #chat #community #meetup #community #spam #abuse #moderation #interoperability #standards #federation

Save the date! 📆
Der SHIFTtalk zum SHIFTphone 8 geht in die nächste Runde!🙂

📍 Wo? Link erscheint kurz vor Streamingbeginn auf der Statusseite.
👥 Mit? Carsten, Samuel, Dir und anderen SHIFTphone 8-Begeisterten.
💬 Wie? Interaktiv. Während des Talks kannst du im Chat Fragen stellen und Feedback geben.

#shift #shifthappens #shiftphone #shiftphone8 #shifttalk #community #smartphone

#XMPP Community

Join the upcoming XMPP #Vision & Strategic #Workshop to discuss and understand our #community better, but also ask for your input on different topics around our federated network and #technology.

Date: Tue, 14th November 2023
Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm UTC
Online & in English (details will follow)

Everyone welcome - spread the word!

#jabber #chat #rtc #standards #interoperability #standards
#federation #decentralization #OpenSource

The FCC pushed back the application window to Dec 6-13 to allow community groups more time to prepare applications for new, low-power, community radio stations.

When they first announced the opportunity -- a window that has not been open in a decade y'all -- the news was clearly huge, so now they are giving people six more weeks to prepare their applications.

As you know, KUZU shows one way LPFM can be a foundation to build valuable community information resources.

Please boost and share.


Communal Bonfires; creating space for group-scale discourse on top of @matrix…

Today we're pre-releasing Commune, our first foundational step towards a community platform built specifically for alignment with digital gardens.

Cyber-ecological messaging anyone?!

It's an evolving piece of software serving as the primary bonfire component of the overarching Community OS concept.…

#fediverse #opensource #threadiverse #community #matrix

Join us for session #1 of today's Community Office Hours, starting right now:

#Thunderbird #beta #Community

What's the best thing about #LibreOffice? The software's pretty awesome, sure – but so is the worldwide community behind it! Learn what they did last year, and join them:… #oss #foss #community

Ihr habt es geschafft!😍
Wer aufmerksam die Statusseite verfolgt, wird mitbekommen haben, dass wir das Fundingziel erreicht haben. Somit werden wir den internen Speicher der Standardausstattung von 128 GB auf 256 GB ohne Zusatzkosten für alle erhöhen.🙂

#shift #shifthappens #shiftphone #shiftphone8 #crowdfunding #community

Let's tell the world about #LibreOffice and free software! Our Spanish-speaking community was at the recent esLibre Conference, and helped to spread the word:… #opensource #community #office

Hoping to make the list with my first patch which I've just confirmed to be fully operational!

Was looking forward to a smoother all-#FOSS paper writing workflow with @zotero and @libreoffice, am now also looking forward to getting some cool stickers 😎

#freesoftware #community #libreoffice #zotero

Now THIS is #community! Names/usernames of volunteers who've helped the #LibreOffice project in May – and there are more to come 💪 Get on the list too:…

202 sticker packs have already been awarded this month, to #LibreOffice community members! But we're only half-way through. Join them, and get yours:… #opensource #community

Got a spare half-hour this weekend? Want to learn something new? Join the community that makes #LibreOffice! You don't need to be a programmer:… #opensource #community

I tooted Hello World on November 30, 2022.

Then I began tooting my #music and a ton of #puns #jokes, and #memes. And you all responded so genuinely, and with such positivity, that I very quickly was made to feel at home.

My deepest gratitude goes out to the #Mastodon community, a #community that has literally improved the quality of my time on this spinning rock as it hurtles through space, towards a future that seems more uncertain every day. It’s unlike any other “social media platform” here.

Today, I celebrate the arbitrary milestone of five thousand followers, and I just wanted to say thank you.

Thank you for the favourites, the boosts, the follows, and the comments.

Thank you for your conversations, discussions, and corrections.

Thank you for listening to my music and sharing your thoughts on it with me, and for following along on your chosen streaming service. This has been amazing.

But, above all, I’d like to thank you all for making Mastodon the friendly and welcoming place that it is. My experience here is one of wonderful acceptance, and it has been truly humbling. There is nowhere else quite like it.

Massive big huge love to you all,

- Jon (Dgar)

We are actively monitoring your Thunderbird feature suggestions at Mozilla Connect, but “voting up” ideas from the community is crucial.

There are currently 287 Thunderbird ideas at Connect, many of which need more discussion and votes.

Here are the top 20:…

#Thunderbird #Community #Mozilla #Email