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Items tagged with: mastodon

A little known feature of #Mastodon is the ability to create your own personal notes about an account.
This is a great way to potentially remind yourself why you follow particular accounts (or just about any other reason you can think of).

Also, these notes are private. The account does not know what you have written down, nor the fact that you have even made these notes.

Please #boost to help spread the knowledge around your networks. ☺️
#MastodonTips #Feditips #Notes

Mastodon is “too hard…not user friendly…there’s nobody like me there.” Look, I’m from the old school who had to learn that thing that looked like a TV and a typewriter. And you had to type these long letters & numbers called URL. To get around you had to use something called a mouse that clicked on text called links. Where you said to your best bud so many times, Sis, what’s an internet??? Trust & believe, if we really want to, YES WE CAN.

#BlackMastodon #Mastodon

Whether you are disabled or not, accessibility is really useful for everyone. Accessibility makes social media easier to use and lets your posts reach a wider audience.

You can find out how to make your posts more accessible at:


Special shout out to @norrumar who has just created a Spanish language article about Mastodon for users of the free open source NVDA screen reader:

➡️ (in Spanish)

#Fediverse #Mastodon #Accessibility #Disability

I couldn't help but feel that #XKCD 1269 was relevant to the #selfhosted #Mastodon #fediverse.

What was your first computer?

Please share if you remember the brand, model number, CPU or how great it was. Boost is very appreciated.

#Computer #History #Mastodon

  • PC (45%, 94 votes)
  • Macintosh (4%, 10 votes)
  • Atari / Commodore (24%, 52 votes)
  • Other (PDP minicomputers etc.), please comment (25%, 53 votes)
209 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

As the hype for #decentralized systems (e.g.: #mastodon), where no could buy the whole service, continues, I want to also introduce decentralised #communication.
Ever heard or tried a #matrix #messenger? A new, decentralised protocol of communication to allow multiple participants join the network with different clients and servers. You can choose whatever fits you best. You probably wanna start here to try it: (Get a client, choose a server)
For more background information, see here:

Appeareance of images attached to a post

Hello @Friendica Developers @Friendica Support… Hello dear community, I would like to discuss with you about the appearance of posts with multiple images on #Friedica. Here is my opinion:
The current way multiple #images are displayed is awful:

Yeah, you saw it by my embedded examples your self. What bothers me most is:

  • It just looks messy (especially when there is a mix of landscape and portrait format)
  • Besides the aesthetics, multiple images take a lot of room (when you do not use an add-on like show more)

My suggestion on which I would love to hear your opinion is to use a grid format like on #mastodon:

I would pitch a suggestion by adding a PR for a (from my point of view) "better" appearance based to this
tutorial. I do not like to use JS in general and would leave it out by determine the suited amount of columns in the backend.

But before I invest time on that, I want to hear your feedback. Thank You!

@Hypolite Petovan
Oui, j'y suis toujours, pour les posts un peu plus long et les copaines que je m'y suis fait.
Et c'est justement bien qu'iels puissent lire mes posts #friendica et que je puisse y partager les leurs.
Je ne sais pas si c'est faisable avec #mastodon ?

My boyfriend (@crispy) says that he wishes there's a way to use Mastodon when he can't type much because of #OCD. He says that's why he prefers Twitter Spaces, because he can use his voice.

Perhaps #Mastodon would do well to add a voice post option?

He doesn't like dictation because it's slow and doesn't work properly. The built-in dictation at least.

Related GitHub Issue:…

#accessibility #TypingImpaired

You can find answers to your questions about Mastodon and the Fediverse straight away at:


If you can't find the answers you need on the site, ask me and I will reply.

(By the way, my replies aren't publicly-visible because most people don't need to see them.)

#Mastodon #Fediverse

"It was my belief that as Mastodon adoption grew, the moderators of whichever instance you chose to use would have to deal ever-increasing volumes of abuse. It’d be like how email providers have to develop spam filters to combat incoming spam from every other provider (but so much still gets through).

After a month on #Mastodon, I’ve realized I was wrong."…

Heads up for fans of the #Metatext #Mastodon app

- its lead developer @metabolist has stopped updating it, for health reasons.

:blobcatohno: :ohno:

If someone else would like to help out, please email them at




#feditips #opensource #accessibility

I've collected some #Mastodon 🦣 #instances to help with the #TwitterMigration focused in #inclusion, #accesibility and #minorities. They look like safe spaces for most of us. I'd appreciate the boost and new recommendations to add to the list:

🔗🇬🇧 - space to fight ableism
🔗🇬🇧 - for disabled people
🔗🇬🇧 - neurodiversity and neurominorities
🔗🇬🇧 - interest in assistive technology
🔗🇬🇧 - history and voices for black people
🔗🇬🇧 - for LGBT+ and allies
🔗🇬🇧 - queer-oriented instance
🔗🇬🇧 - for tech workers, academics, students, and others interested in tech who are LGBTQIA+ or Allies

Please boost to reach more people!

CoSchedule is a great tool for small teams. Unfortunately it doesn't support #Mastodon #ActivityPub. Go vote for this feature to be added, please.…

And if you know of any proper #OpenSource tool that does what CoSchedule does, please let me know 😀

OK in terms of scaling #Mastodon server infrastructure, this looks interesting:

"CIRA is proud to announce its official partnership with Mastodon Canada,, to support its growth and community-building efforts. As thousands of Canadians flock to the platform, this unique partnership reflects CIRA’s mission to support Canadian internet communities built on the open web and powered by a .CA domain."…

Wem das #Mastodon 4.0 Theme auch nicht gefällt: Installiert euch #Stylus als Browser Extension und dann dieses Theme:…

ggf. noch eure Instanz als gültige Seite eintragen und los geht's.

Endlich wieder weniger Platzverschwendung!
Und einstellbar isses sogar auch!

Kdo platí provoz #Mastodon a #Pixelfed serverů? Nemohou některé skončit?


#Tusky für #Android hat ein neues #Symbol in der App erhalten, bei einem vergangenen Update. 😀

Eine hübsche kleine Zeichnung eines #Mastodon ziert nun die #App, anstelle jenes vorheriges abstrakten Zeichen. 🤩

Sehr schön gelungen, mag ich.
Anbei noch eine #Collage mit Vorher & Nachher, sofern Wer nicht weiß was gemeint ist. 😏

OK, so this is interesting. Some major organizations have now set up their own Mastodon instances:

European Union: EU Voice >>>…
German gov: Explore >>>
Internet Archive: Explore Internet Archive >>>

#twittermigration #mastodon #fediverse #governmentInstance

I wrote a bot that parses the current #Mastodon instances and assigns them to the respective #ASN (

Interesting is the concentration on a few top ASN. Here for example the 10 most frequent ASNs as Pie Chart (as of 11/25/2022).

❤️ Thanks to @TheKinrar for the nice API for receiving the current mastodon instances.

#networking #network #mastoadmin #mastoadmins #research #bot #instance

Interesting article from Jonathan Bailey of Plagiarism Today on copyright issues to consider if you're considering establishing your own Mastodon instance--probably the last thing most people would think about (but it shouldn't be) #WriterBeware #WritingCommunity #Mastodon…

I put together a basic proof of concept for using existing #Mastodon installations as SSO for #Matrix, using #Synapse. Here's what the authentication and authorization flow for that looks like!

While Mastodon doesn't support #OpenlD Connect, OIDC is just OpenlD on top of OAuth2.0. If your app allows configuring all URLS for your ldP you can use nearly any OAuth2.0 provider.

Avatars currently aren't supported via this (| added one) but can be! Working on a patch for Synapse!

Fascinating to think through #Mastodon & #Whiteness within this #TechPolicyPress #Podcast featuring @shengokai…

I hand't thought of the RT as part of a call/response culture.

My main concern with the piece is that we cannot control whether or not Twitter implodes. Monopolies are inherently fragile & we know it is being run by a benevolent dictator.

Twitter had a good run. We have to adapt. That means building in better means to protect marginalized users. #a11y

Hi! I'm the Megalodon – the new name for my fork of Mastodon for Android. I exist because the official app is lacking many important features, which I intend to bring back!

Some features include:

• Unlisted posting
• Federated timeline
• Alt text viewer
• Bookmarks
• Pinning posts
• Handling follow requests

… and many more!

Visit my GitHub for downloads and more information:…

#Introductions #Mastodon #Megalodon #Mastodos #MastoDev #Android #MastodonAndroid

Towards End-to-End Encryption for Direct Messages in the #Fediverse…

GitHub proposal here:…

#mastodon #crypto #cryptography

While playing with the #Mastodon api, i wrote a little desktop notification daemon in #rustlang.
So much fun!!

The code is available here…

Every instances with fresh #Mastodon version. It was merged month ago into main branch.…

V dnešním díle #vinohradska12 se mluví o síti #mastodon a hlavně o #mastodoncz
Zdejší instance je zmíněna jako jedna z těch větších…

@jcsteh Here is my understanding:
#Mastodon is designed to search via hashtags. So yes, it will pull in different user accounts via that search.

Much to learn about Mastodon. And this feature is awesome. Really wished several times to be able to subscribe to or even to see some channels on other platforms or even media without having to register.

#Mastodon #RSS #TwitterMigration #Instagram

Hello #Mastodon, if you know a Black woman student (HS/College/Graduate School) or early career, I am going need you to lend me your ears.

The Sadie Collective, a nonprofit bringing resources and community to Black women in quantitive and social science fields, is award $6000 AWARDS and all expense paid trips to their annual conference.

As someone who participated in this inaugural program, PLEASE PLEASE share widely. #econtwitter #economics #sociology #science #academia #academic

Michał Dziwisz jest szybki:) Wczoraj nagrywaliśmy podcast, a dzisiaj już jest opublikowany. Ja tak nie umiem.
Tematami są #Mastodon, #fediverse, #activitypub i możliwości, jakie dają osobom niewidomym. Daję link, ale nie wiem, czy polecać. #Tyflopodcast ma strasznie długie audycje i nie każdy przebrnie przez całość. Ale jeżeli jednak, to poproszę o komentarz.

This post by @nolan, the developer of the Pinafore web client, on Mastodon is excellent. His warnings about Mastodon and our social habits are important for us to consider. I agree that we should truly consider its future.…

#Mastodon #SocialMedia #habits

I've launched a #Mastodon instance focused on #AudioDescription. This is a space where professionals and fans can come together to learn, advocate, and work together towards the goal of quality AD in all environs. The server is bare-bones right now, so your patience is requested as we build things out. You can also make an impact by boosting this news across your networks. To join, head over to
#blind #a11y #LowVision

One thing I noticed when first joining #mastodon and running an instance, is that the quality of content on open relays are just horrible.

So I decided to create a moderated / curated relay. Mostly targeted toward smaller instances that want to bootstrap to the federation but don't want all the noise.

It is still a new relay with only about 25 small instances connected, but I hope that in the future it can provide quality content.

the Relay is:

My take on the current influx of users to #Mastodon (in Czech):…

Cześć. Ja jak się nic nie wydarzy, to będę was słuchał.
Jest to bardzo ciekawy temat. Być może #mastodon i całe #fediwerse oparte na #ActivityPup wyprą komercyjne #sosialmedia i staną się nową jakościią w internecie.
Ja z tego co wiem to #tyflopodcast i #tyfloświat stoją na #wordpress i tutaj możnaby było zastosować wtyczkę do wordpressa która umożliwiłaby śledzenie i interakcje z tymi serwisami przez inne konta np z mastodona.
Fajna sprawa by to była.
A wiadomość z dzisiaj z mastodona, serwis blogowy #tumbr też chce zaimplementować activitypub w celu większej integracji z fediwerse.

Is there a communication channel among the network of Mastodon server moderators? A consensus norm? The people who created the internet used email and a loose decision protocol. The shared norm that enabled their successful collaboration: "We reject: kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in: rough consensus and running code," was coined by David Clark in 1992.…

#onlinecommunities #mastodon

Mimochodem, víte co je cool drobnost, byť trochu za zenitem?

RSS. Každý účet na Mastodonu má integrovaný RSS feed - stačí za adresu profilu dát ".rss".

To znamená, že ani nemusíte mít účet na Mastodonu, a můžete mít veřejné příspěvky nějaké instituce, novin nebo konkrétního člověka jako feed třeba v Thunderbirdu nebo Outlooku.

Pro snadný odběr rychlých a krátkých informací bez nutnosti se učit a instalovat něco nového mi to přijde jako skvělá maličkost.

#mastodon #features

Hi! I'm [the Pink fork] – a fork of Mastodon for Android. I exist because the official app is lacking many important features, which I intend to bring back!

Some of my features include:

• Unlisted posting
• Federated timeline
• Alt text viewer
• Bookmarks
• Pinning posts
• Handling follow requests
• Improved true black mode

… and many more!

Visit my GitHub for downloads and more information:…

#Introductions #Mastodon #Mastodos #MastoDev #Android #MastodonAndroid #FOSS