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Items tagged with: Nvda

NVDA 2024.3 Beta 1 is available for testing. It includes notification of add-on updates, unicode normalisation options, unassigned commands for mouse wheel scrolling, new Braille displays and tables, fixes for Windows 11, browsers & more. For those interested in testing the new version before it is released, we welcome you to download the beta & provide feedback. Read more & download from:…

#Beta #Prerelease #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Testing #Foss #NewVersion

3/3 For those interested in learning more about the code signing process, and this warning, please see:…"

and if you would like to test out Alpha builds of NVDA, head to: Please feel encouraged to run the latest snapshot from….

If you do have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at

#NVDA #FOSS #Alpha #testing #Prerelease #Certificate #Security

2/3 When the warning appears, press tab to "More info", then press enter. Reading through the dialog, note that the publisher is listed as:

"AU, Queensland, Camp Mountain, NV Access Limited, NV Access Limited"

To allow NVDA to run, press tab to "Run anyway", and press enter to run the snapshot. This will help us get through this period until Windows considers our certificate "trusted":

#NVDA #FOSS #Alpha #testing #Prerelease #Certificate #Security

1/3 NV Access is pleased to announce that we are using a new code signing certificate for our builds. This will give users additional peace of mind in the authenticity of NVDA builds.

In the interim, those running new Alpha / beta builds may see a warning from Microsoft that Windows Defender prevented an unrecognised program from running. It is important to be wary of unexpected warnings like this, however in this case, the warning is expected, as the certificate is new.

#NVDA #FOSS #Alpha

I've been primarily using old Jaws 2019 for a while, and started encountering more web accessibility bugs that doesn't exist on NVDA. Either my Jaws is too old, or Web Devs are using NVDA to test. To attempt to switch fully to NVDA, I uninstalled Jaws! I'll use NVDA for entire summer as a trial and see how it goes! Wish me luck! #NVDA #accessibility

Hey #NVDA users, is there a way to remap find nvda=control+f to control+f, next find nvda+f3 to control+g, and previous find nvda+shift+f3 to control+shift+g? I don't really use built-in browser find features.

Short question about #nvda
Is there a short cut which speaks my row and column in a table I am currently in? Like it's displayed on the braille device?

Does anyone know any books or guides about #screenreaders that talk about how the screenreader turns the computer's infornation into speach. I also want to know about common issues that can happen, to make elements and text not readable or interactable. Looking specifically for #nvda content, but would be intested about other screenreaders as well like #voiceover. #blindness #tech #curious

NV Access are very pleased to announce the release of NVDA 2024.2! Please download from:

Highlights include Sound Split, numerous new keystrokes, new Braille mode & other features, updates to eSpeak, LibLouis & other dependencies & programs.

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #A11y #Accessibility #New #Release #FOSS #Update #NewVersion

In-Process is out! This week featuring the NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate, user Arthur’s Experience in Brazil, the new Synth Settings Ring commands, and a long piece on assigning new Input gestures / keystrokes. Check it out at:…

#Blog #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #Newsletter #Accessibility

lolol me: "I should really at least pick up the basics of writing NVDA addons some day. I believe there was an addon dev guide somewhere" *googles NVDA Addon Guide*

First result:…

First line on that page: "This page will be removed in 2021"

...oh! Wait...what year is it? Am I back in the pandemic? AW FORK! @NVAccess you might want to track down who posted this and actually get them to remove it, this looks a little sloppy :) #accessibility #nvda

Hey @NVAccess, do you happen to know how someone working at the US federal government might get permission to use #NVDA, or maybe have a user there who might be willing to share tips?

@waldoj is asking for a colleague. Reading between the lines, I don't think the colleague is doing accessibility work.

(I'm really hoping the secret includes paying for it.)

We are very pleased to share that the NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate is now available:… This includes lots of new features since 2024.1, including Sound Split, new Synth Settings & other quick nav commands, a new "Display Speech Output" Braille mode and many more updates and fixes. Do test it out and let us know how you find it! Otherwise, the final version will be out in the next few weeks.

#NVDA #NVDAsr #NewVersion #FOSS #Update #Release #PreRelease #ScreenReader

Have you tried out the 2024.2 Betas? Remember you can test them out without installing them by choosing "Continue" instead of "Install". Last week in In-Process we highlighted several features worth checking out: Sound Split, and Display Speech Output (in Braille):… What do you think of them? #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #FOSS #Testing #NewFeature

Is there any chance we can encourage you to trend #NVIDIA when that's the company you mean, please? I know what their NASDAQ handle is, but #NVDA is much more widely known as the name of the screen reader we make and the #NVDA hashtag is very widely used for the screen reader. It will save both our communities polluting each other's feeds. If you'd like to find out more about the screen reader, our website is - Thank you!

3 reasons why Bitcoin failed to break above $72K - Regulatory uncertainty and volatile macroeconomic events may weaken furt... -… #approval #gamestop #markets #senate #veto #fdic #gbtc #nvda #gme

We often think of Philanthropy purely as donations by the rich, but it is something we can all do. Philanthropy is broader: "the desire to promote the welfare of others". How can you promote the welfare of others this week? Do you know anyone who might benefit from knowing about NVDA?

#pw24 #PhilanthropyWeek #philanthropyawards #Philanthropy #Queensland #Giving #Innovation #NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility

In June 2023, Mick & Jamie, NV Access founders, were honoured with the Philanthropy Innovation Award by Queensland Gives. Last night, we were invited back for the launch of Philanthropy week 2024. We are pleased to share this photo of James, Mick and David Oliver (CEO Speld QLD).

#pw24 #PhilanthropyWeek #philanthropyawards #Philanthropy #Queensland #Giving #Innovation #NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility

In-Process is out, with all the details on NVDA 2024.2 Beta 3, Mick and Gerald's interview on Eyes On Success, a big walkthrough of the new "Sound Split" feature (if you've ever wanted to have NVDA in one ear and your apps or VOIP in the other, you won't want to miss this!), and the New braille setting: “Display speech output”.

Check it all out here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Blog #News #Newsletter #Braille #ScreenReader #Accessibility #EyesOnSuccess

65% of vision impaired people are over 50 years of age, despite making up only 20% of the world's population.

Accessible technology benefits everyone. As we age vision impairment becomes more likely. NVDA's free and open-source technology ensures no one is unfairly disadvantaged because of their vision.

You can support NV Access providing accessible technology by donating:….

#Donate #NVDA #Support #Blindness #Accessibility #Technology #FOSS #SupportUs

NVDA 2024.2 Beta 3 is now available. As well as all the amazing things already announced, changes in Beta 3:
- Disable style navigation in Microsoft Word
- Add section on Add-on Store to Quick Start Guide
- Fixes for using Poedit with all plural forms
- Minor fixes for sound split
- Minor documentation fixes
- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #FOSS #Update #Accessibility #A11y #Beta

Is there any chance we can encourage you to trend #NVIDIA when that's the company you mean, please? I know what their NASDAQ handle is, but #NVDA is much more widely known as the name of the screen reader we make and the #NVDA hashtag is very widely used for the screen reader. It will save both our communities polluting each other's feeds. If you'd like to find out more about the screen reader, our website is - Thank you!

Bitcoin, Ether in Stasis as SEC ETF Decision Looms, Nvidia Hits Record High - There is a 90% probability the SEC will approve a spot ether ETF, one observer said, draw... -… #markets #bitcoin #ether #news #nvda

Access for All: Two friends helping change opportunities for blind people with an open-source screen reader for all. Now on Microsoft Unlocked:

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #ScreenReader #A11y #Microsoft #FOSS #OpenSource #Free #News

NVDA 2024.2 Beta 2 is now available!

NVDA 2024.2 includes Sound split, new Synth settings commands & quick nav commands, many Braille features & fixes & more!

Changes since Beta 1
- Disable style navigation in Outlook and non-UIA word
- Disable vertical, style and text
-QuickNav commands in Kindle
- Minor documentation fixes
- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download the new NVDA 2024.2 Beta 2 from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #FOSS #A11y

Our #GAAD edition In-Process #blog is out, featuring all the news on #NVDA 2024.2beta 1, the amazing mini-documentary @github made our new issue template and more!

Get on top of all the #GAAD #news here:…

#NVDAsr #Accessibility #Newsletter #GitHub #FOSS #ScreenReader

This Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we have something special to share! @github made a movie about our founders Mick & Jamie & the story of not only NVDA, but also OSARA. Two life-changing open-source projects. Both actively providing access & employment to blind people around the world.

Read the article here:…

Watch the video (with AD) on YouTube:…

#GAAD #NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #Employment #Empowering #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

NVDA 2024.2 beta 1 is now available for testing from:…

For anyone who is interested in trying out what NVDA has to offer before release, we welcome your feedback.

- Sound Split
- New Synth Settings ring & quick navigation commands
- New braille features & fixes, including "Display speech output".
- Updated eSpeak, adding new language Tigrinya.

There are many minor bug fixes for applications

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #News #Accessibility #A11y #FOSS

This week's In-Process is out, featuring all you need to know about copying text in Word, using Browse mode in Word, getting help in NVDA, and a special thanks to our friends at ISCB! All online now:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Microsoft #MicrosoftOffice #Office365 #Office #Keyboard

This week's In-Process is out! Featuring the latest on NVDA 2024.1, add-on updates, the Microsoft FOSS Fund, Philanthropy Australia awards, an Interview with our GTO Gerald, and more! All available now at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #News #Newsletter #Blog #Awards #Interview #FOSS #Community

@NVAccess it would be great to be able to run #NVDA on #Linux. As a developer this would help a lot to test pages for NVDA. I have tested with #wine to a small extent it works, so maybe is possible to make it work on wine.…

Microsoft announced their latest round of FOSS fund recipients. We're thrilled to share that @NVAccess are among this quarter's recipients. From:

"A project of the Microsoft Open Source Programs Office, the FOSS Fund provides up to $10,000 USD in sponsorships to open source projects as selected by Microsoft employees."

Congratulations also to The GNU Compiler Collection, Urllib3, CLAP & MSW.

#OpenSource, #FOSS #Free #Software #NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility #A11y

Our new Chief Technology Officer, Gerald Hartig, is being interviewed on Vision Australia Radio tonight at 8:10pm AEST (About 1hr 15mins after I post this). You can tune in online at:

#NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Interview #News #A11y

In March 2023, I submitted #SpeechHistory to the #NVDA Add-On Store, which at the time was very new. I ran into errors with the process NVAccess had in place, some of which were caused by problems with my submission. Unfortunately, my PR was closed before I had time to address them, and I didn't have the mental energy at the time to try again.

I gave it another go this week, now that the Store and related procedures have undergone a lot of testing and growth. This time, I needed to be approved as a new add-on submitter, which is a totally reasonable requirement. Unfortunately the process seemed to become stalled on the NVAccess side with no information as to why, including after a follow-up from me. (Edit: it seems that I was approved as a submitter on April 2nd, but without any indication from NVAccess that this had taken place, and without the original add-on submission actually being accepted.)

Thankfully, somebody from the community approached me privately tonight, and offered to submit the add-on using their existing trusted contributor status. The end result is that Speech History is now in the Store, and I guess I'll come back in 2025 and hope for third time lucky.

In-Process is out, featuring all the news on the release of NVDA 2024.1, plus highlights from our trip to CSUN. Do check it out now at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Blog #News #FOSS

If you missed it yesterday, #SpeechHistory for #NVDA has been updated for 2024.1 compatibility, and includes a new speech recording feature. Use NVDA+Shift+F11 to start recording, and NVDA+Shift+F12 to stop, at which point the recorded speech will be copied to the clipboard.

Note that the add-on should also be listed in the Store soon.


#SpeechHistory for #NVDA has been updated for 2024.1 compatibility, and even includes a new feature!

You can now capture multiple speech history items in realtime, which is useful for e.g. bug reports without copying from the Speech Viewer. Press NVDA+Shift+F11 to start recording, use NVDA as normal, and then press NVDA+Shift+F12 to stop recording. All recorded speech will be copied to the clipboard, with items separated by a line break (`\n`).


Is there any chance we can encourage you to trend #NVIDIA when that's the company you mean, please? I know what their NASDAQ handle is, but #NVDA is much more widely known as the name of the screen reader we make and the #NVDA hashtag is very widely used for the screen reader. It will save both our communities polluting each other's feeds. If you'd like to find out more about the screen reader, our website is - Thank you!

#GenAI hype in financial terms! #AI #nvidia #NVDA #generativeAI…