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Items tagged with: ux

Alex Hollender's retrospective on a recent Wikipedia redesign…

reminded me of a post I wrote in 2019: Design, and Friction Preventing Design Improvement, in Open Tech…


those exceptional #FLOSS projects that aren't developer tools, and are robust, & have high-quality user experience

problems & approaches in product management + #UX #design in #opensource, and people already working on it

Wikimedia & design pushback specifically

When designing #UI and #UX, consider the "Golden 8-bit Ratio".

Text was never hard to read on 8-bit systems. A single character, generally 8x8, was a large enough portion of the screen to remain legible at distance (ie TV).

The textmode ratio of 40 or 80 chars wide by 25 chars high is a standard on MANY microcomputers and terminals. On terminals, this ratio exists today.

Consider making your text at least this large. Tiny text is really, really shitty.


Every hashtag on every post on every platform should ALWAYS be pascal case (a.k.a. camel case). I made this to illustrate how screenreaders read hashtags depending on whether they are lowercase or pascal case.

It’s a small thing that all of us can do to build a more inclusive, accessible internet for all. Please take the time to use pascal case.

Read more:…

#Accessibility #WebAccessibility #Usability #Readability #Hashtags #SocialNetworking #Blogging #UX

I'm in a hotel room with a visual-audible doorbell. Twice staff has come and knocked instead of used the doorbell. It's both good and bad. Here's why I'm grateful they're not using the doorbell.

Don't watch if flickering lights are a problem.

Can't upload captions. Here they are.



[Silence]#Accessibility #A11y #UX

With web forms, for birthdate, a text input should be used for the best usability. A dropdown for the year is bad, but this is ridiculous! Sorry, but no one will be born in 2055 for another 32 years. Found multiple instances in the same painful process to sign up my son for a sport. #rant #UX #UXfail #UIDesign #UIFail #usability #forms 😖

Usability 2023 — many of the “Frustrations” and “Delighters” listed are very much related to accessibility:… #webdev #webdesign #ux #usability #a11y #UIDesign

My work aligning UX heuristics and the WCAG has been added to Civic Actions Accessibility data reference. Thanks @mgifford…

#a11y #ux #data

Added a color theme picker to my site recently, using a progressive enhancement strategy.

If you're interested, I wrote an article on how I approached it:…

#ux #frontend #development #html #css #javascript #userexperience #webdev

YES 👉 "Premature error messages, aggressively styled fields, and unnecessarily disruptive system-status messages feel bad-mannered and increase cognitive load for users during otherwise simple tasks."… #ux #usability #forms #uiDesign

Designing for People with Dyscalculia and Low Numeracy…

#UX #UI #Dyscalculia #articles #BestPractices #design

The file system is your friend.
Mobile #UX has been alinenating users from the file system (so that Big Tech, not the user is in control) and has been dumbing down users to the point that they don't understand the concept of the hierarchical file system anymore.
Software (even open source software) increasingly tries to hide the file system from users. Or neglect it. #Gnome and Co. don't even show application icons on the ELF executables.
It needs to change.
#gnome #UX

Here's some tips about mobile app design. If you're holding a phone, normal humans can't reach buttons at the top of the screen with their thumb without using a 2nd hand. It's better to put the buttons where fingers can reach them so that buttons are easier to use.… #UX #Design

11 Best Free Wireframe Tools for UX Designers in 2022…
#ux #uiDesign #tools

Wanted at Deque Systems: Senior UX Designer. Based anywhere in the U.S.! Contact me for referral.… #a11y #jobs #ux #uxDesign #UIDesign #remoteUS

I like this classic article on exception messages #uxdesign #ux #usability…

When life gives you lemons, write better error messages… #ux #forms #uiDesign

E-Ink Design Principles for Web and Applications

... I’ve looked for existing sets of guidelines without luck, so apparently I get to draw my own line in the sand. An earlier version of this post proved popular on Mastodon, I’m expanding it here. This is a first effort and some of my suggestions may not hold up, though I hope most will. Further discussion on that point at the end of this post....

  • Persistence is free
  • Pixels are cheap
  • Paints are expensive ...

(more at link)…

This is based off an earlier toot as part of a longer thread, here:…

I felt this needed and deserved a post-length treatment and so it has one.

I'd very much like to hear criticisms / improvements.

#eink #ui #ux #interfaces #UIUX #design #WebDesign #AppDesign

Really excited about this Madrid based, open source, SVG alternative to Figma for #ux #design
Consider boosting?

What is super important and awesome at the same time, #UX / #A11Y experience is amazing too!
#a11y #UX